Act VI: Goodbye, Grandpa...

Tei entered the Tokugawa Middle School. Megumi was going out with Rika.

Tei: Meg! Meg!

Megumi: Tei... What are you doing here?

Tei: Grandpa had a heart attack!

Meg and Tei ran to the hospital. Rika phoned Mia and then, found Ryo.

Rika: Ryo, something terrible happened.

Ryo: Where's Meg?

Rika: Her grandfather had a heart attack...

Megumi saw her grandfather in Intensive Care. Aunt Ran was there already.

Megumi: How is he?

Aunt Ran: He’s not good...

Meg started to cry seeing her grandpa.

Grandpa... Don't leave me now... I need you...

Doctor: You may enter to see him, a minute each family member.

Aunt Ran entered first. When Tei was inside, Mia, Rika, Ryo and Selenity came.

Rika: How is him?

Megumi could not answer. Mia made a sign to Rika, so she left her alone. Megumi entered.

Megumi: I'm here Grandpa... Don't leave me as mom did... Please, don't go...

He opened his eyes.

Grandpa: Meggie... Take care of Teiko. And of Ran, she’s quite stubborn sometimes. I trust you... I love you all. I'm seeing her... Mizumi...

Mizumi was my mother's name...

He grabbed her hand and then...

Megumi: Grandpa! Nurse, come in!

The doctors entered. Megumi cried. Tei hugged her mother. Mia hugged Meg...

The next day was the service of Mr. Genzai. Megumi felt so bad. Neither of her friends could make her smile.

Mia: It's very hard for her... Leave her alone...

Megumi didn't come to school all the week. Ryo came to her house.

Ryo: Is Megumi coming tomorrow to school?

Aunt Ran: I don't think so...

Tei started school next day. Mia saw her walking home.

Mia: How's Meg?

Tei: It has affected her... She doesn't eat much... It's like all her energy had been drained from her when Grandpa died...

Rika phoned.

Rika: Can I talk to Megumi?

Aunt Ran: She can't right now...

Rika: She is crying.

Aunt Ran: Yes...

All these days were rainy.

Rika: Megumi is causing this weather.

Mia: Until she sees the sun again she'll be like this.

Megumi looked at a photo of her Grandpa and mother. Her mother was an aquamarine haired woman. She wore a white fresh dress. Her Grandpa was younger and wore a black coat.

Why? Why...?

Megumi: Why did you leave me?

Selenity entered from the window. Rika followed her.

Selenity: They didn't left you. They had to go.

Megumi: How did you two entered here?

Selenity: I'm a cat...

Rika: ... and I followed the cat...

Megumi stared at them. They were both wet.

Megumi: It's raining, isn't it?

Rika: Of course... You are causing it...

Megumi looked at her.

Megumi: Yes...

Rika: Megumi, you must go on...

She didn't answered.

Rika: Meg, please. You must be strong...

Selenity saw Megumi was getting mad.

Rika: Meg, you are one of the last hopes of the Earth!

Megumi turned.

Megumi: I know that's the only thing you care about! I have so much powers but still I couldn't save him! I won’t fight anymore! I'll live in peace! Go away!

Rika's eyes widen. She turned and ran away, followed by Selenity. Tei came.

Tei: Meg...

Megumi shut the door.

Megumi: Grandpa...

She put her coat on and went out ignoring Tei’s questions. She entered the cemetery and stood near her Grandpa's tomb.

Megumi: Grandpa!

She cried.

Boy: You pass so much time crying...

She turned and saw Silver Defender.

Boy: Come on, Sailor Andromeda, you are strong.

Megumi: How do you know I am Sailor Andromeda?

SD: I know your eyes... Earth depends on you. Your friends depend on you... I depend on you...

She looked deep in his eyes.

I know those eyes...

SD: See, there’s someone else who is covered by pain...

He pointed a girl who was leaving flowers to two tombs. Megumi walked to her.

Megumi: Porimi...

She turned and smiled.

Porimi: Hi, Megumi.

Megumi: Whom are you visiting?

Porimi: My dad and my mom... They died three months ago.

Megumi: I'm so sorry... But you don't seem to be so sad.

Porimi: Well, I was when they first died. But then, I realized I had to live with happiness, because if I didn't my parents would be sad in the other world... If I smile I know they’ll be happy...

Megumi: So you have forgotten them?

Porimi: No, I remember them all the time. But I know that if I'm happy, they are too...

Living happy to make them also happy... Happy... No crying...

Megumi: I understand now.

Porimi: Would you like to go come a poetry forum with me? Lot of poets go and recite their own creations...

Megumi: Sure...

They entered a little room full of tables and chairs. They sat.

Porimi: I come here when I'm depressed... The next to recite is Erato, a great love poet.

A curly-blonde-haired girl entered. Her eyes were blue and had a pigtail with a pink ribbon.

Erato:               Love, when you come.

I'll be waiting for you.

The days of my past will come back to me, as a breeze.

A sweet star will tell me you are here, in a kiss.

I know that you are near....

Megumi: Lovely...

The poem continued. B-Fly and Bee, in her human forms were there. Fly stood up and clapped.

B-Fly: Wonderful presentation! Art butterfly!

A butterfly came out of Erato. It was white with pink body.

Bee: Grasshopper Insectodrom!

An Insectodrom came. Porimi saw everything.

Porimi: That butterfly...

She touched her chest and a butterfly came out of it. It was purple. Erato's butterfly turned into a rose. Porimi's turned in a little purple sceptre with a musical note on top.

Bee: She took her art butterfly by herself!

B-Fly: She's a muse!

Megumi: Porimi...

Sailor Universe and Sailor Pandora appeared. Sailor Iris took the rose. Megumi took the sceptre before she did. The Insectodrom hurt Mia.

Your friends depend on you... I depend on you...

Living happy makes them happy...

Megumi: I must live my destiny.

She left the room.

Irina: Wait! Give me the Art Treasure!

Megumi transformed and returned. She gave all her energy to the Treasure and the butterfly returned to Porimi. A purple tunic appeared in her. Sailor Iris took the Treasure from Sailor Andromeda’s hands and freed Erato's butterfly. When it returned, a hot pink tunic appeared in her. The collar was high, with a yellow border. The same in the hands. Four heart shaped buttons were in the middle of the tunic.

Porimi: Polyhymnia of Saturn is here!

Erato: Erato of Earth has arrived!

Bee: Why can't we keep the Art Treasures?

They disappeared.

Megumi: Crystal Moon Attack!

Porimi: Sacred muse power!

Erato: Poetic muse power!

The three rays destroyed the Insectodrom. Megumi fell on the floor. Sailor Iris took her and disappeared. The muses joined hands and disappeared.

Mia: Megumi!

Sailor Iris took her and left. After flying a bit, Sailor Iris left Megumi in a park bank.

Irina: So beautiful...

She touched her face.

Irina: Why did she take you from me?

She intended to kiss her but a dagger fell between.

Irina: I knew you were going to come.

Silver Defender stared at her with scorn.

Irina: I know you love her... But her destiny is to be with me.

SD: I'll never let you...

Irina: You are powerful, I don't deny it... But she is mine...

SD: She is of whom she wishes.

Irina: Even if she isn't yours, Silver Defender?

SD: Even if she isn't.

Sailor Iris flied away.

Irina: We'll see who is right.

She disappeared. Silver Defender get closer to Meg.

SD: Megumi, are you ok?

Megumi opened her eyes.

Megumi: What happened? I used a lot of energy...

SD: You'll be alright...

Megumi: You called me Megumi. You know my identity.

Silver Defender smiled.

SD: I had already told you.

Megumi: It doesn't matter...

She spoke with a very sweet voice.

Megumi: Your words gave me strength to fight the enemies.

SD: I'm happy I helped.

Megumi: Your eyes... So silver as the moon... So shiny...

He came near her, and kissed her lips deeply.

SD: I'll be with you always...

Megumi: Who are you?

Mia and Rika reached the place.

SD: I must go.

He jumped away.

Megumi: Silver Defender...

Mia: What was he doing here?

Megumi: Kissing me...

A deep kiss... A love kiss... Oh, my... Am I in love with him?

Next day Megumi returned to the cemetery.

Megumi: Grandpa, I'll try my best to make you proud of me. I promise. And I'll discover my true love... Wherever he is now...

Ryo came to her side.

Ryo: Are you fine?

Megumi: Yes... Ryo, what would you think if I told you I love someone else?

Ryo: So? We are friends, right?

Megumi: Yes, friends...

She turned.

Silver Defender... Are you my real love?

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