Praise and Worship

Power in the Blood

No. 1 in the series.

Revelation 12:11


Introduction: What true praise and worship will do when believers begin to really praise and worship.


I.                   Seven elements that help us to enter the presence of God.

A.    This separates praise and worship from entertainment.

1.      Praise and worship is the doorway to God’s presence.

2.      Praise and worship is vertical, not horizontal

a.       Horizontal talks about God, vertical talks to God

3.      Praise and worship is sacrificial. Hebrews 13:15

4.      Praise and worship is a delivery system for the Word.

a.       It ‘broadcast’ the scriptures

5.      Praise and worship involves everyone

6.      Praise and worship springs from the heart

7.      Praise and worship develops a praise and worship lifestyle

a.       David was just a man like us, he made mistakes

b.      He was a praiser, a man after God’s own heart

c.       We can be too, when we really praise Him


II.                Four roadblocks Satan puts before us.

A.    These are just a few of the most common tools Satan uses to stop praise and worship.

1.      We fail to use the WAY God has provided.

2.      A sense of unworthiness

3.      A wrong image of who God is

4.      Ups and down of feelings

B.    Now we will look at them one by one.

III.             One. Failure to use the way God has provided.

A.    Failure to realize that God the Father had made a way for us to come into His presence by His Son.

1.      This was in order for us to approach God’s presence with a sincere heart.

a.       We must KNOW He wants us to fellowship with Him.

B.    The Old Testament Tabernacle

1.      The outer court or the Holy Place.

2.      The inner court or the Holy of Holies

3.      Between was a thick veil representing the impassable gulf between God and man.

4.      In the Holy of Holies was the Ark of the Covenant.

a.       Once a year the High Priest came to offer a blood sacrifice for the sins of the people

b.      Very strict rules to observe before one could enter

c.       Leviticus 16:2

5.      The Old Testament was a pattern or shadow of the true tabernacle in heaven.

a.       Only once a year could the priest enter.

b.      Now! On the day Jesus was crucified

c.       At the very moment He cried “FINISHED

d.      That veil was torn from top to bottom

6.      That was God’s way of opening the way between Himself and His people.

a.       Through the Blood of Jesus He made a way

b.      The Royal Way, the Only Way, between Himself and human kind.

c.       Hebrews 10:19-22


IV.              God’s invitation, Jesus, He gave His best.

A.    Jesus, His only Son, a sacrifice for our sins.

1.      This was to reconcile us to God and give us fellowship with Him.

2.      We must realize why God did this.

a.       It was done so we could have fellowship with Him.

b.      1 Corinthians 1:9

B.    Roadblock two: We are hindered from enjoying God’s presence by a sense of guilt and condemnation

1.      Lame excuse – I have done too much wrong

2.      It is not your acceptance or performance

a.       It all depends on Jesus.   Ephesians  2:4-5

C.    Just as the Old Testament Priest did.

1.      He had to deal with his sin

2.      We must deal with our guilt if we desire His Presence.

a.       Our relationship with God is based on what Jesus did for us on Calvary.

b.      Not a thing we have done

c.       Our salvation is based on His grace, not our works.

3.      Our righteousness is as ‘filthy rags’ [Isa. 64:6]

a.       Christ’ Blood is the only thing that makes us righteous before God.

b.      His Blood has opened a new and living way into the Holy of Holies.

4.      Jesus’ righteousness is imputed to us on account of our faith in Him.

a.       It is God’s righteousness, it is stable, sure, unwavering.

b.      Not an up and down righteousness. [As ours}

c.       1 John 1:9

5.      He cleanses us and restores us in His fellowship.

a.       Nor our works, but His work of reconciliation.

b.      To be righteous is to believe and trust in Christ’ finished work on the cross.

6.      In the Old Testament the blood of bull and goats were offered as a sacrifice.

a.       Leviticus 17:11

b.      The atonement - - to cover - - Hebrews 9:22

c.       The Passover in Egypt.  Exodus 12:21-22

7.      Think on this.

a.       The Blood of Jesus, the Passover Lamb

b.      Is over us, our family, our house

c.       Causes judgment to pass over

d.      The destroyer cannot come near

e.      Hebrews 10:22 - - - declares  - - we can draw near

8.      Old Testament, New Testament application

a.       The hyssop is our testimony

b.      Revelation 12:11

c.       Satan does not want us to know this

d.      Wants us to keep our mind in self, not Jesus

e.      For us to keep thinking of our unworthiness

f.        “The word of our testimony - - - -“

g.      Satan’s condemnation is to keep us from praising God.

h.      We must continually testify as to what the Blood of Jesus has done for us.

9.      Something great begins to happen when a Christian or group begins to praise God.

V.                 His blood has brought about THREE changes in the nature of the believer.

A.    First: We have been REDEEMED.  Ephesians 1:7

1.      Redemption means that Christ has bought you and taken control and ownership of your life.

2.      He has translated you out of darkness into His marvelous light, into His Kingdom.

3.      His blood has purchased a NEW citizenship for you.

B.    Second: Romans 5:9  --  JUSTIFIED – by His blood

1.      Because of His Blood, I can say, “I am clean before God”.

2.      Just as if I had never sinned

3.      No basic to feel guilty before God

4.      Jesus’ righteousness has become ours.

5.      Roman 8:1, 33

C.    Third: The Blood of Jesus SANCTIFIES you and sets you apart.

1.      Through Christ’ Blood we become the sanctuary and dwelling place of God’s own Spirit.

2.      1 Corinthians 6:19


VI.              Knowing the power of Jesus’ Blood,

A.    It has redeemed, justified and sanctified us.

1.      Gives us a basic for victory over the enemy.

2.      Gives us the ability to come before God.

3.      This is why we MUST sing and praise God.

4.      We must sing songs about the Blood of Jesus

5.      Revelation 12:10-11


Conclusion: When we praise and testify of God’s mercy and seek to enter into His glorious presence it will change us forever.  Let’s just Praise the Lord.

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