Act X: Setsuna, secret-keeper

Megumi and Rika were walking in the street with the Universe localizer. It was working again.

Megumi: Looks like it fixed itself.

Rika: I can't imagine how an alien machine can get mad...

Megumi: Stop speaking of aliens, Rika. I have enough looking for the one that was my mother in her past life...

One green haired woman was looking at them, Setsuna Meiou, one of the mothers of a girl that Megumi had baby-sat. She came closer.

Megumi: The Universe localizer is pointing something again...

It pointed to the green haired woman.

Setsuna: Hi, Megumi!

Megumi: Miss Meiou!

She quickly hid the Universe localizer.

Megumi: How do you do?

Setsuna: Oh, everything is all right, except for those mysterious attacks Tokyo is suffering, but the Lost Sailor Senshi have protected us...

She knows something, I feel it. Her guardian planet is Pluto, she is Sailor Pluto, the Senshi of Darkness and Time... And the one that has more sensitive powers…

Rika: Yeah, right.

Setsuna: Megumi, could you introduce me to your friend?

Megumi: Sure, she is Rika Ogawano, my best friend. Rika, she is Miss Meiou, one of the mothers of Hotaru, the girl I once baby-sat.

Rika: Nice to meet you.

Setsuna: Nice to meet you too... Would you like to eat some ice-cream with me?

Rika: Yeah, sure!

Setsuna laughed and lead them to a café.

Setsuna: Mistress, please two ice creams and a coffee. So, you are students, no?

Megumi: Yes, we attend to Hoshi Private School.

Setsuna: I know that school. Lost Sailor Senshi have appeared near it several times.

She wants to get somewhere but I won't let her.

Megumi: Yeah.

Rika looked at both nervously. That woman was really mysterious.

Setsuna: I can't continue like this. I'll tell you...

Rika: Tell us what?

Setsuna: I know who you are... Sailor Pandora.

Both girls whitened. Megumi started laughing.

Megumi: Rika being Sailor Pandora! That’s a good one!

Rika laughed too.

Setsuna: Infant Selene, don't deny it.

Megumi kept mute.

How can she know about my, I mean, Infant Selene’s story?

Megumi: What are you talking about?

Rika: Infant Selene? Who's that?

Setsuna: I'll tell you if you want to play fool. Infant Selene was the cousin of Princess Serenity of the moon. She cowardly kept alive by hiding in her chamber while the Sailor Senshi lost their lives to protect...

Megumi: I wasn't a coward!

Rika: Meg...

Megumi sat down embarrassed.

Setsuna: You have betrayed yourself, Infant Selene.

Rika: Ok, so you know our secret, so what? Want us to congratulate you for discovering it? Or what?

Setsuna: Of course not, I just wanted to prove myself that I wasn't wrong. Here's the money of the ice creams, bye.

She left.

Rika: Megumi, calm down...

She was really pale.

Megumi: I have to talk to her.

She stood up and followed Setsuna.

Megumi: Wait!

Setsuna: Yeah?

Setsuna turned. Megumi got closer and Rika got at her side.

Megumi: How did you discover it? Do the other Sailor Senshi know? Does Serenity know?

Setsuna: Calm down. I'll explain you in a minute. Let's walk.

They started walking in the park.

Setsuna: I'm Sailor Pluto, as I suppose you know. I'm the guardian of time and the eldest Sailor Senshi. I know things that neither of them know. Me, Michiru and Haruka have raised Hotaru as she has had some age-problems that don't matter now. When I first saw you, as Megumi Mayo, I felt a strange energy coming out from you, but I couldn't recognise it. Later, when I saw you in your Sailor form, I started to remember. Yesterday I remembered everything about you, Infant Selene, and how you were the only survivor of the Silver Millennium.

Megumi: How I cowardly kept in my chamber...

Setsuna: I don't blame you, really. I just said that to know if you, Sailor Andromeda and Infant Selene were the same person. But I don't quite understand how you get your Sailor Senshi powers, anyway...

Rika: Ser...

Megumi: We just felt our power inside us and we transformed in Sailor Senshi. It’s quite strange…

Setsuna smiled.

Setsuna: I respect your silence. Will you ever tell the others the truth?

Megumi: I don't know, but right now you must not interfere in our battles. We want you all to have happy lives.

Setsuna: All right... Bye, girls.

She left.

Rika: She is nice woman.

Megumi: I guess.

An old woman was walking. She hit them by mistake.

Woman: See were you walk? Stupid girls!

Rika: Hey, you...

Megumi stopped Rika.

Megumi: Leave her… She’s mean.

Midori Kai was walking near.

Midori: Perfect...

She took out a leather necklace with a red crystal hanging in it. It shone. An instant later, Midori Kai was transformed in Medusa. She took out a seed and threw it to the naughty woman. The woman, curious about it, lifted it. It transformed into a Monsterdame that looked like her.

Woman: Ah!

MD: Your name is Matoko, isn’t it? I'm Matoko Gorgon.

Matoko: Ah! Ah!

Megumi and Rika were near and heard the screams.

Megumi: Do you think it's...?

Rika: Obviously...

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

Both Senshi ran to where the screams had came from. Medusa was laughing near, while Matoko-Gorgon took Mrs. Matoko's energy.

Megumi: Stop! I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace, I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship, I'm Sailor Pandora!

Both: And we will defeat you in name of the Universe!

MG: Foolish! Gorgon attack!

Medusa clapped. The Senshi avoided the attack.

Medusa: Go on, Matoko-Gorgon!

The Lost Sailor Senshi got sweat drops.

Medusa: What? Can't I cheer my Monsterdame?

The Monsterdame jumped and trapped Rika.

Medusa: What are you going to do now, Sailor Andromeda?

Megumi didn't know what to do. Phi! A feather hurt the Monsterdame.

Megumi: Peace Hunter!

Almoyver: Of course!

Rika: Pandora’s Ribbon Surprise! attack!

It made the Monsterdame weaker.

Rika: Now, Meg!

Medusa: Meg...?

Megumi: Andromeda Moon Power, trap the evil!

The Gorgon was trapped.

Megumi: Energy, return!

Mrs. Matoko waked up.

Medusa: You'll pay!

She took out a red sword and attacked Megumi.

Selenity: Say 'Andromeda Sword'!

Megumi stared at the just-come Selenity.

Megumi: Andromeda Sword!

The Andromeda Crystal Stick grew up to form a sword.

Rika: Cool!

Megumi defended as she could with the sword… But Medusa was better in the sword fight.

Medusa: I'll beat you!

Lots of children were near the place and got nearer. When they saw their heroine was losing, they stated to throw stones to Medusa.

Children: Go away!

Medusa couldn't control her sword because of the stones.

Medusa: I'll come back!

And she disappeared.

Children: Sailor Andromeda, you won!

Megumi: Thanks to you all!

Rika: Sailor Andromeda, we have to go...

Almoyver got near Meg and kissed her.

Almoyver: She is my girlfriend, kids.

Rika: She's not...

Girl: What's going on?

All turned and the Lost Sailor Senshi saw Mia Uchuu in front of them.

Rika: Oh, My God!

Mia: Who are you three?

Peace Hunter left.


Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace, I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship, I'm Sailor Pandora!

Both: And we fight in name of the Universe!

Mia: Andromeda...?

Megumi: We have to go. Sailor Pandora...

Rika: Bye!

They both jumped away.

Rika: Do you think she recognised us?

Megumi: I'm not sure. Not Sue or Ryo have recognised us.

Rika: But Mia is different...

Megumi: Really different... Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-over!

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-over!

Both girls went to the park. Mia was still there.

Rika: Hi, Mia...! I mean, Miss Uchuu.

Mia: You can tell me Mia when we aren't at school.

Megumi: Ok, Mia... Um, did you saw Sailor Andromeda? I heard she was near...

Mia: Yes, I saw both, Sailor Andromeda and Sailor Pandora.

Rika: I have seen them too. Both are really nice, especially Sailor Pandora... don't you think?

Rika, when will you change?

Mia: Andromeda was a bit... I thought I had seen her before... Before... Oh, I have to go girls, Bye!

Both: Bye!

Mia had just left, when Midori Kai appeared.

Midori: Hi, Rika. Meg...

Megumi: Hi, Midori. How do you do?

Midori: I'm fine. Did you saw those Lost Sailor Senshi?

Now, where does she want to get?

Megumi: No, we haven't seen them today...

Rika: Yeah...

Midori: I see...

Megumi: What school do you go to, you said?

Midori doubted.

Midori: Eh, I attend to the... the... Oh! See what hour it is! I have to go! Bye!

Midori left running.

Rika: She is suspicious...

Megumi: Very suspicious... I passed the Universe Localizer to her, but it repealed her.

Rika: Even more suspicious...

Who is Midori Kai in real? And why does Mia think she has seen me... before? Do I know her from my past life?

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