Meg and Ryo were in the sea balcony.

Megumi: What a lovely sunset!

Ryo: It isn’t as lovely as you are...

She blushed. He started to come closer to her and they would have surely kiss if a little cry hadn't interrupted them.

Megumi: What was that?

A bush near them was shaking. They both came near to look...

Sailor Andromeda L Special Act XII:
Andromeda Twins

There was a great palace full of a silver crystal glow.

Girl: Princess Usagi?

The pink-haired girl with two rabbit-odango stared at two girls. She had a long dress and seemed bored. The voice seemed to enlighten her face.

Princess: Hi, girls, how are you?

Girl: Dear cousin, we were wondering if...

Girl 2: We want to go to the past!

Girl: Meg!

Princess: Don't worry... You want to do something I did several times when I was a girl...

Girl 2: Auntie Serenity has told us that...

Girl: We know you went for special reasons but we would love to see Mama and Papa younger! Do you think we…?

Princess: Ok, but don't you tell my mother...

Both: Sure!

Princess: I give you my permission...Puu?

Sailor Pluto appeared in the door.

Pluto: Small Lady? Oh, little graces...

Both: Hi, Puu!

Princess: I want to ask you a favour... Could you transport them to the past?

Pluto: But your mother will surely punish me...

Three: Please!

Princess: Helios, Mama and Papa are out, I won’t tell...

Pluto: Ok, I'll do it... But I’m not responsible.

Both: Hurrah!


Megumi peaked to the bushes. She heard too voices.

Girl 1: Is this the past?

Girl 2: How am I supposed to know?

A face appeared from the bushes, and made Megumi fall back. There was a little girl, of eight/nine years old who looked a lot as her. Her hair was light purple and her eyes silver.

Girl 2: Hey, Umi! Look out!

Another face, identical to the other, appeared. The only differences were that her aquamarine hair and that she was wearing glasses.

Girl 1: She's...

Megumi and Ryo didn’t understood a bit. Meanwhile, in the shore, far from them, a girl was walking. The sky was turning black.

Lonely Girl: Alone again. Maybe I should just end this now...

She, with her blonde hair shining, ran to the sea, wishing she could die. Suddenly, something came floating to her.

Girl: What's this?

It was a grey prism, which had spherical base. It started to float in the air...

Prism: You are sad...

Girl: Yes, I am. Who or what are you?

Prism: I'm the grey Cassiopeia Crystal. I have been sealed for centuries in the depths of the sea. I can make you really happy, if you accept me...

Girl: I accept you, I have nothing to lose...

The crystal entered her body. Her eyes turned black and her hair grew longer and white. A brown dress appeared and she floated in the air. The crystal was hanging in her neck. Her lips turned bloody red.

Girl: I'm not longer Mei Aki... (Dark Autumn)

Prism: You are Cassiopeia and you'll conquer this world.

Cassiopeia: Yeah...


Girl 1: Behave Megu...

Ryo: Are you two called Megu and Umi?

Megumi: They look like me and their names are divisions of mine.

Both girls giggled.

Umi: Do you think she'll ever notice?

Megu: How am I supposed to know?

Umi: Can't you say anything else?

Ryo: Come on, tell us who you are.

Megu: We'll tell you if you take us to see Mia!

Umi: Megu! Sorry, Miss Mayo, could you take us to Mia Uchuu's apartment?

Megumi: How do you know my family name and about Mia?

Umi blushed. Megu laughed.

Megu: You haven't guessed....

Ryo: Megumi, we'll better take them there.

Megumi: I see... Come with us, girls...

Both girls came out of the bushes. Umi had a purple sailor uniform and Megu’s was aquamarine. They followed them.

Ryo: To what school do you go to?

Umi: The Zuishou School, as many other royal children...

Megumi: Royal children?

Umi blushed.

Megu: Are you dating each other?

Both blushed. Megumi tried to get out of the problem.

Megumi: Hey, we have just met you three minutes ago and you are asking us private questions?

Megu laughed. Umi hit her stomach.

Megu: Ouch!

Umi: Behave, Megu...

Megu: Yes, Umi-mama...

Umi: Stop it!

Megu: You think you are the more mature of us, don't you?

Megumi: Calm down you two!

Both girls stared at the floor.

Both: Sorry, mom...

They raised their heads as they had done a mischief. Megumi was confused.

Meg/Ryo: Mom?

Both stared at each other.

Twins: Oops...

Rika was entering the building's main door.

Rika: Hi Meg!

Both twins ran to the door.

Both: Mia's Marble building!

They entered running.

Rika: Hey you two! Meg, they look as you six years ago...

Ryo: Meg, I'll better go. I passed a nice time. Call me if you need my help. Bye!

Megumi: Bye, Ryo! Rika, they just appeared and I don't know why... Is Mia or Tei home?

Rika: Just Mia, Tei go out shopping...

They entered and saw Umi standing in Megu’s shoulders ringing the doorbell. Mia opened.

Mia: Who are you two?

Without answering, they entered the apartment and stared at everything with wonder.

Mia: Who are them?

Megumi: They are called Megu and Umi.

Mia: Megu...Umi?

Rika: Hey you two! Sit down and tell us everything!

Both stared at her.

Umi: Ok, Aunt Rika...

They sat in the living room.

Megu: Where's Aunt Tei?

Mia: Do you know Tei?

Umi: Maybe...

Rika: Stop behaving like that. Tell us who you are and where did you come from!

Meg: First, could you transform into your Super Sailor Senshi suits for us? I have always wanted to see your original suits!

They all got pale.

Mia: Do you know...

Megumi: ...we are...

Rika: ...Sailor Senshi?

Both: Sure! Super Sailor Andromeda, Super Sailor Pandora and Super Sailor Universe!

Megu: And Aunt Tei is Super Chibi-Sailor Hebe!

Umi: Please, transform and we'll tell you everything...

Mia: Let's do it...

Rika: Wouldn't that be dangerous?

Megumi: If they are dangerous we'll better be transformed...

Mia: Right!

Megumi: Andromeda Moon Super Power, Make-up!

Mia: Universe Super Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora Super Power, Make-up!

Both: Cool!

Umi: We'll tell now, sit.

They did it, unconfident.

Umi: We come from the future, form Crystal Tokyo, ruled by Neo-Queen Serenity, the past Sailor Moon...

Megu: And we are the twin daughters...

Both: Of Sailor Andromeda!

In that moment, Megumi fainted. When she woke-up those girls where still there, looking through a window.

Megumi: It wasn't a dream...

Rika: They assure they are your daughters...

Mia: That would explain why they look as much as you.

She stared at the twins.

Megumi: My daughters...?

Umi looked at them.

Umi: We asked to come to see you.

Megu turned.

Megu: Yes...

Tei came from her room.

Tei: Are does weird girls still here?

Mia: Explain everything now that Meg...Megumi, is conscious...

Megu: Ok, Umi, you are the smart one!

Umi: The Earth suffered the Crystallisation in this century, some years from now... In the 30th Century Neo-Queen Serenity, Sailor Moon, woke-up our planet and became our Queen. The Lost Sailor Senshi re-appeared ten years later. Sailor Andromeda married and had a boy. A year later she had twin girls, us.

Rika: From the future...

Mia: Crystal Tokyo you said...

Megu: Crystal Tokyo is our Kingdom...

Megumi: Who's your father?

Megu: Our cousin, Neo-Princess Serenity, prohibited us to tell you. We just can say this, because each one has to form its future.

Umi: Right!

Rika: Hum... Am I going to marry?

Megu: Sure! He is so cute...

Umi: Megu!

Rika stared at Mia.

Rika: I'll have a son...

Tei intended to ask but...

Umi: We'll not tell more, we have spoken enough.

Megumi: So what do you want to do now?

Megu: We don't know...

Umi: The princess said just for a day...

Megu: We must have fun in it!

A scream was heard.

Mia: What's that?

Rika looked down from the window.

Rika: A grey shadow...

Tei: Action time!

Megumi: Andromeda Moon Super Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora Super Power, Make-up!

Mia: Universe Super Power, Make-up!

Tei: Hebe Super Power, Make-up!

Megu: I finally saw Aunt Tei's original transformation!

The four of them jumped from the window and reached the floor. A brown dressed girl was there. Cassiopeia.

Cassiopeia: Who are you?

Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace, I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship, I'm Sailor Pandora!

Mia: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe's well being, I'm Sailor Universe!

Tei: I’m a Chibi Sailor Senshi who fights for children’s happiness, I’m Chibi-Sailor Hebe!

All: And we will defeat you in name of the Universe!

Cassiopeia: Andromeda? Good luck... Diamond Dolls!

Lot of female figures of diamond appeared.

Cassiopeia: Attack!

They went to the Senshi.

Megu: Do you think we should help?

Umi: We are still Sailor Senshi in training.

Megu: To show them...

Umi: Ok...

Both took necklaces with Andromeda's symbol.

Both: Andromeda Twins Moon Power!

They turned into transformation sticks. Their bodies glowed with bows in the middle. As they touched each other's hands, white gloves with the border of the other's hair coloured appeared. A wind passed, leaving two little golden tiaras with the matching colour in the middle. Their skirts appeared, shorter. Boots like her gloves came to scene and when they separated, collars with their own hair colour appeared with a star in it. Earrings like Megs, one of each colour, appeared at last. They posed.

Rika: Pandora’s Star Dust!

Some of the dolls disappeared.

Mia: Universe Flashlight!

Tei: Hebe’s Super Candy Sparks!

Sailor Iris came to them.

Irina: You can't do anything without me... Moon Rainbow Attack!

Lot of dolls were destroyed. Silver Defender appeared and joined them.

Megumi: You are here...

SD: With you, always...

Megumi: Crystal Moon Attack!

The dolls joined each other and formed a huge doll. The Senshi gasped and joined their attacks, but nothing happened.

Umi: You can't destroy her like that...

Megu: ...teamwork, that's what you need...

They turned.

Irina: Who are you two?

Umi: The sky is bright... I'm Sailor Chibi-Andromeda One!

Meg: The girls have power... I'm Sailor Chibi-Andromeda Two!

Both: We are the Sailor Chibi-Andromeda Twins!

They made a pose.

Both: And in name of the future, we'll destroy evil!

Irina: Sailor Andromeda Chibi-Twins?

Megumi: It's a long story, Irina...

Umi took out a purple Andromeda Crystal Stick. Meg jumped to the other side of the gigantic doll and took an aquamarine Andromeda Crystal Stick.

Umi: Power of Andromeda's...

Megu: ...and Moon's Crystal...

Both: Destroy evil!

They both threw matching-coloured rays and the doll exploded. They jumped happily.

Umi: We did it!

Irina stared at Cassiopeia.

Irina: Who are you?

Cassiopeia: Queen Cassiopeia... I'll conquer this world!

Tei: Hey... That face... I know you! You were on my class! You are Mei Aki!

Cassiopeia trembled.

Cassiopeia: I'm not! I'm Cassiopeia...

Megumi came nearer to her.

Megumi: Are you sure Tei?

Tei: Yes!

Cassiopeia: I'm not Mei! Leave me!

She threw dark rays that they all avoided. Silver Defender came to Sailor Andromeda.

SD: What happened to you, Miss Aki?

Cassiopeia: I'm not Mei! Mei is dead... She died alone, as she was all her life...

Tei: Mei, you were my friend.

Cassiopeia: I don't know you.

Tei glowed and turned into her normal form for an instant.

Tei: Still you don't know me?

Cassiopeia: Tei Wakasano... Tei!

Cassiopeia's eyes enlightened.

Mei: Help me! It's inside me!

Irina stared at the crystal that was hanging in her neck.

Irina: The Crystal of her neck has the dark power... Moon Rainbow Attack!

Cassiopeia turned. Her eyes returned to their colour.

Cassiopeia: I won’t let you destroy me...

Tei: You are not Mei... Leave her alone!

Cassiopeia: She accepted me in her heart... Now I own her...

Tei turned into Super Chibi-Sailor Hebe.

Tei: I can't do it...

Megu: There's a way...

SD: What is it?

Umi: Everyone, join their powers and travel Sailor Andromeda to Cassiopeia's heart. If she defeats it she'll get out by our powers.

Cassiopeia threw rays to buildings. People screamed and ran.

Rika: We must do it now!

Megumi stood in the middle and the others joined their hands in a circle. The Twins were at the side of the circle, protecting with her sticks.

Mia: Universe's Protector Power!

Irina: Iris's Justice Power!

Rika: Pandora's Friendship Power!

Tei: Hebe's Children Power!

SD: Defender's Silver Power!

All: Lost Powers, Transport!

Megumi vanished. The rest kept floating in a kind of meditation.

Megu: Now it depends of mom...

Megumi opened her eyes. She was in a dark kind-of planet. Mei was unconscious in the ground.

Megumi: Mei!

A Sailor figure appeared. Her face was dark. Her Sailor suit was brown and golden, and she had the prism in her neck.

Megumi: Who are you?

Dark girl: Long ago, a planet existed between Mercury and the Sun. Vulcan. No one ever found it. But it existed. Even the Silver Millennium did not know of its existence. Its civilization was burned by the Sun. None helped us. There was just one survivor, their princess. She went to the Moon Kingdom for Revenge, but the Queen sealed her in the Cassiopeia Crystal, from Andromeda. The entity in it, Cassiopeia Spirit, took Vulcan’s power. The prism was left in the Earth’s sea. Still it couldn't open its power till a weak soul took it. Mei was the one...

Megumi: You are...

Dark Girl: The remain spirit of Sailor Vulcan...

Megumi: Sailor?

Vulcan: As the princess, I was a Sailor Senshi...

Megumi couldn't believe.

Vulcan: I'll destroy the Earth, even if Cassiopeia wants to conquer it! Fire Volcano!

Lots of volcanoes appeared in the ground. Meg jumped.

Megumi: You must see they didn't know your planet existed...

Vulcan: I don't care! I just live for Revenge!

Megumi... Mama... We trust you... We are the Sailor Andromeda Chibi-twins!

I trust you, Meg...

Do your best, Selene...

Prove me what you are made of, Megumi...

Fight, you are a Senshi...

I'll be with you... I'm your Defender.

Megumi: They trust me! I won’t let you destroy Earth! Andromeda Moonlight Crystal Storm!

Sailor Vulcan was destroyed, as her prism. Megumi appeared in the middle of her friends. They opened their eyes and saw how Cassiopeia disappeared. Mei was left in the ground.

Rika: You did it!

Megumi: With the help of all of you...

Irina: I must leave...

She flew away.

SD: Now I'll go too.

He kissed Meg and went away. The twins stared at the Lost Sailor Senshi.

Mia: So you too were Sailor Senshi...

Megu: Of course! The Lost Senshi heirs train every day.

A door was opened in the air. A ten/nine-year-old boy entered. He had a kind of prince outfit and a silver mask.

Boy: There you are, Mom is worried...

Both: Brother!

They hugged him.

Rika: He's your brother?

He had black hair and purple eyes.

Umi: Yes!

Megumi: Then he's my...

He blushed.

Boy: We must go...

Mia: What's your name?

Boy: I'm Silver Hunter...

Another figure appeared. A grown Megumi, with a dress that looked a little to her Infant Selene’s dress.

Selene: Come on, kids...

Twins: Bye!

They disappeared in the door and Silver Hunter followed them.

Megumi: You are...Myself?

Selene: In the future... I'm Neo-Lady Selene.

Megumi: Who's my kids' father?

Selene: Someday you'll know... Bye!

She disappeared as the door did. They transformed and Tei ran to Mei.

Tei: Are you all right?

Mei: Tei? Why are you so little?

Tei: I don't drink too much milk...

Mei: You are my friend, don't you?

Tei: I am...

They hugged.

Rika: I think Tei isn't too mean...

Mia: You are like her bigger sister, you fight with her but love her.

She blushed.

Rika: I don't...

Next day Megumi walked by the Sea with Ryo.

Ryo: So those girls disappeared...

Megumi: Yes, as they had come.

Ryo: Strange...

Megumi stared at his black eyes.

Megumi: Ryo, do you think I'll be a good mother someday?

Ryo looked at her, confused.

Ryo: I suppose...

Megumi: I'm sure you'll be a great father.

Ryo blushed. Megumi though of her three children.

Megumi: I'm sure...

Someday, I'll have a family in a crystal kingdom. Someday I'll find my love. Someday the people will have peace. Someday Rika will marry. Someday Irina will be our friend. Someday Mia will be treated as a princess. Someday Tei will return to her real shape.

Someday I'll be happy...

The End

Someday you'll be happy too...

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