Sailor Andromeda
The Lost Senshi Legend
Act I: The secret of Megumi (and cats)

Megumi was running in the street. She was late, because Tei had changed her clock’s alarm. My name is Megumi Mayo (World Time Blessing). I'm 14 years old and my life is quite normal. I live with my aunt, cousin and grandfather and attend to a Tokyo's Private school. Megumi continued running, also thinking of her cousin Tei Wakasano (Happiness of Youth), a very proud sixteen-year-old girl, who always laughed of her. Tei was blonde-haired and blue-eyed and so really made fun of Megumi's hair. But Megumi did had a very uncommon hair, light purple and aquamarine combined colours. She thinks everyone must be like her... She was distracted when a boy hit her while running.

Megumi: Watch out!!!

Megumi fell in the floor.

Boy: Sorry!

As he said this, he showed his face. He was so cute! Black velvet hair and silver eyes. Megumi blushed.

Megumi: It's all right.

The boy helped her up.

Boy: Sorry, I'm Ryo Gingekko. (Silver Moonlight Beam)

Megumi: I'm Megumi Mayo.

Ryo: Hey, you go to Hoshi Private School?

Megumi: Yes…

Ryo: It’s my first day there.

Megumi: Really?

Ryo: Yeah. Oh, my God! We are going to be late!

Both start to run and Megumi saw him more closely. Yes, he was the perfect guy and hadn’t laugh of her strange-looking hair or her glasses. Both in school in time.

Ryo: What a race!

Megumi: Yeah!

Ryo: Well, see you later.

Megumi: Bye!

She went to her class. He was so nice; I have to tell Rika. Rika Ogawano (Pear-flower of the stream) was Megumi's best friend, a brunette tomboy who was always fighting with anyone that bothered Megumi.

When Megumi she got in her class Sue Taiko (Worship Porcelain) was in there.

Sue: Hi, little Megumi!

Megumi: Hi!

Sue: Don't you know the news? Rika is sick and won’t come to school this week.

Megumi: Are you serious?

Sue: Yes, that was what our teacher said, at least. Poor Megumi, now nobody would defend her of the monsters that are in this school!

Megumi: Stop it, Sue...

Sue: But dear, didn't you say year that you saw a sailor-suited Senshi who fought a monster?

Megumi: It really happened!

Sue: Yes, in your dreams. Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Senshi, Sailor foolish. Sailor Senshi were invented by the media to distract us. You are the only monster here, purple-green-haired girl.

Megumi: Stop!

She went to her desk hearing Sue's friends laughing and started to cry. It isn't fair, why I have to look so different? Why can't I be a normal girl? You aren't a normal girl, Megumi.

Megumi: Who said that?

No one was speaking to her, that female voice had came of nowhere. What's happening now?

Megumi went to her house thinking of that strange voice. Her head repeated it again and again… But then, Ryo was there again.

Ryo: Hi, Megumi!

Megumi blushed.

Megumi: Hi, Ryo, how was your first day of school?

Ryo: Great, I made a lot of friends! Hey, I didn't see you at lunch.

Megumi: Did you expect to see me?

Ryo: Of course. Why didn't you come out, were you punished?

Megumi: No, just I didn't feel like going out. My best friend is sick and I have being really lonely all day. Right now I’m going to see her.

Ryo: May I join you?

Megumi: Ok.

Megumi walked happily. Something about Ryo made her feel good. They started to talk. He told her about his little sister Tae (Many Blessings) and his bigger brother Kenji (Intelligent Child), and she told him about grandpa, Aunt Ran (Storm) and Tei. They got in Rika's house a little later.

Megumi: Do you want to see her?

Ryo: Sure.

Rika's little sister, Jane (English name), opened the door.

Jane: Hi, Meg, who's that nice looking boy? Your boyfriend?

Megumi and Ryo blushed.

Megumi: No, Janie, he is my friend Ryo. May we see Rika? We know she is sick.

Jane: Of course, Meg, but I'll have an eye put on that Ryo.

They entered and Jane left.

Ryo: Who's that reddish-haired girl?

Megumi: She's Janie, Rika's sister. She’s only nine years old but speaks like a grown-up.

Ryo: I saw that.

They entered Rika's room and there laid Rika, with a dark shadow at her side. Megumi screamed.

Megumi: Leave Rika!

The shadow turned to her and smiled sharp teeth.

Megumi: A vampire!?

The vampire flew to Ryo and a few seconds later he fell in the floor.

Megumi: Ryo!

The vampire jumped to Megumi but something got in its way. Megumi opened her eyes wide. A light-purple cat with a pink heart in her forehead (and its tail) had stopped the vampire. I have seen a cat like this before… It was black with a crescent moon in its forehead. It was when I saw the Sailor Senshi fighting a monster...

Cat: That's true, Megumi.

Megumi puzzled. Did she just read my mind? And talked?

Cat: Yes, I can read your thoughts. The cat you saw before was Luna. I commanded her to search for the Inner Sailor Senshi.

Megumi: A cat has talked... a cat has talked... Why I’m not surprised? It's the voice I heard in the morning...

The cat was scratching the vampire's face while talking, and then dropped an aquamarine-coloured stick with a violet heart encircled, on top.

Cat: You know why you aren't surprised, you have heard me before, in your past life. Now, Megumi, take the stick and shout Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

Without knowing why Megumi obeyed her and a minute later, was flying and transforming into a Sailor Senshi. Her outfit had a light purpled bow, with an aquamarine heart at the centre and violet skirt. Her gloves were aquamarine with purple strings at her elbows and her long boots had a brace up in the feet and an encircled violet planet on top. Her purple tiara had an encircled violet heart in it. She felt a strange energy inside her.

Megumi: What's this? I'm a Sailor Senshi?

She fell in her knees.

Cat: Of course you are! You are Sailor Andromeda!

The vampire threw the cat away, took Rika and jumped through the window.

Megumi: I have to help Rika!

Cat: (weak) You can, you are a Sailor Senshi...

Megumi: I only have this strange outfit.

(Have you noticed Ryo is still unconscious?) Then she saw Ryo and sat at his side.

Megumi: Are you alright, Ryo?

Ryo awaked but didn't recognise her, as her hair was free and her glasses had somehow become the tiara, with made her look beautiful.

Ryo: Yeah, who are you?

Megumi: Don't you know me?

Cat: There is no time for this, Sailor Andromeda, take this.

She dropped a long stick, with the Purple Heart with a ring encircling it (like the transformation stick) on the bottom. Megumi noticed that heart had to be her symbol.

Megumi: What's this?

Cat: It's your weapon, the Andromeda Crystal Stick, you take it, see through it to the vampire and shout "Power of Andromeda, trap the evil"

Megumi: But...

Cat: Jump through the window and follow the vampire or your friend will certainly die!

Megumi, mechanically, did what the mysterious cat told her. Ryo followed her with his eyes. Megumi ran, without knowing were the vampire was till she saw it, near lifeless Rika.

Megumi: Rika!

She ran desperately and hit the vampire. It only smiled its bloody teeth. Megumi was panicked and the cat came in.

Cat: Use the Andromeda Crystal Stick!

Megumi took out the stick and seeing through it, she shouted.

Megumi: Power of Andromeda, trap the evil!!!

The stick threw out an aquamarine ray that trapped the vampire and then went to the stick again. Megumi dropped the stick and run to Rika.

Megumi: Rika!

Cat: Take the Andromeda Crystal Stick and say: "Pure energy, return"

Megumi did so and the stick three a cyan ray which entered Rika's forehead. When it stopped, Rika opened her eyes.

Rika: Megumi? You look nice...

Megumi: Oh, Rika, you are alive!

She hugged her.

Cat: That's the operation you must follow when a monster of the evil comes.

Megumi: Are there more Vampires!?

Cat: More monsters, of course. This one was just a sample, there are lots out there, all obeying a greater evil, that you'll soon know.

Rika: Megumi, is that cat talking?

Megumi: Who are you?

Cat: I can't tell you everything right now. The memories of your past life will soon come to you and I will return, for know I'll tell you my name, Selenity. I'll come back when you remember who I was.

Megumi: Wait, how I take this suit out?

Selenity: Oh, Sailor Andromeda, you're still a baby! Just say the word but instead of make-up say make-over.

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-over!

Her Sailor outfit disappeared and her school uniform appeared again, as her glasses braid. A necklace with the symbol appeared in her neck.

Selenity: It's Andromeda's symbol, when you want to transform just press it and your transformation stick will appear, or your Andromeda Crystal Stick if you need it. Bye.

She ran away.

Rika: What was all this about, Megumi?

Megumi: It's just a dream, you are dreaming.

Rika: You are a Sailor Senshi.

Megumi: Just sleep.

Ryo came.

Ryo: Megumi, what was all this about?

Megumi: Help me take Rika home, first.

Ryo did it, he wanted desperately to know what had happened. When they got in Rika's house it was late night, they put her silently in her bed and went out by her window, as they had entered. No one had noticed Rika's disappearance.

Ryo: Tell me, what happened?

Megumi: A new Sailor Senshi came and saved Rika.

Ryo: She looked a little like you...

Megumi: Oh, no, Sailor Andromeda and me alike? No. Bye!

Ryo: But...

Megumi went to her house without hearing. Her grandpa was asleep and so were her aunt and cousin, so she easily entered.

Next day, way to school, she met Ryo again, who suspected of her and Sailor Andromeda. Later, Megumi went to see Rika.

Megumi: Do you feel better today?

Rika: Yes, I had a sort of strange dream. You were in it; being a Sailor Senshi.

Megumi: Just a dream...

Rika: But the truth is that I was feeling weak because a sort of vampire had been taking my blood, the energy of my life.

Megumi: You are kidding...

Rika: But it was!

Then she saw Megumi's necklace and took it from her.

Rika: This is Andromeda’s symbol, isn’t it? It wasn't a dream, was it Megumi?

Megumi: No… It really happened.

She saw down and felt bad for having lied Rika. Rika hugged her.

Rika: Oh, Megumi! You were right! Sailor Senshi exist and you are one of them! Congratulations!

Megumi looked at her amazed.

Megumi: You are happy about this?

Rika: Yeah! And what's your mission?

Megumi: I don't know yet...

Rika: We'll found out! Oh, Megumi, I'm so excited about this!

Megumi laughed. It's nice to have such friends as Rika and Ryo. Maybe I'll tell him the truth someday. But now my secret is well-kept by Rika. I just wish Selenity could tell me what is going on...

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