A blonde, young lady walked through a palace room, looking at the starry night.

Lady: Are you going to attack, Tenebris?

All the palace suddenly moved. A red-haired lady ran to her side, very worried.

Girl: We must leave, queen.

Lady: I won’t let her frighten us!

And suddenly started to disappear.

Lady: What’s happening…? Alexandra…?

The lady disappeared completely.

Girl: Queen Liz Celeste!

A sharp laugh was heard.

Sailor Andromeda 1st Movie
The Castle of Andromeda

The sun covers the trees’ leaves. Everyone is happy and relaxed. We all feel free today…

Megumi and Rika ran to their school’s door. When they were out, Rika gave her a wide smile.

Rika: At last, summer vacations!

Megumi: This year has been really intense! Turning into a Sailor Senshi, facing my past life memories, saving Earth… But I guess everything turned out well…

Rika: Even when you aren’t sure of your own feelings yet. I mean, about Ryo and Almoyver.

Megumi blushed.

Megumi: I had no time to think about that.

Megumi started to leave, and Rika followed her.

Rika: Well, I have had… I think Ryo is your best option.

Megumi: You are just saying that because he is your friend. I’m not even sure if I just like him for his resemblance with Almoyver.

Rika: I guess you’ll never be sure.

Megumi: Anyway, what are you going to do in these vacations?

Rika: Didn’t I tell you? Mom, Dad and Jane went to the United States to visit Grandma.

Megumi: Why didn’t you?

Rika: Well… I told Mom I had to study, but the truth is…

Megumi: It’s your first summer with Osamu.

Rika blushed.

Rika: Right!

Megumi smiled. But suddenly, felt a pain in her heart.

What’s this?

Megumi: Rika…

She started to disappear.

Rika: What’s happening, Megumi?

She disappeared from her sight.

Rika: Megumi! Megumi!


Megumi opened her eyes as she reappeared in front of a dark woman. At her side appeared a blonde lady.

Lady: Tenebris! How have you dare to bring me here?

Megumi turned to both woman.

Megumi: Where am I?

The dark woman looked at her with disgust.

Woman: Who are you, kid? I called for the two heirs of Andromeda’s power… And you are not Infant Sarah!

The lady turned to Megumi.

Lady: Who are you? You have the bi-coloured hair of Andromeda’s people, but your clothes…

Megumi: I’m Megumi Mayo, from Japan.

Woman: Japan? What’s that?

The blonde lady smiled to her.

Lady: You are from the Earth, then! It’s been a long time since I saw an Earth person.

Oh no, this means I’m no longer IN Earth.

Megumi: Where are we?

The dark woman smiled evilly.

Woman: This is my spaceship, Thanatos. I’m Lady Tenebris Oskura. You two are my prisoners, even when I don’t know who you are…

Megumi: What?

Lady: Let her return to Earth, she has nothing to do with us!

Woman: Tenebrous Amazons, take Queen Lizzy Celeste and that girl to a cell.

Ten strong women surrounded them. They forced them to enter in a cell. Megumi sat in the ground. The lady looked at her.

Lady: I’m sorry you are here. I don’t know why you were brought… Let me introduce myself. I’m Queen Elizabeth Celeste Jale Crusher of Andromeda.

Megumi: Andromeda?

Celeste: Yes. You may not know Andromeda exists, but it is a planet near Pluto. It’s hidden for human eyes. Tenebris has been attacking us since last year, but it wasn’t until today that she finally trapped me. I guess she made a sort of spell to call the two heirs of Andromeda’s power but a mistake brought you instead of my little sister, Sarah.

Megumi: She must have asked for the two heirs of Andromeda Power… Well, that also includes me.

Lady Celeste came closer to her.

Celeste: What are you talking about? Who are you?


Rika was calling for Megumi.

Rika: Where are you?

Selenity jumped to her shoulder.

Selenity: What’s wrong Rika?

Rika: Selenity! Megumi disappeared in front of my eyes…

Selenity: Disappeared? Uh… That’s strange. I can’t feel her energy… Wait, I sensed it. But it’s really far away!

Rika: Far away?

Selenity: As a former Queen, I’m able to sense Sailor’s spirits wherever they are in the Universe.

Rika: Then… Why didn’t you find Sailor Universe when we needed her?

Selenity: Because I didn’t remembered her spirit’s wave. But now I’m sure Megumi is in the bounders of our Galaxy.

Rika: But why is she there?

Selenity: I don’t know… I’ll try to take you to her side.

Rika: Then, I’ll better transform.

She touched her earrings.

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

Selenity: Moon Power… Take us to the Senshi that owns the power of Andromeda…

A great light covered them and then, disappeared from Earth.


Megumi: Well, I’m…

Celeste: Are you from Andromeda?

Megumi: No. I was born on Earth. Though, in my past life I was born in Andromeda.

Celeste: Your past life?

Megumi: Many centuries ago, a wonderful empire existed in the Moon. One of the Moon Princesses married an Andromeda’s Prince. Then, I was born. But, as my parents died, I returned to the Moon to live with my aunt. I died there when I was fourteen years old, wishing to protect the ones that were killed. As I was reborn, I got Andromeda’s power to protect Earth. And so, became a Sailor Senshi!

Celeste: Sailor Senshi?

Megumi took her necklace out.

Megumi: This is the Andromeda’s necklace…

It turned in her transformation stick.

Megumi: I use this to transform…

Celeste then smiled.

Celeste: You use Andromeda’s power… Indeed, you are one of the two heirs of Andromeda’s power, then. My little sister may be part of the Andromeda’s royal family, but she doesn’t use Andromeda’s power.

Celeste unbuttoned her dress’ first button. A cyan diamond was in her skin and another Andromeda’s necklace hung in her neck..

Celeste: This necklace was given to me when I less expected it. Twenty years ago, Andromeda was attacked and an horrible tragedy happened. I was forced to kill my loved one and then, got a curse. I turned into a baby and was sent to Earth by the two Andromeda Guardians, the Delayias… I grew up in Earth. But the Delayias looked for me when the same evil witch that had attacked my planet returned. I gained my throne back, as my Andromeda’s power. My dear love had survived, frozen in time waiting for me and we could defeat that evil witch. I found my little sister, three warriors to protect me and a crown to use…

Megumi: And you felt all your life’s mysteries were solved…

Celeste: But hadn’t found someone that could understand all my confusions…

Megumi: Until now…

An explosion was heard. Rika appeared from the cell’s bars.

Rika: Meg! You are here!

Megumi: Rika!

Rika: Pandora’s Ribbon Surprise!

The cell was open.

Selenity: We have to get out of here!

The Amazon guards appeared.

Megumi. Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

She transformed. Celeste smiled.

Celeste: Well, you those transformations? Andromis Time!

She appeared in a nice light pink suit.

Celeste: I’m Andromis Princette! Star Burst!

Little stars made the Amazons sneeze and fell asleep.

Celeste: I have some tricks of my own.

The red-haired girl and an older blonde appeared in similar suits.

Both: Queen…

Celeste: Take us out of here!

Both girls ran to their princess.

Three: Return us to our Palace…

Rika, Megumi, Selenity and the three Andromeda’s girls disappeared.


Megumi opened her eyes in a white bed. Rika was sleeping.

Megumi: Rika… Where are we?

Rika looked at her.

Rika: What happened?

Megumi: I’m not quite sure…

She opened the window and...

Megumi: It’s a pink sky!

A little girl dressed in green entered.

Girl: Andromeda’s Sky is pink. If you look at Andromeda’s Moon’s sky, then you’ll find a Hot Pink Sky.

Rika: Who are you?

Girl: Infant Sarah, Princess Sarah, wherever you like to call me. I heard you are from Earth.

Rika: Yes.

Girl: My sister told me to offer you the clothes that are in those closets. Come down when you are ready. She wants to talk to you.

She left.

Rika: Could you explain me what is happening?

Megumi: Of course.


Rika and Megumi went downstairs some minutes later, wearing beautiful and shiny dresses.

Celeste: You look wonderful…

She was sitting in a table. At her sides were the redhead girl, the other blonde, Sarah, a black-haired woman and a young man. He was kissing Celeste’s hand.

Celeste: Sit, please.

They did.

Celeste: Let me introduce you my friends. The redhead is Alexandra Jale, Andromis Alpha warrior, her power comes from the tiny star that makes Andromeda light. At her side, Benny Crusher, is Andromis Beta, controlling the power of Andromeda’s Moon and leader of my warriors. You know my sister Sarah. Ophelia Nebula is our last warrior, Andromis Omega, controlling the power of Andromeda’s dark ring. And at last, Justin Eelester Crusher, my husband.

Justin: Nice to meet you.

Megumi: Hi!

Rika: (whisper) He is cute…

Ophelia: So you two have come from Earth?

Benny: I checked Andromeda’s history book and there I found Infant Selene’s story… It’s quite unbelievable that you are the reincarnation of that Infant.

Megumi: I was surprised too.

Alexandra: As I was when I found my power…

Celeste: I talked to your cat. She is very weak and I don’t think she’ll be able to return you home for a while. I want to assure you that you’ll be welcomed to stay the time you need.

Ophelia: Queen… We are in war, do you think it will be right to have guests?

Celeste: Tenebris won’t make us stop been polite to other people, especially to Earth people.

Benny: Well, then I’ll tell the Delayias to fix-up some rooms. They have been a little pissed off since they had to abandon their homes to help us in war.

She left, with Sarah.

Ophelia: I still think this isn’t a good idea.


Rika and Megumi passed the next day in the great Palace. The Queen was very busy trying to figure out how she should help her planet from terrible Lady Tenebris. But they had a great host: Alexandra.

Alexandra: And this is the Andromeda’s Earth Museum. It mostly has things our princess used when she was raised-up there.

Rika: Hey, I used to read that book when I were in third grade!

Alexandra: Me too.

Megumi turned to her.

Megumi: You lived in Earth, didn’t you?

Alexandra: Yes. I met Lizzy there. But then I discovered my mother was from Andromeda. That’s why I have some blue hair in the back of my head. She witnessed the battle of Princess Celeste and the witch, so, I had inherited part of the power that the princess displayed in that moment.

Rika: So you were a normal girl before…

Alexandra: As you two were, as I have heard.

Rika: Indeed we were.

Megumi: Has our cat awaken yet?

Alexandra: She is still sleeping. Ophelia is taking care of her.

Megumi: Ophelia dislikes us…

Alexandra: She’s a bit dark, but good in the inside. She was the last Andromis Girl to be found, so is quite proud of her position. Originally, she was destined to end life of the Queen, but Celeste changed her destiny to be our friend.

Sarah ran to them.

Sarah: Miss Megumi, my sister wants to talk to you.


Megumi followed her to a beautiful room. There, Celeste was looking at the pink sky.

Megumi: Queen Celeste?

Sarah left.

Celeste: Everything is just too peaceful, don’t you think?

Megumi: It really is.

Celeste: Is Tenebris going to destroy it all to control Andromeda’s power?

She turned.

Celeste: Ophelia found out why was Tenebris trying to have us in her spaceship…

She took out an old paper.

Celeste: This paper tells us the legend of two separated heirs. It says two heirs of Andromeda’s power will join their blood to make the Castle of Andromeda display its power to accomplish a wish. Tenebris wants that power to conquer the whole galaxy…

Megumi: But we won’t let her have us.

Celeste: You’ll have to stay here until we defeat Tenebris.

Megumi: You mean you’ll stop us from going even if Selenity gets well?

Celeste: Yes. We can’t let Tenebris trap you.

Megumi: But we need to return to Earth! That’s our home!

Celeste: I’m sorry. I know how you feel but I can’t do anything else… My people are in danger if I let you leave.

Megumi: But Rika could…

Celeste: Tenebris knows her, and so, she will be in danger if we return her. I’m sorry. I’ll try to make your stay here the most comfortable I can…

Megumi: We’ll be prisoners…

Celeste: I know. I feel terrible, as I consider you as an equal, someone who was faced to her past like me…

Megumi: But I guess that sympathy isn’t enough…

Celeste: As a Queen, I have difficult decisions to make. Please, forgive me. I need to be alone.

Megumi went out really sad.

I thought she liked me more… How can she keep us here without our will? I guess she is right, it’s dangerous if Tenebris gets any of us, but we should have decided to stay by ourselves, not impose us her decision. We aren’t from Andromeda…


Rika: Stay here indefinitely…

Megumi: That’s what Celeste says… I’m really mad with her. She should have asked us.

Rika: I guess, but I think she’s worried about her people…

Megumi: I know. But I really miss my family, Ryo, Almoyver… They must be worried about me.

Rika: My parents may not have noticed, as they are in America.

Megumi: Grandpa must be heartbroken.

Suddenly, she started to disappear.

Megumi: Rika… It’s happening again!


Benny entered Celeste’s room.

Benny: My queen, are you…?

She saw her queen disappearing.

Benny: Alexandra! Ophelia!


Celeste and Megumi appeared in front of Tenebris.

Tenebris: So, you are here again!

Celeste: How did you broke the Palace Protection?

Tenebris: It suddenly broke by itself and I used it to bring you here. You have what I need.

Celeste: You need our blood…

Tenebris: I bet Andromis Omega has been investigating.

Celeste: I won’t let you have us… Andromis Time!

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

Tenebris smiled.

Tenebris: Amazons… I just need one drop of each blood.

The amazons surrounded them.

Megumi: Crystal Moon Attack!

Celeste: Star Burst!

Some Amazons flew away.

Megumi: They are so many…


Rika ran to the throne’s room. Benny, Alexandra and Ophelia were there, using their fighting suit. Ophelia’s was black.

Rika: Megumi was kidnapped again…

Ophelia: We know, our Queen disappeared too.

Rika: What are we going to do?

Alexandra: We’ll transport us to her energy…

Rika: Let me come with you…

Alexandra turned to Benny. She nodded.

Alexandra: Ok.

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

Three: Andromis Power, take us to our princess…

They disappeared.


Celeste: We have to leave…

Megumi: But how, we are all surrounded by them.

The four warriors appeared near them.

Celeste: Andromis Girls!

Megumi: Sailor Pandora!

Ophelia took out a bow and an arrow.

Ophelia: Watch out, my queen…

Celeste: Ophelia?

The arrow passed near Megumi’s shoulder, making her bleed a thread of blood. The arrow fell at Tenebris’ feet.

Megumi: Ouch!

Rika/Celeste: Megumi!

Tenebris: Now, Hippolyte!

The biggest Amazon ran to Celeste and made a slight cut in her arm. She then ran to her mistress and gave her the knife she had used.

Alexandra: Ophelia, what have you done? Now she has both bloods…

Ophelia: Right.

Benny looked at her.

Benny: What do you mean?

Rika ran to Megumi and Celeste.

Rika: Do you both feel alright?

Celeste: Yes.

Tenebris took the arrow and knife in one hand and took out a key from her other hand.

Tenebris: This is the key of the Secret Castle of Andromeda… Amazons, kill them all.

She placed the arrow and knife in the key, and made it gleam. The Amazons attacked the warriors. Rika protected Celeste and Megumi.

Ophelia: We must leave this place at once…

Benny: Wait… Why did you attack without my permission?

Ophelia: Now Tenebris has opened the Castle’s door, we may defeat her… Come on, we don’t have time for explanations, our queen is bleeding!

Alexandra: She is right…

Benny and Alexandra ran to their queen and touched Rika’s and Megumi hands. Celeste took their hands.

Three: Return us to our Palace…

The five disappeared. Ophelia smiled arrogantly at Tenebris and disappeared too.

Tenebris: Andromis Omega is quite a character.


Justin looked as the girls appeared in front of him.

Justin: Celeste, everything has gotten crazy… The Cepheus Mountain started to throw a great light all over!

Celeste: I know. I had the feeling that the Castle of Andromeda was hidden under it… Tenebris has freed its power.

Justin and Celeste, aiding her scar, stared at a great screen, that showed the mountain getting bigger. Ophelia started her away towards them, but Benny grabbed her arm.

Benny: Now, you’ll have to explain me why did you attacked.

Ophelia: Leave me alone, Andromis Beta.

Megumi: She made me bleed. That was what she was intending…

I’m pretty sure about this.

Megumi aided her scar.

Rika: Then, you are a traitor!

Benny and Alexandra turned to Ophelia.

Alexandra: I can’t believe it…

Ophelia smiled calmly.

Ophelia: Well, well, you are quite innocent.

Megumi: She’s not a traitor.

Celeste: Right.

Rika, Benny and Alexandra turned to them.

Rika: She hurt you, Megumi.

Megumi: If she had wanted to kill me, she would have done it. I saw she is great archer.

Ophelia: And I guess you noticed I was the one that broke the protection of the palace.

Benny: You what??!

Celeste turned to them.

Celeste: Benny, calm down. In the minute Ophelia threw the arrow, I understood it all. You want us to use the Castle of Andromeda to defeat Tenebris, don’t you?

Ophelia: Yes. But I couldn’t hurt you, my queen. So I made Tenebris take your blood. Now the Castle of Andromeda is rising, we may use its power to destroy Thanatos and Tenebris at last.

Megumi: I see.

Benny looked at Ophelia.

Benny: Then, why did you accept you were a traitor?

Ophelia: I didn’t. I just said you were quite innocent to believe such a thing. I could never betray my queen. Sarah wouldn’t forgive me.

She blushed.

She loves Celeste and Sarah more than anything, as I can see.

Alexandra: I’m sorry for accusing you…

Rika: Me too.

Justin turned to them.

Justin: It’s out!

They turned to the screen. A great Castle was instead of the Mountain. Sarah entered the room and looked at it frightened.

Sarah: What’s that, sister?

Celeste: Don’t worry, Sarah. We won’t let it harm any of our people. Andromis Girls, Sailor Senshi, we’ll have to go there…

All: Yes…!

She is really a wonderful leader.

The Andromis Girls joined their hands with the Sailor Senshi’s.

A. Girls: Andromis Power… We need you to take us to the door of the Castle!

They all disappeared. Sarah ran to Justin.

Sarah: Are they going to come back, Justin?

Justin: I’m sure they will…


The six girls appeared in the great door, with Andromeda’s symbol. Tenebris was there, holding her gleaming key.

Tenebris: You have come… Amazons!

Her warriors surrounded them.

Rika: Pandora’s Box Bullets!

The Amazons jumped avoiding it. Ophelia took out her bow and arrows.

Ophelia: Omega Arrow…

She shoot, the arrow multiplied and made lot of amazons fell.

Rika: Cool!

Alexandra: Wait to see me! Alpha Fire!

Her hands were covered of fire and she threw it to several amazons.

Megumi: A fiery personality, indeed!

Tenebris used the key to open the Castle’s door. Inside was full of darkness.

Tenebris: I’ll have the power!

She ran inside.

Megumi: She’s has entered!

Benny: Beta Ice!

Ice swords killed many Amazons.

Rika: That’s quite cruel…

Megumi: Our attacks aren’t as violent, don’t you think?

Benny: Tenebrous Amazons are all androids created by Tenebris. They have no spirit… Queen, you and Sailor Andromeda need to get inside the Castle and stop Tenebris.

Celeste nodded and grabbed Megumi’s arm.

Celeste: Let’s go!

Rika: Good luck!

Megumi and Celeste entered in the dark Castle, and their hands got separated.


Megumi was covered by darkness.

Megumi: Celeste? Were are you?

A little light appeared in herself. She was in her normal clothes again.

Megumi: Where am I?

She saw how Mia’s image appeared.

Megumi: Mia? What are you doing here?

Mia: I’m ashamed of you, Megumi. I can’t believe you were my daughter in my past life, a girl full of confusions and cowardice… What a shame for the Moon family.

Megumi: What are you talking about, Mia?

Mia: Don’t you talk to me! I hate you…

Megumi: You can’t be Mia! Mia wouldn’t ever talk to me in such a way!

Mia smiled.

Ryo: I feel the same.

Megumi turned to see Ryo.

Megumi: Ryo?

Ryo: I have been wondering why I had to met you. I’m tired of your indecisions… Do you like me? Well, I don’t longer care. I’m sick are around me. Leave me alone.

Megumi’s eyes filled of tears.

Megumi: Ryo, you can’t be serious.

Almoyver: He is.

Megumi turned to see Almoyver.

Almoyver: You have made me sick too. I came a long way to met you… I save you from those wolves… And you are still undecided about your own feelings? I think you are really a baby.

Ryo: We should get ourselves some women, instead of this baby girl…

Almoyver: I agree with you.

Megumi fell in her knees.

Megumi: You can’t be saying this to me…

Tei: They are…

Tei, in her grown-up form, had appeared between the boys.

Tei: They finally opened their eyes to see how you aren’t fit for anyone.

Almoyver: You are quite pretty, miss.

Ryo: You really are!

Megumi looked at them.

Megumi: You are going to replace me with Tei?

Ryo: Why shouldn’t we? You don’t love any of us.

Tei: I’m a woman, unlike you, cry-baby.

Megumi: Shut up, Tei!

She stood up.

Megumi: I’m no longer the weak girl I used to be… I won’t let anyone to play with my feelings… You can’t be Tei, nor Ryo, nor Almoyver nor Mia. They care about me! You are fake! You are some sort of illusion!

They all disappeared. Megumi saw how her clothes returned to be her Sailor Suit.

Megumi: It was an illusion…

Celeste was crying at her side.

Megumi: Celeste?

Celeste: You can’t be my mother… My mother was proud of me. And you can’t be Justin, he really loves me!

She opened her eyes.

Celeste: Megumi?

Megumi: This Castle was showing us our fears.

Celeste: I see…

Megumi: But we were able to see those people were fake.

Celeste: Yes… Where are we?

They were in a large room with some stairs that went to a golden throne.

Celeste: A throne?

Tenebris laughed.

Tenebris: That’s my throne!

She ran upstairs and sat in there.

Tenebris: Castle of Andromeda, give me the power to control the whole galaxy…

A great light surrounded her. Megumi and Celeste covered their eyes. When they were able to see, Tenebris wore a marvellous black dress.

Tenebris: I feel the power passing through my veins…

The Castle’s roof opened. Tenebris smiled.

Tenebris: See you later!

She flew away to the Thanatos.

Megumi: We have to stop her!


Rika looked at the sky.

Rika: Tenebris has returned to her ship!

All the amazons floated to Thanatos. The Andromis Girls looked up.

Ophelia: She has gotten the power…

The four girls ran inside.


Tenebris sat in her throne.

Tenebris: Destroy Andromeda’s Palace…! We’ll see Queen Celeste weep for her dear King Justin and her sister Sarah.

The Amazons moved Thanatos toward the Palace.


Sarah looked as the Tanathos, covered by a black light, came closer to them.

Sarah: What are we going to do, Justin? The Andromis Girls aren’t here to protect us.

Justin: We’ll have to use our power.

Justin covered Sarah with his cape.

Justin: I’ll protect you, I promised Celeste I’ll protect you…


The four girls entered in the throne’s room.

Rika: Megumi!

She turned.

Megumi: Rika!

Ophelia: My queen, the Thanatos is approaching to our Palace!

Celeste: We don’t have the power to stop Tenebris… She’s covered by this Castle’s magic.

Benny: Then, you’ll have to cover yourself with the same magic!

Megumi: We both tried to get it, but the Castle doesn’t answer to any of us.

Ophelia walked to them and joined their hands.

Ophelia: Maybe it will react to you both.

Megumi and Celeste looked at each other.

Megumi: You told me you though we were alike…

Celeste: And we both have Andromeda’s power.

A light came from their hands.

Both: One heart, one mind, one body… We are Andromeda.

They were surrounded by a light. When it was over, just a girl remained. She had long straight purple-aquamarine hair and blue eyes. She wore a princess dress.

Lady: (both voices) I’m Princess Andromeda.

Rika: They have become one.

She sat in the throne.

Andromeda: Castle of Andromeda, give your owner the power to stop the one that is trying to destroy us…

She was covered by a great light. The castle raised in the sky and flew to the Thanatos. A screen appeared in front.

Benny: We are going to attack them!


Sarah: Justin, what’s that?

Justin turned to the screen.

Justin: Celeste…


Tenebris: What’s that Castle doing in front of us?

Hippolyte ran to her queen.

Hippolyte: They are going to attack us!


Andromeda: Moon Crystal Star Burst!

The Castle threw lot of silver stars to the Thanatos. It collapsed.

Hippolyte: My queen!

Hippolyte protected her queen. The Thanatos exploited.


Sarah: Thanatos is destroyed!

Justin ran to the screen.

Justin: You did it, Celeste!


Tenebris floated surrounded by the pieces of her spaceship. Hippolyte was still covering her.

Tenebris: You saved me, Hippolyte. I won’t forget that.

She threw the dead android’s body away.

Tenebris: I’ll have you, Celeste!


The warriors smiled as they saw the defeat of their enemy.

Alexandra: You both did it!

Andromeda stood and a low light covered her. Megumi and Celeste fell in the ground.

Rika: Megumi!

Benny: Celeste!

They ran to them. Ophelia stood still, looking at the roof and took out her bow.

Alexandra: What’s up, Ophelia?

Ophelia: Its not the end yet…

Tenebris appeared from the roof, with an energy to throw in her hand.

Tenebris: I’ll kill you, Queen!

Ophelia shoot her arrow. Tenebris’ face whitened as it reached her.

Tenebris: It’s not fair… I had the power to control the whole Universe…

She fell in the ground. The whole castle landed.

Alexandra: I you could… Why hadn’t you killed her before?

Ophelia: I wouldn’t have let my dear queen witness such an horrible death.

She smiled and turned to the sleeping ladies.

Ophelia: Now, peace has returned to us.


Megumi, Rika and Selenity stood in front of the Andromis Girls, Sarah and Justin.

Celeste: I’ll miss you very much!

Megumi: Me too… I hope we can see each other again.

Celeste: After all, we are one soul.

Celeste took Justin’s arm.

Celeste: Choose carefully the one that will be loved by my heart’s other half.

Megumi nodded smiling. Alexandra started to sob.

Alexandra: I’ll miss you all!

Benny: Shut up, Alex. The Castle has returned to its mountain-form, so it won’t be used for evil again. Thank you for everything. Good luck, Sailor Senshi.

Rika: Thank you.

Megumi turned to Ophelia.

Megumi: Thank you for everything.

Ophelia blushed and looked at her arrogantly.

Ophelia: I’m sorry I harmed you, if I had known you were going to be part of my queen…

Megumi: You don’t have to apologise. Just continue protecting Celeste.

Ophelia nodded.

Megumi: Goodbye…

Selenity: Moon Power… Take us back home…

And they disappeared.


Megumi, Rika and Selenity appeared in front of their school.

Rika: Back on Earth… I guess we had quite interesting vacations…

Megumi: Yes… I learned a lot from Celeste.

Rika: And, what are you going to tell your family? We passed almost the whole vacations at Andromeda’s Palace.

Megumi: Remember I can hypnotize anyone with my Andromeda Crystal Stick. I’ll make them believe they knew I was going to stay at your house the whole vacations.

Rika: And my parents arrive tomorrow, so I won’t have any problems… Well, I’ll better go, I need to change my clothes. It’s quite uncomfortable to use the school’s uniform in vacations. See you tomorrow!

She left. Selenity jumped to Megumi’s shoulder.

Megumi. Will Celeste and the others be alright?

Selenity. They have a great leader, I’m sure they will.

Megumi: You were healed right after Tenebris was defeated…. You wanted us to stay and help, didn’t you? I bet Ophelia helped you to make sick.

Selenity smiled.

Selenity: It was useful, wasn’t it? I could rest a bit, and you learned more about you culture…

Megumi: Yeah…


Later, Megumi opened her window. She looked at the starry night.

Megumi: I won’t forget you, Celeste. Don’t worry, I’ll find someone that deserves to love our heart.


Celeste kissed Justin. She stood and went to her window. She looked at the starry night.

Celeste: I won’t forget you, Megumi. We’ll always be one.

She closed her window’s curtains. The image slowly left her window, showing the palace and then, Andromeda from the space.

Mia: (voice) Far away in the space, exists a wonderful empire ruled by a beautiful queen. Here, in our Earth, exists a beautiful warrior that shares her heart with her. Someday, those two women will get together, and will bring hope to our future.

The End

Hope is beyond the stars…

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