Act XXIV: Oceanus and Pandora

Oceanus: Rika, you are...

Rika looked at Oceanus with tears in her eyes.

Rika: Osamu…

Megumi: Come on, Rika. I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace, I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship, I'm Sailor Pandora!

Both: And we will defeat you in name of the Universe!

Megumi jumped to him and tried to hit him. Oceanus threw her away.

Oceanus: Green Sea Crystal, attack!

Rika: Pandora Protection Wall!

A force camp appeared from her hands.

Oceanus: Rika…

Rika: I can't attack you... but I'll help my friend!

Oceanus stood up and looked at her.

Oceanus: I can't either fight with you... But I have to accomplish my mission. Lady Carriet will let you survive! I asked for you and she accepted. So don’t interfere!

Rika: I can’t let you destroy my planet.

Rika turned to Megumi. She was looking at him not quite sure of what was going on. Four figures appeared between.

Medusa: We...

Poseidon: ...are...

Amphitrite: ...the...

Nereid: ...Sea...

All: ...Children!

Medusa: Hi, Oceanus!

He stared at them.

Nereid: Students of the entire city... you are free!

All the kids woke-up and returned to their homes confused.

Medusa: Now, Oceanus... What are you doing?

Oceanus: Are you asking? I'm doing all of this for you! Our mother told me to take care of you four... Only Carriet can make us happy... She'll destroy the ones that aren't at her side!

Medusa's face softened.

Medusa: Dear big brother, we are happy now we aren't part of the destruction of the world...

Amphitrite: We want normal lives...

Poseidon: To have friends...

Nereid: And to love...

Oceanus stared at Rika. She blushed. But Oceanus looked away.

Oceanus: You are all fools!

He disappeared.

Rika: Osamu…

Megumi looked at her friend.

Megumi: He’ll come back…

I really hope so…

Carriet was looking at them.

Carriet: Ha! You thought you’ll take Oceanus away from me, foolish Lost Senshi? Oceanus loves me.

Man: He hasn’t come back to you, have he?

Carriet turned to her father’s monitor.

Carriet: What are you talking about, father?

Carboin: He hasn’t accepted their words, but haven’t returned here, anyway.

Carriet: He’ll come back. He loves me!

Carboin: Don’t trust love. See what happened to your mother for trusting love…

Carriet: Mother…


Carriet was a little girl, playing with a young Oceanus.

Oceanus: You are very nice, princess…

Carriet blushed.

Carriet: Thank you.

The woman of the portrait, Carriet’s mother, got in the room.

Woman: Oceanus, please leave. We need to talk to Carriet in private…

Oceanus left. A big man entered the room.

Carboin: Carriet, your mother and I have to talk about something important to you.

Woman: We are separating… Your father is insane.

Carboin laughed.

Carboin: Your mother has gotten the idea than I’m possessed by some sort of evil entity and it has driven me crazy. Don’t you think that’s a weird thing to believe?

Carriet: Mother?

Woman: Carboin, you can do whatever you like… But please, let me take Carriet away. She is a good girl…

Carriet: Father?

Carboin smiled softly.

Carboin: My dear Harriet, do you really believe I would make Carriet suffer? She is my only daughter and heir.

The woman smiled.

Harriet: Then, you’ll let me take her away?

Carboin: Sure… Come here, and let me kiss you one last time…

Carriet observed everything.

Carriet: Mother?

Harriet walked closer Carboin.

Harriet: Carboin…

Carboin smiled evilly and pushed her away to a mirror. The mirror absorbed her and she disappeared.

Carriet: Mother!

Carboin took Carriet to his knees.

Carboin: Do you know what have just happened to your mother?

Carriet: You trapped her!

Carboin: No, she was betrayed by her heart. You can’t believe in others’ love. You’ll be deceived.

Carriet: Really?

Carboin: Yes, my dear. Now it will only be you and me. I’ll conquer the entire Universe and you’ll be right at my side.

Carriet: I’ll be a great princess?

Carboin: You’ll be a Lady Witch!

Carriet: With much power?

Carboin: Yes!

Carriet: Then, could mother come back?

Carboin: No… She is a fool.

Carriet: Oh…

Harriet’s face appeared in the mirror.

Harriet: Carriet, don’t listen to him…

Carriet: Bye, bye, fool.

She smiled innocently.]

Carriet’s eyes were full of tears.

Carriet: Mother…

Carboin: Never trust love.

Carriet: Never trust love…

Oceanus was standing in front of the sea.

Oceanus: Why have they betrayed Carriet. I mean, Carboin has given us everything since we were very little kids…

He looked at the sky.

Oceanus: Thought, I had always felt that they were just using us. And Carriet is obsessed about this planet that has no guilt.

Oceanus looked at the see again.

Oceanus: Rika…

He remembered her smile.

Oceanus: I’m starting to feel my siblings are right…

Midori looked at the house that was in front of her.

Midori: I guess it’s quite big.

Megumi smiled and rang the bell. Tenko opened and smiled to the group that was in front of her house.

Tenko: Hi, everyone. You came just in time. The rooms are ready.

Aigyou and Nerai looked at her with a bit of distrust.

Aigyou: Are you Tenko Miki?

Tenko: Right. You are Aigyou, the blue one, right?

Aigyou: Yeah.

Midori: I’m Midori.

Nerai: I’m Nerai!

Poseiotto: I’m Poseiotto.

Shun appeared in Tenko’s back.

Shun: Well, I’m Shun Kimagure. Want to see your rooms?

Megumi smiled at him.

Megumi: Let’s go upstairs.

The Kai kids, Meg, Rika, Tenko and Shun looked at a three-bed room that was light blue and had a red, yellow and blue decoration near each bed.

Midori: It’s lovely…

Poseiotto: And my room?

They went to the room at it’s side. It was light green and had two beds. One was purple and the other green.

Poseiotto: Well, I like it!

Rika’s eyes saddened.

Rika: That bed should be Osamu’s…

Megumi looked at her. Poseiotto fell in his bed.

Poseiotto: He’ll come to us.

Midori: I’m sure Oceanus will find the truth in his heart.

Aigyou: As I saw, he seemed to like you a lot.

Rika blushed.

Rika: But he left.

Midori: He’ll come to us. He can feel we all are here now.

Oceanus: Indeed.

They all turned to see Oceanus coming in from the window.

Oceanus: Surprised to see me?

Midori: I hope you have come here to join us.

Oceanus: You are always too proud to listen to others, eh sister?

Nerai: Brother, you told me the most important thing was the happiness of all of us.

Oceanus: That’s true. But you really think love and friendship can make us happy?

Aigyou: Yes.

Oceanus turned to Rika.

Oceanus: Do you think so too?

Rika blushed.

Rika: Osamu…

Oceanus sighed resigned.

Oceanus: Well, I guess I should stay to see how love is like, don’t you think?

He turned in Osamu. Her siblings hugged him. Rika started to cry. Osamu walked to her.

Osamu: Don’t you cry, I want you to be happy…

Rika smiled and hugged him. Osamu blushed. Tenko, Shun and Megumi smiled.

Osamu: Well, after all this drama… What is this place?

Nerai: It’s Tenko’s house. She is friend of the Lost Senshi and has agreed to give us these rooms to live in. She’ll be as our adopted mother in Earth.

Tenko smiled at her.

Osamu: A quite young mother, indeed. But I guess if she is Rika’s friend… I can trust her.

Tenko: Having you all will be my pleasure. I always wanted a big family.

Megumi smiled.

Thanks god everyone is happy at last. But I know the final battle is very near…

Carriet was furious. She had just seen the scene.

Carriet: My loyal Oceanus, you betrayed me for that stupid little human... But know I know the Lost Sailor Senshi identities... and I'll destroy them and conquer the world!

Carboin appeared in his monitor.

Carboin: Their mother was a terrible servant anyway… Make them pay, Carriet!

Carriet: Yes!

In night, Poseiotto and Isamu were in their beds. Suddenly, they heard a great noise. Midori, Nerai, Aigyou and Tenko walked to their room.

Nerai: What was that?

A huge wind made them all fly in the sky and fell in their small garden. Poseiotto protected Tenko. Carriet’s face appeared in the sky. The Kai kids transformed to the Sea Children.

Carriet: Your Senshi will pay for making you betray me!

Oceanus: Stop it Carriet!

Carriet: Die!

They all fell weak in the ground.

Carriet: Tomorrow will be the Lost Sailor Senshi’s last day…

Oceanus: Rika…

Meanwhile, Mia's body was covered by a blue energy.

Mia: No... No... Selene...!

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