Act XI: The Insect Trio’s Truth

Irina saw how her bracelet shone.

Irina: I must reach it...

Bee looked at her.

Bee: What are you doing?

Irina: Nothing...

Dragon Fly: If you don't stop interrupting I'll never finish this! I'll start over. Art and Science goddesses, I invoke you... Give me the power of the ancient magic... Come to me, weapon of the pure heart!

Fly opened her eyes for a second. The Art Treasures each threw a coloured ray. (The colour of the planet they came from.) A large sword appeared from that union. It was all very-light blue but in the violet handle were jewels of the colours of the rainbow.

Irina: The Niji Sword...

Dragon Fly touched the sword. His eyes turned red.

Dragon Fly: I'm powerful! All this energy is covering my body...

Bee: Dragon Fly...?

Dragon Fly: Go away, fool...

The Art Treasures disappeared. The muses fell to the floor.

Senshi: Muses!

Terri: Our power has been drained... Go to save Earth.

They turned and followed the red light that shone in a park. The muses got their Art Treasures.

Kari: Protect these Art Treasures... Our lives depends on them, sisters...

Each one grabbed her item.

Megumi stopped near the light.

Megumi: Soon we'll see the enemies...

Rika: But now we are stronger!

Mia: Don't be so confident, my friend. The power of the Niji Sword is very much...

Tei: Niji Sword?

Mia: The weapon that the muses form... The Rainbow/Niji Sword...

Bee appeared by the trees, hurt.

Bee: Help me!

Megumi grabbed her.

Megumi: What happened?

Bee: Dragon Fly is out of control...

Irina took herself out of the ruins of the Insect's capsule. Everything had exploited.

Irina: Rainbow Super Power, Make-up!

A rainbow came out from her new transformation stick. Her skirt was layered. The one on the bottom was golden. The other was a rainbow layer. She had a white tiara with a crescent moon in it. Her boots and gloves remained the same. She had a white collar in her neck with a little black star. A golden bow was in her back.

Irina: Well... The muses did a right thing, I guess.

The Lost Sailor Senshi came to her.

Irina: You have powered-up too?

Rika: Yes, thought you were the only one? We all have to defeat the enemies.

Megumi was holding Bee.

Irina: She's an enemy!

Mia: Everyone must have another chance...

Irina: Even you?

Mia smiled.

Mia: If you wish...

Irina smiled.

Irina: You have remembered, Lady Selene.

Mia: When the Niji Sword appeared I remembered everything...

Irina: You'll not separate her from me now...

Mia: Want to bet?

Rika: Hey, what are you two talking about?

Both: Its not your business!

Megumi: Mia?

A sharp laugh was heard. Dragon Fly floated in the sky.

Dragon Fly: I'm powerful!

Tei: We'll need a lot of work...

He threw a ray with the sword. It caught Rika. She screamed.

Megumi: Rika!

Dragon Fly: King Insectodrom!

A huge insect, without real classification, appeared.

Tei: We'll need new power...

Mia touched her earring and a light came from it.

Mia: Universe Flashlight!

She joined her hands and threw the light again. But now it was a powerful ray.

The Insectodrom turned of pain.

Mia: You can do it, Sailor Pandora...

She joined her rings and formed a great ball with them. It was cyan.

Rika: Pandora’s Star Dust!

Lot of energy balls were throw from her hands. The Insectodrom was destroyed.

Irina: Pretty good...

Dragon Fly: The King was bad... But the Queen is worse!

An identical Insectodrom appeared.

Rika: What? Again?

Irina: I'll show you know...

Her bracelet caught a ray of moonlight.

Irina: Moon Rainbow Attack!

From her hand she threw a rainbow hurricane. The Insectodrom stepped back.

Irina: Prove what you are made of, Chibi-Sailor Hebe...

Tei put her finger in her mouth.

Tei: Hebe’s Super Candy Sparks!

An energy spark appeared from each finger and they burned up the Insectodrom as they fell in it.

All: We are the Super Lost Sailor Senshi!

Irina realised that she had also talked, and blushed.

She's one of us... Don't matter if she doesn't like it...

Dragon Fly noticed Megumi.

Megumi: You are the head of this, aren't you?

He jumped near her and raised the Sword to hit her. A dagger and feather fell in his hand. He stopped.

SD: From the Moonlight night I'm a warrior of the Moon, Silver Defender....

Almoyver: The Peace is my goal and I hunt for it... I'm Peace Hunter!

They looked at each other with scorn.

Silver Defender...

SD: Are you Ok, my girl?

He's so cute...

Almoyver: She's not your girl!

SD: Andromeda, inside the ruins is a girl, shining. She's giving her energy to make the sword stronger...

The muses appeared in the sky.

Muses: That's true... The Niji Sword needs a person to take energy from. Destroy the energy fount and the Rainbow Sword will lose its power... Then that man will return to normality.

Irina: I'll destroy that girl...

Bee: B-Fly?

Megumi: You are not! She deserves a chance!

Irina: We have no other choice!

Megumi: I'll help her...

She jumped to the ruins. Dragon Fly intended to follow her but...

SD: Moonlight Sword!

His dagger grew up.

SD: Your enemy is here!

He jumped in front of him and started fighting. Megumi saw B-Fly unconscious. She moved of pain.

Megumi: Butter-Fly... Listen to me... You must fight for your freedom... You must disconnect yourself of the Sword...

B-Fly: My brother... He hates me...

Megumi: He's by the power of the sword. You are the only one who can save him...

B-Fly: Hate...

A black shadow came from Fly.

Shadow: She'll give her energy to the Sword.

Megumi: You are Butter-Fly's disillusion.

Shadow: You can't beat me...

She threw a ray that pushed her away.

I must save Fly... I'll prove Sailor Iris that's the best way... And I'll prove Silver Defender I can protect Earth as he does.

She stood up. A purple light glowed around her.

I feel a new energy inside me... A power I'll use to protect everyone.

Megumi's crescent moon shone.

Megumi: Andromeda Moonlight Crystal Storm!

Lots of rays fall in the shadow. It screamed and disappeared. B-Fly opened her eyes.

B-Fly: What happened?

Megumi: Everything is all right, don't worry...

Butter-Fly took her hand and helped her flew away. Dragon Fly was still fighting with Silver Defender. Fly and Megumi arrived.

Irina: She did it...

Megumi: Andromeda Moonlight Crystal Storm!

The Niji Sword flew away. Dragon Fly fell down. Bee ran to him.

Bee: Dragon Fly! Are you Ok?

Dragon Fly: Bee... What happened? That sword... I'm so sorry about the way I treated you...

Bee: Don't worry, you were possessed.

Fly smiled. Later all the Sailor Senshi were in their normal forms. The Insect Trio was in front of their shooting stars UFOs.

Dragon Fly: We'll go to a New World.

Bee: Where we can live without hiding.

B-Fly: But soon our Queen Arachne will come to take all the Art butterflies of this world...

Dragon Fly: She wanted the Niji Sword and she will still want this world, so full of inspiration and art.

Bee: We escaped from her... She wanted to kill us because we wanted to stop killing people. Little B-Fly didn't want to kill even once...

Butter-Fly smiled.

B-Fly: Maybe we'll see you again...

They entered their capsules and flew away. The muses appeared in the sky with their Art Treasures .

Kari: We'll go too...

Eutere: To Universe Palace...

Porimi: We'll never forget you...

A black Sailor Senshi figure with wings appeared in the distance.

All: Bye!

The Lost Sailor Senshi saw as they disappeared. Irina walked to the Niji Sword and grabbed it.

Rika: Be careful...

Irina smiled.

Irina: This is my sword.

Mia: It had been hers in her past life but when the muses died she lost it. It is hers...

Tei stared at both of them.

Megumi: What are you going to do now?

Irina: The danger hasn't ended... I'll be here till then. I have to take what I deserve, too...

Mia smiled. Megumi looked at her.

Mia: You'll better do it after the danger stops.

Irina: I'll do... I'll take what I came to take.

Mia: I'll never let you...

Irina: We'll see...

She disappeared.

Rika: What are you two talking about?

Mia: Nothing...

Mia is acting really strange today... She said she remembered something... But what? I'm really frightened about it...

Silver Defender stared at them.

SD: I'll be here to protect you, Megumi...

He took out his mask, showing Ryo’s face. Tsukiou appeared in his back.

Tsukiou: Your training hasn't finished.

Ryo: I know, Sensei... But I want to see her a while...

My heart is pounding... Someone is near me... Whom could it be?

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