Act XXI: Chameleon Day

Tei run downstairs.

Tei: I'm late for elementary school!

She ran away. Megumi stared at her.

She has adapted to her new life... I almost feel proud of her.

Tei: Hey, Meg!

Megumi: Yes, Tei?

She stuck her tongue to her and ran away.

As I said... almost...

Ryo: Megumi, let's go to school.

Megumi: Yes!

She walked by his side. Nerai Kai watched them.

Nerai: Megumi Mayo seems to know Sailor Andromeda... Every time Megumi goes somewhere, Sailor Andromeda appears a while after. Golden Crystal Chameleon!

She turned into Megumi. She took a mirror.

Nerai: Pretty good... Will anyone notice I’m not her?

Megumi continued to walk with Ryo. Rika appeared.

Rika: Megumi, tell me it's not true!

Megumi: Sorry?

Rika: They saw you destroying the park's flowers and saying cuss words to a policeman!

Ryo: What? Meg has been with me all this time...

Megumi: Right...

Almoyver came to them.

Almoyver: Selene Meg... How did you come here so quickly?

Megumi: Huh?

Almoyver: Well, it doesn't matter... Have you told them?

Megumi: What?

Almoyver: That we are formally sweethearts!

Ryo and Rika's eyes widen.


Ryo: What are you saying?

He grabbed Almoyver from his shirt's collar.

Almoyver: We even kissed...

Ryo's face was full rage.

Megumi: That's not true Almoyver!

Almoyver: Of course it is! Just ten minutes ago...

Rika: Ten minutes ago?

Ryo: Meg was with me then...

Almoyver: Of course not, she was with me!

Megumi: Al, I was with Ryo...

Almoyver: It can't be...

Ryo laughed.

Ryo: You liar!

Almoyver: It's not a lie!

Megumi: Stop it, boys! Other people saw me destroying the park's flowers... Could it be a replica of myself?

The three of them saw each other.

Three: It could be...

Almoyver looked at Megumi.

Almoyver: I really thought she was you…

Rika and Megumi entered her classroom really late. Mrs. Fay looked mad. Sue stood up.

Sue: How do you dare to enter again!

Mrs. Fay: Go out of the classroom Miss Mayo!

Megumi: But...

Mrs. Fay: Out!!!

Megumi went out. She stayed at the door without knowing what to do. Lady Carriet was observing her.

Carriet: What's your plan, Nereid?

Nereid: I'll make that girl feel really bad so she'll call Sailor Andromeda for help and I'll destroy her then!

Carriet: Quite good... Go and do it!

Nereid jumped in her dolphin and disappeared. The black mirror's image woman appeared again.

Woman: Daughter...

Carriet: What do you want?

Woman: Don't hear Carboin...

Carriet: Mother... just shut up!

Nereid appeared at school. She watched Meg.

A replica? Could it be? If that's true, then it surely has come from the enemies... And that means they know my identity...

Selenity: Selene?

Megumi: Queen...

Selenity: What's up?

Megumi: Some sort of replica has being doing bad things and blaming me for doing them!

Selenity: Carriet...

Megumi: Maybe...

Rika went out.

Megumi: What happened?

Rika: They think you insulted Mrs. Fay and told her she'll never have children... that hurt her really much.

Megumi: It wasn't me...

Rika: I know... It was five minutes before we entered the classroom...

Nerai turned to Megumi. She smiled evilly.

Megumi entered the classroom, where Mrs. Fay still was. She was crying.

Megumi: Mrs. Fay?

Mrs. Fay stared at her.

Mrs. Fay: Go away...

Megumi: Please, Mrs. Fay... I want to apologise...

Mrs. Fay: ...

Megumi: I'm really sorry... I didn't meant what I said... You'll soon have children and I'll be pleased of babysitting them for free... What I said was as if another person had said it... I guess I was not quite myself this morning.

It was not myself...

Mrs. Fay smiled.

Mrs. Fay: You have never disappointed me... I guess it was just a flash of rebelliousness. I forgive you, but never do it again...

Megumi: Right!

Megumi went out and found Ryo.

Megumi: And Rika?

Ryo: She had to go and asked me to be with you as your witness.

Megumi: This replica is making me out of nerves!

Both walked to Meg's home in silence. Tei ran to they.

Tei: Megumi, I have to talk to you in private...

Ryo: Ok, I'll leave... Hey, is she your sixteen-year old cousin Tei?

Megumi: No... She's Chibi-Tei, my other cousin. Bye!!!

Megumi grabbed Tei by her arm and went to their garden.

Megumi: What's up?

Tei: A girl exactly as you came. She said she didn't like my hair. I told her that even if she was Sailor Andromeda, she couldn't treat me in that way. She smiled evilly and left. Then, Rika told me that a replica of yourself is destroying your prestige all over the town! It was her...

Megumi: Now we are sure she knows I'm Sailor Andromeda... Where's Rika!?

Tei: She went to find you...

Megumi ran by the city until she saw Rika in a park.

Megumi: Rika!

Rika turned, her eyes darker and her smile evil.

Rika: Meg...

Megumi: Have you found the replica?

Rika: No...

Megumi: We'll better transform, turn to Sailor Pandora. Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

She transformed. Rika laughed.

Megumi: Rika?

Rika: Fool! You have just transformed in front of my eyes and confirmed my suspects of your friend Rika being Sailor Pandora!

She pulled out a yellow crystal and Nereid's face appeared. Megumi shocked.

Megumi: Nereid...

Oh, my! What have I just done? Rika, come...

Rika heard something...

Rika: Megumi needs me...

Nereid twisted her fingers and a white unformed Monsterdame appeared.

Nereid: Chameleon-Nereid!

CN: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

It turned into Sailor Andromeda.

CN: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace, I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Megumi: Those are my lines!!!

Rika got to the park and found two Sailor Andromeda.

Rika: Hum... Whom must I help?

Meg 1: Me!

Meg 2: No, it's me, Rika!

Meg 1: Don't hear her, Rika. I am Megumi!

Meg 2: Me! I am Megumi Mayo!

Meg 1: Destroy her!

Meg 2: Please, recognise me!

Rika: Real Megumi will like better being recognised that destroying the other...

She ran to attack Meg 1. Megumi jumped away. When she looked again, there were two Sailor Pandora.

Megumi: She did it again!

Rika 1: Meg, destroy her!

Rika 2: No! Destroy her!

What I'm going to do? Hey, if I trick...

Megumi: I'll destroy both of you, as I have no other choice. God, I'll miss you in my wedding with Almoyver...

Rika 1: Are going to marry Almoyver?

Rika 2: Are you going to destroy both of us?

Megumi: Thanks, Rika, for worrying about my future... And you, false-Rika, no, I'll not destroy you both. Only you! Andromeda Crystal Attack!

The Monsterdame was destroyed. Both Senshi looked at Nereid.

Nereid: You’ve beat my most wonderful plan! You'll pay!

Nereid's dolphin appeared. Nereid jumped to it and attacked the Senshi from the sky. Both tried to avoid her attacks but she continued attacking.

It will hit us soon or late...

Medusa, Poseidon and Amphitrite appeared.

Medusa: Don't do it, Nereid!

Poseidon: Lady Carriet is evil...

Amphitrite: Come with us...

Nereid: Traitors... Golden Sea Crystal!

Poseidon: Purple Sea Wall!

Medusa: Red Sea Wall!

Amphitrite: Blue Sea Wall!

A coloured wall protected the Sea children.

Nereid: I'll be back... Oceanus and I will punish you for betraying Lady Carriet...

She jumped away with her dolphin.

Megumi: Medusa...

Medusa: I freed my brother and sister from Carriet. Don't worry, we'll help you against Carriet's Court...

Amphitrite: But we must leave before she finds us...

Poseidon: Bye!

They disappeared.

Sea children...

Megumi and Rika returned home. Tei was at the door, with Selenity.

Tei: Was she an enemy?

Megumi nodded.

Tei: Thanks to me you defeat her!

Rika: Thanks to you the enemies know our secret identities...

Carriet stared at Nereid.

Carriet: Failed... You didn't even discover Sailor Andromeda's true identity... You'll have just one more chance...

She left. Nereid stood up.

Nereid: I know who Sailor Andromeda is but I'll use this information to destroy her by surprise, and make Lady Carriet happy...

Oceanus heard her and turned away.

Megumi felt shivers.

I know I must be calm and cool-headed but I'm afraid now the enemies know our identities... They can harm the people I love... Tei... Auntie... Grandpa... Mia... Almoyver... Ryo... Ryo...

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