Act III: Rainy Memories

Megumi: No, no, leave me alone, please not...

Megumi was dreaming. She saw a big crystal palace with a garden full of flowers, where two feminine figures walked. The image changed, showing a knight in which a couple were in a balcony. A princess of blonde hair, with odango. A prince of black hair and blue eyes, in a black armour. I saw them before, they are Usagi Tsukino and her boyfriend but... somehow different... Then, she saw Earth in the background, covered with shadows.

Megumi: Don't come here, don't come here!

Megumi's grandpa entered her room. She awoke.

Grandpa: Meg, what happens?

Megumi: Grandpa, it was so scary... I felt so alone...

Grandpa: It was just a nightmare...

Next day, Megumi started her way school and met her best friend Rika Ogawano on the way. Rika and me are both Sailor Senshi, she is Sailor Pandora and I am Sailor Andromeda.

Rika: Hi, Megumi.

No answer.

Rika: Earth to Megumi!

Megumi: Oh, Rika. Hi!

Rika: Why are you so absent-minded? Thinking of Ryo?

Megumi blushed.

Ryo is a friend of mine whom I have a crush on...

Megumi: No, it's just I had a weird dream last night.

Rika: Tell me...

Megumi told her the whole story.

Rika: You say those two were Usagi Tsukino and her boyfriend?

Megumi: Yeah, but they were like a prince and a princess...

Rika: We think she is a Sailor Senshi but we can't ask her because of Selenity right?

Selenity is the cat who gave us our Senshi powers...

Megumi: That's right.

Rika: Selenity also talked about your past life, didn't she?

Megumi: Again right.

Rika: It's obvious, those were your past life memories, Usagi Tsukino and her boyfriend might have known you in their past life.

Megumi: But why can't I remember it all?

Rika: These dreams have started because your identity has awoken, maybe later the memories will be complete.

Both got to school. In the school’s door were Sue Taiko and some girls.

Sue: Hi, little Meg, Hi Rick.

Rika: I'm not Rick...

Sue: You act like a boy, rude tomboy.

Rika: I just defend my friends of you...

Sue: Yeah, sure...

Girl 1: I wonder if they are "just friends."

Girl 2: Anyway, I can’t think of Rika looking at that monster-head girl…

Sue: Even she deserves more!

Megumi: Stop it!

A thunder was heard and rain started. The girls looked scared at Megumi.

Sue: You didn't provoke this, didn't you?

Megumi: Of... course... not...

Rika wasn't sure about that. Her friend was a little weird. The girls and Sue left.

Megumi: Do you think I provoked this?

Rika: I'm not sure, but you have really strange powers.

Ryo came to them.

Ryo: Hi, girls!

Both: Hi, Ryo!

Ryo: So, what an unforeseen storm, eh?

Megumi: Too unforeseen for my taste...

Rika: We have to go, Megumi. Bye, Ryo!

Both entered school. All day was rainy. By the end of school nobody could leave, as the rain was too strong and nobody had an umbrella.

Sue: It's really boring to be at school too late!

Girl 2: I agree with you.

All the students joined in the hallway. Ryo came near Rika and Megumi.

Ryo: So I find you again...

Megumi: It's destiny!

Been with Ryo fills my heart with joy.

Some clouds stopped raining. Sue came to them.

Sue: Hey, what a good-looking boy. Who are you and what are you doing with these monster girls?

Rika: You'd better watch your tongue, Sue.

Ryo: Monster girls? I shall disagree with you… But, you, in other hand…

Sue gave him a dark look and left.

Ryo: She seems too mean... Not a bit like you, Meg.

Oh, Ryo, in these times I feel I love you! Megumi blushed.

Megumi: Thanks, Ryo.

A girl entered the hallway, screamed and fainted. Everyone turned to her.

Boy: What happened?

Girl: She went to the library...

Some guys went there and fainted when they returned.

Sue: Something weird is happening in there...

Rika: Megumi, we'll better go inside.

Megumi: Ok.

Oh, why sweet moments with Ryo must stop?

Both went away of the group. They entered the library when nobody was looking. Between some bookshelves was a Monsterdame.

Monsterdames are monster-like creatures commanded by Lady Witch Carriet; I don't know much of them or her, but they want to destroy human race...

MD: You'll see the power of Book-Doom.

Megumi touched her Andromeda's necklace and her transformation stick appeared. Rika joined her cyan and silver rings and her transformation stick appeared.

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

Both girls transformed into Sailor Senshi.

BD: Bubble Book dream!

A bubble came from her hand and trapped Megumi, who fell asleep.

Rika: Meg! Pandora’s Box Bullets!

The Monsterdame was hurt but continued to fight with Rika.

Rika: Sailor Andromeda, open your eyes!

Where I am? I feel really strange... I feel like I am flying. She was floating in the Bubble but her mind was in another place. She was in the palace of her dream. I am here again and I don't know what is this.... There was a scene she hadn't seen in her dreams… She was there, without glasses and braid, in an aquamarine princess dress and with had a crescent moon on her forehead, as Luna.

She was kneeling at a fainted woman’s side. She had Usagi's hairstyle but her hair was grey-purplish. She wore a long white dress, a crown and also had the crescent moon. The woman opened her eyes, looked at princess-like Megumi and died. The girl started to cry and then disappeared in a cloud of dust. What does this mean? Who was that woman? What happened to me? You have to remember, Megumi, it's all inside you...

Megumi: Selenity...

Selenity: (voice) You have to fight.

Megumi: Yes!

She touched her necklace and her Andromeda Crystal Stick appeared.

Megumi: Crystal Moon Attack!

She opened her eyes and the bubble dropped.

Rika: Megumi!

Megumi: Power of Andromeda, trap the evil!

Book-doom was trapped in the Crystal Prison.

Megumi: Pure Energy, return!

The energy returned to the kids who had been attacked. Everyone entered in the library and surrounded the Sailor Senshi.

Sue: Sailor Senshi do exist!

Megumi: Of course, your classmate Megumi Mayo has said so since last year.

F. Girl: Thank you for everything.

Ryo: (whisper) Sailor Andromeda, may I talk to you for a minute?

Megumi: I have to go...

Ryo: Please...

He took her at the school’s roof, as Sailor Pandora left to transform.

Megumi: So...

Ryo: You look a lot like my friend Megumi...

Megumi: I know her, but I don’t think we look alike...

Ryo: Of course you do, you have the same hair-colour!

Megumi: Just a coincidence... Lot of people have similar hair colours…

Ryo: And you are really beautiful...

Megumi blushed. Ryo came nearer and kissed her lips. Rika, in her normal form, looked at them and smiled.

Ryo: Are you Megumi?

Megumi doubted and at last...

Megumi: I’m just Sailor Andromeda. I have to go...

She jumped away and then had another vision. The palace again... But now she was inside it, with her princess-like self. Is it me...? She was looking at a mirror with delight. Megumi came nearer, there was an image inside… A boy that... looked like Ryo! Megumi looked at him closely, her other self didn't seem to notice her. He's not Ryo, his eyes aren't his... but his face is so similar to him, how can this be possible? Who is this boy that I loved to look in my past life?... love... The boy ran to someone. A golden haired girl hugged him and then the boy kiss her. Megumi saw how her other self started to cry.

Meg: (other) No! Please, don't do this to me! Almoyver1! I love you! Don't love Odette!

Megumi: Almoyver? Who is Almoyver? Odette?

Meg: (other) Auntie, auntie!

She went out and Megumi followed her. She got into a great throne room. There was the grey-purple haired woman sitting.

Meg: (other) My Queen, Almoyver loves someone else.

Queen: My dear child, don't cry, he has seen you only once and you live here, while he lives in the Earth.

If this isn't Earth... what’s ‘here’ supposed to be?

Meg: (other) I know, but I wanted my story be as Serenity's.

Megumi: Serenity?!

Queen: My dear daughter is lucky, even when her love could end in tragedy...

Meg: (other) Don't say that, Auntie.

Queen: Don't mind of what I said, I have to talk with the counsellors, we'll talk later.

Meg: (other) Ok. See you later, Auntie.

Queen: See you later, Selene.

Selene? I have heard that name before; someone called me like that, but whom? Megumi felt a strange pain; in an instant she had quick visions. A girl... she cries... her mother has died, she is alone... that girl is me... my auntie... not my Aunt Ran but my Aunt... the Queen... the Queen... Almoyver... the Moon...

Rika: Wake up, Megumi! You are day dreaming in the school's roof!

Megumi: Rika! I had more of these strange visions, I saw a boy who really looked like Ryo but...

Rika: I saw when Ryo kissed you!

Megumi: He didn't kiss me, he kissed Sailor Andromeda, not me. Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-over!

Megumi get her real form..

Rika: Come on, Meg...

Megumi: Stop it Rika, I don't have time for this... oh, Rain, can't you stop?!

Immediately, the rain stopped. Rika looked at her.

Rika: Meg, you were the one who started the rain...?

Megumi: I'm strange, didn't I tell you? The rain… Those strange memory-dreams… And Selenity doesn't come back… Ryo and Almoyver...

Rika: Who is Almoyver?

Megumi: The boy that looks like Ryo...

Rika: In your memories...?

Megumi: Yeah, and they called me Selene... Why? Who was I in my past life?

Rika: I don't know, but we'll find out.

Megumi: If only Selenity... Wait a minute, that’s her! It was her voice! The queen, my Auntie, the Queen of the Moon was Selenity...

Selenity appeared in front of her.

Selenity: You are starting to remember, Infant Selene.

Megumi: I was your niece.

Selenity nodded.

Rika: How can a cat have a human niece?

Megumi: She wasn't a cat always, there are some things I don’t remember yet. But… They... attacked us... Serenity was with Endymion... Her loved one... Serenity is Usagi Tsukino, Sailor Moon, now I remember!

The three of them disappeared and reappeared in the Moon.

Selenity: I used to be like this...

She transformed into the queen.

Rika: What is happening?

Megumi: I'll tell you...

At last I remember, my past life, my past love, my past planet... I know who I am!

Note: 1 Almoyver has no meaning; it's just a completely invented name.

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