Act XIX: Dark Day-Dream

Megumi closed her eyes. She was really tired, and confused about her own feelings.

Since I’m Sailor Andromeda I have too many problems…

She started to fell asleep…

Nereid appeared in the dark sky, sitting in a dolphin. It was night.

Nereid: Night Power of Nereids, I command you! Find the one covered by Andromeda’s power and trap her in my imagination world, were her darkest and best wish can be made true!

Dark spirits went all over the city and covered Megumi. She opened her eyes… It was morning.

Megumi: It’s morning already? I don’t feel like I rest.

She put her glasses on, but noticed she didn’t needed then anymore.

Megumi: This is weird, I can look properly without them.

She changed her clothes and looked at the mirror. Then she saw it.

Megumi: My hair is all aquamarine!

She touched unbelieving.

My hair isn’t strange and I don’t need glasses anymore? What is going on?

Tei entered her room.

Tei: All right, you are already up. Hurry, or you could get late at school.

She left.

Tei was just NICE to me?

Megumi ran downstairs, were a long-wavy-aquamarine-haired woman was doing breakfast.

Megumi: Mom?

She turned and smiled. Yes, she was there. Mrs. Mizumi was alive.

Mizumi: Dear, hurry up or you’ll be late for school.

Megumi: Mama… You are alive…

Mizumi: Yes, I think so, don’t you?

Megumi sat and took her breakfast. As she was leaving, she turned to see her mother.

Megumi: Mama?

Mizumi: Yes?

She hugged her.

Megumi: I love you…

And she left. Mizumi smiled but then her face was full of sorrow.

Mizumi: I love you too, my dear...

Megumi ran to school full of joy.

Somehow all my wishes have come true…

She entered her class and saw Rika wasn’t there yet.

Megumi: What a day has she picked up to be late…

Sue walked in and sat in Rika’s desk.

Megumi: What are you doing, Sue? That’s Rika’s desk.

Sue whitened.

Sue: Rika’s desk? Megumi, haven’t you still assumed it? Rika died a time ago and she wasn’t even a close friend of yours…


Megumi: Died…?

Sue: Yes, have you forgotten it? I was there with her, as her best friend. She kept talking about a vampire… I sit here since then, to remember her…

Megumi: The vampire killed her…? Wasn’t I a close friend of Rika?

Sue: Well, she was always bugging you for nothing, so I guess she wasn’t… But we shouldn’t remember her in that way. She was always nice to me.

Rika is dead and we were never friends? What’s going on? And why is Sue so nice to me right now?

Megumi: You must to be lying… Sailor Andromeda saved Rika.

Sue: Who is Sailor Andromeda? And you know I wouldn’t lie about something so serious…

Megumi stood up and started to run away. Her eyes were starting to cry.

This can’t be true… Rika can’t be dead…

She hit someone and fell to the ground.

Ryo: Are you alright?

She turned to him.

Megumi: Ryo!

Ryo: Do I know you?

Megumi shocked. Sue ran to them.

Sue: Are you alright, Megumi? I’m sorry, Ryo, she is a bit nervous and didn’t saw you.

Ryo: So you are one of Sue’s friends? Then, I’m sorry. I wouldn’t like to harm one of my girlfriend’s friends…


Megumi: You are Sue’s boyfriend?

Ryo: Yes. We met the day I first came to school. I hit her accidentally, and we fell in love instantly.

Megumi: No, you met me!

Sue looked at her puzzled.

Sue: Are sure alright, Megumi?

Megumi stood up and started to ran.

This world has gone crazy… Why is Rika dead? And Ryo with Sue?

She looked for her necklace, but couldn’t find it.

Megumi: I lost my necklace? I have to find it!

She started to ran home. In the way, she saw Mako-chan’s Restaurant been repaired. Makoto was looking at it.

Megumi: What happened?

She turned to her and smiled.

Mako: Some monsters attacked it… And the Sailor Senshi couldn’t anything to stop it. As in the Hospital…

Megumi: The hospital?

Mako: Didn’t you heard some monsters attacked it? Everyone died…

She looked at the sky, with watered eyes.

Mako: (murmur) Now only Rei, Usagi and me are remaining…

Megumi: What? Didn’t Sailor Andromeda save the hospital?

Mako: Who is sailor Andromeda?

Megumi shocked.

Every act I performed as sailor Andromeda has vanished… I have to find my necklace and discover why is this going on…

She ran away. Nereid, meanwhile, was floating in her dolphin.

Nereid: I have to find her before my dream world vanishes… She must feel desperate… But where she is?

She continued looking. Megumi reached her house. In her house’s door, she found Selenity, really hurt.

Megumi: Selenity!

The cat looked at her.

Megumi: Do you know what is going on?

Cat: I have to find Selene…

She fainted.

Megumi: I’m Selene.

She took her, and entered her house. She ran to her room and left Selenity in her bed. After some minutes searching, she couldn’t find her necklace.

Megumi: I can’t turn in Sailor Andromeda if I don’t find it…

She ran downstairs.

Mizumi: I saw you with a cat… What are you doing here so early?

Megumi: Have you see a purple necklace with a kind of heart in it?

Mizumi: No…

An explosion was heard.

Megumi: What’s that?

Mizumi: Them… Those three strange kids that attack when nobody expects it…

Megumi looked through the window.

Megumi: Medusa, Poseidon and Amphitrite…

Mizumi: You know them, dear?

Megumi: I need my necklace…

Medusa walked to her house.

Medusa: Guys, let’s give some water to this house…

Mizumi: They are attacking us!

A large amount of water came from the stairs and inundated everything…

Megumi: Mother!

Mizumi was lost in the water. Megumi saw out. There, she stood all wet in front of the Sea Children.

Megumi: Why are you doing this?

Medusa: Our queen ordered us too…

Megumi: Medusa…

Medusa: Red Sea Crystal!

Poseidon: Purple Sea Crystal!

Amphitrite: Blue Sea Crystal!

The three attacked her. Nereid saw the power.

Nereid: She must be there!

Megumi opened her eyes.

Megumi: I see it… This world is just as if I was never sailor Andromeda… I don’t have any power, then…

Mizumi walked from the watered house and stood in front of Megumi.

Mizumi: You can break this dimension, dear…

Megumi: Mom?

Medusa: Red Sea Crystal!

Mizumi fell.

Megumi: Mother!

A thunder was heard. Megumi opened her eyes and found herself in a cloudy dimension.

Megumi: Where am I?

She was transformed in Sailor Andromeda and her hair had returned.

Megumi: I’m Sailor Andromeda again…

A female silhouette appeared in front her. It was Mizumi.

Mizumi: You did it…

Megumi: What was that world?

Mizumi: a world without sailor Andromeda, a world in which you are a normal girl…

Megumi: But it was terrible.

Mizumi: Indeed… Think of all the people you have helped. You are necessary…

Megumi: I understand that if there is no Sailor Andromeda the people she save don’t exist… But, why were you alive?

Mizumi: Sailor Andromeda had to be born without a mother.

Megumi: Than you did because of my destiny?

She started to cry.

Mizumi: Don’t say so… I’m glad to be an angel that can protect you…

Megumi: Then, why Ryo was Sue’s boyfriend? And Tei was nice to me? And my hair was different?

Mizumi: Tei and Sue were mice because they were no longer jealous of your hair.

Megumi: Jealous of my hair?

Mizumi: It is beautiful, Megumi. It is an inheritance of Andromeda. People in Andromeda have two coloured hair, as you. Don’t be ashamed of a wonderful characteristic you have.

Megumi: And Ryo?

Mizumi: Maybe Sailor Andromeda was destined to find Ryo… Not Megumi Mayo…

Megumi: We were destined to met?

Mizumi: I can’t say more… You were strong and defeated the evil world… I’m proud of you.

She disappeared. A Nereid covered of shadows appeared.

Nereid: Maybe you defeated me now, Sailor Andromeda, but I won’t fail anymore.

When she disappeared, Megumi woke-up. Rika was her bed’s side.

Megumi: Rika!

Rika turned to her.

Rika: Meg! You worried me! You didn’t opened you eyes the whole day. Your Aunt was really nervous, as Tei and your Grandpa were…

Megumi hugged her. Rika blushed.

Megumi: I’m glad you are here! One of the Sea Children trapped me in a dream of disillusion…

Rika: I see… Are you alright?

Megumi: Yes.

She sat in her bed.

Megumi: I saw my mother…

She turned to the sunset’s sky

Yes… She has given me strength to face my destiny… I’ll never regret being Andromeda anymore… Carriet, I won’t let you beat me.

Nereid stood in the sea.

Nereid: I’ll discover who you are, Sailor Andromeda.

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