Act VII: Aunt Ran’s Moving Idea

Megumi entered her class. It was really late.

Mr. Akami: You are late Miss Mayo...

Megumi: Sorry, Mr. Akami.

Mr. Akami: Wait outside until I tell you to come in.

Megumi sighed and went out. She stared at the roof.

Tei entered her class.

Tei: Sorry I'm late, Miss.

Teacher: Is something wrong, honey?

Tei: Nothing...

At the end of the class, Rika stood near Meg.

Rika: What's going on?

Megumi: Rika.

Ryo came closer.

Ryo: You were late? What's up?

Megumi: Aunt Ran was transferred... to America.

Rika: That's great, isn't it?

Megumi: I have to go with her.

She started to cry. Rika looked helpless at Ryo. He was shocked.

Ryo: She's leaving...

Tei walked home by herself. Mia found her.

Mia: What happens, Tei?

Tei cried and hugged her.

Tei: Mom wants us to go to America!

Rika and Megumi reached Mia's apartment. Meg was still sniffing. Mia looked at her.

Mia: I know.

Tei was asleep in her lap.

Mia: Tei told me...

Megumi: I don't want to leave. I can't leave...

Mia looked Rika. She was sad too.

Ryo walked in a park. He was thinking about Megumi leaving.

Ryo: If she leaves. She would never know I'm...

Irina was looking at him by a tree.

Irina: He is worried too... Selene...

Meina appeared in her back.

Meina: We must talk...

She followed her. She entered a room where the rest of the muses were.

Taria: Each of us has said goodbye to their past life. We are now just muses. No Earth people anymore...

Porimi: But we need our Art Treasures ...

Erato: They are the centre of our power...

Irina: I know... Wait until all the muses appear. The Insect Trio wants to take them. They want the Niji Sword... And so do the Lost Sailor Senshi...

Terri: You are a Lost Sailor Senshi.

Irina: But I'm not a traitor as them...

Uranau: You hate what you can't get.

Cleo: Typical.

Meina: We have nothing to regret from the Lost Sailor Senshi, unlike you.

Irina: Have some patience.

Irina turned and left. She saw an announcement of a painting exhibition.

Irina: The enemies will surely attack...

Megumi and Tei entered home. Aunt Ran was enthusiastic.

Aunt Ran: Aren't you exited about going to America?

Meg smiled sadly and Tei's eyes watered. She ran to her room. She took her teddy bear and cried.

Aunt Ran: What’s wrong with her?

Megumi: She wants to stay, as I do...

She walked to her room. Aunt Ran watched them, worried...

It was night. Ryo took a flower. It was a daisy.

Ryo: Should I tell her? Tell her that I'm...

Tsukiou appeared in front of him.

Tsukiou: What worries you, son?

Ryo: Tsukiou-sensei… I'm so worried. Megumi, you know, Selene, has to move away...

Tsukiou: She can't... She has a mission to achieve.

Ryo: Her aunt has got a job in America. She's her tutor so must obey her...

Tsukiou: I won’t let this happen...

He disappeared. Ryo grabbed his dagger. He raised it.

Ryo: Moon warrior power!

It glowed and covered him with his light. He turned into Silver Defender. He jumped away. Megumi couldn't sleep.

Leave... Don't achieve my destiny... Don't see Ryo nor Silver Defender again... My mother Mia... Rika... Silver Defender...

She heard something in her window. She walked and opened it. Silver Defender appeared hanging in her tree.

Megumi: Silver Defender...

She blushed, as she noticed she was in a night groom.

SD: I heard you are leaving...

Megumi: I am.

SD: I don't want you to leave.

Megumi: Neither do I...

He kissed her deeply. She started to cry.

SD: What happens?

Megumi: I'll not kiss you again if I leave...

Tei entered. Silver Defender left.

Tei: Was he...?

Megumi: Silver Defender.

Tei: Meg, you really confuse me... Didn’t you love Ryo? Or do you love Silver Defender?

Megumi: I don't know.

Meanwhile, in a capsule between some trees, three people were talking.

Dragon Fly: Can't you, fools, stop Sailor Iris from taking the Art Treasures?

Bee: My dear Dragon, she's too fast...

B-Fly: Yes, brother...

Dragon Fly: I have received a signal... In less than two weeks Queen Arachne will arrive...

Both: No!.

Dragon Fly: We need the Art Treasures to fight back.

B-Fly: We could fly away, again...

Dragon Fly: She would follow us and destroy us at last. We need the weapon that is sealed by the Art Treasures...

Bee: Have you discovered how to reach it?

Dragon Fly: Almost... We'll need a pure-hearted person, though...

Mia saw how Selenity and Tsukiou appeared in front of her.

Mia: Sister... Brother...

At morning, Irina watched as Megumi and Rika entered the painting exhibition with Tei.

Irina: They are always here.

Megumi stared at a painting titled "Home, sweet home."

Megumi: I wish I could stay.

Meanwhile, Mia knocked Megumi's house's front door. Aunt Ran opened her.

B-Fly entered with sunglasses on. She walked towards a man that was leading some people out.

B-Fly: Sorry, I’m one of the artist’s girlfriend. Do you know where they are?

Man: Sure, next room.

B-Fly: Thanks...

She managed to enter in; even when it was guarded.

Tei: That woman seems suspicious...

B-Fly took her sunglasses off when she met the painters.

B-Fly: I love your paintings!

Painter: Who are you?

Painter 2: How did you get here?

Tei opened the door a little.

Tei: Oh my...

She ran to Meg and Rika.

Tei: Girls, an attack!

The door opened and tens of butterflies came out. Fly came out disappointed.

B-Fly: How I didn't remembered. There isn't a painting muse, so none could have an Art Treasure...

Megumi: Stop!

Rika: Those painters have given the best of themselves to paint these.

Tei: And we'll not forgive you for stealing their inspiration.

Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace, I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship, I'm Sailor Pandora!

Tei: I’m a Chibi Sailor Senshi who fights for children’s happiness, I’m Chibi-Sailor Hebe!

B-Fly looked at them sadly. She kneeled.

B-Fly: Crab Insectodrom....

A huge crab appeared. It took Rika.

Rika: Hey, take your hands off of me!

Tei, meanwhile, was catching the butterflies.

Tei: Hebe’s Jump! Hebe’s Jump! They are too many...

Though, she did catch’ them all.

Tei: I have them... But how are we going to destroy that Insectodrom?

I’ll do it... If these are my last days in Tokyo, I’ll make them be memorable.

Megumi: Andromeda Crystal Attack! Power!

Her ray was thicker than always. Peace Hunter threw feathers to the Insectodrom. The Insectodrom was destroyed. Megumi fainted. Rika, freed, ran to her.

Rika: Meg! Meg...

Peace Hunter came nearer.

Almoyver: Selene Meg?

Tei returned; the art butterflies had come back to their owners.

Tei: She has used too much of her energy...

Then, Tei stared at B-Fly. She was still there. Crying.

Tei: Aren't you going to escape?

B-Fly: What’s the point? I'll soon die... I don't want to kill. I just wanted to have a peaceful life and survive...

Tei came to her. She offered her hand. B-Fly smiled and gave her her hand. Bee appeared.

Bee: You, traitor, have shown us you have a pure heart.

She twisted her fingers and B-Fly appeared tied.

Bee: Dragon Fly will be very disappointed...

They disappeared. Silver Defender looked at the girls from high.

SD: So Almoyver has come back...

Megumi opened her eyes a little.

Megumi: Silver Defender...

Silver Defender... Kiss me...

Rika: Meg?

Megumi: Sailor Pandora... Peace Hunter... Chibi-Sailor Hebe... What happened?

Rika: You used too much energy.

Tei: We'll better go home.

Silver Defender came to them and carried Megumi away.

Almoyver: Who is he? Where is he taking her?

Rika: She's safe. Trust me...

When Tei and Rika reached Meg's house, she was un-transformed and asleep in the garden.

Rika: Meg?

Megumi: Rika... He took me here and kissed me.

Tei: Isn't he going to stop kissing you when you are weak?

They entered and found Mia at Aunt Ran’s side.

Tei: Mia!

She hugged her. Aunt Ran smiled sadly.

Aunt Ran: Miss Uchuu, I’ll have to accept your offer...

Mia smiled.

Two days later Megumi and Tei entered, with bags, to Mia's apartment.

Mia had this cool idea... She convinced Aunt Ran to let us stay here with her as a temporal tutor…

Mia: Well, I have organised the apartment so you'll have a room each... And we have got a free room, still.

Tei: I'll miss Mom... But now I'll do my best to achieve my duties as a Senshi...

Rika was wondered.

Rika: Having more freedom! How do I envy you…

Mia giggled. Selenity was smiling.

Megumi: From whom you get this idea, Mia?

Mia stared at Selenity.

Mia: Let's say a dream gave it to me.

Mia's too nice... Now I'm going to stay here! I'm worried about Official Butter Fly... Is she having problems? Survive... That's what she said... Survive what?

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