Act IX: Music and Music... of Neptune

Dragon Fly: How could you betray me...?

B-Fly: Brother, what we really wanted was to have a peaceful life...

Dragon Fly looked at her emotionless. Bee looked a bit sad.

Bee: But we can't have peace if we don't have the weapon.

B-Fly: There must be another way...

Dragon Fly: There isn't...

A little dragonfly landed in Dragon Fly's hand. It had a message.

Dragon Fly: A concert, Michiru Kaiou in the violin and Eutere Musica (Shy and Genuine Picture of Music) in the flute. I think they may be muses...

Bee: We'll go, then...

Dragon Fly: It’s a date.

He kissed her hand. They went out, leaving B-Fly crying.

B-Fly: Please, set me free!

The phone rang. Megumi answered.

Megumi: Hello?

Setsuna: Megumi? It was hard to find you… You moved out...

Megumi: Hi, Miss Meiou!

Setsuna: Meg, we were wondering if you could baby-sit Hotaru tonight.

Megumi: Well, sure!

Setsuna: We'll wait for you at seven o'clock.

Megumi: I'll be there.

Megumi went to school. Ryo came to her.

Ryo: How are you, my friend?

Friend... Yes we are only friends. I wonder if we ever will be more than friends... What I am talking about? I have Silver Defender in my heart...

Ryo: My cousin gave me these two tickets for a concert tonight... Want to come?

Megumi: Sorry, I can't. I must baby-sit tonight.

Ryo: What a shame... Do you think you can find someone who would want to go?

Megumi: Rika and Mia will sure. They need a relax... Yesterday we had a very important Math exam and they haven’t been sleeping for days. That’s why Rika isn’t coming today, she is drained! Mia is coming late. It was quite a challenge to make Tei go to school, when she saw the sleeping. What a girl!

Ryo: You act as a mother...

Megumi: One day I'll be... I must have some practice.

Ryo: And who'll be the father?

Megumi blushed. Ryo touched her face. Almoyver came between them.

Almoyver: Hi Selene Meg. Hi, whatever-your-name-is...

Ryo: Why are you here?

Almoyver: I wanted to invite Meg to a concert.

Ryo: Too late... I have already invited her.

Almoyver got a face.

Almoyver: I see. Hey, I have been wondering… Have you got some Silver outfit?

Ryo's face whitened.

Ryo: Excuse me?

Almoyver: Just wondering... So, have a great time!

He left.

Megumi: You didn't tell him I couldn't go...

Ryo: Neither you.

Megumi smiled. At evening, she got home. Mia had prepared lunch.

Megumi: Yummy...

Rika: What did you do in class?

Megumi: Reviews, don't worry... I have a surprise for you two. Tickets to a concert...

Tei: Two?

Megumi: For Rika and Mia. I have to baby-sit for Hotaru Tomoe. And you, Tei, must sleep early. Do your homework, ok? Tomorrow you have school...

Tei: You are mean...

She went to her room.

Megumi: She must learn to obey...

Selenity jumped to her. She gave her a communicator watch.

Selenity: So we can contact you. I'll give one to each of you...

At seven, Megumi was in front of Hotaru's house.

Here lives Hotaru with her three parents: Haruka-papa, Michiru-mama and Setsuna-mama. They are the Outer Sailor Senshi. I know their identities, but they don't know mine.

Haruka: Come in, Meg...

Michiru was fixing her hair.

Michiru: Do you think its ok, Setsuna?

Setsuna: Pretty good. What do you think, Haruka?

Haruka: Beautiful...

Setsuna coughed signing Meg. Haruka blushed. Hotaru came.

Hotaru: Hi, Megumi!

Megumi: Hi, dear...

She's looks younger... She must have seven years old now... How can this be possible?

Setsuna grabbed Meg's arm and took her to another room.

Setsuna: Megumi, Hotaru is having some problems. Chibi-Usa, her friend, returned to her time... I mean, had to go. She's turning younger day by day. Please, don't tell her anything, I know its weird, but make Haruka and Michiru you haven’t noticed...

Megumi: Ok, she'll be all right. You have kept my secret...

Setsuna is the only Senshi who knows who I am...

They returned.

Hotaru: Michiru-mama and Haruka-papa are already in the car.

Setsuna: Be a good girl, Hotaru.

She left. Hotaru went upstairs. Megumi followed her.

Megumi: So how are you feeling?

Hotaru: Setsuna-mama must have told you that Chibi-Usa left. I knew that had to happen someday. She left three years ago but returned for a while... Want to know a secret?

Megumi: Ok...

Hotaru: She's from the future: the future daughter of Mamoru and Usagi...

The daughter of Serenity and Endymion! Their dream then will come true...

Megumi: Really?

Hotaru: Yes... It's supposed to be a secret but now she's gone...

Megumi: You must cheer up. I lost my Grandpa a little time ago. I was sad but I went through it... And you'll probably see Chibi-Usa again, in the future...

Hotaru smiled. Meanwhile Mia and Rika were at the concert.

Rika: That's Michiru Kaiou! That's why they need someone to baby-sit Hotaru...

Mia: There is Haruka...

Rika: ...and Setsuna. The only Sailor Senshi who knows Meg and my identity.

Mia: I know... Meg told me.

Almoyver came to them.

Almoyver: Where's Meg?

Rika: She had to baby-sit a girl...

Almoyver: That Ryo tricked me...

Bee and Dragon Fly were kissing as Michiru played. Eutere made a duet with her flute. She had brown wavy hair and blue eyes. She has a music spirit, as me... Both ended their performance. Bee stood up. Dragon Fly turned into his real form. They flew high.

Michiru: She is the one who attacked Haruka.

Hotaru screamed.

Hotaru: Michiru-mama is in danger!

Megumi's communicator watch turned on.

Rika: Bee and Dragon Fly are here...

Megumi: I'll go. Hotaru...

She wasn't there.

Megumi: Andromeda's Lost Senshi Power, Make-up!

She ran and saw Super Sailor Saturn running to the same direction.

She feels danger... She's really powerful.

They entered the auditorium. Chibi-Sailor Hebe was at the side of Sailor Universe and Sailor Pandora.

Tei: I got here before you did, Meg!

Bee: Art butterflies!

Two butterflies of blue and light-blue layered wings with aquamarine body came out of Eutere and Michiru. Michiru's flew away and the other turned in a flute. Sailor Iris appeared and grabbed the flute.

Irina: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe's justice, I'm Sailor Iris!

Super Sailor Pluto and Super Sailor Uranus appeared at the other side of the room. They attacked Bee. She made a force wall.

Hotaru: Saturn Silence Crash!

Dragon Fly blew her before she ended.

Setsuna: Saturn! Dead...Scream!

They disappeared and a Butterfly-like Insectodrom appeared.

Haruka: World Shaking!

The Insectodrom flew over the attack. A feather and a dagger fell in it. Peace Hunter and Silver Defender looked at each other.

Almoyver: You again...

SD: I'll be there when Andromeda needs me...

Rika: Pandora’s Box Bullets!

The Insectodrom continued to be unharmed, and flew to Uranus. Sailor Iris separated the butterfly from the flute. When it returned to Eutere body a light blue tunic appeared in her. She stood up.

Eutere: Euterpe of Neptune has awake...

Sailor Iris jumped away.

Mia: Universe Crystal...

Meg interrupted her.

Megumi: Andromeda Crystal Attack! Power!

Eutere joined her.

Eutere: Lyric muse power!

The Insectodrom was destroyed. Meg fell down but didn't faint. Rika helped her. Silver Defender and Peace Hunter disappeared. Chibi-Sailor Hebe returned with Michiru's butterfly. Hotaru put it inside her. She opened her eyes.

Michiru: Haruka... Setsuna... Hotaru... What happened?

Haruka: The lost Sailor Senshi helped us again...

They turned to see them, but they had already left.

Setsuna: Hotaru, Megumi must be worried... You must return.

Hotaru: Ok...

When she reached her house, Megumi was calling her.

Megumi: Hotaru... Where were you?

Hotaru: I just...

Megumi: It's ok. Just don't do it again... Go to bed...

Haruka was in her car with Michiru and Setsuna.

Haruka: The Lost Sailor Senshi are fighting again...

Setsuna: Leave them. They can handle this...

Michiru sighed. When they arrived, Megumi was at the living room.

Megumi: She's sleeping...

Setsuna paid her.

Megumi: Thanks!

Haruka: Want me to drive you home?

Megumi: Don't worry, I'll go alone...

She went out.

Only one muse left... Sailor Iris is becoming dangerous...

SD: Hi!

She saw Silver Defender at her side.

Megumi: You always appear when I need you... Who are you?

SD: I'm a boy who loves you.

Meg blushed and saw he had blushed too.

SD: I had never said those words to any girl... Bye.

He jumped away.

Megumi: A boy who loves me?

Love... Do I love him? Do I?

Mia was at the door of the building when she came.

Megumi: Hi, Mia.

Mia: Hi...

Megumi: What’s worrying you?

Mia: Sailor Iris. Just one muse is missing now... Calliope of Pluto, muse of eloquence and epic poetry...

Megumi: Who is Sailor Iris?

Mia: I can't figure it out yet...

She turned and went in. Megumi followed her.

Sailor Iris. Danger. She's so strange...and so powerful. But she hates us. Soon we'll see her power...

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