Act XX: Tei's destiny

I never understand Tei. She has a pretty face, lot of friends but still continues to bother me...

Megumi: Tei!

Tei: What do you want?

Megumi: Someone called Asanuma wants to talk you...

Tei rushed to the telephone.

Tei: Hi, Asanuma... Wait. Meg, leave me alone!

Megumi left her.

That Tei... Will she ever grow-up?

Rika came.

Rika: Hi, Megumi!

Megumi: Hi!

Rika: That face... Tei is bugging you again?

Megumi: She thinks she is a princess of something...

A wavy-blonde-haired girl heard that. She rushed to them.

Girl: Hey, did you said "princess"?

Megumi: Just that my cousin acts as she is a...

The girl took out a notepad.

Girl: Pride... Probability: 80%!

Rika: Who are you?

Girl: Oh! I'm Nerai Kai (Sea Sight). Bye!

Megumi: Another Kai kid?

The girl looked with her pink eyes at Meg’s house. Nerai wore an uniform as Aigyou and Midori's but yellow coloured. She took out her notepad. There were lot of nonsense drawings and some notes.

Nerai: A Sailor Senshi is more likely to have pride and behave as a princess... maybe she is a Sailor Senshi...

Someone tapped her shoulder.

Nerai: Who's...?

Midori: You are here, Nereid...

Nerai: Medusa!

Midori: Stop fighting, Nereid, don't let your innocent hands be full of blood...

Nerai: If I beat the Senshi, Lady Witch Carriet will forgive you all...

Midori: Nereid...

She disappeared.

Nerai: I must destroy the Senshi, no matter what she says...

Tei came screaming from the second floor.

Tei: Meg! Meg!

Megumi: What's happening?

Tei: I got a call of the "Ocean Producers"! They want me in a casting!

Megumi: Isn't that too strange? How did they got your phone number? You don’t even have an agent or something of the sort…

Tei: I knew you'd be jealous, bye!

Megumi got a sweat drop in her head.

Will I be jealous of having an airhead?

Later, Tei entered a huge building. Lot of girls were at the saloon. A dark-glassed girl appeared.

Girl: Hi, everybody! I am here to take the best from yourselves and see what you really are!

Tei gasped. The girl spoke weird...

Girl: And now, the casting starts!

She took out a yellow crystal and she transformed into Nereid. She wore a black tiara, a skirt which right side was long and the left short. Her shirt was of yellow and orange waves. Her gloves and boots were as Medusa's.

Nereid: Day Power of Nereids, I command you! Show me the true form of these girls!

Each girl transformed in a different thing. Some turned to different animals, others to old people and Tei... She opened her eyes, dizzy. She then stared at herself and stood up, discovering she had a girl's size. She took out her mirror and grabbed it near her face desperately. Yeah, she was a six-year-old girl

Tei: I have become a little girl!

Megumi's eyes widen.

Rika: What's up?

Megumi: Tei...

The Universe Localizer started shining.

Megumi: We have work to do...

Tei stared at everyone with horror.

Tei: What have you done to them?

Nereid: Ha, ha, ha! They have shown their real forms. They act like animals, or feel like grumpy old people or are so immature as children!

Tei couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Nereid: Get mad! Your energy will be my Queen's!

Megumi: Stop!

Nereid looked up.

Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace, I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship, I'm Sailor Pandora!

Both: And we will defeat you in name of the Universe!

Nereid: The guilty ones of Amphitrite and Poseidon's punishment...

Megumi: Poseidon is punished to?

Nereid: I'm Commander Nereid of the Golden Sea and you'll see my power. Mix-Nereid...

A light flew from everyone's body and formed a weird looking Monsterdame.

MN: I'm Mix Nereid! Destroyed dreams!

Rays hurt both Senshi. Meanwhile, Amphitrite and Poseidon were in the cell. Medusa's face appeared in the bars.

Medusa: Sister!

Amphitrite: Medusa...

Poseidon: What are you doing here?

Medusa: I came to save you...

She opened the door with a key.

Amphitrite: Where did you get that?

Medusa: I borrowed it from a guard!

The three ran out.

Medusa: We must get into the dimensional door I opened... Without Carriet's power with us, the door will soon close...

They got into the chamber where the door was. The twins passed first but then...

Oceanus: Medusa!

He grabbed her hand. She turned.

Medusa: Brother... Let Amphitrite and Poseidon leave… I’ll stay if you like...

Oceanus: No... Go before they catch you...

Medusa smiled and passed through dimensional door. Some transparent guards got there.

Guard: Commander, the traitors escaped?

Oceanus: They were too fast...

Tei watched how the Senshi fell under the attacks.

Tei: What kind of Sailor Senshi are you?

Megumi watched that girl.

She's... I have seen her before... I know her but...

Tei: If you can't fight, then go away!

Go away? She can't be...

Megumi: Tei?

Tei: Do I know you?

Rika received another ray.

Rika: Meg!

Megumi: Rika!

Tei: Meg? Rika? Are them...?

Megumi kicked the Monsterdame. It pushed her away. Megumi fall in the floor.

Tei: If Sailor Andromeda is really Megumi... Hey, Meg, defeat that monster or you'll show me you are a LOSER!

Megumi stared at her. Tei smiled. Megumi stood up.

Megumi: You broke the dreams of lot of girls... I won’t forgive you! Andromeda Moon Power, trap the evil!

Her Andromeda Crystal Stick trapped the Monsterdame.

Megumi: Energy, return!

Sparkles of energy fell over the girls. Megumi stared at Nereid.

Megumi: Are you one of the Sea Children?

Nereid: Yeah, I'm the youngest child… My mission is to destroy you, so Lady Witch Carriet will forgive my older siblings...

Rika: If you are the youngest and we have already seen three of your siblings, the one who is missing is...

Nereid: My eldest brother... I'll see you soon! Really soon!

A dolphin appeared at her side and it jumped away with her.

Rika: Nereid...

Megumi stared as the girls woke up. Everyone had recovered her real form.

Megumi: Where's Tei?

Suddenly, she felt someone was pulling her skirt. She turned and found... a Chibi-Tei!

Megumi: Tei!!!

Tei: Why on Earth I'm still in this babyish body?

Megumi: I don't know...

Tei: Give me back my body or I'll tell everyone who you really are!!!

Megumi covered Tei’s mouth and jumped away with Rika.

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-over!

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-over!

Tei stared at them fascinated. But as soon they were normal girls, she remembered her frustration.

Tei: Return me to my form, you two!

Megumi: We wish to... but...

Rika: We don't know how... Maybe if we take her to Tenko...

They went to Tenko's lab.

Tenko: Hi, girls! Who's this little girl?

Tei: I'm not a little girl! I'm sixteen years old!!!

Megumi: Tenko, that’s true...

Tenko examined the girl.

Tenko: There is nothing wrong with her... except a great attitude problem...

Tei: I want my real body!!!

She started to stump her feet.

Megumi: Tei, if you don't control yourself, you'll show everyone that you are really a six-year-old girl!

Tei stood quietly. Selenity entered.

Selenity: Hi, girls... oops!

She looked at Tei.

Tei: That cat has talked!!!

Megumi covered her mouth again.

Megumi: Tei... I mean it...

Tei quiet out.

Megumi: This is Selenity, the cat who gave me my powers. Selenity, this is my cousin Tei, which has being turned into a little girl by Commander Nereid of the Golden Sea...

Selenity: Unbelievable... Give me your hand...

Tei gave her. Selenity put her paw in her and something shone for a second.

Megumi: What was that?

Selenity: Inside herself she wants to remain as she is... Until she knows herself and really want to be an adult, she'll not get her normal form... And I think she has a mission to achieve with this form...

Tenko: A mission?

Selenity: It's a secret... Meanwhile you'll have to deal with this, Tei...

Tei: I don't want! I'll tell mom about you two and what your friend made to me!

Megumi: Nereid isn’t our friend, and she won’t believe you... How are we going to convince Aunt Ran and Grandpa that Tei hasn’t changed?

Selenity: Take your Andromeda Crystal Stick, say to them "Hypnotic Andromeda One!" and then what you want them to do or believe.

Megumi and Tei went home. As soon Meg saw her Aunt, she took out her Andromeda Crystal Stick.

Megumi: Hypnotic Andromeda One, believe that Tei is six years old!

Aunt Ran gasped.

Aunt Ran: Tei! Why are you out so late? A girl of your age should be already in bed! Come here!

Tei: But...

Her mother took her up.

Megumi: It works... It will sure work with Grandpa too...

So Tei really wants to be a child... Will she ever return to her normal form? And what about Nereid? She's the new enemy... but where are Medusa, Amphitrite and Poseidon now?

Poseidon: We did it!

Amphitrite: Finally free!

Medusa: Now we must save our little sister...

She looked at the colourful sea of the sunset.

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