Act XIV: Loving Water.

Rika: Everyone to water!

Rika and Meg were at the Sports Centre pool. Nobody was there but them.

Megumi: Here I go!

Splash! Both girls made swimming races. Megumi won.

Rika: You always win! I think you cheated...

Megumi: Of course I didn't... It's just that I feel a connection with water... According to Perseus' Legend, I shouldn't...

Rika: It's because you are Pisces, a water sign. I'm Taurus, an Earth sign...

Megumi: Come on, the truth is that I practice more!

Rika: Shut up!

Rika threw water to Meg and a mini-battle started.

Rika and I are best friends. I think that we will always be...

Someone entered. A woman with long cyan hair.

Girl: Oh, I though nobody was here...

Megumi: Mia?

Mia: Megumi? You look so different without glasses... but I think I have seen you like this before...

Oh my, she has seen me as Sailor Andromeda...

Megumi: I don't think so. You look really different without those heart shaped odango...

Rika and Megumi looked at her with wonder. She was really beautiful.

Mia: Really? I use them because I feel something comes to my memory when I see them...

Rika: Come here, Mia! Or should I say, Miss Uchuu?

Mia: We aren't at school, so just call me Mia. Well, here I go!

She jumped to the pool.

Rika: Mia, we were talking about zodiac signs. When is your birthday?

Mia: June 19th.

Rika: You are...Gemini, an Air Sign. My birthday is on May 16th so I'm Taurus, an Earth sign.

Megumi: Rika says that the reason why I beat her in swimming races is because I was born in March 10th and I'm Pisces, a water sign.

Girl: (voice) Bah, an Aquarius can defeat a Pisces...

They turned to see a blue-curly-haired girl in a school uniform. It was as Midori Kai's but instead of being red, was sky blue.

Megumi: Who are you?

Girl: I'm Aigyou Kai. (Loving Sea)

Rika: Are you Midori's sister?

Aigyou: Yeah, her younger sister. She has fifteen while I have just fourteen years old.

Mia: What make you say an Aquarius can beat a Pisces?

Aigyou: Because it's true. My younger and bigger sisters are Pisces and I have always defeated them...

Rika: Really? Then, come here and beat Meg...

Aigyou: Ok.

She took out her uniform and showed a beautiful sky blue swimming suit, which combined with her sky-blue eyes. She jumped to the pool. They both got ready.

Rika: Ready... Steady... Go!

They swam as faster they could and at last...

Mia: A draw!

Aigyou wide-opened her eyes.

Aigyou: A draw? You are lying!

She got out of the pool and ran away, really mad.

Rika: Seems she can't stand not winning...

Megumi: She's strange… I think she needs friends...

Mia: Well, I have to go...

Megumi: Me too...

Rika: Meg...!

Megumi: Sorry, I promised Aunt Ran I’ll go home early.

Mia: Where do you live?

Megumi: A couple of blocks east from here...

Mia: I may take you, if you hurry!

Megumi: Ok!

They both left. Rika was alone.

Rika: Ok, leave me alone! I'll be all right, don't worry about me so much!

She entered in the water. When she raised her head, a blue haired girl was in front of her. But she didn't recognise her. She wore a black tiara in her head, a blue seashell top and a long skirt that looked like fish-scale-made. She had a leather necklace, which ended in a blue crystal.

Rika: Who are you and why are you looking at me?

Girl: ...Why are you so mad? It's because those girls left you?

Rika: That’s not your business... Who are you? Your outfit is like...

Girl: Like nobody's... It seems those girls aren't close friends... Well, close friends to you, because they look like best friends to each other...

Rika: Megumi is my best friend....

Girl: Really? I couldn't have figure out that...

She laughed.

Girl: Hey girl, she has a new best friend, don't you see it...?

Rika: You are lying...

Girl: I'm not... You'll be alone all your life...

Rika: No!

Girl: Destroy the ones who betrayed you...!

She threw a seed to her. It entered Rika's body and her eyes turned dark blue.

Girl: Go... my Hate-Mermaid.

Rika's voice wasn't heard but a sharp one.

Rika: I’ll go... my lady.

Megumi was at her home when someone knocked the door. It was Janie, Rika's little sister.

Janie: Thanks God I found you! Rika isn't found anywhere... We called all her classmates but nobody is in their home! One classmate’s mother told me Rika had called and asked them to go to the Sports Centre, but nobody is there! I called you, but you weren’t here…

Megumi: I have just returned from the Sports Centre… Then, Rika and our classmates are missing?

Janie: Yeah!

Megumi: I'll go to the Sports Centre. Tei!

Tei: What do you want?

Megumi: I have to go out... Explain it to my aunt and Grandpa!

Tei: They'll punish you... Ok!

Megumi and Janie went to the Sports Centre.

I feel evil energy here... Please God, make Rika be all right!

Megumi: Stay here, Janie. I'll take out your sister...

Janie: But I told you nobody is there...

Megumi: She is in here... Trust me...

Megumi climbed the door and got in the Sports Centre.

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

She stood in front the pool, full of darkness.

Megumi: Rika, I know you are here!

All the lights turned on and Megumi saw a really strange-looking Rika surrounded by her drained classmates.

Megumi: What have you done!? Return them their energy!

Rika: No. I'm not obeying your orders anymore. Mermaid Ray!

A blue ray hit Meg in her arm.

Megumi: Rika, remember me... I'm Sailor Andromeda, your friend...

Rika: You are nothing...

The blue haired girl appeared in the air, sitting in a big and blue seashell.

Girl: Hi! She doesn't seem to remember you, Sailor Andromeda. Do you know her, Hate-Mermaid?

Rika: No!

Megumi: Who are you and what have you done to Rika?

Girl: I'm Amphitrite, the second sister of the Five Sea Children. I have the power over Mermaids and I seek for energy in sweet hearts to transform them in black stones!

Megumi: Rika, wake up!

Amphitrite: She won’t hear you!

Megumi: Rika... Remember me! Remember the night Carriet's Court first attacked you!

Rika stood still.

Megumi: Rika!

Amphitrite: Attack her!

Rika: Mermaid Ray!

This time Meg avoided it. Amphitrite moved her blue crystal and a wind blew her out.

Amphitrite: I defeated Sailor Andromeda!

Megumi stood up in the hall. Amphitrite couldn't see her.

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-over!

She entered again, slowly.

Megumi: Hello, Rika...

Amphitrite: Isn't she the girl who betrayed you?

Rika: Yes!

Amphitrite: Kill her!

Megumi: I didn't betray you, Rika...

Rika: You left with Mia... you abandoned me... You got another best friend, die!

Megumi received the ray.

Megumi: I won’t fight against you...

Rika: Then, you’ll die!

Someone stopped her attack. It was Medusa. But her outfit had changed. All the black had turned into gold.

Medusa: Stop it, Amphitrite!

Amphitrite: Traitor, you are here...

Medusa: Let human beings have their friendship!

Amphitrite: Fool!

A wind blew Medusa to a wall. She disappeared.

Amphitrite: She has weakened up since she became a good girl... Kill her!

Rika was ready to attack but...

Megumi: Rika, you are my best friend. Mia is a good friend too, but you are the best... I told you my secret, not Mia.

If this doesn't work nothing will do...

Rika: Your secret... I know your secret...

Oh no, if I underestimated Amphitrite's power... Rika may betray me without noticing…

Amphitrite: Tell me her secret...

Megumi: It's a friendship secret...

Amphitrite: Tell me...

Rika: It is...


Rika recovered her voice.

Rika: ...a friendship secret!

She threw away the seed she had in her body, and the energy returned. The seed transformed in a Mermaid-Monsterdame.

Amphitrite: Fools! Hate-Mermaid, destroy them!

She disappeared.

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up! Pandora’s Ribbon Surprise! Attack!

The Monsterdame was destroyed in a second. The other girls woke-up.

Girl 1: What happened?

Girl 2: Yeah, I remember someone called me… but nothing else.

Megumi: You all are safe... a monster attacked us but Sailor Pandora saved the day...

Sailor Pandora left. Amphitrite appeared in front of Carriet.

Carriet: You failed...

Amphitrite: I won’t do it again... I promise!

Next day, Megumi and Rika were again at the pool.

Rika: Megumi, sorry for attacking you...

Megumi: It's ok, you were under Amphitrite's power...

Rika: We are going to be best friends forever.

Megumi: Of course.

Girl: (voice) Hi!

Midori Kai was there.

Midori: May I swim with you?

Both: Of course.

Midori smiled.

Midori: Remember I was in a school where the colour uniform could be chosen? Well, I changed school. But my new school liked the idea and now we use the same uniforms. It's a brand new school.

Rika: Near ours?

Midori: Yeah... The Kai School.

Megumi: We met your sister Aigyou.

Rika: She can't stand up not winning.

Midori: Yeah, I know... but she is good inside.

Megumi: She must be, if she's your sister. And her name means sort of Lovely Water, so she must be lovely as you are.

Midori smiled.

Midori is a good friend but Rika will be my best friend forever. But I can't stop thinking of our new enemy... Amphitrite. We must defeat her and later, her other three siblings.

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