Act VII: Baby-sitting Time

Megumi was walking bitterly through the street.

I knew it was a trap, I knew it. Why was I so foolish? I could have said "No, I'm busy" or "I have to go out with Rika", but no, I had to say I was free!

Rika: Hi, Megumi!

Megumi: Go away…

Rika: What’s up?

Megumi looked at Rika with lot of shame.

Megumi: I'm sorry Rika, but I had such a bad day!

Rika: What happened?

Megumi: I was at home and Tei asked innocently "Are you busy tonight?" And I had the great idea of answering "No, I'm free." And she said: "Mom! Meg is free tonight, she can baby-sit the girl I had to, I can go to the party!" And now I have to baby-sit the girl, because she immediately left..

Rika: What a trap!

Megumi: Yeah, Tei is always making me traps… So now I have to go there.

Rika: What's the girl's name?

Megumi: Hotaru Tomoe or something like that...

Rika: Nice name... Well, if you have to work... Bye! And Good Luck!

Megumi: Bye!

By six o'clock Megumi got in a large house.

Great! A brat!

She knocked the door. A blonde haired man opened the door.

Megumi: Hi, Mister, I'm the baby-sitter...

The man laughed.

Megumi: What's so funny?

A girl with sea green haired came out.

Girl: She's not a Mister, she is female. Her name is Haruka.

Haruka laughed. Megumi couldn't believe that the man was really a woman and blushed.

Megumi: I'm sorry.

Haruka: Don't be, everyone makes that mistake...

Megumi: Well, this is the house where a baby-sitter is needed or not?

Girl: Yes, it's here. Come in.

She entered a really-good-looking room. A dark-green haired woman was in there, getting ready for going out with a long velvet black dress.

Girl: Setsuna, the baby-sitter is here.

Setsuna turned and looked at Megumi with a bit of suspect.

Setsuna: Hi, I'm Setsuna Meiou.

Girl: And I'm Michiru Kaiou.

Haruka: And I'm Haruka Ten’ou.

Setsuna: and you are...

Megumi: Megumi Mayo.

The door sound. Michiru went to answer and returned with a ten-year-old girl with pink hair and red eyes.

Michiru: Mamoru brought Chibi-Usa here because all the Tsukino are going out; Usagi and him are going to the dinner, and they knew there was a baby-sitter here. No problem, is it?

Usagi Tsukino? Do these women know her?

Setsuna: Of course not, our daughter will be really happy, Hi Chibi-Usa!

Chibi-Usa: Puu!

She hugged her.

Setsuna: Go and tell Hotaru we are going.

Michiru: Haruka, we aren't ready!

Both run up the stairs. A sweat drop appeared in Setsuna's head.

Setsuna: I thought our babysitter was a little older…

Megumi: My cousin Tei couldn’t come, so she sent me…

Setsuna: I see. I guess you are maybe wondering why three women are rising a girl...

Megumi: A bit...

Setsuna: Hotaru needs us, she is special to us and has no mother. Her father is too busy most of time so we offered to raise her. You have to be nice to her, she never had a baby-sitter before...

Megumi: I see...

Michiru and Haruka reappeared. Michiru wore a blue dress and Haruka a tuxedo. Megumi blushed.

They look wonderful…

Michiru: We are ready!

Chibi-Usa came downstairs with a girl at her side. She seemed of ten-years-old, but her eyes expressed more. Her dark purple hair and purple eyes gave her a mysterious aura.

She is nice…

Girl: I'm Hotaru Tomoe.

Megumi: I'm your baby-sitter, Megumi Mayo.

Hotaru: Hi, Meg.

She seems so sweet...

Haruka: Michiru, Setsuna, we'll better be going...

Michiru: Yeah, be a good girl, Hotaru...

Setsuna: Right, Megumi will be here at eleven o'clock, she must sleep at nine, she may see some Anime and...

Haruka: She'll do fine, Setsuna, Bye, Hotaru.

Hotaru: Bye!

The three women left.

Megumi: So, girls, what do you want to do?

Chibi-Usa: Read Manga!

Both girls ran up and got into Hotaru's room. Megumi got there a moment later and saw both girls really interested in their reading. Megumi smiled.

Hotaru: Megumi, do you know Chibi-Usa is my best friend?

Megumi: Really?

Hotaru: Yeah, but soon she'll have to go...

Chibi-Usa: Hotaru!

Hotaru: But we’ll see each other soon. Meanwhile, I’ll have Setsuna-mama, Michiru-mama and Haruka-papa.

So even Hotaru addresses Haruka as a man...

When they got tired of reading, they didn't know what to do.

Chibi-Usa: Let's play Hide and Seek!

Hotaru: Great!

Both girls hid and Megumi seek for her. Everything was coming better than she had thought.

Megumi: Chibi-Usa! Hotaru! Where are you?

Chibi-Usa: I won't tell.

Megumi: You just have! I found Chibi-Usa!

Hotaru ran when Meg was distracted.

Hotaru: I won!

Chibi-Usa ran to her.

Chibi-Usa: Great Hot....

She fell in the floor and started to sob. Hotaru came to her, seeing a scar in her knee. When she placed her hands in the knee, the scar disappeared.

Hotaru: Everything is all right, Chibi-Usa.

Chibi-Usa: Thanks, Hotaru.

Megumi: How did you do that?

Hotaru blushed.

Hotaru: I have healing powers... Kind of odd, don’t you think?

Megumi: Really amazing...

Hotaru smiled. She was used to see people afraid from her abilities. After seeing television, they went to sleep. Megumi was reading a book at eleven when she heard a scream.

Megumi: Someone has problems…

She heard feet in the stares. Then, her Universe Localizer fell and shone pointing the sound of feet.

I'll act as if I'm asleep.

Chibi-Usa and Hotaru both got near her.

Chibi-Usa: She seems asleep.

Hotaru: Ok.

Both went out, to discover where the scream had came from. Megumi quickly called Rika by the phone and then followed the girls. When she saw them, both were in front of a Monsterdame who had attacked a neighbour. It was ghost-like.

Chibi-Usa: Moon Crisis Make-up!

Hotaru: Saturn Crystal Power, Make-up!

Both girls were transformed into Super Sailor Chibi-Moon and Super Sailor Saturn.

Hotaru and Chibi-Usa are Sailor Senshi… This may mean Hotaru's parents are also...

Chibi-Usa: Pink Sugar Heart Attack!

Her "attack" didn't worked.

Chibi-Usa: Not now, come on, Pink Sugar Heart Attack!

A sweat drop appeared in Saturn and Megumi's heads. At last the attack "worked" but the Monsterdame was stronger, and so threw Chibi-Usa with a wind.

MD: Those tricks wouldn't work! I'm Grey Shadow.

Saturn: Saturn Silence Crash!

The attack really hurt Grey Shadow but it jumped and hit Saturn. She was thrown to floor.

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

She started to get closer to the Monsterdame. When she was about to make her entrance, she saw Setsuna, Haruka and Michiru at the street. Michiru and Setsuna were panicked.

Both: Hotaru!

Haruka: Uranus Crystal Power, Make-up!

Michiru: Neptune Crystal Power, Make-up!

Setsuna: Pluto Crystal Power, Make-up!

They transformed into the Outer Sailor Senshi. Rika got near Megumi.

Rika: Boo!

Megumi screamed.

Megumi: Oh, Rika, it's you.

Rika: Those are the Outer Senshi, aren’t they?

Megumi: Right, let's give them time to show us their powers and then we’ll attack. Transform!

Rika: Ok. Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

Neptune ran to Hotaru and Pluto to Chibi-Usa.

Uranus: World Shaking!

The attack was pretty strong, but the Monsterdame jumped and it didn't get her.

Neptune: Deep Submerge!

Pluto: Dead... Scream!

Both attacks united but the Monsterdame jumped and reflected the attack to them. The four Outer and Chibi-Usa were hurt. Chibi-Usa and Hotaru recovered their consciences.

Hotaru: What's going on?

Pluto: It is so strong!

The Monsterdame started to attack them again but...

Megumi: Stop!

The Monsterdame turned. The Lost Senshi came nearer.

Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace, I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship, I'm Sailor Pandora!

Both: And we will defeat you in name of the Universe!

Saturn: Who are they?

Chibi-Usa: Usagi and the girls told me there are two new Senshi that didn't want to join the team...

Rika: Pandora’s Box Bullets!

The Ghost reflected the attack but Rika avoided it. Megumi saw Pluto's Garnet Staff.

Megumi: Could you lend it to me for a minute?

Pluto: Sure...

Megumi took out her Andromeda Crystal Stick.

Megumi: Crystal Moon Attack!

The attack was reflected by the ghost. Megumi placed the Garnet Staff in front of her, so the attack rebounded and caught Grey-Shadow. Megumi returned the Garnet Staff to its owner.

Megumi: Power of Andromeda, trap the evil!

Grey Shadow was trapped.

Megumi: Pure Energy, return!

All the energy returned to their owners, as Sailor Saturn used her powers to heal the Outer Senshi and Chibi-Moon. Megumi and Rika started to leave.

Saturn: Wait!

Both turned.

Megumi: Yes?

Saturn: Thank you!

Both smiled and left. Megumi entered in the house and acted to be sleep. When they got in, she made as she was waking up.

Megumi: Oh, you are here! I dreamed that a ghost attacked me.

They won't say I felt asleep during my work!

Setsuna: You did a great job. Haruka, please drive her home.

Haruka: All right.

Haruka drove her home and paid her. Rika had also been taken in the car's backseat, hidden.

Rika: So now we know all the Sailor Senshi.

Megumi: But not the one we are looking for, Sailor Universe, my old mother...

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