Act IX: Perseus’ Legend

So Sailor Andromeda has more problems than she already had... First of all I have to find Sailor Universe, my past life mother... then, learn to control my power of changing weather and now trying to keep Almoyver and Ryo in a good mood...

Rika: Meg! Meg!

Megumi: What’s up, Rika?

Rika: Mrs. Fay is sick!

Megumi: So what?

Rika: We'll have a substitute teacher for nearly a month!

Megumi: Really? How is she?

Rika: I don't really know, I have just heard the news!

Boys: Megumi! Rika!

They turned and saw Ryo and Almoyver.

Girls: Hi!

Almoyver: I'm so pleased to see you, Selene Meg. I have just entered this school to be near you, although I'm two years older than you...

Ryo: Ignore him, Meg, do you want me to share my lunch with you today?

Rika: Both of you are trying so hard!

Her three friends blushed.

Rika: Meg, will better go to class, bye boys!

Meanwhile, a red haired girl was watching the street. Her hair was long and a little wavy; and ended with a curl.

Girl: Where may I find energy that can be turned to evil?

In Meg classroom, excitement was in the air. Everyone wanted to know about the substitute teacher. The principal came in.

Principal: As you have heard, your teacher is really sick and is going to keep bed for a month or so. So you'll have a substitute teacher: Miss Uchuu.

Mia Uchuu came in shyly. Rika and Meg smiled to her. She was a really nice girl, but mysterious.

Principal: I'll leave you with her.

Mia: Hi, kids. My name is Mia Uchuu and I'm going to be your teacher for the next month. Now, I'll want to know your names.

Several kids spoke and Megumi's turn came.

Megumi: I'm Megumi Mayo and I hope you'll have a great time while you are here.

Sue: Monster-haired nerd Meg has spoken.

Rika: Sue, you'll better keep your poisonous tongue inside your mouth.

Mia: Sue Taiko! Rika! Shut up! Thanks Megumi.

Megumi sat down.

Sue: How did you know Rika's name? She hasn't introduced yet... Then… you know her from before! We were just missing this, now we'll have a teacher's pet!

Mia: You’ll behave well, Sue, or will be punished.

The red haired girl looked everything, flying near the window.

Girl: "Sue Taiko" will be my victim.

Rika and Meg stayed at lunch in class.

Megumi: Mia, sorry for what happened...

Mia: Don't worry, I'll be Ok, it will only be a month...

Rika: We can't be your friends meanwhile, I guess...

Mia: I guess too, I’ll may fail you in your exams or so...

Megumi: You're right… Nice to see you again, Miss Uchuu.

Rika: Yeah… But I don’t want to fail any test!

Both girls went out and saw a girl with a different school uniform, the red haired girl. She was looking at the building. Rika smiled at her.

Rika: Hi! Are you a new girl?

Megumi: I guess you aren't because your uniform is different than ours. Have you come to visit someone?

Girl: Yes, my name is... Med/... Midori Kai (Green Sea). I go to a new school. It's cool because you can choose the colour uniform you want. Mine is red, as my hair.

Rika: Nice to meet you, Midori.

Megumi: We’ll better leave you, so you can find the one you came to visit.

Midori saw them leave.

Midori: Now I have to get Sue Taiko.

Midori walked to where Sue was. She made a paper plane with a note inside and threw it to Sue. Sue read the note and walked to a tree, like the note had asked her to. There, she found another note, which asked her to be at 6:00 p.m. at Meiji Park.

At 6:00, Rika and Megumi were walking near that park.

Rika: Meg, are you sure the enemy will be here?

Megumi: I have this feeling that tells me so… I can feel it…

Rika: But are you sure?

Megumi: Of course, and if you continue irritating me I'll make rain come.

Rika: You don’t know how to...

Selenity: Hi, Girls!

Both: Selenity!

Rika: So the cat-queen made us the honour of coming...

Megumi: Rika, behave! How do you do, auntie?

Rika: If someone hears you calling a cat 'auntie'...

Meg + cat: Rika!

Rika: Ok, ok, I'll shut up.

Selenity: Where you talking about making rain?

Megumi: Oh, yes. The fact is, Selenity, that since I became Sailor Andromeda, I have this weird power. When I get irritated it starts to rain and it stops when I want it to.

Selenity: I see... I think its because inside you there are still Andromeda’s powers. The Andromeda's culture is...

Rika: ...was...

Selenity: Is. Andromeda’s culture still exist. The people in Andromeda have the power of controlling climate and that power was inherited by you from your father...

Megumi: But I can't control it...

Selenity: You are still adapting to this life, though you have more than fourteen years...

Rika: Just stop a minute! Have you said Andromeda’s culture is still alive? Are you telling me that aliens do exist?

Selenity: They aren't 'aliens', they look like normal people, like Meg, but have some powers that Earth people don't have...

Rika: Aliens exist... aliens exist...

A scream was heard.

Megumi: That was Sue's voice...

Rika: Come on, Meg...

Both girls ran to where the scream had come. There was Sue, running from a Monsterdame. But it was really strange. The Monsterdame had Sue's look...

Rika: Have you noticed that that Monsterdame looks a bit like Sue?

Megumi: Forget about that. Let's transform! Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

Almoyver saw them transforming.

Almoyver: Peace Feather, fight form!

He transformed in Peace Hunter.

Almoyver: Hi, Lost Sailor Senshi!

Megumi: Al, what are you doing here...?

Rika: Meg, look!

The Monsterdame trapped Sue and inhaled her energy. Sue fainted.

Megumi: Sue...

Rika: Pandora’s Box Bullets!

The Monsterdame saw her attack and jumped away.

Girl: (voice) So you have come, Senshi...

Megumi: Who is it...?

A girl appeared. She had red wide hair that ended in a curl. Her eyes were orange and she had a black tiara in her head. She wore a red top with a golden medusa's head in it and a short tight skirt of same colour. Her gloves and boots were white with a black border. In her neck was a kind-of leather necklace, where a red crystal hanged.

Girl: Who I am? You ask me who I am?

She laughed. The three heroes got sweat drops.

Girl: Well, I see you don't really know who I am. I'm Medusa, the eldest sister of the Five Sea children.

Rika: Five Sea children?

Medusa: I see I'll have to tell you who we are. The Five Sea children are five Commanders of Lady Witch Carriet. We all have sea related powers. And that makes us Andromeda's greatest enemy.

Rika: What?

Megumi and Almoyver looked also confused.

Medusa: Perseus’ Legend?

No answer.

Medusa: You are so ignorant! Don’t you know even a bit of Greek mythology?

The three shook their heads. A sweat drop appeared in Medusa's head.

Medusa: Well, you know, Zeus, the king of Gods, had a son from a princess called Danae, who was named Perseus. When he grew up, he killed Medusa. Later, he saved a poor little princess named Andromeda. She had to die eaten by a monster sent by the Sea Queen, as her mother had implied she was more beautiful than the Sea Queen. But Perseus saved her and killed the monster. The Sea always hated Andromeda. Now Medusa, the eldest sister of the Sea children, will kill her...

Megumi: I'm not that Andromeda...

Medusa: But you have her name... and Lady Witch Carriet ordered me to kill you... Snake Attack!

Her hair transformed into snakes and trapped Megumi by her neck. She couldn't breathe.

Megumi: Rika... Al...

Rika: Pandora’s Box Bullets!

They didn't worked. Meg was hanging and started to faint. Selenity came to them again.

Selenity: Rika, feel your friendship inside... Pandora’s power!

Rika: Pandora... Pandora... Pandora’s Ribbon Surprise!

A cyan and silver ray was threw out of Rika's hands and cut Medusa's hair.

Medusa: Ah! My hair! My beautiful hair! Sue Gorgon, kill them.

Medusa left. The Monsterdame, called by the name of the one she attacked + Gorgon, threw rays of her eyes and transformed Rika's feet in stone.

Rika: Meg!

Megumi: Power of Andromeda, Trap the evil!

The Monsterdame was half-trapped and still fought to get out.

Megumi: I can't trap it!

Selenity: See inside yourself for the answer!

Megumi closed her eyes.

Andromeda is my guardian planet... but I have also Moon's power in my blood!

Megumi: Andromeda Moon Power, trap the evil!

The Monsterdame was trapped.

Megumi: Pure Energy, return!

It didn't return.

Rika: I guess Sue's energy isn't too pure.

Selenity: Just say energy...

Megumi: Energy, return!

It returned to Sue, who started to wake-up. The two Senshi jumped away and so did Peace Hunter.

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-over!

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-over!

Megumi: Now we have new powers...

Rika: And new enemies… We only fought with Carriet before, but now we have those five Commanders called the Sea Children.

Megumi: And Medusa was really strong... The eldest sister...

Rika: I don't want to know her brothers and sisters.

Megumi: Neither do I, I wish every battle stopped.

Selenity: Nice dream, Selene.

Rika: So our prodigal cat has returned...

Selenity: Stop it, Rika.

Sue came near them.

Sue: Oh, what a nice cat!

Selenity: Meow!

Sue: Is it of either of you?

Both: Well, not really...

Sue: I'll keep it!

She took the cat, but it scratched her and jumped away.

Megumi: Look like you don't make cats love you...

Sue: But I have Sailor Andromeda and Sailor Pandora's friendship. They have fought to save me, you know. And I bet nobody has done the same for you two... Bye!

She left.

Rika and Meg just giggled. If Sue knew who those Sailor Senshi were.... She'll die of a heart attack!

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