Crystal Venus Kamen


Akashi Honto


Truth's proof

Mother: Mrs. Minako Aino (Sailor Venus)
Father: Captain Aiichirou Honto
Birthdate: May 13 (Taurus)
Crystal Venus Kamen (12)Akashi Honto (19)

Physical Description:


Hair Color: Light Blonde
Eye Color: Grey
Hairstyle: He has long hair and adorable bangs: very bishounen.
Kamen Suit: His suit is mostly orange, with red mask, cape and belt.
Personal Description:
Best Friend: Mizumi Urawa, Shinko Honto (his half-brother)
Love Interest: Mizumi Urawa
Favorite Food: Sandwiches
Strenghts: Poetry
Likes: Writing
Weakness: Talking frankly with Mizumi
Dislikes: Sports
In general:

Unlike his mother, Akashi is a shy boy unable to confess his feelings for the love of his life: Mizumi. He’s a loner, and likes writing in solitude. Akashi is very smart and looks up to his brother, who is a lawyer. He’s jealous of him been so popular with girls. Though, he is too but is unaware of the effect he causes on women.

Attacks & Weapons:
Attack 1: Metallic Gelb Stars! A rain of sharp metal stars.
Attack 1: Loving Laser! A power-up attack, the senshi of love in love.

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