Act IV: Irina's secret

Rika read the school newspaper.

Rika: Cleo (English Name), the history-girl with Uranau (Fortune-teller) , the astronomy-girl are going to give speeches about their sciences...

Megumi: It will be interesting. They are about our age but are so smart... When?

Boy: Tomorrow...

Megumi turned and saw Almoyver.

Megumi: Al! Where have you being all this time?

Rika: Flirting with someone?

Rika saw Osamu near them.

Rika: I have to go. Meg, don't give him hopes!

She ran to Osamu.

Almoyver: I had things to do... News say there has been attacks...

Megumi: Yes... The Insect Trio wants to get the Art Treasures that are hidden in the art butterflies of the reincarnated muses...

Megumi explained Almoyver everything. She then saw Ryo passing by with some friends.

Megumi: Ryo...

He looked at her resentful and turned way. Megumi's eyes filled of tears.

He hasn't talk to me since he discovered my identity. If I had told him before... But it was too dangerous for him…

Almoyver: The little boy is mad with you?

Megumi: It’s not your business. Leave me alone...

She ran away.

It hurts so much... Ryo...

She stopped under a tree and started to cry. Irina Sei saw her and came to her side..

Irina: Megumi, what's wrong?

Megumi: Irina?

Irina: A boy? Yes, that is... Boys are pigs... Don't you cry for him.

Megumi: It was my fault... I didn't told him I was S...

Irina gave her an anxious look.

Megumi: I lied to him...

Irina came nearer and touched Megumi’s face. Rika appeared.

Rika: Meg!

Megumi ran to her.

Megumi: Rika! Ryo is mad with me...

Rika gave Irina a hard look. She left.

Rika: Irina is so... I can’t describe it.

Ryo was looking at Almoyver.

Ryo: He surely knew... I was such a fool. Of course she was Sailor Andromeda, but she was hiding me her identity…

Selenity jumped to his shoulder.

Ryo: You are Meg's kitty, aren’t you?

Selenity: Yes...

He threw her away.

Ryo: You...

Selenity: Yes, I talked.

Ryo: Oh my...

Selenity: Almoyver does know the truth about Meg but I don't trust him... I'll tell you all the truth... Because I believe in you!

Ryo stared at her unbelieving. Irina gave him a scorn look, without noticing he was talking to the cat, and left.

Tei: Look, Mia. I got an ‘A’ again.

Mia: You must get those grades, you are a seventeen-year-old girl in second grade...

Tei: I think I'm spoiling myself studying in second grade...

Megumi entered the apartment. She had tears in her face. Rika entered after her.

Rika: Ryo is mad with her...

Mia: Oh, Selene...

Meg hugged Mia.

Megumi: If I had told him before...

Tei: I have lost lots of boyfriends with this age change and I’m not crying...

Rika: That's the difference between Meg and you.

Tei made a face. Selenity entered through the window.

Selenity: Meg, come on! If you don't have strength, who will save the Universe from the Insect Trio?

Megumi smiled.

Irina Sei entered in the school's auditorium.

Irina: Cleo and Uranau... Could they be...?

Meina and Taria came to her.

Meina: They surely are...

Irina didn’t turned.

Irina: I guess you figured out who I am.

Taria: Yes, and we remember who betrayed you...

Meina: ...then and now. You are trying to take revenge, don’t you?

Irina: First we must find all the muses.... Then I’ll have my revenge...

Mia sneezed.

Megumi: Bless you...

Rika: Someone is talking bad about you.

Tei: Who could do that? Mia is perfect...

Megumi: I'm seeing you love Mia and Selenity very much...

Tei blushed.

Tei: They are very kind to me...

Mia: Are you going to the speeches of Cleo and Uranau?

Both: Yes!

Tei: I have to be at school... Fortunately...

Selenity: You are so childish...

She smiled a little.

Ryo was at a library. He stared time to time to a little dagger covered with sapphires that was at the side of his book.

Ryo: Should I...?

The speeches' day come. Every class had to go. Mia was at the seven graders side. Rika and Megumi were close to them. Cleo was the first to come out. She had long black wavy hair and her glasses covered her blue eyes. When she finished, Uranau appeared. She had green hair in a ponytail and brown eyes. Both expositions were quite interesting.

Rika: It was interesting... being science.

A chestnut-haired girl peaked over her shoulder. She had purple eyes and a shy look. Rika turned

Girl: All sciences are interesting...

Megumi: You are of tenth grade, aren't you?

Girl: I'm Porimi Iru... (Glassy Colour of a Reality Walk –sort-of)

Megumi: Megumi Mayo...

Rika: Rika Ogawano...

Porimi had her hair tied in a half pigtail with a hot pink ribbon.

Porimi: Nice hair, Miss Mayo.

Megumi: Thanks. Call me just Megumi or Meg, ok?

Porimi: Ok.

Uranau screamed. They turned. An Insectodrom with a Dragon Fly's face threw Cleo to the floor.

Megumi: Everyone out!

That wasn't necessary. Everyone started to leave, shouting and screaming. Mia came near the girls.

Mia: Universe’s Protection Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

They jumped in the scenery.

Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace, I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship, I'm Sailor Pandora!

Mia: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe's well being, I'm Sailor Universe!

All: And we will defeat you in name of the Universe!

B-Fly appeared.

B-Fly: You again? Art butterflies!

A blue, with yellow stars, butterfly came out from Uranau. A red one came from Cleo. Uranau's turned into a world globe and Cleo's into a red book.

B-Fly: The next two Art Treasures! Come to me!

Irina Sei looked at everything from the door.

Irina: No... Iris’ Justice Power, Make-up!

A rainbow came out of her transformation stick and covered her. Her hair grew till her feet. Wings appeared in her back. She had turned into Sailor Iris. She jumped to the Art Treasures and took them.

Irina: As long I exist the Art Treasures won’t be yours!

B-Fly: You... Insectodrom, kill her!

Irina: Rainbow beam!

The rainbow-coloured beam hurt the Insectodrom. She looked at the Art Treasures and they freed the art butterflies. They returned to their owners' bodies. Uranau was dressed as her butterfly. Cleo had a light blue tunic.

Uranau: Urania has arrived!

Cleo: Clio is here!

Megumi: Two new muses...

Irina: Help them, muses.

Cleo: Ok!

Uranau: Astronomic muse power!

Cleo: Historic muse power!

Two rays destroyed the Insectodrom. Sailor Iris left.

Megumi: You are so powerful...

Cleo: I'm the muse of Mercury, Clio of history.

Uranau: I'm the muse of Jupiter, Urania of astronomy.

Rika: Every planet has it's own muse?

Thalia appeared.

Taria: Yes, each of us has a guardian planet.

Melpomene appeared at her side.

Meina: I'm the muse of Uranus, Melpomene of tragedy...

Taria: I'm the muse of Venus, Thalia of comedy...

Meina: Every planet has a muse. We are nine as the planets in the Solar System.

Rika: And Andromeda's?

Taria: Andromeda is considered in the next Solar System.

Meina: The Perseus System...

Megumi: Perseus System?

Mia: The name of the planetary system that includes Andromeda... Your father used to talk about it a lot in my past life.

A light gleamed. Cleo and Uranau turned to their normal forms and fainted. Meina and Taria appeared and ran to them.

Meina: Please, leave.

Taria: Leave them alone... We'll see you again...

Meina: The day the Weapon is revealed...

Only Mia heard that. The Lost Sailor Senshi left. Ryo watched them all.

Megumi: Only five Art Treasures are remaining...

Rika: They are doing this really fast!

Mia: And Sailor Iris has four of the Art Treasures...

Megumi: She is dangerous.

Mia: More than you think...

Rika: What are you talking about?

Almoyver came near them.

Almoyver: I heard about a battle... Do I know you?

He stared at Mia.

Mia: I'm Sailor Universe. Bye.

She left.

Almoyver: Who is she?

Megumi: My past life mother...

Almoyver: And now?

Rika: Sailor Universe...

Almoyver: Come on, aren't you going to tell me her name?

Both: Why?

Almoyver: Because I'm Peace Hunter!

He transformed into it. Ryo watched him.

Ryo: So he is Peace Hunter...

He stared at his dagger. Meg and Rika turned.

Megumi: I don't trust you anymore, Almoyver...

I do not. He says he loves me but isn't there when I need him. Ryo was different... If he only returned to me...

Ryo: Meg... I could help you...

Selenity jumped to him.

Selenity: Are you going to use the power I gave you? Your teacher has arrived...

A man with brown hair and purple yes appeared. He had a kind of prince outfit.

Man: I'm Tsukiou...

Ryo: I'll tell you both... when I'm ready...

Megumi stared back. Ryo wasn't there anymore...

I felt a strange energy... Very powerful... A Royal Moon energy... Or was it my imagination?

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