Act VIII: Parents

Rika opened her eyes slowly. She looked at the clock and moaned.

Rika: Mom! Why didn’t you wake me up?

She changed her clothes and drank quickly an orange juice.

Rika: Meg is going to kill me…

Jane giggled.

Jane: You say so every morning, but are always on time.

A young red-haired woman appeared from the kitchen.

Woman: (In English) Girls, remember today we are going to the Tamura’s house. I want you to be ready. Daddy and me are going to pick you up at seven, after we leave the office.

Rika: Ok, Mama.

She left quickly.

Jane: She’ll forget…

Rika ran over the street and found Megumi walking from her new building’s door.

Rika: Wait, Meg!

Megumi stopped and turned.

Megumi: You told me to wait for you, but you are always ten minutes late.

Rika: Well, mom doesn’t want to wake me up, and my alarm clock is broken. What can I do?

They continued walking.

That’s how Rika is, I can’t change her. She is always making her parents responsible for her mistakes. But I can always rely on her. Since I moved to Mia’s apartment, she comes here to go together to school. My old house is too far from her house, so we didn’t usually met in the way. But now we are pretty close.

Megumi: So, what are you doing today?

Rika: Going to dinner with the Tamura, my parent’s associates. I just hate to go there, as their son has a crush on me, and he stays at my side as glue…

Megumi: Have you told Osamu?

Rika: Of course not… But, maybe that could make him a little jealous and make him decide to be my boyfriend…

She smiled.

Rika: I would like so much to be Osamu’s girlfriend…

The day passed quickly. Rika got laughing at her house.

Rika: Hi, Jane!

Jane: Rika, you should start getting ready…

Rika: For what?

Jane: Tamura’s dinner.

Rika: Oh… Right.

Bee smiled at B-Fly, enchained to a wall. She was crying.

Bee: Why are you so upset? You were the one that betrayed us, little fly.

B-Fly: Talk with brother, Bee.

Bee: We need your pure heart now. We have to defend ourselves from Arachne, and you know it.

Bee left.

B-Fly: Set me free!

Rika and Jane appeared glamorous in front of the Tamura. Their son smiled to Rika, who got a SICK face. They started to dinner, and men started to talk

Mr. T.: So, what do you think of that new software Mason Corporation is developing?

Mr. O.: It won’t work. Companies will need a better option for developing progress.

Mrs. T.: Oh, stop those boring conversation, please. Lisa, don’t you think it’s a wonderful occasion for a little dance?

Mrs. O.: It really is. Come on, Anzu, let’s dance!

Rika’s parents raised. Mrs. Tamura took her husband out of the chair. Young Tamura walked to Rika.

Young T.: Would you like to…

Rika: My sister will love to dance with you.

She gave him Jane’s hand and went to a window. Some minutes later, the boy was again at her side.

Young T.: Jane is a bit tired, would you like…?

Osamu: Rika!

Rika looked down, finding Oceanus.

Rika: Osamu!

Osamu: Megumi called me. They need you in the park. A new attack.

Rika: Ok!

She jumped from the window, and he received her. Young Tanokura couldn’t speak as she left with him.

Young T.: Miss Rika?

Rika: Pandora’s Friendship Power, Make-up!

Osamu and Rika jumped in front of an Ant Insectodrom.

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship, I'm Sailor Pandora!

Osamu: I’m Commander Oceanus of the Green Sea.

Bee looked at her, with a new butterfly in her hands. Megumi turned to Rika.

Megumi: You are here!

Rika: Right! Pandora’s Box Surprise!

The Ant stepped backwards.

Tei: Hebe’s Jump!

She kicked Bee and took the Art Butterfly. A young girl lied unconscious in the floor.

Mia: Universe Flashlight!

The Insectodrom couldn’t do anything to protect itself.

Megumi: Why are you attacking us, Bee?

Bee smiled and jumped up to a tree.

Bee: You know we need the Art Treasures. That’s our true goal.

Megumi: Why?

Bee: The Niji Sword…

Megumi: Niji Sword?

Bee laughed a bit and then disappeared.

Megumi: Wait!

Mia fell in the floor.

Mia: I’m too tired.

Tei gave the unconscious girl her butterfly. She recovered her colour.

Tei: Hey, I know her. She’s the new idol, Sammy.

The group heard some noises and left. Sammy’s agent came to help her client.

Tei: Oh, I would like to be an idol as Sammy!

Rika: With the voice you have?

Tei gave her a killer look.

Mia: We can’t continue like this…

Megumi: We’ll better take her to Tenko.

Osamu: Let’s go, then.

At midnight, Rika was leaving Mia’s apartment, after taking her to Tenko.

Megumi: It’s really late.

Rika: What can I do? I’m a Senshi, so I have to handle difficult situations.

Megumi: Your dress…

Rika: It’s a bit dirty, but I didn’t fight with it on, so I guess its ok. See you tomorrow!

Megumi: Bye.

Rika entered her house slightly. When she was about to go upstairs, the living room’s light turned on and her parents faced her.

Mrs. O.: Come here, Rika.

Rika turned and walked to them.

Rika: Hi! Isn’t it too late to be awake yet?

Mr. O.: Tanokura’s son told us you jumped from a window and left with some sort of boy.

Mrs. O.: What were you thinking? We were at somebody else’s house!

Rika: What?

Mrs. O.: You must think how ashamed we were. And who’s that boy, anyway? Don’t you know you shouldn’t involve with any kind of people.

Rika: I won’t listen this. You are mad at me because I made you look as fools? You didn’t even asked if I was ok! And Osamu isn’t just any guy. He’s the most wonderful man on Earth. He has raised his four younger siblings without help!

Mr. O.: An orphan…

Rika: Dad!

Mrs. O.: You are grounded, Rika. You won’t be able to go out in two months.

Rika: Mom!

Mr. O.: That’s all. Lisa, we should go to bed, don’t you think?

Mrs. O.: Yes, Anzu.

They left her.

Rika: I can’t be grounded, I have to continue fighting…

Megumi walked silently as Rika told her everything.

Rika: They can’t make this to me, I’m a Senshi, and need some freedom!

Megumi: But they are worried.

Rika: About what other people will think. I wish I could have some time just for myself for a while…

Mia looked at them walking.

Mia: We can’t let one of our Senshi stop helping us.

Selenity jumped to her shoulder.

Selenity: Indeed.

Mia knocked the Ogawano door. Jane opened her.

Jane: Hi!

Mia: Are your parents home?

Jane: No. They’ll be here by eight of clock.

Mia: Could I wait here?

Jane: Mm…

Mia: I’m Rika’s friend: Mia Uchuu.

Jane: Oh! Then, come in. Rika says you can solve every problem that comes…

Mia smiled and entered. Lisa and Anzu Ogawano Came on time. Rika was by herself at her room.

Mia: Good evening, Mr. And Mrs. Ogawano.

Mrs. O.: Hi… Who are you?

Mia: Mia Uchuu, Rika’s friend and a teacher of her school.

Mr. O.: Oh, then, what has she done this time?

Mia: Nothing. I wanted to propose you two something.

Mrs. O.: About?

Mia: I know Rika is grounded right now, and she shouldn’t have left your important dinner… But there are always two ways of looking at everything. What she had to do in that moment was important enough for her to sacrifice her own freedom.

Mrs. O.: Indeed. But she left with a stranger…

Mia: I know that boy, Osamu Kai, and I’ll have to say is one of the best guys I know. They had to help someone. I can’t say more.

Mr. O.: Well, but we can’t just forget what she did.

Mia: I know. But maybe there’s a way that both of you learn to trust each other. I’m the temporal tutor of Megumi Mayo and Tei Wakasano while Ran Genzai is in America. Rika could come to live with me some months. I’ll take her here every Sunday and you’ll try to learn to trust again. I know this sounds like a madness to you, but it could be the only way that you three learn to appreciate each other.

Mr. O.: It is a crazy idea.

Mia: I know, but it could help this family.

They looked at each other and smiled sadly.

Megumi: I can’t believe it!

Rika: Neither do I.

Jane closed the bag.

Jane: I guess that’s al… Oh, Rika, I’ll miss you!

She hugged her.

Rika: I’ll miss you too, but I guess it’s the best that things cool out between Mom, Dad and me.

Jane nodded. Megumi took her bag and left with Mia. Rika looked at her mother.

Rika: We’ll see on Sunday.

Mrs. O.: I still want to know how your grades are going.

Rika: Ok. Bye, Dad.

Mr. O.: Bye.

Rika left with her friends. Lisa Ogawano laid her head in her husband’s shoulder.

Mrs. O.: I think she is growing up too fast.

Mr. O.: Yes.

Parents… What can I say? I don’t have any. But I guess Rika and hers will learn to live with each other’s problems very soon…

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