Act XV: Megumi's Father Day.

Megumi looked at a picture. There was a couple in it: her mom and her grandpa. I understand why I don't have a mom, she died. But I wonder why dad left... The last time I saw him was five years ago, in my birthday. Today is Father's day...

Tei: Megumi, could you hurry up? Ryo is waiting.

Megumi: Today? I'm not ready!

She got up from her bed.

Arachne: Spider Lily!

She ran to her.

S. Lily: Yes, Mama?

Arachne: Bring me an art butterfly, this your last chance!

Spider Lily disappeared.

Arachne: Those girls of today...

Ryo and Megumi walked to an Ice Cream store.

Ryo: Want an Ice Cream?

Megumi: Ok... but light, I had a not nice experience with Ice Cream, and Irina has told me very disgusting things about it.

He smiled. He knew. A man was looking at Megumi. Ryo turned, but he had suddenly left.

Next day, Spider Lily was looking at her mirror. A girl entered. She had long shiny purple hair and wore a hot pink dress till her feet. She had a spider belt, earrings and bracelet.

Girl: How are you doing, sister?

S. Lily: What do you want, Spider Flower?

S. Flower: Just see how you are going... You won't last much...

S. Lily: I'll get an art butterfly for mother...

S. Flower: Sure you will... Do you know I'll replace you if you don't...?

S. Lily: Obviously, she's choosing us by our ages. Tarantula will be the last, the eldest; she's her favourite.

S. Flower: That crystal box is for your art butterfly?

S. Lily: Yes, could you leave?

S. Flower: Sure, dear sister...

She laughed as she left.

Rika and Megumi walked to school. The purple-haired man of the photo was near, the same that had been looking her the day before.

Man: Megumi?

She turned. Even if I haven't seen him for long I could recognise his face...

Megumi: Dad!

She ran and hugged him. Rika turned and her face got angry. There he was, the man that had made Megumi cry her most painful tears.

Megumi: Rika, come here...

She got near.

Megumi: Do you remember Rika, Dad?

Dad: Sure, your best friend...

Megumi: Her friends call her just Rika...

Rika: I'm Rika Ogawano, Mr. Mayo... Megumi, we are late.

Dad: I'll wait for you in the Mako-chan Restaurant, Meg.

Megumi: I'll be there after school!

Rika pulled her away.

Megumi: What's up with you, Rika?

Rika: He promised to come every year... Did he? No. Don't trust him, Meg... He'll make you cry...

Megumi: He is my father and deserves a chance!

She ran to her classroom. Ryo came near Rika.

Ryo: Did I hear Megumi say my father?

Rika: Her father has returned... I can't believe he dared...

Ryo: Is he dangerous?

Rika: No, but... Every time he comes, what is really not frequent, he leaves suddenly and leaves Megumi heart-broken.

At the end of the day, Megumi ran to her appointment with her dad.

Megumi: Dad!

Rika let herself fell in her bed.

Rika: She's insane...

Tei came in.

Tei: Are you sick of something?

Rika: Your Uncle Mayo came back...

Tei: How's Meg?

Rika: Really happy... He'll broke her heart again.

Tei: I know.

Megumi smiled at him.

Megumi: Why didn't you come back before?

Dad: I have lot of businesses. I’m out of Japan most of time...

Megumi: You never sent a letter.

Dad: I couldn't... But hey, I'm now with you. What's all about your Aunt Ran in America?

Megumi: She got a job there... Now a friend of mine takes care of Tei and me: Mia Uchuu. Rika lives with us also. Her parents and her are solving some problems.

Dad: And how's your Grandpa?

Megumi: He... he died.

Dad: Oh, I'm so sorry...

Megumi: It's ok.

The stylish Spider Lily walked by the street. Suddenly, she saw Megumi and her father.

S. Lily: My last victim, who is that? Her father? Yes, indeed. He must have an art butterfly, as they are relatives, I guess.

Dad: Could you take me to your new house?

Megumi: Sure, come, and you'll meet Mia.

They both walked to the building. When Meg knocked the door, Mia opened. She blushed as she saw Mr. Mayo.

Call me crazy, but an idea has come to my mind...

Megumi: Dad, this is Mia; Mia this is my father.

Both: Nice to meet you.

Dad: So you are the one Meg talks so much about... We should go out someday to talk about her...

Mia: Yes...

Dad: Where is my niece Tei? She must be a lady by now.

Tei, who was near, rushed to her room.

Tei: Uncle, I'm sick, I can't go out. It's nice to hear you...

Tei is 17 but has a body of seven years old, it would be kind of difficult to explain that to my dad..

Dad: So, Miss Uchuu, would you like to go out tonight for dinner...

Mia: Sure, I'll love to.

Dad: I'll be here at nine, bye Miss Uchuu. See you later, my little Meg...

Megumi entered Rika's room dreamy.

Megumi: Dad and Mia are having a date!

Rika: What?

Megumi: Dad and M...

Rika: He'll break her heart as he does to you...

Megumi: Don't you see that if they fall in love and marry, Mia will be my mother as she was in my past life?

Tei entered.

Tei: You are mad... Your father is a liar and you know that.

Megumi: I don't want to hear more...

She left. At nine Mr. Mayo came to pick up Mia. She looked beautiful.

Mia: Megumi, don't wait for me awake... Tell the same to Rika and Tei.

Megumi: Sure...

They left. Tei and Rika came out and put on their coats.

Megumi: Where are you going?

Tei: Spy them, want to come?

Megumi smiled. Mia and Mr. Mayo entered in an elegant restaurant. They ordered. S. Lily entered after them and sat near their table.

Mia: Why did you left Megumi?

Mr. Mayo: I didn't... well, I guess I did. She wouldn't have been happy at my side. Her grandpa was a better choice.

Mia: You never wrote.

Mr. Mayo: I was busy...

Mia: For your own daughter?

Mr. Mayo: Let's leave this theme... Where do you work?

Mia: In Meg's school... I'm a teacher.

Mr. Mayo: A teacher... That's nice...

The three girls were looking from a window.

Tei: I can't see...

Don't think bad, we are just seen everything is fine.

Rika: They are talking... But we are too far...

They were hidden by some bushes.

Irina: Hey there, I would have never expected you to be here...

They turned with sweat-drops.

Megumi: What are you doing here, Irina?

Irina: I just had a dinner. I don't cook, you know, so I must buy my food... And you?

Tei: Just...

Irina looked directly at the restaurant.

Irina: Wow, seems Selene has a boyfriend... They are going out now.

Mr. Mayo and Mia walked near the bushes by a low light.

Mr. Mayo: It was a great night...

Mia: I feel the same.

He turned and embraced her.

Mr. Mayo: You are really beautiful.

Mia blushed.

Irina: He wants to kiss Selene!

Rika: Shut up, I can’t hear…

Mia blushed.

Mia: Mr. Mayo...

Megumi peaked more to see.

Mr. Mayo: Just call me...

They were an inch separated when.

S. Lily: Stop, you two!

They turned.

Mr. Mayo: Who are you?

She raised her skirt and her fighting suit appeared.

S. Lily: The youngest and most beautiful Spider Sister is here! Spider Web Surprise!

Mr. Mayo was thrown to a tree hanging in a spider web. His purple art butterfly flew to Spider Lily's hand. She put it in a box. Mia’s blue art butterfly stood in her face.

Megumi: My dad!

Irina: That's your father?

Megumi: How could she dare to do this...? Andromeda Moon Super Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora Super Power, Make-up!

Tei: Hebe Super Power, Make-up!

Irina: I guess I'll do it... Rainbow Super Power, Make-up!

Tei returned Mia her art butterfly. She ran to Mr. Mayo. Then, turned in anger and ran to the tree.

Megumi: Interrupting dates isn't nice...

Tei: We can't forgive you for doing this...

Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace; I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship; I'm Sailor Pandora!

Tei: I’m a Chibi Sailor Senshi who fights for children’s happiness; I’m Chibi-Sailor Hebe!

Irina: I’m a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe’s justice; I’m Sailor Iris!

Mia: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe's well being; I'm Sailor Universe!

All: And we'll defeat you in name of Universe!

S. Lily: Pity soldiers... Champagne Insectodrom!

A waiter-like Insectodrom appeared.

ID: Want Champagne?

He threw the content of a bottle to the Senshi. Universe looked were it had fallen. The plant that had received it was melting.

Mia: Be careful, it's acid!

Rika: Chemicals... Pandora’s Star Dust!

The Insectodrom fell.

Irina: Moon Rainbow attack!

Mr. Mayo was freed.

Mia: Universe Flashlight!

S. Lily's box fall to the floor and opened.

S. Lily: No...

Tei trapped the butterfly.

Megumi: Andromeda Moonlight Crystal Storm!

The Insectodrom was destroyed and Lily hurt.

S. Lily: No fair!

She disappeared. Megumi gave his art butterfly to her dad.

Megumi: Mia, take him to his hotel...

Spider Lily appeared at her mother's throne.

S. Lily: Mother, I...

Arachne: You are useless... Spider Punishment...

Spider Lily started to grow and got eight feet. She turned in a spider.

Arachne: Eat, girls...

The three silhouettes came to her.

S. Lily: Flower... No!

Flower's face smiled and licked her lip.

Megumi found a letter in the apartment’s door.

Meggie, I had to leave. Please say goodbye to Mia for me. Bye.

Mr. Mayo

Megumi: Mia...

Mia: He left, didn't he? I knew it. Don't worry for me.

Megumi: Rika was right...

She ran to her room and cried in her bed. Even after this... I still love you, dad. Rika and Tei looked at her from the door.

Rika: We are here for you, Meg.

Tei: My dad doesn’t even know I exist…

Megumi looked at them.

Megumi: I love you, girls… You are my real family.

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