Act II: A team of their own

Megumi: Rika, do you really think this is a good idea?

My name is Megumi Mayo, I'm 14 years old and I'm walking with my best friend, Rika Ogawano. And I'm also Sailor Andromeda, a new Senshi.

Rika: Of course! You are a Sailor Senshi, so you have to find the other ones.

Megumi: But Selenity (The purple cat that gave me my Senshi powers) didn’t said I should.

Rika: But it's obvious, you are a Sailor Senshi so you have to be with the Sailor Team.

Megumi: But Rika...

Megumi closed her eyes, annoyed, and hit someone.

Megumi: Oh, my...

She fall in the ground.

Rika: Megumi...

She opened her eyes and saw whom she had hit. In the floor was a an older girl. She had two heart-shaped odango in her cyan hair, with the rest of her hair free.

Megumi: Please, excuse me.

The girl looked up and smiled.

Girl: Of course, it was my fault.

She stood and left. Megumi felt weird.

Megumi: Rika, I have a strange feeling about that girl...

Rika: Forget that, we have to get to the park where you saw the Sailor Senshi for first time...

Megumi: But I'm not sure... Wait, there it was!

Rika: Are you sure?

Megumi: Yes...

Boy: About what?

Megumi and Rika turned back and saw a black-haired and silver-eyed boy. This is Ryo, a friend I really like... He suspects of my identity of Sailor Andromeda but I'm not sure of telling him the truth, I don't know him for long...

Megumi: Hi, Ryo, you know Rika...

Ryo: Hi!

Rika: How come he knows me and I don't know him?

Megumi: Because I met him the day you were sick (A mystery vampire-like monster attacked her) and he came with me to see you. The day that Sailor Andromeda saved you...

Rika: Oh, then!

Ryo: Yes, since that day I think Megumi is Sailor Andromeda.

Rika turned white. Ryo, she is recovering of a vampire attack...

Rika: What?

Ryo: That I think...

Megumi: Don't be foolish, Ryo. I can't be Sailor Andromeda.

Ryo: Who but you has purple-aquamarine hair as Sailor Andromeda?

Megumi: Come on, Ryo, don’t you trust me? I guess that if I were Sailor Andromeda I should have good reasons for not telling you, even when I’m not.

Ryo: Ok, I’ll trust you this time… What are you looking for then?

Ryo, why can't you go away? Sometimes I want you to be with me but now I don’t...

Megumi: Nothing special, Ryo.

Ryo: So I can go with you.

Rika: Sure!

Both walked with him trying to be friendly… but he had stopped them looking for other Senshi. They suddenly saw a new costumes store.

Rika: We must go in!

She ran away and left Megumi and Ryo alone. Megumi blushed and a sweat drop appeared in her head.

Megumi: She's sort of impulsive...

Ryo: I saw that... Maybe we should go with her.

Megumi: Sure.

Both walked to the store. Megumi felt a strange feeling as she crossed the door. Ryo didn't notice it but remembered something.

Ryo: Oh, my! I forgot I should stay with Tae (Tae is Ryo's little sister) I have to go, see you!

Megumi: See you!

Rika came to Megumi.

Rika: Where is Ryo? These costumes aren't a bit cool.

Megumi: He remembered he had something to do...

Rika: Great! We can search for the team, then.

Megumi: I think so...

Rika: You look pale... oh, I know! You are sad because Ryo left...

Megumi blushed.

Megumi: Of course not! I just have a strange feeling about this place.

Rika: Forget about it, let's go.

Both girls went to the park were Megumi had seen the Sailor Senshi. There were a guy and a girl sitting there. The girl was blonde-haired and had two odango in her hair. The guy looked as her boyfriend and had black hair. Near them was a black cat...

Megumi: That's Luna, Selenity told me that that cat with a crescent moon in her forehead was called Luna.

Rika: Then her owner must be a Sailor Senshi. Let's go and ask them.

Both girls started their way, when a cat appeared in front and meowed harshly.

Megumi: Selenity!

Selenity: What are you doing here?

Rika: The talking cat again! Well, we were about to ask that girl if she was a Sailor Senshi...

Selenity: Why?

Rika: Megumi is one of them so has to join the team...

Selenity: No! That girl is Usagi Tsukino and she has suffered too much to have another shock...

Rika: We're going...

Selenity meowed sharply. Usagi and the guy looked at them and started to come near. Selenity saw them and jumped away.

Usagi: What happens?

Rika: Well, she is Megumi and...

Megumi: Nothing! That mad cat attacked us, that's all, come on Rika...

Rika: But...

Megumi took Rika away.

Rika: Why did you do that?

Megumi: If Selenity doesn’t want us to talk with Usagi, we won't. I have total confidence in her and maybe being a lonely Sailor Senshi is better, as I don't like fighting or making people fight.

Rika: Ok, Megumi, we won’t look for the Sailor Senshi Team anymore.

Megumi: Ok.

Ryo ran down the street.

Megumi: What happens, Ryo?

Ryo: My little sister is ill, she put on her new costume of that new store we saw and fainted… She is really weak… I have to get the doctor...

He left running.

Megumi: I had a feeling about that store, I have to go… Better said, Sailor Andromeda has to.

Rika: I'll go with you.

Both girls ran to the store and saw everyone near it fainted.

Megumi: The evil is in there...

Rika: Then transform!

Megumi touched her necklace and her transformation stick appeared.

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

Megumi got in her Sailor Senshi outfit.

Rika: I'll enter with you.

Both entered and saw a black-dressed woman inside.

Woman: I was waiting for you, Sailor Andromeda. I'm a Monsterdame, an evil commanded by powerful Lady Witch Carriet. Our mission was to take life energy, until all human race was dead, but now we have another mission… killing you!

The woman transformed into an ugly-looking monster.

MD: My name is Costume-Evil!

She threw a ray, which Sailor Andromeda avoided. Rika hid herself, wanting to fight but couldn't. Selenity appeared at her side.

Selenity: She fights well.

Megumi was avoiding the evil attacks and trying to use her Andromeda Crystal Stick.

Rika: I want to help her.

Selenity: But you are a normal girl...

Rika: I know but she needs help!

Selenity: Maybe...

Rika: Maybe what?

Selenity’s forehead heart turned into a crescent moon and one appeared in Rika’s forehead.

Selenity: Yes, you are… Rika, close your eyes, and think of how much you want to help Megumi...

Rika: Ok...

Selenity: Imagine a new Senshi, a Senshi who want to help her friend, a Senshi that has her powers hidden…

Rika: Sailor Pandora...

In front of Rika appeared a silver transformation stick with a cyan heart that formed a new symbol.

Rika: Wow!

Selenity: That stick is part of your own soul... Now shout the words that you feel inside you.

Rika closed her eyes and then shouted.

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

Rika transformed into a Sailor Senshi.

Rika: Cool!

Selenity: You have created your Sailor Senshi stick, now try to concentrate to form your weapon.

Meanwhile Megumi continued avoiding Costume-Evil's attacks. She hadn't time to use her Andromeda Crystal Stick. Then she heard a shout.

Rika: Stop!

CE: What is that?

Rika appeared dressed as a Sailor, her bow, short boots, tiara and belt were cyan; the skirt and middle of the bow, silver and her gloves of both colours.

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship, I'm Sailor Pandora.

Megumi smiled and jumped at her side.

Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace, I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Both: And we will defeat you in name of...

They look each other.

Selenity: (whisper) Universe...

Both: Of the Universe!

Rika joined her hands, were two rings, cyan and silver, had appeared. She gyrated two times and then separate her hands, showing a little box. As it opened it started to throw some kind of rays or...

Rika: Pandora’s Box Bullets!

The bullets exploited in Costume-Evil.

Rika: Now Sailor Andromeda!

Megumi touched her necklace and the Andromeda Crystal Stick appeared. This is my weapon!

Megumi: Power of Andromeda, trap the evil!

The Andromeda Crystal Stick trapped Costume-Evil and took her inside.

Megumi: Pure energy, return!

From the Andromeda Crystal Stick cyan rays were thrown away, making everyone recover.

Man: Who are you?

Woman: You are Sailor Senshi...

We'll better go... Both girls jumped away.

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-over!

She returned to her real form and the two rings remained.

Rika: Selenity told me they are like your necklace... When they join my transformation stick appears.

Later that day, both were near the place.

Megumi: Selenity! Where are you?

Rika: We won’t find her...

Megumi: Well, at least I’m not alone anymore in this strange battle… But I wonder why she picked us to be her New Senshi.

Rika: I don’t really care… but I'm satisfied because of it, don't you?

Megumi: Mostly...

But I want to know what is really happening. Who's that Lady Witch Carriet and who is Selenity in real? Who was I in my past life, as Selenity told me? Why am I Sailor Andromeda?

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