Act II: The New Lost Senshi

 A figure stood in the distance...

It that a Sailor Senshi?

Tei opened her eyes.

Tei: If that's a Sailor Senshi, why did she destroy the Universe localizer?

She sat in silence.

Tei: I must tell the girls...

At morning, Megumi and Rika were looking at a poster.

Rika: Meina (Little & Dark) and Taria (Many Glassy Lights), the great sister actresses...

(N: Taria is read Talia.) Meina was a young woman of long black hair. Taria had short blonde hair. The first had a dark look, while the other was smiling brightly.

Megumi: Shall we go to see them?

Mia: We have to...

Rika: Hi, Mia.

Megumi: Why do you say, so?

Mia: The last victim was an actress, these two may be the next victims...

Rika: They must have "art butterflies".

Mia: Yes...

Irina Sei came near them.

Irina: Were you talking about butterflies?

Irina is a new girl, and doesn't seem to have friends...

Megumi: We were saying butterflies are very beautiful... Beautiful as art...

Irina: Meina and Taria... Actresses... I must go, bye!

She left.

Megumi: So... have you got any money? Let's go to the play!

Both: Sure!

The scenery was dark. Then two lights shone.

Meina: The darkness is total...

Taria: But the sun will shine... and smile to us!

The plot was about two sisters and their stories, one very funny and comic and the other very tragic. At the end, both bowed to the public.

Rika: Let's go talk to them...

Mia: Rika, that's not allowed...

Rika: Who cares?

The three of them walked slightly to the cast's rooms.

Rika: We are here!

Irina Sei appeared in their back.

Irina: What are you doing here?

Rika: What are you doing here?

Irina: Well...

Taria appeared in front of them.

Taria: Hi, who are you? Want to come in?

The four didn't thought it twice. A minute later, their were in their rooms.

Taria: So...?

Mia: We wanted to tell you how good was your performance!

Taria: Thanks...

Meina come in.

Meina: What on... Taria, again you are taking people in?

Taria: Come on, sister...

Rika: Are you two sisters in real?

Megumi: You don't look a bit alike...

Taria: We were found together when we were babies. That's why we have no family name. We call each other "Sister"...

Meina: You have to always explain everything to everyone, don’t you?

Mia: If we are bothering, we could leave...

Taria: No! Meina, you must be friendlier with our public.

Meina just made a face.

Taria: So, what are you names?

Mia: I'm Miss Uchuu, but you can call me Mia.

Rika: Rika Ogawano...

Megumi: Megumi Mayo...

Irina: Irina Sei...

Taria: Irina, you look slightly familiar...

Irina took out a book.

Irina: The 9 Muses... Do you like this kind of literature?

Taria: It's Meina's book...

Meina: Muses’ legends are interesting...

Irina: The goddesses of art and science. Calliope of eloquence and epic poetry, Urania of astronomy, Erato of love poetry, Terpsichore of dance, Euterpe of music, Polyhymnia of sacred poetry, Clio of history, Melpomene of tragedy and Thalia of comedy...

Taria: You know Greek mythology, then.

Irina: I just feel identified with the muses...

Meina: I see. Oh, look what time it is! Taria, we have an appointment right now...

Taria: I know, dinner with the cast... Sorry, we must leave...

All: Bye!

They went out. Rika stared at Irina.

Rika: So you know about mythology...

Irina: Just a bit.

Mia: It seemed you knew more than just a bit...

Irina looked at her harshly.

Irina: Say what you wish... Bye!

She left.

Megumi: She seemed mad with you...

Mia: I noticed it too.

Rika: We should go home.

Mia: Want to eat something in my house, before?

Both: Sure!

Mia entered her apartment and gave them tea and cookies. Tei appeared with Selenity in her arms.

Tei: We need to tell you something.

Rika: Important?

Tei: Yes...

Megumi sat with Rika and Mia.

Tei: The day that Insect-like monster appeared... The Universe localizer was pointing something...

Selenity: A Sailor Senshi...

Tei: A beam from outside destroyed it. We saw a figure of a Sailor Senshi... She was the one who threw the rainbow beam to the Giant Insect...

Rika: A Sailor Senshi?

Megumi: None of the ones we know has a rainbow attack...

Megumi felt something.

Megumi: Danger... Near the Nezumi Restaurant...

Mia: We'll better go...

The four girls and the cat started their way.

Meina and Taria were walking through a park.

Meina: Hurry up, Taria!

Taria: I'm going... This park is too dark...

Meina: Frightened?

Taria: No, I'm brave...

But she was really afraid. Something moved in the bushes.

Taria: (afraid) What's that?

Bee appeared in the sky.

Bee: Nice little girls...

Meg & the others stopped near them.

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

Mia: Universe’s Protection Power, Make-up!

They appeared in the treetop.

Mia: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe's well being, I'm Sailor Universe!

Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace, I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship, I'm Sailor Pandora!

All: And we will defeat you in name of the Universe!

Bee: You again? Wait a minute... Art butterflies!

A butterfly came out from both girls. Meina's was grey and gold. Taria's had was hot pink, yellow and orange. Both transformed in a sword (Meina's) and a comedy mask (Taria's). B-Fly appeared.

B-Fly: Those are Art Treasures !

Bee: I'll get them!

Girl: No, you won’t!

They turned to see who had talked. A Sailor Senshi figure appeared and came forward. She was a white-winged light-blonde, which’s hair reached her feet. Her skirt was of all the colours of the rainbow, as her bow Her white tiara had a rainbow. Her collar was golden with a black star in it. Her white gloves and boots, white, ended in rainbows with a golden border.

Girl: I'm a Lost Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe's justice, I'm Sailor Iris!

Mia: Sailor Iris? Where have I heard that name?

Iris: I won’t let you take the Art Treasures ...

She jumped and took them.

Megumi: You must return them to their owners!

Iris: I need the Art Treasures... And don't you order me...

She looked the treasures. From each one butterfly came out and returned to their owner's body. Meina's body shone. A blue shirt, black coat and golden pant appeared in her, with a scabbard.

Meina: Melpomene has awaken...

Taria's dress turned orange and pink. It had little hot pink happy faces all over. She got bracelets in her arms.

Taria: Thalia has arrived...

Iris took the sword and mask, and disappeared.

Bee: Darn girl... Insectodrom-Fly!

A fly-monster appeared.

B-Fly: Play with our Insectodrom. See you!

They disappeared.

Rika: Pandora’s Ribbon Surprise!

The Insectodrom reflected the attack.

Megumi: Our attacks don't work...

Taria looked at Meina.

Taria: Should we help them?

Meina: Ok...

Taria: Comic Muse Power!

Meina: Tragic Muse Power!

Two rays destroyed the Insectodrom.

They are really powerful.

Meina: Really easy...

Mia: Who are you?

Meina: The tragic muse, Melpomene!

Taria: The comic muse, Thalia!

Rika: What were those…the Art Treasures?

Taria: They are part of all muses’ art butterflies. When the nine are united, they’ll form a powerful weapon...

Meina: There are nine Art Treasures…

Taria: One inside each muse…

Megumi: Muses?

Taria: The muses existed long ago, we lived in Universe Palace, as helpers of Sailor Janus...

Rika: Universe Palace? Sailor Janus?

Meina: We all died, but were reincarnated.

Taria: Our Art Treasures sealed our memories.

Meina: When they are removed, we remember our past life...

Taria: Every artist has an art butterfly. Its each one's inspiration, but ours turn into treasures when are taken.

Meina: Only a very powerful person can separate our art butterflies from the treasures.

Taria: If a person loses its art butterfly, she or he will die...

Meina: Life without art is no life...

Taria: Now, we must leave…

They turned into Meina and Taria, and fainted.

The Sailor Senshi left. Next day, they returned to the theatre. Both girls didn't seem different.

Mia: But they are different. Now we know what our enemies are looking for...

Rika: The Art Treasures ...

Megumi: But who is that Sailor Iris? And Sailor Janus?

Mia: I'll tell you someday who Sailor Janus is, but I don't remember Sailor Iris yet...

She left.

Megumi: Mia...? Sailor Iris is one of us, she is a Lost Sailor Senshi... But where did she come from?

Irina Sei watched them.

Irina: They are... Mia Uchuu is the traitor... I'll have to take my revenge after this problems end...

Something wants to take revenge from us... But whom? I'm so afraid of this... Almoyver isn't here anymore. I can't tell Ryo anything of this... I need love... Is one of them my love? This confuses me more...

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