Working as an extra on Dot.

Me with Elisha Cuthbert

I went to film as an extra twice on Dot. 10/8 and 10/15. Crew members were signing up people on the west mall the week before, so being interested and all, I did too.

Bowie High School 10/08/04

My first time on a film set. We were told not to bring anything white, black, red, or with logos, which really worked against me, knowing my wardrobe. Casting call was at 8am and since I didn't have a car, had to wake up at 6:30 and get a cab there. We waited in Extras holding for nearly 2 hours before we got to do anything.

10pm. 8:00 clock people finally got called up. In the first scene we were walkers in a school hallway. No Elisha yet. I got a part of running parrallel to Camilla Belle towards the camera. In subsequent scenes, which all took place in the hallway, we did pretty much the same thing just in different positions. For some unknown reason, they chose to film in the middle of the school day, so many Bowie students who were not extras did their best be part of the film. There was one girl who's locker was in the filming area and she spent nearly 10 minutes forgetting her combo and trying to open it.

2pm. We finally get a lunch break, everyone hungry as a dog. Having been there for 6 hours, still no sign of Elisha Cuthbert.

4pm. After another few shoots in the hallway and waiting out in the courtyard, the cafeteria scene. Some lucky people got casted to be waiting in line with Elisha, of which I obviously wasn't in. Everyone else had to sit around in the cafeteria. There I caught my first glimpse of Elisha, cute face, hair in a pony tail. Shorter and thinner than I expected. There was the girl I got to know in Popular Mechanics for Kids and Girl Next Door and she was just 10 m from me. At one of the breaks I tried getting a picture with Elisha. She was a little reluctant as she was afraid everyone else would want it too, but at the end she agreed. Unfortunately my camera, being a bitch as it usually is, wasn't adjusted right indoors. After a few tries to no avail, I fixed the settings. But then all of the sudden, Elisha was called up again and I didn't get a chance to see her again that day.

7:45 pm. Those sitting around the cafeteria were released early, therefore no picture for me. Disappointed and tired, I tried to tell myself at least I got to see her face to face. All extras were given a really plain T-shirt that had "Burnt Orange Cast and Crew" written on it since there was no pay for the job. Got ride home from someone I met there.

Later that night. Read on IMDB that Elisha was in a really bad mood towards the end of the filming that night. Perhaps it was a good thing I wasn't around to see that happening.

Texas School for the Deaf 10/15/04

Still trying to get over the fact that I didn't my picture or autograph with my favorite cute blonde Canadian star, I read a casting call for Dot for a basketball scene, where they needed spectators. Jumped at the opportunity and called the casting office up. I didn't expect any picture with Elisha this time, but at least I'd get to see her again. Call time was 5pm, which was good since I wouldn't miss any classes. Location was much better. The school is near downtown so much much more convenient for me.

5pm. Arrive there, where we were all herded into this huge cafeteria with 400 other people of all ages. It was overwhelming compared with the Friday before. I actually questioned myself why I was willing to put up with this again, despite no pay.

7pm. we were already starting to get hungry and all they had for us was some bagels and crackers. We were split into 2 groups. Most of those wearing blue would be cheering for Cougars. Those wearing yellow for hornets. I don't know how they split the remaining people up.

8:30 pm. After the expected long wait, we got taken into this old-school 50s era gymnasium that didn't have A/C with really narrow spectator stands. I met Kat, the casting director, who recognized me who sent me to sit in the middle. Would this get me into the film for sure? I wondered.

9-11:30 pm. Filming in progress. We were instructed to cheer or jeer depending on the script. Finally got to see Elisha again where she was a cheerleader for the same team I was assigned to be in! That had to be the highlight of it, seeing her cheer.

11:30 pm. Break time. I saw some girls getting autographs with Shawn Ashmore, so I decided to give it a try with Heesh. I tested my camera several times, just to make sure it was working this time, I also had a spare disposable. Elisha didn't look like she was doing much so I went up to her and asked for it. She was like "sure" and finally I got what I had been trying to forget about in the last week! I don't think I've been happier after that moment.

12am. Finally got something to eat. Kat called it Lunch, it was more like a midnight dinner for most of us. McDonalds burgers, cold. Imagine that. But since we were starving, anything was good. We were told that Hornets people would be allowed to leave but Cougars would have to stay for another "short" shoot. I had told my roommate to pick me up at 12, since that's when they told us the shoot would end. His phone was unfortunately dead and I had no idea what to do.

1pm. The "short" shoot took almost half an hour. Luckily my roommate was walking around extras holding where I was lucky to run into him. I gave him my second Cast & Crew T-shirt (which I already got from last Friday) for his troubles.

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