Act XVI: The Flower of Death.

Megumi opened her eyes. A strange smell came to her.

Megumi: What's that?

Mia came in.

Mia: Hurry up or you'll be late... Today is my free-day so I won't go.

Megumi got up. Believe it or not I have kind of accepted my dad. He's the way he is so I can't complain. I just wish it won’t be the last time I see him.

Megumi: Tei, did you take my comb?

Megumi and Rika entered their classroom. Irina was already there.

Megumi: Hi, Irina!

She turned with a strange look.

Irina: How on Earth are you so calm?

Rika: What's up?

Irina: That smell... Disgusting.

Megumi: I can barely sense it.

Irina: I know it... It's from spider flowers.

Spider Flower walked slowly to her mother's throne.

Arachne: Are you working already?

S. Flower: Of course, I'm not as Spider Lily... Even if she was yummy.

Arachne: You know you'll pay the same if you fail. You have just three chances... Spider Lily lost her first by losing the Insect Trio. Your sisters and you are smarter than her...

S. Flower: You bet...

Rika started to think.

Rika: Arachne can be after this...

Megumi: How many Spider Sisters there are?

Irina: I think there are four, that’s what she told me... I'm not sure.

Megumi: She?

Irina: I mean…

Rika: Then the second one is now attacking, Spider Lily doesn’t attack this way.

Irina: Right!

Mr. Akami entered in the classroom.

Ryo walked to his classroom. He felt the odour and his dagger shone. He ran out, to a tree. Selenity was there.

Ryo: What's up?

Selenity: The smell... It's from spider flowers.

Ryo: They will attack...

Selenity: Tsukiou will wait you in your house today.

Ryo: Thanks.

She jumped away.

Irina walked to the library in the recess. Ryo was there.

Irina: He's always here...

She sat and something beeped in her pocket. She took out a black communicator where a J-like symbol was. A black figure was there.

Irina: What do you want, Janus?

Janus: Has the victory been achieved...?

Irina: No... The youngest Spider Sister has been defeat, at least, we think so...

Janus: We? Seems you are doing some progress...

Irina: Seems you have feelings.

Janus: How can you dare to... We’ll talk later, bye.

She put the communicator in her pocket.

Irina: I shouldn't have accepted the Universal Communicator... Janus is too overprotective.

She went to her classroom.

Tei ran to the apartment.

Tei: Hi, Mia!

Mia: Hi, Tei! Dinner is ready.

Tei: Ok.

She sat in the table.

Mia: I have some things to do, I won't be late...

Tei: Go, it's fine.

Mia left. Tei took her dish and sat in front of the TV. There was Spider Flower, wearing a beautiful kimono.

S. Flower: Hey you all! Do you have any talent? Come to the 10th Park in now! Inscribe yourself in some artistic competence... We'll give a great price and you'll be able to be in a show even if you don't. Come! The Art Flower Festival starts now...

Tei turned off the TV.

Tei: Suddenly I'm crazy about going there. Isn't this smell wonderful? I'll better go...

She ran out.

Ryo ran to his house.

Kenji: Hey you, racer!

Ryo: How are you Ken?

He closed the door of his room. He closed his eyes and raised his dagger. When he opened his eyes, he was in another dimension wearing his Silver Defender suit. In front of him was Tsukiou.

Tsukiou: Ready?

Ryo: Sure...

Irina walked by the city. She found a bulletin in the floor.

Irina: "The Art Flower Festival... Any talent?" It is suspicious... I must tell the girls... No I don't! But I need them, I'm not powerful enough...

She turned to Mia's apartment. Mia got in her apartment.

Mia: Tei? Where are you?

She left her things.

Mia: Tei?

She found her hair clip in the floor.

Mia: Without this she can't transform... Where is she?

Rika and Megumi entered.

Megumi: Hi, Mia...

Mia: Tei is missing...

Rika: What?

Mia: I went out and when I returned she wasn't here... She left this...

Rika: She's insane... If a Spider Sister traps her...

Tei took a pen.

S. Flower: Dancing? Aren't you too young?

Tei: Just in face...

S. Flower: Good Luck!

She gave Tei her hand and a spider symbol appeared at her back.

S. Flower: Next!

Irina rushed inside the apartment.

Mia: Irina...

Irina: Look at this. It has to be a trap from Arachne... I analysed it... It has subliminal messages that are sharpened by this smell.

Rika: Tei must be there...

Megumi: What are we waiting for? Let's go!

The four girls ran away. Tei stood at the front of a podium. Spider Flower came out at the side of a crystal barrel.

S. Flower: Six o-clock, show time! Are you ready?

All: Yes!

S. Flower: Great!

She threw her kimono out and showed her fighting suit.

S. Flower: Spider Web World Surprise!

The hand of everyone touched their chest and their art butterflies came out. Megumi and rest got there and saw that.

Rika: Tei is there...

A light green butterfly was flying near her.

Mia: I guess we have to fight...

Irina: Rainbow Super Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora Super Power, Make-up!

Megumi: Andromeda Moon Super Power, Make-up!

Mia: Universe Super Power, Make-up!

Spider Flower jumped at a side of her barrel.

S. Flower: Come here, butterflies...

The butterflies flied to her. Something caught Tei's.

S. Flower: What was that?

Four silhouettes appeared in a tree.

Irina: You played with these idio... innocent people...

Rika: You took advantage of their dreams.

Mia: We can't forgive you...

Megumi: We are the Lost Sailor Senshi Team!

Mia: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe's well being; I'm Sailor Universe!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship; I'm Sailor Pandora!

Irina: I’m a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe’s justice; I’m Sailor Iris!

Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace; I'm Sailor Andromeda!

All: And we'll defeat you in name of Universe!

Irina had Tei's butterfly in her hand and her hair clip. She jumped to Tei and the others to Spider Flower.

S. Flower: Flower Insectodrom!

From the barrel came out a nice flower Insectodrom.

ID: I'm too tired to fight...

S. Flower: Want to be salad?

ID: No. Flower Scream!

The Senshi covered their ears. Irina dropped the art butterfly in Tei. She awakened.

Irina: Now she's distracted...

Tei put in her hair her hairclip.

Tei: Hebe Super Power, Make-up! Hebe’s Jump!

She jumped covering her ears and kicked the art butterfly barrel.

S. Flower: What are you doing, brat...?

The barrel pushed the Insectodrom and it fell down (shutting up).

Megumi: Girls...

Rika: Pandora’s Star Dust!

Mia: Universe Flashlight!

Both attacks made the Insectodrom scream.

Rika: I can't bear that voice...

Spider Flower took the barrel.

S. Flower: Come back, butterflies...

The art butterflies returned to the barrel. A blue dagger fell in it and rebounded to the Insectodrom's face. She covered her face. The barrel was broken and the art butterflies escaped.

S. Flower: Who did that?

In the top of a tree, Silver Defender smiled to her.

SD: From the Moonlight night I'm a warrior of the Moon, Silver Defender... Sapphire dagger, return...

The dagger returned to his hand.

S. Flower: Oh, you are the cute guy Lily liked. Poor Stupid Lily... We killed her...

Sailor Andromeda stared at her.

Megumi: Fraternal Love...

She faced the Insectodrom.

Megumi: Andromeda Moonlight Crystal Storm!

The Insectodrom screamed and was destroyed.

Megumi: Yes!

Spider Flower walked backwards.

S. Flower: I'll better go... Remember, Spider Flower will be back!

She was covered by a large flower and disappeared.

Rika: She escaped...

Irina took out the dust in her wings.

Irina: A dirty job... You have to thank me, Candy brat.

And she left.

Why didn't her sarcasm surprise me?

SD: Sailor Andromeda, you are the star in here.

He jumped away.

Megumi: Silver Defender...

Mia turned to Tei.

Mia: You can't just go without telling any of us.

Rika: She was like a zombie, Mia.

Tei: Who are you telling zombie?

Rika: I'm just helping you...

Tei: I’ll be better if you don't.

Rika: All right!

Tei: Great!

Mia: Every day I'm more sure you two act as sisters...

Rika: Janie is my only sister! I will kill myself if that thing was my sister...

Tei: The same goes for me!

Megumi walked dreamy to them.

Megumi: Can't we go home? Tomorrow is a school day... And I can’t wait to dream about Silver Defender!

Rika + Tei: Meg!

Ok, so this is another normal day for the Lost Sailor Senshi Team. Oh, Silver Defender, you are a dream!

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