Act XVI: Final Battle (Part II):

Sailor Universe - Mia's goodbye

Megumi: Rika, are you alright?

She couldn't believe what she had done... Rika opened her eyes.

Rika: I'm Ok, Meg, now you are back...

Mia's light stopped. She had seen everything, heard the story and remembered...

Mia: Selenity, give me back my power...

Selenity: How do you know I'm...

She looked at her with surprise.

Selenity: You are...

Mia: Yes, I couldn't remember until now I heard my own story and how it affected Megumi...

Selenity transformed her forehead heart to a crescent moon and it shone to one in Mia's forehead. Two turquoise earrings appeared in her ears. She touched them and a blue transformation stick with a symbol appeared. It had a star in the middle and two pink marks on both sides.

Mia: Universe’s Protection Power, Make-up!

Five stars fell in her body. From her feet appeared two pink long boots, pink gloves from her hands, and two pink stars that covered her odango. A yellow, pink and blue sailor suit appeared. Her bow was pink, and had a pink star in the centre that was in front of a yellow heart. A star appeared in her forehead and then turned into a pink tiara. A star gleamed from her collar.

Mia: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe's well being, I'm Sailor Universe!

She jumped to Dark Andromeda and took her to Rika.

DA: Mia, you are Sailor Universe, my past life mother...

Mia: Yes, Meg, but I couldn't remember...

DA: You didn't died... You abandoned me...

Mia: No, I was forced to. As I had Universe power, I had to go to the Universe Palace and stay there all my life. If I told you I was alive, but couldn't see you... You will have suffered. I didn't wanted you to suffer. I watched you from the distance. A year later the Moon's tragedy happened I died too, when an alien race tried to destroy Earth. I met Selenity's spirit and she gave me an opportunity once again...

DA: You too have suffered a lot...

Mia: I guess, but now I'm with you again, my Selene...

Dark Andromeda hugged Mia and then turned into Megumi. Rika stood up.

Rika: You are back!

Mia: Lady Pearl, now we must join our powers to destroy the enemy...

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

Selenity shone and appeared in her queen form.

Selenity: I'll help you too...

Megumi: Infant Selene!

Rika: Infant Pearl!

Mia: Lady Selene!

Mia, Meg and Rika appeared in princess dresses.

Mia: Sister...

Selenity Sister...

Mia: We are together again, fighting the evil...

They all got together and stared at Carriet.

Megumi: Andromeda's Power!

Rica: Pandora's Power!

Selenity: Moon Power!

Mia: Universe's Power!

Four rays shone from their foreheads and joined in one. Carriet laughed and made a force wall.

Carriet: You can't beat me!

The Five Sea Children appeared at their side.

Megumi: Sea Children, leave us!

Oceanus: No, we'll defeat her!

They all took out their Sea Crystals.

Nereid: Golden Sea Crystal!

Oceanus: Green Sea Crystal!

Amphitrite: Blue Sea Crystal!

Poseidon: Purple Sea Crystal!

Medusa: Red Sea Crystal!

They threw rays, which joined the Senshi’s. The force camp was destroyed.

Carriet: Dad! Help me!

Carboin: You fool, do you think I'm going to help you?

Carriet started to cry and disappeared. Megumi disappeared too.

Rika: Meg!

Mia: She is fine.

Megumi appeared in a crystal room. A little Carriet was there, crying.

Megumi: What’s wrong?

Carriet: Leave me... Just destroy me and I'll never suffer again...

Megumi: Why did you try to conquer this world?

Carriet: My father ordered it to me... I though he loved me... My mother told me not to do it, but he trapped her in a mirror...

A black mirror appeared, with Carriet's mother inside.

Carriet: Queen Harriet of Carbonic...

Megumi: Set her free...

Carriet: She hates me, anyway... Black sided mirror, free your prisoner!

Harriet came out of the mirror. She hugged Carriet.

Harriet: My girl, I forgive you. I could never hate you... Your father was the evil one...

Carriet: But...

Harriet: His influence was the one that made you evil... His soul changed... But now we can return to our world and make the empire a nice place to live in.

Carriet smiled. They turned in a sphere of light.

Both: Thank you!

Carriet: Tell Oceanus I’ll never forget him… And to be happy at that human girl’s side.

It flew away. Megumi reappeared at her friends’ side. Selenity was a cat again.

Rika: Meg, where were you?

Megumi: With Carriet...

Oceanus: So?

Megumi: Carriet is gone... She has left with her mother to her world... Only Carboin remains...

Carboin's figure appeared.

Carboin: You'll never destroy me!

Mia: He is more powerful than Carriet... Leave it to me...

A pink stick with a blue crystal on top appeared in her hands. It had yellow marks on both sides and a blue heart in the middle.

Mia: My Universe Crystal Protector...

She turned into Sailor Universe and flew to Carboin.

Mia: Universe Crystal Revolution!

She made circles with her stick and it formed a great ball of energy.

Mia: Destroy Evil!

Carboin's laugh continued.

Mia: Extra force of the Milky Way!

A great explosion followed it. The girls and Sea children covered their eyes. When they opened them, Mia was flying in the black sky. A rain of star was all over her. Purple and pink light balls surrounded her.

Mia: The enemy has been destroyed, an ambitious spirit had possessed Carboin and destroyed his soul long ago...

Megumi: The battle has finished then...

Mia smiled. She looked at the sky.

Mia: There are lots of battles to come...

Megumi: But now you are with us... You are the last Lost Sailor Senshi...

Mia: But I have to leave...

Rika: Where?

Selenity looked at her. She understood what she meant.

Mia: To Universe Palace, to fulfil my destiny... I have to...

Rika: Universe Palace?

Mia: A flying palace over all galaxies... It's made of gold and silver, full of jewels... The Sailor guardians live there and protect every civilization in Universe...

Megumi: You have to leave again?

Mia: Yes... But don't worry, I'll watch for you from there...

Megumi: I have so many things to ask you...

Mia: Follow your heart, Selene. It will know what's better for you... It will help you decide if Ryo or Almoyver is the best one for your life...

Megumi blushed.

I hadn't told Mia about my two boy-friends.

Megumi: How did you know?

Mia: Universe's spirit told me. Just remember, my dear, people don't change in a day... And remember your feelings when you first saw both. Rika, be a good girl... Make your father, wherever he is, proud of you... Tsukiou deserves a brave daughter as you...

Rika: Sure.

Mia: Osamu, I know you are Tenant Oceanus of the Green Ocean... Take care of her always, as she cares for you... Love is the most precious thing that anyone can have...

He blushed as Rika.

Osamu: I'll do...

Mia: Selenity, protect them all, please... You were the queen once. I trust you, my sister... As I trust that your daughter will be the new Queen someday...

Selenity: I'll do. You know I will.

Mia: Of course... I say goodbye, Selene, as I didn't do the last time. Bye, Rika Pearl... Goodbye, Sea Children... Or shall I call you Kai kids? Goodbye my dearest sister...

Mia flew away to the sky leaving as a shooting star. Megumi suddenly saw a great light and was blinded.

Megumi opened her eyes.

I'm at home... But I was in the space... Is Mia? Was it...?

Megumi: Was everything a dream?

She looked at her clock. School was over by now. She ran out and found Rika at the garden..

Rika: Is this the end of the battles? I woke-up in my house...

It wasn't a dream!

Megumi: I guess it is the end... but Mia...

They ran to school. Everyone was leaving.

Rika: We'll have to find a good excuse for being absent...

A ninth-grader came to them.

Girl: Sorry, do you know Megumi Mayo or Rika Ogawano from eight grade?

Megumi: We are them.

Girl: A teacher who supposedly had to start teaching us left this letter for you. She said she had to leave to fulfil her destiny or something as weird...

She gave them a letter. Megumi opened and read it.

Megumi: "Infants of the Moon: I have to go, but I'll may come back one day. Take care of my apartment. It's yours now. It could be a great headquarters for you two. Loves you... Mia - Sailor Universe - Lady Selene."

Ryo came to them.

Ryo: What happened to you? I saw you fly in the sky with Miss Mia and a cat...

Megumi: Evil people... Sailor Andromeda and Sailor Pandora saved the day again...with Sailor Universe’s help... I can't talk now; we have to go...

They ran to the apartment and saw it was full of a great light and beautifully decorated.

Rika: A gift?

Megumi: A promise... than one day she'll return...

Megumi ran to the window and looked at the sky. Maybe, beyond the infinity of stars there were... There was an unique star watching over them, to be sure they were happy...

Mia will return, I know it. One day I'll see my past life mother again... And then I'll tell her, which of the boys I really love... Either Almoyver or Ryo...

The End

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