Act XVIII: Mia's Energy.

Meg and Rika were at school having a really boring time. It was the first day since Miss Uchuu, Mia, had left. Their old teacher, Mrs. Fay, had returned.

Mrs. Fay: Megumi Mayo...

Megumi: Here.

But I wish I wasn’t...

The class ended. Rika and Megumi joined Ryo.

Ryo: So, I heard your teacher is back...

Rika: Yeah!

Megumi: I really preferred Mia as a teacher...

Ryo: You two really liked her, didn’t you?

Megumi: She cared for us all.

Sue: Hey, the monster trio is together.

Rika: Disappear, Sue...

Sue: Are you mad because your friend Mia Uchuu has stopped being our teacher? I'm happy.

She left.

Megumi: I can't stand her!

Almoyver came near.

Almoyver: My dear Selene Meg!

Megumi: What do you want?

Almoyver: To be with you...

Rika: Hey, Al, that girl, Sue, was looking for you, go to see her... She needed to talk of something very important for you.

Almoyver: Are you sure?

Rika: Completely! Go!

She pushed him away. He followed Sue.

Rika: Free at last! Free at last! Thanks God almighty we are free at last!

Ryo laughed.

Megumi: Rika...

Rika: You didn't want to talk to him, did you?

Megumi: Well, you are right...

A purple-haired boy looked at them. He blushed. Rika noticed it.

Rika: Hey guys, that boy seems to like someone of us or Sue...

Megumi: Do you think so?

Rika ran to him.

Rika: Hey, do you like that girl?

The boy blushed.

Boy: Who are you?

Rika: I'm Rika Ogawano, and you?

Boy: I'm Poseiotto Kai.

Rika: Are you brother of Aigyou and Midori?

Poseiotto: Yeah...

Rika: Hey, Meg! He is Aigyou and Midori's brother!

Meg came to them.

Megumi: Hi! I'm a friend of you sisters, Megumi Mayo.

Poseiotto: I'm Poseiotto.

Ryo came and introduced himself.

Rika: Do you like Sue? Or Meg, by the way?

Megumi blushed.

Megumi: Rika!

Poseiotto: Neither of them, but she mentioned Mia Uchuu...

Megumi: Do you like Mia?

He blushed.

Poseiotto: I saw her once... so beautiful and energy-full... I would love to meet her...

Rika: We'll take you to her apartment!

The three friends took Poseiotto. They all walked to Mia's apartment in the Marble Building. The rang the bell. Mia opened the door.

Mia: Yeah?

Rika: Hi, Mia! We come for a visit! We also brought a friend, Poseiotto Kai.

Mia: Hi!

He blushed.

Mia: Come in!

The four got inside. Mia gave them same tea.

Mia: So, how is going school now I'm not your teacher anymore?

Megumi: Awful, Mrs. Fay is too boring...

Rika: Really boring!

Ryo: Thank God she's not my teacher...

Megumi: Just because you are a year older...

Mia: And Poseiotto, what’s your school’s name?

Poseiotto: Well... It's a new school that is hardly known. It's a good school...

Rika: You don't say its name as your sisters didn’t...

Poseiotto: Midori changed her school...

Megumi: Why didn't you?

Poseiotto: Hey, it is late! I have to go. Pleased to meet you, Miss Uchuu...

Poseiotto left and entered a narrow path. He took out his crystal and opened a dimensional door as Amphitrite had done before, when she was in mission. He appeared in Carriet's Court, and walked to a door. It was a cell, the cell in which Amphitrite was.

Poseidon: Sister...

Amphitrite: Poseidon...

Poseidon: How are you?

Amphitrite: Fine... Have you gone to Earth?

Poseidon: Yeah... I'm going to take Mia Uchuu's energy and destroy de Lost Sailor Senshi.

Amphitrite: You liked Mia, didn’t you?

Poseidon blushed.

Poseidon: I only saw her once, and we need her energy.

Amphitrite: I don't know if that's the better thing to do...

Poseidon: Sorry?

Amphitrite: Mia is a nice person. And do we really need to take over this blue planet?

Poseidon: The lost Senshi have brainwashed you... They'll pay...

Amphitrite: No, they haven’t, Poseidon...

He left. Mia was at home. Since she had sopping teaching at Hoshi Middle School, she had her mornings free. She didn't really need to work as her parents had left her a great inheritance when they died. She just studied some days in the afternoons. Then, the bell rang. Mia opened the door.

Mia: Hi, Poseiotto!

Poseiotto: Hi, Miss Uchuu.

Mia: Come in.

He entered.

Poseiotto: What were you doing?

Mia: Origami... actually, paper flowers.

Poseiotto raised a paper honeysuckle.

Poseiotto: Really good...

Mia: The honeysuckle is my favourite flower.

Poseiotto: It’s nice... Eh… Miss Uchuu, have you ever thought that your dreams might never become true?

Mia: I don't understand you...

She was doing a new paper flower.

Poseiotto: What's your biggest dream, Mia?

Mia: I thought it was to be a teacher... But…

Mia stood up and walked to a mirror.

Mia: Actually... discovering myself, my secrets...

Poseiotto: What did you said?

Mia turned smiling.

Mia: Nothing... Hey, I would like to be alone. Could you come back another day? I’m not having classes today, but I feel a little tired.

Poseiotto: Sure, I’m sorry.

Poseiotto crossed the door. As soon Mia closed it, he changed into Poseidon and floated to Mia's window.

Mia: I almost... Oh, my paper broke...

She passed her finger over it and the broken part disappeared.

What did she just do?

He entered flying.

Poseidon: I'm the Commander of Cyclopes, and I'll steal your energy!

Mia looked at him.

Mia: Go away!

He threw her a seed. Mia screamed.

Megumi: Mia!

She turned to the street.

Rika: What's wrong Meg?

Megumi: Mia has problems, Andromeda’s guardian must go help her!

She ran. Rika said goodbye to the strange-look of Ryo.

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

They pushed the door, and saw Mia still screaming.

Both: Mia!

Poseidon: (whisper) The seed hasn’t got her yet...

Suddenly, Mia stood without moving. When she opened her eyes, a golden light was in them. The seed disintegrated and she fell in the ground.

Poseidon: How did she...? A new seed!

He threw another seed and a paper flower Monsterdame appeared.

Poseidon: Attack! Flower-Cyclops!

It trapped both Senshi in huge paper flowers.

Rika: I can't breathe!

Megumi didn't know what to do when... You have the power, Selene...

Megumi: I have heard this voice before, when I was a little girl... in the Moon Kingdom... Mother!

You have to use your power; you can beat this flower...

Megumi: Crystal Moon Attack!

The flower was destroyed and so was Flower-Cyclops in just one attack.

Rika's flower disappeared.

Rika: Thanks!

Poseidon was surprised. Rika grabbed him from his arm.

Rika: Now you are going to tell us who Carriet really is...

Poseidon disappeared.

Rika: He escaped!

Megumi was at Mia's side.

Megumi: The seed didn't get Mia...

Rika: Mia's energy has a special wave... How did you felt Mia was in danger?

Megumi: I don't know.

Poseidon appeared in Carriet's Court.

Poseidon: My Queen...

Carriet: You failed! You'll be punished!

Poseidon appeared in Amphitrite's cell.

Poseidon: Sister...

Amphitrite: Oh, Poseidon!

Carriet stood up of her throne. She walked to a kind of monitor with buttons in the bottom. She pressed some and a static image appeared. A distorted grey face with red and green hair could be recognised.

Carriet: Father...

Image: The third Sea child has failed. You must destroy the Senshi and conquer the Earth for our empire...

Carriet: I'll try to do it, father...

In the other side of the throne a black mirror hanged. A pointed-eared blue-and-yellow-haired woman in a black dress appeared.

Woman: Daughter...

Carriet looked at her with scorn and left.

Mia woke-up.

Mia: What happened?

Rika: A monster attacked you...

Mia: Oh, my...

Megumi: Rika, let's leave her alone.

Both girls walked out the building. Selenity jumped to their side.

Selenity: I felt Lady Selene's energy near...

Megumi: I heard my mother... She gave me support... I felt warmth in her voice...

Selenity: Sailor Universe arrival is near... We must find her.

Carriet sat in her throne. A boy got near her.

Boy: My lady, I plead to you for my siblings...

Carriet: They failed me...

Boy: But...

Carriet: Oceanus, if the younger sister of the Sea children beats the Sailor Senshi I'll forgive your useless siblings, even Medusa.

Oceanus: Thanks. Have you heard that, Nereid? You must accomplish our mission.

A blonde haired girl in the shadows giggled.

Nereid: Of course, big brother.

Megumi felt a chill.

Megumi: Carriet is near... She wants our destruction...

Both, the battle with Carriet and the arrival of Sailor Universe are near, how I'm going to handle this? There are still three Sea children... If just Medusa told us the truth, but she isn't here...

Midori stared at the sea.

Midori: I'll save my brother and sister...

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