Act XIII: Working Time!

I think there is something you always hate. I hate Gym class, although I have improved. Rika hates housekeeping and Tei being nice to me... But my Grandpa hates someone. At least, I think he hates him. It's his boss in the Supermarket. He is so mean...

Grandpa: Megumi, would you like to come with me to the Supermarket?

Megumi: Sure, grandpa!

Grandpa: Let's go!

Both got there ten minutes later. Mr. Shikanno was there in a bad mood.

Mr. S.: You are late, Genzai...

Grandpa's last name is Genzai, which was also my mother's maiden name...

Grandpa: I got in time.

Mr. S.: Five minutes late... Go to work! And who's that strange-haired girl?

Grandpa: She's my granddaughter... She came to help me...

Mr. S.: It’s ok, if she doesn't want to be paid. Work!

He is so mean...

Grandpa and Meg went to the old man's place. He sold fish and shellfish. Meg liked to help him, as he was very old. She didn't understood why he worked. Aunt Ran received a lot of money in her work, so he didn’t needed to work. But anyway, Grandpa worked and didn't got much money. A red-haired girl walked near.

Megumi: Midori!

Midori turned and looked at Meg. She blushed.

She is here...

Midori: Hi, Megumi, it’s been a long time!

Megumi: Yeah, how are you?

Midori: All right, what are you doing here?

Megumi: I'm helping my Grandpa. Hey, Midori, I have a question for you... What's your school’s name? You have never been able to tell us, and I’m really curious...

Midori: Well, really...

Almoyver passed near.

Almoyver: Hi, Selene Meg!

Midori turned and blushed more, as she didn't knew the boy.

Megumi: Hi, Al! This is my friend Midori Kai.

Al: Nice to meet you...

She called me her friend... her friend...

Midori: Hi! Well, I have to go... my sisters are waiting for me...

Megumi: Have you got sisters?

Midori: And two brothers... I mean, yes. Two sisters.

Megumi: How nice!

Midori: I really have to go... Bye.

She left confused.

Almoyver: What are you doing here? Working?

Megumi: I'm helping my Grandfather.

Almoyver: Have you got a Grandfather?

Megumi: Yeah. That proves that you aren't so interested in me because you don't know a thing about my life.

Almoyver: I know about your old life...

He put his hand over hers. She moved it away.

Megumi: I'm busy now, Almoyver... Please, leave...

Almoyver: What did I do!?

Megumi turned away without answering and attended a client while her Grandpa attended another.

Almoyver: Answer me!

Megumi: I'm busy! Shut up!

She continued working till the clients left. Grandpa came near them.

Grandpa: What's up, Meggie?

That's an endearment name he uses in me; he also tells Tei by Teiko.

Megumi blushed.

Almoyver: Meggie?

He started laughing. Meg blushed even more.

Grandpa: Who is him, Meg?

Megumi: He is a "friend" that runs away when he sees trouble...

Almoyver: So all this is because I left during the battle...

Is he dumb, or what?

Grandpa: Battle?

Megumi: Battle Warrior Revenge I, a video game we were playing…

Grandpa: I see... Meg, forgive him. He seems to be a good boy. A video game isn’t worth a fight.

Almoyver: Yeah, forgive me...

Megumi: You have been mean to me before... but... I guess I’ll have to forgive you, for my Grandpa’s sake.

They shook each other's hands.

Grandpa: Meg, go to walk with your boyfriend, I'll be all right.

Megumi blushed.

Megumi: He is not my boyfriend! And I came to help you, Grandpa.

Grandpa: Ok... calm down...

Almoyver: Then I'll stay to help you two...

Megumi: I don't think it's a good idea...

Grandpa: I think it is. Come in, boy.

Almoyver smiled a malicious smile. He started to work. Meg felt uncomfortable with him. The nice day with her Grandpa had gone to trash. But things were going to get worse... Sue and her friends came over...

Sue: First we have to... Oh! Megumi Mayo, what are you doing here?

Megumi: Sue... Hi! I'm helping my Grandfather...

Almoyver: And I'm helping her...

Sue blushed when she saw Al.

Sue: Who are you?

Almoyver: I'm her boyfriend, Almoyver.

Megumi: No, you aren't. He's just a brat I can’t throw away.

Sue: He's a God... I mean, he's nice. Don't you want to go on a walk with us, Al?

Midori Kai appeared near. She stood hearing everything.

Go, Al, go...

Megumi: Go if you want to...

Almoyver: I'll stay with my dear Selene Meg...

Sue: Selene Meg? She's a monster!

Almoyver: Don't you dare to speak that way about her!

Sue: I speak to her the way I like...

Midori got angry.

Sue: She is a monster!

Megumi: Shut up, Sue…

Mr. Shikanno came hearing the screams.

Mr. S.: What's going on here?

Sue started her melodramatic scene.

Sue: This employee treated me very harshly!

She put a really sad face.

Mr. S.: Genzai!

Grandpa: Yes, Mr. Shikanno?

Mr. S.: Your granddaughter is causing trouble...

Grandpa: Meg...

Mr. S.: Take her out immediately...

Grandpa: Meg, you'll better go...

Sue: Mister, you fire that old man...

Mr. S.: Shut up, kid, he works very well and for free!

Megumi: What? Grandpa, why do you work here with this mean man for free?!

Midori took out her red crystal and transformed into Medusa.

Medusa: Stop, all of you!

Everyone in the supermarket stared at her.

Medusa: Stheno... Euryale... Attack!

Two Gorgons appeared from her crystal. They joined their hands forming a bird, and all energy was taken. Only Megumi and Almoyver were left.

Almoyver: She must not discover my identity... I'll go out, call Rika and transform...

Megumi: Ok...

Almoyver ran away. Medusa was going to attack him.

Megumi: Hey, Medusa, I am here! Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

She transformed. Medusa looked at her.

Medusa: I don't want to fight with you. I just took the energy of the people that don't like you. Want your Grandpa's? Here it is...

She threw an energy ray to her Grandpa and he recovered his colour.

Megumi: Return everyone's energy...

Medusa's face looked confused.

Medusa: Why do you want to help them? They have laughed at you and you dislike them...

Megumi: Everyone deserves to live. Everyone, including Sue...

Medusa: I wanted to be your friend, Sailor Andromeda but seems I can't. Stheno, Euryale, attack!

Both Gorgons threw rays, which turned Megumi's lower body in stone.

Medusa: I want a friend, Sailor Andromeda and I'll have one. You'll stay by my side forever... We'll destroy the world, but I'll save you...

Megumi: You can't destroy our world...

Girl: Yes, you can't!

Medusa turned and saw Sailor Pandora.

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship, I'm Sailor Pandora! And I'll defeat you in name of true friendship!

Almoyver: I'm the Peace Hunter, and I seek for world's peace like Sailor Andromeda...

Thanks God you two are here!

Medusa: Idiots! Stheno, Euryale attack them!

Stheno went to attack Almoyver and Euryale to get Rika. Medusa laughed as they got hurt.

I have to get out... I have to help them!

Megumi: Crystal Moon Attack!

She gleamed, and then was free.

Megumi: Andromeda Sword!

Her purple sword appeared. Medusa took out her red sword. They started fighting.

Megumi: Stop your Gorgons...

Medusa: Never... I want a friend, Sailor Andromeda...

She started to cry.

Rika: Don't trust her, Meg, she’s tricking you!

Megumi: No, she isn't… Still, I can't be your friend until you change, Medusa! Real friendship is giving yourself up for others... Trust and love... No selfishness but share...

Medusa's eyes wide opened and let her sword fall down.

Megumi: Now, Sailor Pandora, Almoyver...

Rika: Pandora’s Ribbon Surprise!

Euryale was destroyed.

Almoyver: Feather... attack!

Lot of feathers fell in Stheno and was destroyed. The energy returned. Both warriors came near Sailor Andromeda. Medusa was on the floor crying.

Megumi: Medusa...

Medusa: Kill me now. I'm trash!

Megumi: You aren't trash... you are a human being and deserve to live as everyone else does...

Medusa stopped sobbing.

Medusa: You really mean it?

Megumi: Yeah... You two think the same, right?

Megumi gave them a suspicious look. Al and Rika got sweat drops and agreed.

Megumi: See, they think the same...

Medusa: If I abandon Carriet's Court... would you be my friends?

Megumi: Of course...

Medusa: I abandon them!

She hugged Megumi.

Medusa: I must leave now... but I'll have from now on freedom and friendship. Thanks to you...

Medusa disappeared. Midori reappeared out from the supermarket.

Midori: I'm free... and I have friends...

Girl: (voice) You betrayed us, sister... But I don't blame you, they brainwashed you. I'll destroy Sailor Andromeda...

Midori: Amphitrite, no!

Megumi was near her Grandpa. He woke up.

Grandpa: Meg, what happened?

Megumi: Those strange attacks that seem to be all over Tokyo.

Grandpa: I see.

Megumi: Grandpa, explain me why you work for free for this mean man?

Grandpa: Because I like working... If I didn't work I'll feel useless and I don't want that... and I guess Mr. Shikanno isn't so bad.

Everyone started to wake-up.

Today I have learnt that everybody needs to feel useful and to have friends. I'm happy Medusa has changed but I know that Carriet's Court isn't defeated yet.

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