Act V: Dancing with Silver Defender

I don't want to see you again... You lied to me...

But, Ryo...

Megumi opened her eyes.

A nightmare. How scaring... If Ryo stops talking to me I won't find someone like him... Does this mean I love him?

Tei came to her.

Tei: What's up, Meg?

Megumi: I had a nightmare.

Tei: You have had lot of nightmares since you don't talk with Ryo.

Megumi: Are you making fun at me?

Tei: No. I know it's hard to separate from a loved one... I have had so much boyfriends. With everyone I though I had found the love of my life... But none was...

Megumi: But I thought...

Tei: That I was happy because I had so many boyfriends? Nope...

Megumi: You have grown-up much since you are a little girl...

Tei: Confusing, eh? Go to sleep, it’s too early...

Next day, Mia was in a ballet class. One of the girls did it in a graceful manner.

Mia: Who is she?

Girl: Terri... (Shining Mile)

Girl 2: One of the most wonderful dancers in the world...

Girl: She's orphan, though...

Girl 2: She was found in the street when she was a baby. An old woman raised her but died last year...

Mia: What a sad story...

Terri looked at them and came nearer.

Terri: Are you talking about me?

She had wavy blonde hair and black eyes.

Girl: Well...

Terri: Don' get into my life! I want to dance in peace!

She left furious.

Mia: I'll go to talk to her...

Girl 2: No, she has a really bad temper...

Mia ran to the changing room. Terri was looking at herself in a mirror.

Mia: We didn't want to bother you...

Terri looked at her.

Terri: Mia Uchuu, right?

Mia: Yes, and you are Terri...

Terri: Terri without a name; that's me. You were talking about that, weren't you?

Mia: Well, they talked about that. But I was wondered by your beautiful dance...

She turned and smiled.

Terri: Do you think I dance well?

Mia: Really good... I'm older than you but I can't move as you do.

Terri sat down, and Mia did the same.

Terri: Since my mother's death that's the only thing that makes me happy. When I dance I can express my feelings; I can feel all Universe is in my veins. I feel so full of energy...

Mia: You surely were born to dance...

Terri: My mother said so...

Other girls entered.

Terri: Well, see you later...

She took her bag and left.

Mia: Born to dance...

Ryo was at the library again.

Ryo: Almoyver... Three Almoyver-named boys in Earth’s history...

He stared at his dagger.

Ryo: Meg... Should I...?

Almoyver ran to Megumi.

Almoyver: Are you still mad at me?

Megumi: You are not a bit trustful...

Almoyver: Hey, we were friends...

Megumi: A friend that appears and disappears when he wants to... I’m very disappointed. You told me you had come here just for me, but aren’t around me. I think you are doing something else, and I can’t image what.

Almoyver: But I really care about you...

Megumi: Go away...

She left. Ryo came to Almoyver.

Ryo: Looks that the princess doesn't want to talk to you.

Almoyver: Disappear, boy...

He left. Ryo smiled. Then he stood serious.

Ryo: I won’t let you hurt Megumi...

Irina heard that. She was in his back.

Irina: Neither will I let you hurt her...

Ryo looked at her. She left.

Ryo: The time has come.

He touched his dagger.

Mia entered in her apartment, were Meg, Rika and Tei were having some tea.

Mia: I think I have found another muse...

Megumi: Really?

Tei: Where?

Mia: In my ballet class... Her name is Terri. She's orphan and a great dancer...

Rika: We should protect her...

Mia: She's now in her evening ballet class...

Tei: She may be in danger...

Rika: We must go, then.

Selenity touched her necklace and followed them. Terri was in the middle of a performance.

Teacher: Really good, mademoiselle....

Terri stopped.

Terri: Thanks, Mr. Pierre...

The other girls were jealous of her. Two figures come nearer. One was purple-haired, wore glasses and a long dress. The other had orange hair and wore tight pants and a blouse.

Girl: Really good!

Girl 2: You almost looked as a muse!

Terri: Who are you?

Both gave a revolution and turned into Bee and B-Fly.

Bee: Captain Bee of Andromeda's galaxy!

B-Fly: Official Butter Fly of Andromeda's galaxy!

The girls screamed.

Mr. Pierre: What are you doing here?

B-Fly: We came to achieve our mission...

Bee: Bee Insectodrom!

A gigantic bee appeared. It flew all over the girls, who ran away screaming. It pushed Terri to the floor. Mia entered with the others.

Mia: We came just in time... Universe’s Protection Power, Make-up!

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

Tei: Hebe’s Children Power, Make-up!

Mia: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe's well being, I'm Sailor Universe!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship, I'm Sailor Pandora!

Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace, I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Tei: I’m a Chibi-Sailor Senshi who fights for children’s happiness, I’m Chibi-Sailor Hebe!

All: And we will defeat you in name of the Universe!

Bee: Haven't you got any vacations?

B-Fly: Bee Insectodrom, attack them!

It flew near the Senshi. Terri opened her eyes.

Terri: What's happening?

Bee: Art butterfly!

A pink butterfly with red border appeared from her. Its wings were full of little divisions. It turned into ballet slippers.

B-Fly: Yes!

Irina: Stop, you two!

Bee: Not her...

Irina: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe's justice, I'm Sailor Iris!

She took the slippers, and separated the butterfly from it. When it returned to Terri, a dress appeared in her. She had a pink necklace. Her skirt was light blue. The centre of her chest had a pink line that continued till the bottom of her shoulders. The rest of the upper part was red. She wore pink slippers.

Terri: Terpsichore of Mars has come...

The bee pushed Irina from her back. She fell.

Terri: Iris!

The bee returned and came to Meg.

Mia: Selene!

Something fell in the bee.

Megumi: Almoyver?

Rika: That's not a feather...

It was a sapphire-covered dagger. They looked up. There was a boy. He had a pointed black collar and his body was covered with silver. He had long black boots, white gloves and a translucent cape. He wore a white mask which ends hanged back his black hair.

Megumi: Who are you?

Boy: I'm the warrior who defends Earth... I'm Silver Defender...

Rika: Another one!

Irina stood up.

Irina: Another warrior... Terpsichore, destroy that Bee...

Silver Protector jumped and took his dagger from the bee.

Terri: Dancer music power!

The bee was destroyed. Bee and B-Fly disappeared. Sailor Iris intended to go.

Rika: Wait!

Megumi: Who are you?

Irina: I'm the Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe's justice.

Rika: Where did you come from?

Irina: I came from the place where Sailor Universe should be...

Mia: Universe Palace?

Irina: Maybe... I have to go.

Megumi: Why did you come here?

Irina: To get the Art Treasures... and take my revenge. Bye!

She flied away.

Rika: An enemy?

Mia: Her revenge…

Megumi turned.

Megumi: Silver Defender is gone.

Terri fainted. Mia sat her in a chair.

Mia: A new muse...

Rika: Four are missing now.

They transformed back. Mia stayed with Terri. Megumi and Rika went out and saw Ryo unconscious.

Megumi: Ryo!

He opened his eyes.

Ryo: Meg? I don't know what happened. I was walking and something hit me... It seemed to be an Insect of some sort…

He stood up.

Ryo: So, what are you two doing here?

Megumi: Aren't you mad with me?

Ryo: Mad? About what?

Rika: For keeping you a secret...

Ryo: You have a secret? Ouch... My head still hurts.

The pain made him forget...!

Megumi: We'll better take you home...

Ryo: No, I'm fine, really.

Mia came out.

Mia: Terri awoke! She's fine, just a little confused! Ryo?

Rika ran to her and talked to her ear..

Rika: Something hit Ryo and he has forgotten our secret...

Mia smiled. Megumi was radiant. Ryo started his way home.

Now everything will be fine... I'll tell Ryo the truth when the battles end.

Ryo took out his sapphire dagger. He smiled as he put it in his pocket.

Ryo: It's better this way. I'll protect her and she won't know... Till I can confess her that I know her secret... And tell her mine...

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