Sailor Andromeda Constellations
The Spider Family's attacks
Act XIII: Arachne has arrived.

Hi, everyone... I'm Megumi Mayo. There has been a time of peace in the last period of time, only disturbed by the coming of my future self and children (I know that isn’t something that happens everyday...) and a one-time enemy called Cassiopeia. We are waiting for the arrival of the Insect Trio’s former queen, Arachne... Our new enemy.

Megumi, Rika and Mia were walking by a church, it was night already.

Rika: Hey, look, there is a wedding going on!

Both: Rika...

Rika: Let's go in, just a moment. Ok?

She pulled them in. The wedding was beautiful. The bride had a long dress and blonde hair. The groom was dark haired.

Megumi: Hey, there's Dr. Mizuno...and Priestess Hino!

Rika: And the owner of the Mako-chan Restaurant... And the idol Minako...

Mia: Aren't those the Outer Senshi family?

Rika: Those cats...

Mia: Then the ones that are getting married...

Megumi: ...are Usagi Tsukino and Mamoru Chiba! Serenity and Endymion...

She started to sob.

Megumi: Her dream came true...

A cat jumped to Mia's shoulder.

Selenity: So you are here.

Rika: Your daughter is getting married... Why didn’t you tell us?

Selenity looked at them.

Selenity: I just found out. It's... So wonderful...

Megumi: This is my gift for them...

She closed her eyes. From the door appeared a sunray that turned into a rainbow, pointing the couple.

Rika: Wonderful! I want that as my wedding gift... Of course, you'll give something else apart of that... like silver dishes... or diamonds...

Mia: Rika...

Usagi looked back to them. Then, looked at the black cat.

Usagi: Luna, who are those?

Luna: I don't know... But the funny-looking-haired girl caused the sunray and rainbow to come.

Usagi: I noticed...

The ceremony continued. As it ended, the people gathered into a garden next to the church.

Mia: We'll better go...

Rika: Of course not! We'll go to the party!

Megumi: If someone shows us the door, I'll...

They entered in the garden. Usagi was a little far, talking with three guys and a red-haired girl.

Mia: Those three are Sailor Senshi...

Rika: You are kidding... They are male.

Mia: Trust me...

Selenity: I’ll go to watch from a tree.. Bye.


Suddenly they heard a girlish voice.

Girl: Megumi!

I know that voice... She's Hotaru Tomoe, my babysitee. She's also Sailor Saturn, has (I think) 17 years old but has suffered from age changes and lives with her three parents (Neptune, Pluto and Uranus). She seems of 1 year old now, but talks and acts as an adult.

Megumi: Hotaru...

Hotaru: It's nice you are here... Come, I'll introduce you Usagi.

She took Meg's hand jumping and guided her to Usagi and her companions.

Hotaru: Usagi, this is Megumi Mayo, my babysitter...

Usagi smiled to her.

Megumi: Hi...

Usagi: You invited her, Hotaru?

Hotaru: Yes, with her two friends.

Hotaru gave me a conspicuous look. Thanks Hotaru-chan!

Rika: Hi!

Mia: Good night...

Usagi: I'm Usagi Tsukino, well, Chiba. That's my brand new husband, Mamoru Chiba, talking to some friends.

Rika: I'm Meg's best friend, Rika Ogawano.

Mia: Mia Uchuu.

Usagi: These are some friends of mine that live very far away.

One was black haired, the other white haired and the third one brown haired.

Rika: Hey, I know them! You are the Three Lights! That great pop group! You are Kou Seiya...

The black haired smiled.

Seiya: Yes...

Usagi: The white haired is Kou Yaten...

He smiled.

Megumi: Then you are Kou Taiki...

They were a famous group indeed...

Taiki: A pleasure to met you. This is our princ... principal admirer, Miss Kakyuu.

The red haired came forward.

Kakyuu: Good day...

Mia: Oh! Look what hour it is...we have to pick up Tei!

Megumi: God! Yes, from her friend's house...

Rika: Nice to meet you all!

Megumi and her friends left discretely.

Usagi: Those girls are weird... I don't know why the big one, so serious, hangs with those young girls. Mia must be older than me...

Rika, Megumi and Mia had just gave some steps when someone shouted to them.

Tei: Traitors!

They turned and saw a furious Tei.

Tei: You forgot to pick me up! Mia, you had never done this...

Rika: Please, Tei, you are 17...

Tei: I'm 7 for the world... You have to take care of me!

A scream was heard. They looked from the bushes and saw Usagi by herself, been attacked by a spider Insectodrom.

Mia: Wait... See there...

They turned next to Usagi. Her Senshi friends where taking out the people. The Three lights stood near.

Seiya: Odango!

Kakyuu got a red dress.

Kakyuu: Go... We'll protect the guests...

The three boys took out winged microphones.

Seiya: Fighter Star Power, Make-up!

Taiki: Maker Star Power, Make-up!

Yaten: Healer Star Power, Make-up!

Rika and Meg's mouths hanged wide open as they turned in the Sailor Starlight.

Mia: I told you...

Tei: Those guys turned into girls?!

The Insectodrom trapped Usagi in a Spider Web and threw a ray. A silver-pink butterfly came out. The Insectodrom ate it, as Usagi fell in the ground.

Megumi: Serenity!

Mia: Wait, let's see what the Starlight do...

Star Fighter ran to Usagi.

Fighter: Odango... You'll pay, monster...

Maker: Star Gentle Uterus!

Healer: Star Sensitive Inferno!

Fighter: Star Serious Laser!

The three attacks where swallowed by the Insectodrom.

Megumi: Can we attack now, Mia?!

Mia: Action time...

Megumi: Andromeda Moon Super Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora Super Power, Make-up!

Mia: Universe Super Power, Make-up!

Tei: Hebe Super Power, Make-up!

They all jump up the bushes. Star Fighter protected the unconscious Usagi. The Insectodrom threw rays to the Starlight and they fell hurt.

Rika: Wait, you monster!

It turned.

Megumi: We can't forgive you for interrupting the moment of joy that is a wedding... I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace, I'm Super Sailor Andromeda!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship, I'm Super Sailor Pandora!

Mia: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe's well being, I'm Super Sailor Universe!

Tei: I’m a Chibi Sailor Senshi who fights for children’s happiness, I’m Super Chibi-Sailor Hebe!

All: And we'll defeat you in name of Universe!

Another shadow appeared near.

Irina: Seems you have come... Arachne has arrived.

Mia: Sailor I...

Irina: I’m a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe’s justice, I’m Sailor Iris! And I also hate wedding interruptions... Moon Rainbow attack!

Her beam hurt the monster in the middle of its body.

Mia: Universe Flashlight!

Rika: Pandora’s Star Dust!

It fell in the ground but caught Star Healer.

Irina: That... It has a hostage...

A dagger fell in its hand and Healer was freed.

Megumi: Silver Defender!

Her masked warrior smiled to her and left.

Megumi: Now it is my turn... Andromeda Moonlight Crystal Storm!

The monster turned into dust.

This is the first time I use this attack against an Insectodrom... It feels great!

Usagi's butterfly flew away.

Rika: Chibi-Sailor H...

Tei: I'm going! Hebe’s Jump!

She jumped to the sky catching the butterfly. Megumi started over Irina.

Megumi: Are we fighting together?

Irina: We can't be allies ever, Lost Sailor Senshi, even if I’m one of you. Defeating Arachne is our goal, but as soon it happens, I'll take what I came to take. Yu know that, Universe, why don’t you ell them?

Mia walked to her.

Mia: You know I'll never let you take that.

Irina: Let's see...

She flew away with her wings. Tuxedo Kamen ran to Usagi.

TK: Usako...

Tei stood near him.

Tei: Give her the butterfly...

He took it from her hands and Usagi recovered her colour as it entered her body.

Usagi: Mamo-chan?

The Lost Sailor Senshi jumped away. Sailor Star Fighter followed them.

Fighter: Wait... Sailor Universe...

Mia turned.

Mia: What happens?

Fighter: The legend says the guardians of the Universe, Sailor Universe and Sailor Janus will only appear if a great danger is near... If you need us, the Kinmoku Senshi, we'll help you...

Mia: Don't worry... We can handle this. But, thank you.

Fighter smiled and returned to her/his friends.

Megumi: Again Sailor Janus...who is she?

Tei: The muses mentioned her too.

Rika: And what does Iris wants?

Mia: Girls, I have secrets. Don't worry, you'll know when you need to know. Universe Super Power, make-over!

And she left.

Irina's attitude, Mia's secret... What's going on and why we can't know it? Silver Defender, I need you...

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