Act VIII: Starring: Almoyver

I don't understand why I'm so different from others, if I had only a clue... I’m not just confused by the way I look, but of my own feelings…

Megumi always thought that way. Those thoughts have increased since she became Sailor Andromeda, now life was more difficult...

Ryo: Hi, Megumi!

Megumi turned to see the boy she liked.

Megumi: Hi, Ryo!

Ryo: How have you've been? I hadn't seen you since the day in the hospital, you seemed so...

Megumi: Mean?

Ryo: Of course not. You can't be mean; you are always nice to me...

Megumi blushed.

Megumi: Thanks, Ryo... I’m really sorry about the way I acted. I guess I was a little jealous.

Ryo: Jealous?

Megumi blushed. An embarrassing silence followed.

Megumi: Ryo, do you like Sailor Andromeda more than me?

Ryo: What?

Ryo had blushed a little.

Megumi: You know... she is pretty and maybe you would like better be friend of hers than mine.

Ryo: Don't be foolish, she is nice but I like you better. You know... Remember when I told you I had kissed her?

Megumi nodded.

Ryo: I did it because I thought... she was you...

Megumi opened her eyes and blushed. Ryo came nearer to her. They were about to kiss when Rika appeared.

Rika: Meg! Ryo! Hi! How are...? Oops!

Both were red and had sweat drops in their heads.

Rika: Was this what I think it was!?

Both weren't sure about what to do when they suddenly heard something.

Boy: Selene!

Rika and Megumi whitened and turned, as Ryo had, to see who had talked. When the three of them saw him they couldn't believe it. Ryo saw an almost-exact reply of himself. Rika saw the insensitive boy that had destroyed Megumi's heart in her past life. Megumi almost fainted; Almoyver was there, with her again. She walked to him.

Megumi: Almoyver?

Almoyver: Infant Selene...

HE kissed her hand.

Megumi: How come you are here? You should have died centuries ago… At Odette’s side.

Almoyver: I couldn't forgive myself for allowing you to leave me...

Megumi: Centuries have passed since that time...

Almoyver: But our love is stronger...

Almoyver kissed her. Megumi seemed hypnotised.

Almoyver: My beloved Selene... how could I prefer Odette?

Megumi: You destroyed my heart...

Almoyver: I didn’t notice your feelings until it was too late… Forget about the past, now we have a new life, Selene.

Megumi: I'm now called Megumi...

Almoyver: So then, I love you, Selene Meg.

Megumi: Almoyver... I love...? Ryo...?

Almoyver: I guess that boy is Ryo.

He pointed out Ryo, who, like Rika, didn't understand what was going on.

Megumi: Yes...

Almoyver: I'll fight for you, Selene Meg.

Almoyver walked her to her friends.

Almoyver: Hi, my name is Almoyver, Meg's boyfriend… Well, ex-boyfriend.

Ryo: I didn't know you had had a boyfriend, Megumi...

Rika: Nice to met you, Almoyver, I have heard of you.

Ryo: Eh... I have to go. Bye, Rika, Meg. Nice to meet you, Almoyver...

Almoyver: Just call me Al!

Ryo gave a fake smile and left.

Is Ryo mad with me? How come Almoyver is here?

Rika: Now Almoyver, how came you have came back to life?

Almoyver: She knows about us, Selene Meg?

Megumi: Everything, she saw my memories... She is my best friend, Rika Ogawano.

Almoyver: A pleasure to meet you...

Rika: I'm not pleased to meet you...

Megumi: Rika... Almoyver, answer me, how it is possible that you are back again?

Almoyver: When the Silver Millennium was destroyed the story flew to Earth, with our prince's death... Then I realised I loved you...

Megumi: Did you love me?

Almoyver: Yeah, but I hadn't noticed till I lost you. Odette understood me and we got divorced. I went to see a sorceress who made me travel to this time, to see you again, my lady...

Rika: I don't believe that...

Megumi: You are so nice, but...

Rika: Meg loves Ryo, get it?

Megumi blushed and looked nervously at Rika.

Rika: Don't you?

Megumi: I guess...

Almoyver: I have some things to do right now. See you later, Beloved Selene Meg. Bye, Rika.

Almoyver left. Rika and Megumi continued walking.

Rika: Aren't you going to say something?

Megumi: About what?

Rika: Ryo and Almoyver, which of them do you love? Or at least like more?

Megumi: Rika, I actually... don't know...

Rika: What?

Megumi: Everything is so confusing. When I didn't knew about my past I started liking Ryo. When I remember everything, I thought I had liked Ryo because he resembled Almoyver… But now I see both I don't know whom I love!

Rika: You are a complete chaos! I remember I used to think you were more mature than me...

Megumi: I feel so confused....

I wish I could fly, I wish I could go away of all these confusions... I wish... ouch!

Megumi open her eyes. She had made someone fall in the ground... Please, don't her...

Girl: You again?

Rika and Meg stared at her. It was the third time that they had seen her by making her fall.

Megumi: I'm sorry! I'm was distracted! Mia Uchuu, right? Please, forgive me!

Mia: Of course, I'm getting used to find you both...

Rika: The same with us…

Mia: Will you like to go to eat something, before we hit each other again?

Rika: Ok!

Mia: You are Rika, right? And you are Megumi.

Megumi: Just call me Meg.

The three girls went to a little Café.

Megumi: So, Mia, what do you do? I mean, you are studying or do you work?

Mia: I do both. I study at evenings in college. At morning I work like a teacher assistant or substitute.

Rika: It must be exciting… You have 18, I guess.

Megumi: It isn't charming to ask a woman her age...!

Mia: I'm 19, if you really want to know. I guess you are fourteen or so, I guess...

Rika: You are right, Meg is fourteen and I'm fifteen, we attend to the Hoshi Private School.

Mia: Really? I live near that school.

Rika: Cool!

While both were talking, Megumi took out her Universe Localizer. It had gotten mad. It pointed Mia, then Rika and then her.

Just what I needed, it’s broken.

Megumi: Rika, we'd better be going. Bye, Mia.

Mia: Bye, girls, nice to meet you.

Rika: Bye, Mia.

Both went out.

Rika: What’s up?

Megumi: The Universe Localizer got mad.

Rika: Of course, what other thing could happen to us?

Megumi: I don't know, but... I'm so tired about this!

The sky turned dark. Rain started and a thunder was heard.

Rika: Weird powers again...

Megumi: I can’t control them...

Girl: Ah!

Meg and Rika turned and followed the scream. They got in a park, to see a girl being attacked by a Monsterdame.

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

Both were transformed.

Megumi: Stop, Monsterdame!

It turned to them.

Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace, I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship, I'm Sailor Pandora!

Both: And we will defeat you in name of the Universe!

MD: I'm Fun Park! Let's have fun!

It threw colour papers that trapped both.

Megumi: This isn't common paper...

FP: Of course not, the more you fight to get out, the stronger it becomes...

Rika: Andromeda... I can't breathe...

Phi! A feather broke Rika and Megumi’s traps. Both looked up. There he was... Almoyver. But he was dressed with his old clothes, the ones he had used centuries ago and a mask that covered his eyes...

Almoyver: I'm Peace Hunter, and I seek for world's peace like Sailor Andromeda... Trap it now, Selene Meg!

Megumi: Power of Andromeda, trap the evil!

Meg trapped the Monsterdame and the girl's energy was returned. The three heroes left the park.

Megumi: Peace Hunter?

Almoyver: I have to defend you. The sorceress who helped me, also gave me this power.

He took out a brown feather.

Almoyver: Peace feather, normal form.

His old clothes, cape and mask disappeared, leaving them a normal-clothes Al.

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-over!

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-over!

Megumi: You have travelled time and distance to come with me...

Almoyver: Yes.

Megumi: I…

Rika took Megumi’s arm.

Rika: We'll better go, Meg.

Meanwhile, another conversation was held. A black queen, in a throne, and a girl who was in front of her were discussing.

Queen: I have undervalued the Lost Senshi... But I won't do it anymore. Commander Medusa, you have to take care of those foolish girls.

Girl: Of course I'll do, my lady.

Queen: Of course you’ll do... or you'll pay... Those girls have great power, they have destroyed seven of my babies... Bring them alive to me if you can...

Girl: Sure, my lady.

Next day Megumi was walking to school, when she met Ryo.

Megumi: Hi, Ryo!

Ryo: Hi! It's good to see Almoyver isn't around you.

Almoyver: Hi Selene Meg! Hi Rio.

Ryo: I'm not Rio.

Almoyver: I don't care... How are you, my sweet Selene Meg?

Ryo: Her name is Megumi... Why do you call her like that?

Almoyver: Because her eyes are like two bright moons… Selene was the moon goddess, you know...

Megumi: It’s nothing, Ryo...

Almoyver: Would you like to go to the movies with me tomorrow?

Ryo: No, she has to come with me...

He blushed.

Ryo: I mean... we already told Rika we three will go… Didn't we said so yesterday?

Megumi: Well, I don't really remember...

Almoyver: She doesn't remember, she doesn't remember... So you'll come with me...?

Megumi: No, I won’t go out with any of you. Bye!

Why have them to be so foolish? Ryo liked Sailor Andromeda more than me before Al came, Almoyver loved Odette... Why are they fighting for me now? Who can understand boys?

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