Act XVI: Paint Attack.

A man was painting. His work was a landscape, with technology and spirit, day with night. He made his last touch. After a last look, he signed his name: Shun Kimagure (Capricious Genius).

Amphitrite: He is nice...

Carriet: He is your next victim. His energy is full of art love. If you destroy that energy and turn it bad we'll have a strong energy to destroy human race and the Lost Sailor Senshi.

Amphitrite: And Medusa could return...?

Carriet: That's your wish, isn’t it?

Amphitrite: Yes...

Carriet: But I doubt it will be ever true! Go away!

Megumi, Rika and Tenko were at an art gallery.

Rika: I don't wanted to come!

Megumi: Oh, shut up. You need to learn about art... And we have a report to make for Mia...

Tenko: You are always complaining, Rika...

Rika: Just a little...

Just a little... what a lie...

Tenko: Hey, look!

She pointed a landscape. Rika read it’s title.

Rika: Turning Point... by Shun Kimagure.

Tenko: It's wonderful! Don’t you think so, girls?

Guy: Thank you...

The three girls turned. He was brown haired boy of about twenty or twenty-two years old. Tenko blushed.

Tenko: Are you Mr. Kimagure?

He laughed.

Shun: Just call me Shun.

Tenko: Ok... I'm Tenko Miki; these are my friends Rika and Megumi.

Shun: Hi!

Both: Hi!

Shun: Would you three like to drink something with me?

Tenko: Sure!… I mean, all right!

Tenko had blushed even more. Both girls gave each other an accomplice look. The four of them went to a café inside the gallery. Two ice creams and two coffees were soon in their table.

Tenko: So you are an artist...

Shun: I’m trying to...

Tenko: That painting is great! You must be very famous!

Shun: Actually, I’m not... My father was a famous painter, and I would like to be like him... but I don't think I will...

Tenko: You have talent, follow your dreams...

Shun: Ok... Then, would you like to be the model of my next picture?

Tenko blushed.

Tenko: Me?

Shun: Sure. You have beauty.. I’m picturing it right now… A long blue dress… A green forest… You'll make a great composition...

Tenko: You can't be serious...

Shun: Of course I am!

Tenko: Then, I agree!

Rika and Meg smiled. Aigyou Kai passed near them.

Rika: Hey, Aigyou!

Aigyou: Rika... Hi! Hi, Meg. Dr. Miki...

Tenko: Just call me Tenko.

Aigyou: Tenko... and you...

Shun: I'm Shun Kimagure.

Aigyou: Hi.

Megumi: Have you come to the exposition? Shun is one of the artists!

Aigyou: Really? Well, I have to go. Nice to see you!

Megumi: Did Midori come with you?

Aigyou: No, she didn’t.

She ran away.

The Kai sisters are really strange...

Rika: I can't stand her!

Megumi: She has a problem... I can feel it.

Aigyou entered the bathroom and opened a dimensional door. She turned to Amphitrite and passed the door. Amphitrite was at Carriet's Court again. A purple-haired and brown-eyed boy was there. Amphitrite started to cry.

Boy: What happened, sister?

Amphitrite: Oh, Poseidon, I miss Medusa!

Poseidon: Don't say that name here again, she is a traitor and Lady Witch Carriet...

Amphitrite: I don't care what she says! I want my sister back.

Poseidon: Amphitrite, hear me. You must forget about our sister Medusa. Now, go and accomplish your mission.

Amphitrite: Ok...

The hours passed and the art gallery was closed. Only Shun was still inside, turning the lights off. Someone entered. Amphitrite.

Amphitrite: Hi, Shun.

Shun: Who are you and how did you get in here?

Amphitrite: I just walked in, Shun. And I am your friend...

Shun: I don't know you... How do you know my name?

Amphitrite: You are a great painter... no, you aren't. Your father was but you don't. You just work cleaning up the gallery and the owner had mercy of you and let you show your picture.

Shun: Shut up!

Amphitrite: You know its true... all artists laugh at you!

He put his hands over his ears. Amphitrite threw him a seed. His eyes grew darker.

Amphitrite: Now you must take revenge of all artists... Art-Merman.

Shun: Sure... madam...


Megumi: Admit it!

Rika: Don't deny it!

Tenko: Ok. Yes, I like him, so?

Rika: Yes! She likes Shun!

Megumi: It's wonderful!

Selenity entered by Megumi's window.

Selenity: Meg...

She looked at Tenko. Tenko heard her.

Tenko: Did that cat....

Megumi: Don't worry, Tenko. Selenity, this is Tenko and she already knows our identities.

Selenity looked at her with distrust.

Selenity: Ok. Meg, have you found Sailor Universe?

Megumi: No!

Selenity: Then give me the Universe localizer.

She took it out. Selenity closed her eyes and a ray came from her forehead heart. It shone and Selenity opened her eyes.

Selenity: It's better now...

Rika: What did you do?

Selenity: Now the Universe localizer also reacts when evil energy is near. I guess its better if it’s useful for different things.

It reacted.

Tenko: This means...

Selenity made this just in time...

Rika: Play time!

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

They transformed.

Tenko: Science Senshi Power, Make-up!

Both girls turned to see her.

Tenko: Just a joke! I'll stay here...

Both Sailor Senshi left following the Universe localizer sign. Tenko was following them.

Megumi: Evil energy comes from the art gallery.

Rika: Amphitrite...

Megumi: Yeah...

Both entered and saw Shun surrounded by drained people.

Both: Shun!

Megumi: This is your work, Amphitrite?

She appeared in her seashell.

Amphitrite: Nice to see you, Lost Senshi. He is my new creation... Art-Merman! Hey, show them your power.

Shun: Paint Attack!

The ray caught Rika and she transformed in a picture of herself.

Megumi: Sailor Pandora! You'll pay, Crystal Moon...

Amphitrite: Are you going to hurt a great artist?

She's right... I can't hurt Shun...

A ray caught Amphitrite. Meg turned and saw Medusa.

Medusa: Stop it, sister.

Amphitrite: You betrayed us... You betrayed me! Blue Sea Crystal!

A blue ray was thrown.

Medusa: Red Sea Crystal!

A red ray defended Medusa from the blue one.

Amphitrite: Come back to us, Carriet will have mercy...

Medusa: Never!

The blue ray made her fly away.

Megumi: Medusa!

Medusa: I'll be all right. Sorry, I couldn't help...

She disappeared.

Amphitrite: You are responsible of my sister betrayal! Art-Merman!

Shun: Paints prison!

Lot of pictures covered Megumi, so she couldn't move...

Amphitrite: Destroy her!

Shun: Artist's destruction...

Tenko: Stop!

He turned to her.

Shun: Tenko...

Tenko: What happened to you dreams, Shun?

Shun: They are impossible... I can't be a good artist!

Tenko: Just follow your dreams...

Amphitrite: Do not hear to her, Blue Sea Crystal!

Tenko fall by the power of the ray.

Shun: Tenko! You witch! You harmed Tenko!

He took out the seed and the energy returned to their owners. Art-Merman appeared at Amphitrite’s side. Shun ran to Tenko.

Shun: Tenko, are you all right?

Tenko: Yes, now you are back...

Amphitrite's face was covered with anger and she disappeared.

Megumi: Crystal Moon Attack!

Art-Merman was destroyed. Rika recovered her body.

Rika: I was a painting... I was a painting...

Megumi: Shut up, look at them...

They both saw how Tenko and Shun kissed. Amphitrite appeared in Carriet's Court. Poseidon was there.

Carriet: You failed... again.

Amphitrite: I'm sorry...

Carriet: Silence! Poseidon, you'll go next time. And you, Amphitrite, will be in a cell for a while...

Amphitrite: At least Medusa...

Carriet: She'll be punished! But not now... we can't waste time taking care of that traitor.

Megumi and Rika knocked Tenko's door. Shun opened it.

Shun: Who is it...? Oh, Meg and Rika, come in.

Megumi: What are you doing here?

Rika: You aren’t living here now, don't you?

Shun and Megumi blushed.

Megumi: Rika!

Shun: I'm just working, Rika. I'm doing Tenko's picture.

They saw Tenko in a long blue dress sitting with a chamber of music that represented a little forest in her hands.

Tenko: Hi, girls!

Both: Hi, Tenko!

They looked at Shun's picture.

Megumi: It's wonderful!

Shun: Tenko is wonderful...

Tenko blushed. Rika got near Megumi.

Rika: They are in love!

Megumi smiled.

Love, true love. Will I ever have one? Almoyver... Ryo... Will anyone bring me true love? Well, at least Tenko is happy, as she found her true love.

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