Act XXIII: The Ocean Ruler

Megumi was really surprised of discovering that the Kai kids were really the Sea Children. Thought, everything got back to normal when she was sure they were going to help them. The one who couldn't get someone out of her mind was Rika. She still remembered the boy she had hit some days ago.

Megumi: Rika, you should forget about him. You'll may never see him again...

Rika: But there was something in his eyes...

Megumi couldn't understand how Rika could almost love someone she didn't know... Rika had always been pretty harsh with boys. Megumi had really been surprised when she become good friends with Ryo. But Rika’s wish was true at last… When she was walking on the street, she hit someone.

Rika: Sorry...

He looked her eyes. She blushed.

Boy: I'm also sorry...

He intended to go.

Rika: Wait! Could you tell me your name?

Boy: I'm Osamu... (Ruler)

Rika: I'm Rika...

Osamu: Well, bye, Rika!

He left. Rika stared at him blushing. Megumi appeared in her back.

Megumi: Hi, Rika!

Rika: Oh, Meg. I have again seen the boy of my dreams!

Megumi: The green haired one?

Rika: Yes... His name is Osamu...

Megumi: And his family name?

Rika: He didn't tell... He is so cute!

Megumi: You must calm down...

The boy continued walking.

Osamu: That girl was really beautiful… and so nice...

A sign appeared in his hand. He hid it.

Osamu: Tenant Oceanus, here.

Lady Carriet appeared in his hand.

Carriet: How are you going?

Osamu: I haven't found a good place yet.

Carriet: You must find a place where we can get lot of energy and then use it to destroy human race...

Osamu: If I do... you'll forgive my siblings?

Carriet: Of course.

Osamu: May I... save a human girl?

Carriet: Sorry?

Osamu: There is this human girl who is so nice and I don't know, when I see her...

Carriet: All humans must be destroyed... but you can keep a pet if you really want to...

Osamu: Thanks, my Lady...

Carriet disappeared.

Osamu: My sisters, my brothers and Rika are saved...

Rika continued walking with Megumi.

Rika: But he's really wonderful...

Megumi: Stop it, you don't know him.

Osamu walked to Rika and covered her eyes from her back.

Osamu: Who is it?

Rika: Osamu!

She turned smiling. Megumi stared at him.

Megumi: So you are Osamu...

Osamu looked at her and froze.

Osamu: (murmur) Andromeda...

Rika: Sorry?

Osamu: Nothing... I must leave...

Rika: But you have just came...

He ran away.

Megumi: How brave!

Rika: Something is wrong... He shouldn't have run away if something weren't wrong.

Megumi: You are a paranoiac... Hey, there's Mia!

Mia started walking dizzily.

Megumi: Mia?

She fainted.

Both: Mia!

They ran to her.

Megumi: Mia! What's wrong?

Please, Mia... Not again...

Megumi's head straightened.

Megumi: Again?

Rika: We must take her to her house...

Megumi turned and nodded. When they left Mia in her bed, she started collapsing. Energy blasted from her.

Rika: What's that?

Megumi: I haven’t the less idea...

Mia's eyes wide-opened.

Mia: Where am I?

Megumi: You are home, Mia... You fainted...

Mia: Again?

Rika: Has this happened to you before?

Mia: Yes, since the day this Poseidon, a strange boy, attacked me...

Megumi: And... this energy?

Mia: Energy? Oh, the light that comes from me while I'm fainted? I don't know...

Rika: We must leave... Will you be all right?

Mia: Sure, just go.

Megumi and Rika left. Megumi was really worried.

Megumi: When I saw her faint... I felt as I had lived that before...

Rika: Another past life adventure?

Megumi: Who knows?

Osamu was watching them...

Osamu: Why are you Sailor Andromeda's friend, Rika?

Megumi entered her house and Rika left. Osamu came to her.

Osamu: Hi again!

Rika: Osamu! Are you following me, or something?

He blushed.

Osamu: No...

Rika saw his light green eyes. Yes, he had a secret.

Osamu: So, who was that girl?

Rika: Megumi...

Osamu: And she's your...

Rika: Best friend...

Osamu: You know her from a long time?

Rika: Since we were very young... But, what's up? Are you interested in Megumi?

She said this with a really sad voice.

Osamu: No, take it for sure.

Rika: Then, why are you asking so much about her?

Osamu: I don't know... I feel something is wrong with her.

Rika stopped walking. Osamu stared at her.

Osamu: Rika?

Rika: Megumi is my best friend and I won’t allow anyone say bad things about her...

She turned back and Osamu grabbed her hand. She blushed.

Osamu: Sorry...

Rika turned.

Rika: Ok.

They continued walking.

Rika: So, how old are you?

Osamu: I’m sixteen.

Rika: You are a year older than me, then…

Osamu: You are from Japan?

Rika: Yes, but my mother is American.

Osamu: Really?

Rika: Yes, that’s why my little sister is named Jane.

Osamu: I see. You are just two sisters?

Rika: Yes, I’m the eldest.

Osamu: I’m the eldest of my siblings too.

Rika: How many brothers and sisters have you got?

Osamu: Two sisters and two brothers.

Rika: You must drive your parents crazy.

Osamu: Actually, I’m orphan.

Rika saddened.

Rika: Oh, I’m sorry…

Osamu: Don’t be… It’s just that way.

Rika: Then, you are responsible for all of them?

Osamu: Yes. When our mother died, after our father had, her employer took care of us and raised us up. I guess it was the best that could have happened to us, as he was very powerful. But of course, there are some troubles about having a great debt to someone so powerful.

Rika: Like what?

Osamu: His only daughter is in love with me.

Rika: I see…

Osamu: But I’m not in love with her.

Rika blushed.

He is so cute…

Rika: You haven't told me your family name yet...

Osamu: Neither have you...

Rika: I'm Rika Ogawano...

Osamu: I'm...

The sign reappeared in his hand.

Osamu: I have to leave...

He ran away.

Rika: Osamu! Wait! What's wrong?

Osamu stopped far away.

Osamu: If I tell her my family name is Kai, she can tell Sailor Andromeda and she'll discover me... Lady Carriet, I’m hearing you…

Next day, Rika told Megumi everything, way to school.

Megumi: He' really weird...

Rika: He has a secret...

Osamu watched them.

Osamu: That school... is the perfect place!

At night, he appeared in the roof of the school. He turned into Oceanus.

Oceanus: Students of the entire city, come to me!

A girl seeing TV stood and left her house.

A boy ready to sleep opened his door and left.

Megumi felt shivers.

Megumi: Something is wrong...

The Universe localizer started shining.

Megumi: The last Sea child has arrived...

Ten minutes later Rika and her reached the school. Lots of kids entered in it, covered with a black shadows. Oceanus saw Rika.

Oceanus: She must not enter in the school...

Rika: What happens?

Megumi: I bet its Carriet’s fault...

Rika: Should we transform, then?

Osamu appeared in front of them.

Osamu: Don't go inside, it's dangerous...

Megumi: How did you come here?

I knew this guy wasn’t ordinary.

Osamu: Someone called me... But I could break his spell on me… we should leave.

Rika: Osamu, leave. As you said, this is dangerous... We’ll try to figure out how to save the students that are still inside.

Megumi: Go away! Now!

Osamu: I will not! I didn't wanted to do this... Green Sea Crystal!

He turned into Oceanus.

Oceanus: I’m Tenant Oceanus of the Green Oceans!

Rika's eyes widen.

Rika: You are...

Megumi: Rika…

I’m sorry…

Megumi: It’s time to fight, Rika. Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

She transformed.

Megumi: Come on, Rika!

Oceanus turned to Rika.

Oceanus: What?

Rika: I’m so sorry… Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

Oceanus: Rika, you are...

She transformed into Sailor Pandora and looked at him.

Now the Sailor Senshi’s tragic destiny has reached Sailor Pandora… Rika, we shall fight with the one you love.

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