Act XV: A New Ally

My school often organises visits to other schools, colleges, companies or so. They are interesting... for some people. I would rather go shopping with Ryo and Rika.

Woman: And this is Dr. Miki's laboratory...

She opened a door, where everybody expected to see a bald old man. But instead of him, was a pretty nineteen-year-old woman, with short-curly-red hair and glasses. Her blue eyes sparkled.

Dr. Miki: Hi, kids!

Rika: I could never have guessed that’s Dr. Miki.

Dr. Miki: What are you two whispering?

Rika blushed.

Mia: Rika!

Megumi: Sorry, Dr. Miki.

Dr. Miki: Just call me Tenko. That's my name.

Woman: Dr. Miki is working in some important projects so we’ll have to leave her alone...

Tenko: But I can talk about my projects if you like...

Woman: Don’t worry, Tenko. Come on, kids.

Dr. Miki stared at the floor. Meg saw she was sad.

Megumi: Hey, Dr. Tenko...

She looked up.

Dr. Miki: Yeah?

Megumi: I would love to see your projects...

And she left. Dr. Miki smiled. Meanwhile, Commander Amphitrite was talking with Lady Carriet. She was sitting in her throne wearing a long black dress. She had a belt with a diamond in the centre, one black jewel in the centre of the dress and a necklace of a black star. She wore a purple cape and a black crown. Her hair’s edge was green, and red in the borders. The rest of it was blue in the centre and yellow in the border.

Carriet: I'll give you another chance today...

Amphitrite: I won’t fail...

Carriet: I hope so... I don't want you to betray us as your sister Medusa did...

Amphitrite: She was brainwashed by the Lost Sailor Senshi...

Carriet: I don't care... She will die...

Amphitrite: Please, have mercy with her!

Carriet: I'll think about it...

Amphitrite: Now I'll leave...

She disappeared. In college, Aigyou Kai appeared. She started to walk silently when...

Rika: Hi, Aigyou!

Aigyou: My last victim... Hi!

Megumi: How are you?

Aigyou: Fine... what are you two doing here?

Rika: Our class has come for a visit. Does your school too?

Aigyou: Eh... yes.

Megumi: Is Midori here?

Aigyou: I hope she isn't... I mean, no, she's absent.

Megumi: She told us that you have changed school...

Aigyou: Just her... Well, I have to go. Bye!

She left.

Megumi: I think she's nice...

Rika: I think she's strange... as Midori.

Megumi: Rika...

Rika is right... The Kai sisters are strange and weird. Midori has changed a bit recently but Aigyou has appeared....

Aigyou walked to Dr. Miki's lab.

Aigyou: Dr. Miki?

Dr. Miki: Yeah?

Aigyou: Hi, what are you doing?

Dr. Miki: I'm making some calculation to discover if...

Aigyou: There is a mistake there...

Dr. Miki: Well, yes it is. Thank you... Now it all has sense, this chemical is then…

Aigyou: I'm Aigyou Kai...

Dr. Miki: Well, you know who I am...

Aigyou: Dr. Tenko Miki! (Heaven Girl of the Family Branch)

Dr. Miki: Right. Could you help me doing this estimation?

Aigyou: I'll love to... But I have to go now, pleased to meet you.

Dr. Miki: Bye!

Aigyou went out.

Aigyou: I'm sorry, Dr. Miki. I really admire your work… You are so smart, but...

She took out her blue crystal and transformed to Amphitrite.

Amphitrite: ...Lady Carriet's Court is first.

She got in again.

Amphitrite: Hi...

Dr. Miki didn't saw her.

Dr. Miki: Aigyou?

Amphitrite: No. I'm not her. I just wanted to watch your work.

Dr. Miki: Really? I'm Dr. Miki.

Amphitrite: So? Nobody cares about you...

Dr. Miki stared at her.

Dr. Miki: Who are you? And were have those clothes come from?

Amphitrite: It’s not your business. Nobody cares about you. You want to discover cures for many diseases, but does someone say thank you? Do you have any friend? Nobody likes you... Not even your parents.

Dr. Miki: Stop it! I don’t want to listen!

Amphitrite: I know they abandoned you... You were raised in an orphanage...

Dr. Miki: So?

Amphitrite: You feel so alone... You must destroy all the ones who ignored you...

She threw a seed and Dr. Miki's eyes got dark.

Dr. Miki: I'll do...

Megumi and Rika were at the college’s cafeteria.

Megumi: So you didn't like the visit...

Rika: Boring!

Megumi: But... I feel really sad about Dr. Miki.

Rika: Why?

Megumi: She looked so alone!

Rika: Then we should go to see her!

Megumi: If you think so...

They got in her lab five minutes later. Nobody was anywhere.

Rika: It's strange...

Megumi: I feel an evil energy... Let's follow it.

Rika: Shouldn't we better not follow it?

Megumi: Rika, we are the defenders of Earth!

Rika: Ok!

Megumi followed the energy...

Sometimes I feel evil energy… Great, I guess that’s my brand new power! One point more of weirdness for Megumi.

They walked all afternoon and night came.

Rika: Meg, we'll better leave it for tomorrow...

Megumi: Look!

There was Dr. Miki's house. (Her mailbox had her name.). In her garden was a black light.

Megumi: Transformation time! Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

They both got nearer and saw Dr. Miki in a Monsterdame form.

Both: Dr. Miki!

She turned.

Dr. Miki: Die!

They jumped away her attack.

Megumi: It's Amphitrite's work...

Amphitrite appeared in her seashell.

Amphitrite: Hi! This is Lab-Mermaid. Say Hello to her!

Dr. Miki: Mermaid Chemical Attack!

An acid fell in Rika's arm. She screamed.

Megumi: Rika!

Megumi noticed lot of drained people near the garden.

Megumi: Dr, Miki, why are you doing this?

Dr. Miki: Nobody appreciates me... I'll have my revenge!

She attacked, but Megumi jumped again.

Megumi: There are people who appreciate you...

Dr. Miki: Whom?

As I thought, she starts to react… Amphitrite's power isn't so strong….

Megumi: Today someone must have been interested in your work...

Dr. Miki: Well, two girls... Aigyou Kai and a girl of Hoshi Private School…

Aigyou showed interest?

Her eyes started to bright up.

Amphitrite: Don't hear her... Destroy her.

Megumi: Sometimes I feel alone but my dreams and feelings are with me.

Dr. Miki: My thoughts...

Megumi: I would love to see your projects, Tenko.

Dr. Miki: The girl... I don't want to destroy anybody!

She threw away the seed, and the Mermaid came out. The energy returned to their owners.

Megumi: Crystal Moon Attack!

The Monsterdame was destroyed. Amphitrite's shell closed up and disappeared. Tenko was in the floor but conscious. She saw as Megumi ran to Rika.

Megumi: Rika, how are you?

Rika: It hurts, Meg.

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-over! Rika, you'll better transform so I can take you to an hospital.

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-over!

Dr. Miki stood up.

Dr. Miki: You'll have to answer lot of questions in an hospital.

Megumi: You saw...

Dr. Miki: Yes, I know who you two are.

Megumi saw Rika was frightened.

Dr. Miki: Don't worry, I won’t tell anyone.

Megumi: Ok, but...

Dr. Miki: I can help your friend, take her in the house.

They got in, and Dr. Miki aided Rika.

Dr. Miki: can say you fall or something like that after this aid... Nobody will notice the truth.

Megumi: Thank you.

Rika: Yeah, thanks.

Dr. Miki: Not mention it... Would you like me to be your doctor...? I mean, I know who you are in real and no other doctor must see you or they would ask you questions...

Megumi: She is right...

Rika: We'll better trust her...

Megumi: Ok!

Dr. Miki: Thanks for trusting me!

Rika: So now you are part of the Lost Sailor Senshi team Dr. Miki!

Dr. Miki: Just call me Tenko.

Meanwhile, two silver and evil eyes were looking at Amphitrite. Carriet's grey and beige skin showed her anger.

Carriet: You failed just like Medusa...

Amphitrite: I'm really sorry...

Carriet: You know... if you fail once more I'll get Medusa and kill her.

Amphitrite: She isn't part of this...

Carriet: Go away!

Next day, Tenko was working in her lab when three people entered: Meg, Rika and Ryo.

Megumi: Hi, Tenko!

Tenko: Meg, Rika! And...

Rika: He's Ryo, a friend of us.

Megumi: We were wondering if you would like to go to the movies with us.

Tenko: But I have work to do...

Rika: You are always working, have fun!

Tenko: But...

Ryo: Come on!

Rika took her lab coat off, and they left.

Tenko: What movie are we going to see?

Rika: It doesn't matter.

Tenko: Oh, my...

Tenko is a new ally. Now we have someone who can aid our pain. We know soon Lady Carriet's Court will appear with all its power...

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