The Resurrection - After Sunrise

John 20:1-2


Introduction: We look at some of the events that happened after Jesus was resurrected.


I.                  The events of that sunrise visit to the tomb. John 20:1-2

A.   Very early in the morning, shortly after the Sabbath had ended.

1.     Mary discovers the empty tomb

2.     She runs to tell Peter and John

3.     Then they run to the tomb to verify for them. Vs 3-10

B.   What they were doing and what they saw. Mark 16:1-6

1.     They brought spices to anoint the body.

2.     The stone was rolled away and a young man was at the tomb.

3.     They see the body is gone.  Vs 6

4.     The angel commands them to go.  Vs 6-7

5.     Peter comes and observes for himself.  Luke 24:12


II.               The two disciples on the road to Emmaus.  Luke 24:13-

A.   Consider this: If that were you, what would your action be?

1.     A stranger comes and joins with them, Vs 15.

2.     Here was someone to share with.

3.     Jesus began to question them.  Vs 17-19

4.     They tell Jesus all that happened

5.     Jesus then begins at Moses and ministers to them.  Vs 25-27

6.     Jesus revealed Himself to them around the table. Vs 28-31

7.     Something we need to happen to us.  Vs 32-35


III.           Jesus appears to the disciples here.

A.   This could be the first or the second time. Was Thomas there? Luke 24:36-49

1.     Jesus reveals Himself.  Vs 38-39

2.     Desires to eat, proving He was the resurrected Christ, a living being.

3.     A commission that is still in effect for us today. Vs 44-49


IV.            On a Sunday evening, the first day of the week? John 21:1-

A.   Peter and some of the others had gone fishing. Vs 1-3

1.     Jesus instructs them on ‘how to fish’. Vs 4-6

2.     A huge catch at His command.  Vs 7-11

3.     A great invitation for us even today, “Come and Dine”. Vs 12


B.   The great command to Peter.  Vs 15

1.     ‘More than these?’

2.     “Feed my lambs”

3.     “Feed my sheep” Vs 16-17


Conclusion: Are we feeding the sheep today?  We are told to tend the lambs, the young, and to feed the sheep, the old.  A multiple command for us, see the lost saved and nurtured and the adult fed the Word.


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