Act XII: Auntie's Bad Day.

Megumi was ready to go. She had to go to the cinema to meet Rika and Ryo. She was going to but...

Aunt Ran: Megumi!

Megumi: Yes, Auntie?

Aunt Ran: Where are you going?

Megumi: I'm going to the movies with Rika...

Tei: Mom that's not true!

Aunt Ran: What are you talking about? Did you really lie to me, Meg?

Tei: Yes! She's having a date with someone called Ryo!

How on Earth does she know...?

Tei: I have read her diary!

I'll kill her!!!

Aunt Ran: Tei, you shouldn’t read somebody else's diary! Meg, why did you lied me?

Megumi: I didn't lied, I was going with Rika and Ryo, you didn’t let me finish.

Aunt Ran: Ok, but I can't let you go. I need help to clean the house. I don't have time during weekdays but now I have!

Megumi: But I have already plans...

Aunt Ran: Call Rika, she has got a cell phone... Tei, now...

Tei: I have a date with Mazanoru, my boyfriend, bye!

Aunt Ran: But I thought you'll also help...

Too late, Tei had rushed out.

Aunt Ran: Ok; now there is just you and me. Call Rika.

Megumi marked the number.

Megumi: Rika?

Rika: Yeah? Meg! Why aren't you here?

Megumi: My dear auntie told me to stay and help her clean...

Rika: Which auntie, the past life one or the actual one?

Megumi: How funny! I can't go.

Rika: That’s a shame! Ryo also called and said he couldn't come because his sister had a little accident...

Megumi: I’ll have to call him later. Well, sorry, I have to go...

Meg hung up the telephone.

Megumi: I called Rika...

Aunt Ran: Great! Let's start working.

Meanwhile, Midori Kai was at the Hoshi Middle School. The school's secretary was in her office.

Midori: Hi!

Secretary: Hello, what are you looking for?

Midori: I'm looking for the personal file of one of the students...

Secretary: Sorry, but those files are confidential. Have a good day.

Midori: Sorry, but I think you didn't understand me...

Secretary: I know what you want and I must repeat that...

Midori looked directly into her eyes, and an orange light flashed. The secretary's eyes got blank.

Secretary: Of course I'll give you the file you want. What's the student's name?

Midori: Megumi Mayo.

In her house, Megumi was now with a broom, cleaning the living room. Aunt Ran was cleaning the next room. The bell rang. Megumi opened the door.

Megumi: Yeah?

Rika: Hi, Meg! I just thought that if we can't go to the movies today maybe I could help you in your torture. Ah, I also found someone...

A purple cat appeared from her back.

She's Selenity, the cat that made me be Sailor Andromeda.

Selenity: Hi, Megumi.

Megumi: Selenity! Nice to see you too. Come in, both of you.

Both entered.

Rika: How can I help you?

Megumi: Rika, I know you hate housekeeping...

Rika: I'll do a sacrifice for a friend!

Megumi: Ok, you may clean the dust in the furniture...

Rika: All right, Meg!

Aunt Ran came in.

Aunt Ran: Oh, Rika… Hi! Weren't you at the movies?

Rika: Both Meg and Ryo cancelled so I preferred to come here than to be alone.

Aunt Ran: How nice! I used to have a friend like you... Tei's aunt.

She started working while talking.

Aunt Ran: Her name was Kaki. We both studied in the same school and were best friends. When I was sixteen, I felt in love with her brother, Kawa. I wish I hadn’t... Kaki loved her brother deeply and was jealous of me. As we grew up, Kawa and I married. Kaki didn't come to the wedding. A year after, we were divorced; he didn't even got to know I was pregnant. I have been really sorry for falling of love of him and losing my best friend. But of course, I can’t be sorry for having my dear Tei.

Both girls listened really interested.

Auntie had never told me that story...

Megumi: And you haven't seen her anymore?

Aunt Ran laughed nervously.

Aunt Ran: Nope... Well, we have to finish.

Someone stood in front of the door.

Aunt Ran: Meg, Rika, could you go bring a broom from the attic?

Both girls left. The bell rang. Aunt Ran opened. Midori Kai was there.

Aunt Ran: Hello, may I help you?

Midori: I'm Megumi’s friend, is she home?

Aunt Ran: Yeah, I'm her aunt. What's your name?

Midori: I'm Midori Kai. I have a present for you...

Aunt Ran: For me?

She took out a seed. Aunt Ran touched it and a Monsterdame came out. Midori transformed to Medusa. Aunt Ran screamed, as her energy was taken. Megumi and Rika heard her.

Megumi: Auntie!?

Both girls rushed downstairs. They saw Medusa sitting at fainted Aunt Ran’s side. A Gorgon was peaking everywhere.

Medusa: Hi, Megumi Mayo... or shall I say, Sailor Andromeda?

Megumi: What are you talking about?

Medusa: Transform, Megumi, or I'll kill her!

Megumi gave Rika a meaningful look. Rika turned and ran away.

Medusa: Not a very faithful friend...

Megumi: More faithful than you’ll ever understand... Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

She transformed.

Medusa: I was right!

Rika: Pandora’s Box Bullets!

Her attack reached the Gorgon.

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship, I'm Sailor Pandora!

Medusa: Another one!

Rika: Of course.

Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace, I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Both: And we will defeat you in name of the Universe!

Medusa: Foolish! Attack, Ran-Gorgon!

RG: Of course! Business pens!

A lot of pens were thrown to the Sailor Senshi.

RG: Important business! Work, Work!

Both appeared to be in offices were they had to sign lot of papers.

Rika: I can't control my hand!

Megumi: Neither do I!

Phi! A feather reached Ran-Gorgon. The illusion disappeared. Peace Hunter was there.

Almoyver: Now, Andromeda!

Megumi: Andromeda Moon Power, trap the evil!

The Ran-Gorgon was trapped.

Megumi: Energy, return!

The energy returned, but Aunt Ran didn't wake-up.

Medusa: She's really tired, but she'll be all right. It’s not important, she wasn't my goal. I want you, Sailor Andromeda, Megumi Mayo.

Peace Hunter disappeared.

He always runs when he sees problems. I'm really considering not speaking to him anymore...

Medusa: Your friends are really faithful...

Megumi: Maybe he isn't, but I can always trust my other friends...

Medusa: Like "run-away" Rika?

Megumi: How do you know her name?

Medusa got nervous.

Medusa: I don't know... I just guessed it! That’s not important! I want you to see your loneliness in this world. As I have seen in your personal file, your mother died when you were born and your father ran away. Your grandpa is really old and your aunt and cousin are mean, aren't I wrong? And you have not real friends as I have seen right now.

Megumi: You are wrong... My grandpa is the best of the world, my aunt really loves me and Tei is dear to me... and I have lot of friends...

Medusa: Like Rika? Ha!

Megumi: Rika is my best friend, you don't know her, so you can't judge her. Sailor Pandora is also my friend. But I have more. Sue Taiko, even when she may be a real pain, cares about me. Ryo Gingekko and Almoyver are also at my side. I have also Setsuna Meiou, my teacher Mia Uchuu, Midori Kai...

Medusa: Midori Kai? But you have just met her!

Megumi: But she is nice to me…

Medusa couldn't believe her ears. Megumi considered her as a friend? It couldn't be possible; she hadn't ever had a friend... She wasn’t nice to anyone…

Medusa: You are lying!

She took out her red sword. She was going to hurt Megumi when Rika stopped her sword with her hands.

Megumi: Sailor Pandora!

Rika’s hands weren't hurt much.

Rika: I’m ok, Meg...

Medusa: Why did you do that...?

Rika: Meg is my friend and I wouldn't let you hurt her...

Medusa walked backwards and then disappeared.

Megumi: You'll be all right, Rika. Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-over!

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-over!

Megumi aided Rika’s hands. Aunt Ran started to wake-up.

Aunt Ran: Oh, my, what happened? I remember someone came in... But I can't remember whom... Meg, what happened?

Megumi: Someone attacked us, but the Lost Sailor Senshi saved us...

Medusa was on Carriet's Court. At her side was a blue-curly-haired girl.

Girl: What happened with you, Medusa?

Medusa: Nothing, Amphitrite, nothing...

Amphitrite: Lady Carriet told me you have discovered Sailor Andromeda's real identity...

Medusa: I was wrong... She wasn't Sailor Andromeda...

Amphitrite: That's why you are so sad...?

Medusa: No, I was just wondering... Did we ever had a real friend?

Next day, Rika was again at Megumi's house. They were waiting for Aunt Ran to come back from her office. She appeared.

Aunt Ran: Hi, Rika, what are you two waiting for?

Both: For you!

Megumi: Come in, auntie!

Rika: Someone is waiting for you...

Megumi: We called her...

Aunt Ran: Who did you called...? Kaki!

A black-haired woman was there. Brown-haired Aunt Ran started to cry.

Aunt Ran: Kaki!

Kaki: Ran!

They hugged. An instant later, they started talking. Megumi and Rika smiled when Tei entered and hugged her aunt.

I hope Rika and I never get separated by selfishness or dumb things. Now, I have seen who my real friends are... and Almoyver isn't a good one... I think I should talk to him more seriously....

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