Act VI: The Mako-chan Restaurant and Old Idols.

Now Megumi knew who Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars were. Thought, the one she had to find was Sailor Universe, her own mother. IN Sunday’s afternoon, Rika and her were walking with the Universe Localizer. It shone and pointed a girl of blonde odango.

Megumi: She's Usagi Tsukino, Sailor Moon and Princess Serenity so she can't be Universe.

Rika: I know...

They didn't noticed, but a blonde girl had observed and heard them.

How do they now about Usagi? I must find out...

Megumi, distracted with Rika, hit someone. The other girl fell.

Megumi: Ouch! I'm sorry!

The girl in the ground had purple eyes and two cyan odango in her hair. I have hit her before! Oh, my God!

Megumi: I'm really sorry!

Rika: She is!

Girl: Don't worry, oh, but you have hit me before...

She stood up.

Megumi: That's why I'm so sorry...

Girl: It's ok. Oh, what's that in your hand? It's beautiful...

Megumi looked at the Universe localizer. It pointed the girl, as she was standing between Megumi and Usagi. She hid it quickly.

Megumi: I'll say it's weird.

Girl: I don't think so... Oh, let me introduce myself, so we’ll know each other when you hit me again, I'm Mia Uchuu. (Universe Beautiful Light)

Megumi: Hi, Mia, I'm Megumi Mayo and she is my best friend Rika Ogawano.

Mia: Pleased to meet you, bye...

She left.

Megumi: Every time I see her I have this strange feeling...

Rika: She is nice but... Forget about it, look at that!

Rika was pointing the advertisement of a the new "Mako-chan's Restaurant".

Rika: I have heard good opinion of it, let's go!

Megumi: But we must continue our mission...

Rika: Well, then… Usagi is going in there too, and, oh, Ami Mizuno (Mercury) and Rei Hino (Mars) are also in there.

Megumi: Ok, we'll go, but we must be careful if someone of them sees us in a strange manner.

The blonde girl continued to follow them. She touched a kind of watch she had. A brunette's face appeared in it.

Girl: Mako, two strange girls are going to your restaurant, I'm following them, be careful...

Mako: Ok!

Male: Minako!

The blonde girl turned. In front of her was a white cat with a crescent moon in his forehead. Megumi and Rika knew he was Artemis.

Minako: Yes, Artemis?

Artemis: What are you doing?

Minako: I'm following those girls, they are suspicious...

Artemis: Come on Minako!

Minako: They know Usagi is Sailor Moon and Princess Serenity, Rei is Sailor Mars and that Ami is Sailor Mercury!

Artemis: Are you kidding?

Minako: I'm not.

Artemis: Well, then, follow them... I'll tell Luna...

The girl and the cat continued to follow Meg and Rika. They entered the Restaurant and sat where they could see Usagi, Ami and Rei but neither of them could see them. A tall brunette came to them (the same Minako had talked to) with a white apron.

Girl: Welcome to Mako-chan Restaurant, I'm Makoto, call me Mako. What may I bring you?

She said that pretty quickly so Meg and Rika were surprised. Megumi looked at the menu.

Megumi: Well, could you serve us two "Mako-style Cooked Carrots and Rice Balls"?

Mako: Of course, good choice.

She left. Minako passed through the door..

Makoto: Hi Minako! Where are the strange girls you talked about?

Minako: You have just talked to them!

Makoto: Those little girls? Minako, you are an eighteen year old girl, like Usagi, Ami, Rei, and me. Don't be foolish by getting frightened by two 14 year-old girls!

Minako: They know Usagi, Ami and Rei's identities!

Makoto: You are so full of imagination!

Megumi took out the Universe Localizer. It pointed Mako and the girl with whom she was talking.

Megumi: Rika, it indicates Makoto or the other girl?

Rika: I don't know... Maybe both! The blonde one is… an old idol... I know her!

The blonde girl looked at them and they blushed. She came nearer.

Girl: Hi! My friend Makoto is the owner of this place. I saw you are new clients, so I’ll ask you some questions to improve the service...

She sat down.

Girl: I'm Minako Aino, a Gym teacher and an idol. Who are you?

Megumi: I'm Megumi Mayo.

Rika: I'm Rika Ogawano. Miss Aino, I have heard some of your songs... But I wonder why you disappeared of the rankings so soon…

Minako: I guess I was a little clumsy… But, that’s not important… Are you two hiding something to us?

She said this with a quite strange tone. Makoto was behind her and a sweat drop appeared in her head as she heard Minako's question.

Makoto: Minako, what are you doing?

Is that Miss Aino suspecting of us?

Minako: I was just asking them some usual questions!

Now Rika and Megumi had sweat drops.

Makoto: Excuse her, she's sort of childish.

Minako: But, Mako...

Makoto: Here's your food. Hope you like it. Come with me, Minako...

They left. Ami, Rei and Usagi joined them. Some minutes later, the three left the restaurant. Ten minutes after, someone fainted. Mako ran to her.

Makoto: Are you Ok, madam?

Minako: Mako, everyone is fainting!

Makoto saw as all her clients fainted but Meg and Rika, who hadn't tasted their food. They were also surprised.

Minako: I knew they were weird! You are causing this, aren’t you?

Megumi looked at Rika.

Rika: What are you talking about?

Minako: You know, you know our secret, you know we're Sai...

A cook came out and saw Minako, Makoto, Megumi and Rika were still conscious.

Cook: My duty is almost completed, I'll destroy you. I'm Spicy-Food!

She transformed in a Monsterdame.

Minako: Oops! You two aren’t the guilty ones… She is the one... Run you two!

Rika: But...

Megumi: Come, Rika...

Both ran out but looked inside through a little window.

Megumi: If I'm right, we are going to met two other Sailor Senshi.

Minako: Venus Crystal Power, Make-up!

Makoto: Jupiter Crystal Power, Make-up!

Both girls were transformed in Super Sailor Venus and Jupiter respectively.

Venus: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for love, I'm Sailor Venus, and I'll punish you in name of love!

Jupiter: I'm Sailor Jupiter and I'll punish you in name of Jupiter!

SF: Oh! Sailor Senshi! Help Me...! Make me laugh!

Jupiter: You'll pay for making this to my Restaurant, my dream! Jupiter Oak Evolution!

Electric leaves fall over Spicy Food.

Venus: Venus Love and Beauty Shock!

She threw a deadly kiss. The Monsterdame was hurt but...

SF: You'll pay! Mushrooms!

Mushrooms fell over Sailor Venus and she screamed.

Venus: I hate mushrooms, I hate mushrooms...!

Jupiter: Venus!

SF: Now is your turn! Glob, Glob!

A disgusting looking green thing covered Jupiter.

Megumi: It's time, Rika. Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

Both transformed in her Sailor outfits. And ran to the Restaurant.

Megumi: Stop, Spicy Food!

SF: What's...?

Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace, I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship, I'm Sailor Pandora!

Both: And we will defeat you in name of the Universe!

SF: Foolishness, Green peas!

Green peas fell over Rika.

Rika: I hate green peas, I hate green peas...!

Both Megumi and Sailor Jupiter had now sweat drops.

Megumi: Sailor Pandora, grow-up!

Jupiter: The same goes to you, Venus!

Both Jupiter and Andromeda looked at each other and smiled. Rika stopped jumping and screaming.

Rika: You'll pay for throwing me my most hated food, Pandora’s Box Bullets!

Friend's explosions weaken even more Spicy Food. Megumi took out her Andromeda Crystal Stick.

Megumi: Power of Andromeda, trap the evil!

Spicy Food was trapped.

Megumi: Pure Energy, return!

All the people started to wake up. Megumi and Rika left. Venus and Jupiter were free and followed them. They joined in the Restaurant's roof were Sailor Andromeda and Sailor Pandora were about to transform.

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Sen...

Jupiter: Wait!

Rika and Megumi both got sweat drops, as they had her hands raised.

Megumi: Yes?

Venus: Who are you two?

Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars came over.

Mercury: Yes. Who are you?

Venus: How did you get here?

Mars: We weren't far and heard Sailor Pandora's Bullets...

Mercury: We have met them before, Jupiter, Venus, they defeated a monster before...

Jupiter: Tell us who are you...

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who...

Mercury: In real...

Megumi: We are Sailor Senshi, not regular ones. We are the Lost Sailor Senshi, we don't belong to the Inner Sailor Senshi Team...

Venus: Then to the Outer Team?

Rika: Who are the Outer...?

Megumi’s eyes lost focus. She saw four girls in Sailor suits. She somehow knew each was of Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and the other of Pluto.

Megumi: They are the Sailor team that protects the Silver Millennium of the out space enemies, as the Inner protect the royal family.

Rika: That means they protected Queen Selenity, Princess Serenity and y...

Megumi gave her a meaningful look.

Mercury: And whom?

Megumi: Nobody, just forget about us, we aren't like you or the Outer Senshi, not even like Sailor Moon, just forget...

Meg and Rika jumped and ran away. Down, they transformed.

Rika: You will never tell them?

Megumi: I don’t think so… If they remembered I stayed in my chamber while they died fighting… They’ll hate me, our duty is protecting them of suffering… They’ll never know about the Earth's new enemy...

In another place…

Usagi: Sailor Andromeda? Who's she?

Ami: We don't really know. They don't want to tell us...

Makoto: They are good but have a secret...

Minako: And they know our identities.

Usagi: What do you think, Luna?

Luna: I have no idea.

Artemis: Neither do I.

Usagi: Well, I have to go see Mamoru, will talk about this later...

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