Act III: Children’s Dreams

Mr. Akami: Please Miss Sei, could you come and read your essay?

Irina: Sure, Mr. Akami...

Irina stood on front and smiled.

Irina: Everyone has a butterfly in his or her heart...

After that, the English class ended.

Rika: What do you think about Irina’s essay? Kind of suspicious... She may be is one of the Insect Trio...

Megumi: I don't think so.

She doesn't have their aura... But still something or someone perturbs her soul...

Irina: Hey, girls! Did you like my English essay?

Megumi: Beautiful.

Rika: Cool... I guess.

Irina: Yours were cool too... "Friendship: One of the Gifts of Pandora" and "Hope and sacrifice: Andromeda"... You like Andromeda’s legend, I guess.

Megumi: Andromeda was willing to sacrifice everything, but she found her real love: Perseus.

Irina: But cowardly escaped from her destiny... And I bet Andromeda wasn't as beautiful as you, Meg. Bye!

She ran away, while Megumi was blushing.

Rika: I told you, she is suspicious...

Megumi: Oh, come on!

Ryo came near them.

Ryo: Hi you two! Want to come to a piano concert?

Rika: Are you inviting us?

Ryo: Yes, my mother works at that theatre and gave me four tickets...

Megumi: Could we take Mia?

Ryo: Sure! I'll love to be surrounded by beautiful women...

Rika giggled. Meanwhile, Tei was at her school.

Tei: (whisper) Everything is so boring... I'm a high school student, for crying out loud!

She sighed.

Tei: If I had discovered the mission Selenity promised me, I guess everything would be nicer...

The night came. The four friends entered in the theatre.

Megumi: And who's performing?

Ryo: Lot of pianists. One remarkable is Haruka Ten’ou, the car racer. He's good, as I heard...

Megumi: I have something to tell you. Haruka is female!

Ryo: Are you kidding? Then his.../her Michiru Kaiou...

Rika: Don't ask.

Mia giggled.

Ryo: I can't believe it.

They sat. The third performer was Haruka. Michiru was with her.

Michiru: The mirror keeps showing this image... A little girl in a Sailor suit...

Haruka: Don't worry about that! Why did I accept to come to this concert?

Michiru: Because I convinced you... It's your turn!

She went out and started playing. Bee and B-Fly were looking at her from the first row, disguised.

Bee: All of these seem to have great art butterflies.

B-Fly: But I'm not sure of whom could be a Muse...

Bee: What do you think of him?

B-Fly: He has passion... But is male...

Michiru was near them and heard the last part of their conversation.

Michiru: (To herself) Could they be reporters?

She turned.

Michiru: Sorry, are you talking about Haruka Ten’ou?

Both: Yeah...

B-Fly: A nice guy, isn't he?

Michiru: Well, Haruka isn’t a nice guy, a nice girl I’ll say. She is a woman...

B-Fly: Really?

Bee: Then...

B-Fly: Thank you, miss...

Bee and Butter Fly left. Michiru looked at them confused. B-Fly stared at Haruka.

B-Fly: Our next victim...

Tei was in the theatre’s door with Selenity...

Tei: They are surely having a great time!

Selenity: And you should be at bed.

Tei: I'm not a baby! I'm seventeen...

Selenity: I know, but you have a seven-year-old body...

Tei: Not even Nerai could take her own spell from me... You told me I had a mission to do with this body.

Selenity: I sensed a huge power. But the moment hasn't come...

Tei stared at the sky.

Tei: When will it come?

Megumi: So that's the end.

Rika: Then we must go home.

Ryo: I'll go with you.

Ryo is always so nice with us. Almoyver isn't a bit like him... And Thinking about him, where could he be?

Michiru and Haruka were at a park, going home.

Michiru: You did it great. It's a shame Hotaru was a little sick and Setsuna had to stay with her.

Haruka: It’s better this way. I didn't want her to see me as a delicate pianist...

Michiru: So that's why you didn't tell the Princess and her friends... I thought you just wanted us to have some time just for ourselves.

Haruka: You know I only like playing piano when I do a duet with you. And of course, I like to have some time just with you.

Michiru: Haruka...

Irina watched them.

Irina: I don't think she has an Art Jewel... but surely the enemies will attack...

She touched her rainbow bracelet.

Irina: Rainbow Bracelet... I'll have to use you.

A golden transformation stick of a golden Heart symbol appeared. It had a white mark at both sides and a rainbow in the middle.

Irina: But not yet.

Bee and B-Fly, in their fight forms, were in a tree. They stared at Haruka and Michiru.

Bee: Hey, you two!

B-Fly: Watch out!

They both stared at them.

Bee: Good you have seen us, pianist...

B-Fly: Art butterfly!

Haruka fell as a golden butterfly came out from her body. Michiru screamed. Megumi heard her.

Megumi: That's Michiru Kaiou!

The four came closer, and saw them.

Rika: Meg, we must...

Mia: But...

Mia stared at Ryo.

Ryo is here... But we must save them... That's our principal mission...

Megumi: We have no choice, girls... Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

Ryo: Meg, you are...

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

Mia: Universe’s Protection Power, Make-up!

Megumi looked at Ryo and jumped away.

Ryo: They are...

Megumi: Stop you two!

Rika: We won't let you continue...

Mia: Taking art butterflies from people!

Michiru: The Lost Sailor Senshi...

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship, I'm Sailor Pandora!

Mia: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe's well being, I'm Sailor Universe!

Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace, I'm Sailor Andromeda!

All: And we will defeat you in name of the Universe!

Tei was near, in some bushes.

Tei: They are here, Selenity...

B-Fly examined the butterfly.

B-Fly: It's not of the ones we are looking for, even when it has strong art energy...

Bee: What a shame! Fly away butterfly!

The butterfly flew high.

Michiru: No! Haruka!

B-Fly: Firefly Insectodrom, attack them!

An Insectodrom of a giant Firefly appeared. It jumped and blinded the Senshi with it’s light.

Michiru: You'll pay... Neptune Crystal Power, Make-up!

She turned into Super Sailor Neptune.

Michiru: From the planet of the abyss, I'm Sailor Neptune. And I'll punish you!

The Insectodrom pushed her away.

Michiru: Haruka!

Tei watched everything.

Tei: Are they going to be all right?

Selenity: I don't know...

Tei: They are strong but... I wish I could help them... I mean, someone could help them...

Selenity: Maybe you could.

Tei: Me? I'm not a "Sailor Senshi who fights for something..."

Selenity: I still have some power to form one last Lost Sailor Senshi, a Senshi that comes from Earth.

Tei: Really?

Selenity: A Chibi-Sailor Senshi...

Tei: Chibi-Sailor Senshi?

Selenity: It means you won’t have as much power as the others have...

Tei: I see... Wait, are you telling me that you'll form that Senshi with me?!

Selenity: Yes, just feel it in your heart...

Tei closed her eyes. Selenity threw a ray from her forehead heart. Two hair-clips of candy-form appeared in Tei’s hair.

Tei: Childish...

Selenity: Shut up... Touch both and drive you hands in front of you...

She did. A transformation stick of light green colour, with two pink marks on top and bottom, and a yellow heart-symbol appeared.

Tei: This is...

Selenity: Say "Hebe’s Children Power, Make-up!!"

Tei: Hebe’s Children Power, Make-up!!

The candy hair-clips formed a circle that passed all over Tei. They turned in a green tiara with a yellow mark, and then into two earrings. Her bow was yellow, her skirt and shoulders green (with light green) and she had common white gloves that ended in green. Her white boots had a kind of lace at the ankle.

Tei: Chibi-Sailor Hebe!

Selenity: Now, do you feel your power?

Tei: Hebe’s Jump!

She jumped high from the bushes and caught Haruka's butterfly. She fell softly to the ground.

Mia: Is that Tei?

She put the butterfly in Haruka’s body. Her colour returned.

Megumi: You are...

Tei: I’m a Chibi Sailor Senshi who fights for children’s happiness, I’m Chibi-Sailor Hebe!

All: Chibi-Sailor Hebe?

Tei: Hebe Candy Sparks!

Her little white sparks blinded the Firefly. The Other Senshi recovered their sight.

Mia: Now we can attack him... Universe Crystal Revolution!

The Insectodrom was destroyed. Michiru ran to Haruka.

Michiru: Haruka, are you alright?

Haruka: Yeah, what happened?

Michiru: The Lost Sailor Senshi saved you...

They turned. The Lost Senshi weren't there anymore. Sailor Iris watched from a tree.

Iris: They did it well again...

Mia was weak, and the rest of them hurt.

Mia: I can't continue like this...

Megumi: We must power up...

Tei: But now you have me!

Selenity: O used her heart’s power. She is really brave.

Tei: See, Meg! I’m a Senshi… I guess we should go to Tenko’s house to aid ourselves, don’t you think?

Megumi smiled.

Megumi: Yes…

She turned and saw Ryo looking at her. He turned and left. Megumi saddened.

Now we are four Senshi... Is Sailor Iris one of us too? But now Ryo knows my identity... What will he say? And the other Sailor Senshi now know about the new battle...

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