Act V: Water and Fire

Megumi was in her way home. For two days she had only thought of the Moon Kingdom and her past life as Infant Selene. As she passed in front of a temple, the Hikawa Temple, her Universe localizer started to shine.

A Sailor Senshi is near; I have to find where she is...

And then she saw a beautiful black-haired girl; she wore priestess clothes and had approximately eighteen years old. The girl saw that Megumi was looking at her in a strange way.

Girl: May I help you?

Megumi: Oh, no, I was just... I saw you were really beautiful and I wondered if I could ever be like you.

The girl blushed in pride.

Girl: I'm Rei Hino, priestess of the Hikawa temple.

Megumi: My name is Megumi Mayo.

Rei: Nice to meet you.... I don't know why but… Seems I have seen you before... I don't know when...

She is a Sailor Senshi, but I can’t know if she is one of the known Senshi or Sailor Universe... Well, she mustn't recognise me...

Megumi: Oh, I have to go, nice to meet you, Priestess Hino.

Rei: Bye...

I don't know where, but I have seen that girl before...

I wish she hadn't recognised me, I must protect the Sailor Senshi… They must never know I exist...

Megumi was really distracted, she had to figure out which Senshi Rei was and… a strange pain started in her right side.

Megumi: Ugh...

She fainted of pain, and Rei, still seeing, run to her. When Megumi opened her eyes, she was in hospital and a blue-haired woman was at her side.

Woman: Do you feel all right, Megumi?

Megumi: How do you know my name?

Woman: Rei told me, you had appendicitis; you were lucky Rei took you here. We found your identification, so your family is outside. Do you want to see them?

Megumi: Right now?

The woman smiled. Megumi seemed a little ashamed of them seeing her so weak.

Woman: Maybe later...

Megumi nodded.

Megumi: What's your name?

Woman: I'm Doctor Ami Mizuno...

Megumi: Doctor Mizuno.

Ami: You can call me Ami, oh, this was found in your hand...

She took out the Universe localizer and it shone pointing to her. Megumi took it giving a strange look to Dr. Mizuno, could she be...?

Ami: What’s up?

Megumi: Nothing. How long has it been shining?

Ami: Since Rei found you, but it stopped when both Rei and me where with you in your operation... Really weird, no?

She is a Sailor Senshi too, but I can't figure out which...

Megumi: Yeah, really weird… Is Miss Rei still here?

Ami: Yes, she is one of my closest friends and is worried about you... But there are other two friends waiting for you right now... Rika Ogawano and Ryo Gingekko. It’s nice. Ryo was the name of a boyfriend I had.. Well, ready to see your family?

Megumi: Ok...

Aunt Ran, Grandpa and Tei came in. Meg put on her glasses and tied her hair, so Ryo wouldn’t recognise her as Sailor Andromeda. Ami walked to Rei’s side.

Rei: What do you think?

Ami: Strange, I feel that I had known her before...

Rei: The same with me...

Ami: And that weird thing she has... It reacts to us...

Rei: Could she know who are we?

Ami: I don't know...

While they were talking Meg tried to answer cheerfully to the questions of her family but couldn't forget of her mission. After they left, Rika and Ryo came in.

Ryo: Thanks God you are ok...

Megumi: Thanks...

Rika: Why didn't you notice the pain before?

Megumi: I guess I was thinking of other things...

Rika: Yeah...

Rika is a Sailor Senshi too, how could she ask me why I hadn't notice the pain before? With all the fights that I have got in without noticing!

Ryo: Again you two are talking weird...

Rika: Ryo!

Ryo: Ok, I'll go, are you both happy?

And he went out.

Rika: He is too sensitive, I don't know why you like him.

Megumi: Because he remembers me to Almoyver...

Rika: Do you still love Almoyver?

Megumi: When I remembered him I also remembered my love...

Rika: I see… Mm, Megumi, who is that Priestess Hino?

Megumi: She is a Sailor Senshi! The Universe Localizer reacted to her and also reacted to Dr. Mizuno... I wanted to tell you!

Rika: Are you sure?

Megumi: Yeah...

A nurse came in.

Nurse: Time of your injection...

Rika: She mustn't take any injection...

Nurse: I say she has to!

The nurse transformed into a Monsterdame.

MD: I'm Poison-Ouch!

Both girls saw outside through the window. Everyone had been injected and were unconscious all around.

Megumi: You took out my family and friends’ energy!

PO: So what?

Meg touched her necklace and Rika joined her rings. Their two transformation sticks appeared.

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

Megumi shone and her clothes disappeared, from her right foot her Sailor outfit started to appear and finished with her left hand. Her tiara appeared later and so her hearted earrings. She stood in a pose.

Rika shone and her clothes disappeared. Little explosions run over her body and at last her Sailor outfit appeared. Her tiara appeared when she touched her forehead and stood in a pose.

Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace, I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship, I'm Sailor Pandora.

Both: And we will defeat you in name of the Universe!

PO: So you were Sailor Andromeda and Sailor Pandora, I'll defeat you in name of Lady Witch Carriet. Pills Attack!

Many pills flew up and one caught Rika. She was trapped in a two-coloured pill.

Rika: Help!

Megumi: Sailor Pandora! You'll pay for this Poison-Ouch!

Poison Ouch laughed at her. Dr. Mizuno and Priestess Hino came in.

Ami: What's happening?

Rei: Who are you? Two sailor-suited Senshi?

PO: I'll destroy all of you.

Ami: I don't think so! Mercury Crystal Power, Make-up!

Rei: Mars Crystal Power, Make-up!

Ami and Rei transformed into Super Sailor Mercury and Mars.

Rei: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for love and passion and I'll punish you in name of Mars.

Ami: And in name of Mercury! Oh, it had been a long time since we last said that!

Megumi: Watch out!

Poison Ouch throw her Pills Attack. Both avoided it.

Rei: Mars Flame Sniper!

Ami: Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!

The attacks hurt the Monsterdame but didn't destroy it.

PO: Band-Aid Traps!

Long Band-Aids flew and trapped Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars.

Rei: This monster isn't a regular one...

Ami: It's stronger than the ones we used to fight with...

Megumi: Don't worry.

She touched her necklace and her Andromeda Crystal Stick appeared. She pointed Rika's capsule.

Megumi: Crystal Moon Attack!

Her ray freed Sailor Pandora.

Rika: Thanks, Sailor Andromeda. Pandora’s Box Bullets!

The explosions weaken more the Monsterdame.

Rika: Sailor Andromeda!

Megumi: Power of Andromeda, trap the evil!

The Andromeda Crystal Stick trapped Poison Ouch. She and Sailor Pandora came closer Mercury and Mars.

Ami: Who are you?

Rika: We are Sailor Senshi, as you...

Rei: But we thought all Earth Senshi had awakened...

Megumi: Not us, we aren't part of the Sailor Senshi team, we fight by ourselves...

Ami: This reminds me of Uranus and Neptune.

Rika: Whom?

Megumi: It doesn't matter, Pandora. We have a mission and you have to continue with your lives.

Rei: But where did you came from? Who gave you your powers?

Megumi: We won’t tell... Sailor Pandora, we must leave...

Rika: I agree.

Ami: Just one thing, where is Megumi Mayo? She was here...

Megumi:, this room was empty when we came, maybe she went out...

Meg and Rika jumped through the window.

Rika: And now?

Megumi: We'll be careful, they must not discover there is another battle, they must have safe lives. Pure Energy, return!

All people started to awake.

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-over!

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-over!

Both girls ran inside and got in the door when Mars and Mercury were again Dr. Ami Mizuno and Priestess Rei Hino.

Ami: Where were you, Miss Mayo?

Megumi: I went out for a walk with Rika, I'm sorry...

Ami: Get in your bed.

Megumi obeyed. Everyone started to get up and soon the hospital was normal again.

Megumi: What happened?

Rei: A sort of monster attacked the hospital, but Sailor Mercury and Mars...

Ami: ...and Sailor Andromeda and Pandora...

Rei: ...destroyed it.

Ryo came in.

Ryo: Sailor Andromeda was here? I wish I had seen her!

Rei: Have seen Sailor Andromeda before?

Ryo: I have seen her twice but she has appeared two times when I wasn’t near.

Ami: I see... Well, Megumi, take a rest.. Rei, we have to see someone...

Rei: I know...

Both went out. Rika and Meg gave each other an accomplice sight. Ryo noticed it, but didn't say a word.

Rika: So Sailor Andromeda was here...

Ryo: Pretty odd she always appears near you, Megumi.

Megumi: Don't start with your nonsense...

Ryo: I wish I had seen her, did I told you I kissed her once?

Megumi: I guess that kiss was meaningless for her… She is a super hero and must have lots of boyfriends. Don't go after her, she is unreal.

Ryo: Jealous?

Megumi: Of what? Her lonely look? Overestimated mind? Her ideal looks? She can't be herself when she is in that Sailor Suit...

What’s up with me?

Rika: Megumi...

Ryo: How do you know all that?

Megumi: I have seen her eyes... Could you… leave me, please?

Rika: Sure...

Both got out.

Why did I say that? Am I not pleased of being Sailor Andromeda? Why? Because yes, I'm jealous of her, she has glory and love… but is unreal, Sailor Andromeda is really me but I haven’t all she has or people think she has...

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