Act XVII: A Prom Night

Rika stopped at a poster.

Megumi: Rika?

Rika is chaos; she's too curious... What does that sign say...?

Rika: The Prom dance is in a week...!

Megumi: So? We are just in middle school...

Rika: Wouldn't it be wonderful that a high school student invited me to his Prom dance?

Megumi imaged herself dancing with Silver Defender. Silver Defender is my greatest crush...

Boy: What did you said, Rika?

They turned. Osamu Kai was there.

Rika: Osamu...

Osamu is Rika's mayor crush... And he likes her back. He was our enemy before but turned good.

Rika: I just...

Irina appeared at their side.

Irina: That she wanted a high school student to invite her to his Prom dance...

Rika: That’s not your business, Irina.

Osamu: Rika...

Rika: I would only go to your Prom dance.

Osamu: It's a long way to go... I'm not sure I'll invite you then.

Rika: Osamu...

Irina giggled. She walked by the patio of the school. Suddenly, a boy stopped her.

Boy: Sorry... I want to...

Irina: What's up with you?

Boy: Your name is Irina Sei, isn’t it?

Irina: Yes...

Boy: I'm Fuyu Asa. Would you like to come to the Prom with me? I have always thought you are really beautiful...

Irina blushed. A boy had never... Rika ran to them.

Rika: You are inviting Irina?

Megumi ran there.

Irina: This isn't your business.

Rika smiled.

Megumi: You must go!

Irina: Haven't you guessed my preferences?

Megumi blushed.

Rika: Fuyu, right? Fuyu, come to pick her from the Marble Building, apartment 35. She'll be there.

Fuyu: I'll be there at nine.

Rika: Perfect, see you!

Irina: But...

Mia laughed.

Irina: This is not funny...

Mia: Sure it is... The rude guardian of Sailor J.../ I mean, Sailor Iris in a dance with a boy.

Irina stuck her tongue to her.

Mia: Well, you are graceful, tall and I guess pretty.

Rika: We must make her look beautiful.

Megumi: Charming.

Tei: We must buy her a dress...

Irina: Forget about all that... I'll be here at 6 that day and you'll make my hair, make-up me and so... I'll bring my dress. You are the ones that entered me in this, so you’ll help me now.

She left and smiled. A Prom dance...

Spider Flower, in disguise, opened a huge door of an abandoned Flower Shop.

S. Flower: Nice... I'll make my plan work.

She moved her hand and a sign appeared on top: Poison Flower Shop.

Irina entered in the library. As always, Ryo was at one side. He closed the book and left it in a shelf. He left.

Irina: I'll see what he reads so passionately.

She walked to the shelf and took the book.

Irina: This is really old...The Legendary Story of the Moon and Earth, The Silver Millennium time by king solan. He was an ancient ruler of the Earth Kingdom, some years after the Moon Tragedy... Nephew of Endymion.

She opened it. It was written in a strange language.

Irina: Selenitus... The Moon Language. How is this book here and how can Ryo read it?

Fuyu walked to the Poison Flower Shop.

Fuyu: Hi...

S. Flower: Hi... What are you looking for?

Fuyu: An orchid corsage... Is anyone white?

S. Flower: Sure, have this. Your girl will love it.

Fuyu: I hope so.

He paid and left.

S. Flower: The Prom Dance will be your last day...

Another boy entered.

Boy: Have you got Orchids?

The day came. Irina was having make-up from Tei.

Tei: You know I'm an expert.

Irina: A seven-year-old girl is...!

Tei: I'm seventeen! Oh, I would love to go to my Prom Dance...

Selenity appeared.

Selenity: Hi, girls!

Megumi caught her.

Megumi: Selenity! It's been a long time! How are you?

Selenity: Fine... I have something for you all...

She dropped five communicator watches.

Megumi: Cool... These are new ones!

Selenity: Pick the one of your colours. You just press the symbol of the Senshi you want to communicate and you'll do... They are better than the old ones, you barely used those.

Irina: One is for me?

Rika: No... I'll have two...

Selenity: Take it, Irina, you are a Lost Sailor Senshi too...

She put it in.

Irina: Golden and rainbow-coloured... You know me.

Selenity: Of course.

Irina, Selenity and Mia exchanged looks. The bell rang.

Rika: Fuyu is here!

Irina stood.

Irina: Thanks for preparing me.

She left with Fuyu.

Rika: Did Irina just said thanks?

Silver Defender continued jumping and fighting with Tsukiou. Suddenly Tsukiou fell down.

Ryo: Tsukiou-sensei?

Tsukiou: Ryo... An evil energy is near the Prom Dance.

Something beeped in his pocket.

Ryo: Selenity-sama sensed it too... I'm going, bye!

He appeared in his room again.

Irina: I have never been in a dance...

Fuyu turned to her.

Fuyu: Have this...

He gave her an orchid and a necklace with a pearl.

Irina: I don't know what to say...

Fuyu: Say nothing. Let's dance...

A girl entered in the room. It was Spider Flower in her kimono.

Irina: That girl...

Spider Flower pushed a barrel in. Irina pressed Andromeda bottom in her communicator watch.

Irina: Megumi, I think Spider Flower is here...

She took her kimono out and smiled.

S. Flower: Spider Web World Surprise!

A Web covered everyone and the art butterflies came out of the orchid corsages and hands of the guys. Irina's golden and rainbow butterfly hid at the side of her head.

S, Flower: Orchid Insectodrom!

A nice-looking orchid of human size appeared.

ID: Yes, Mistress Flower?

S. Flower: Collect the Art butterflies...

Orchid Insectodrom sighed.

ID: Ok...

She started picking the art butterflies and putting them into the crystal barrel...

Rika: Stop you two...

They turned to see four shadows.

Tei: Every girl dreams in her Prom dance... When they'll be charming, looking lovely and pretty... I want my Prom dance!!!

Mia calmed down Tei.

Rika: And we can't forgive you for attacking one!

Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace; I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Mia: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe's well being; I'm Sailor Universe!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship; I'm Sailor Pandora!

Tei: I’m a Chibi-Sailor Senshi who fights for children’s happiness; I’m Chibi-Sailor Hebe! And I want my Prom Dance!

They got sweat-drops. Rika jumped to Irina and founded her art butterfly. She gave it back.

S. Flower: What are you doing?

Irina opened her eyes.

Irina: An enemy, I must transform...

Megumi: No, Irina!

Irina: Rainbow Super Power, Make-up!

She stood and fainted.

Tei: She's really weak...

S. Flower: So Irina Sei is Sailor Iris. Quite logic...

ID: It is obvious... Why didn't you think of that before, Mistress Flower?

Rika laughed. Spider Flower blushed.

S. Flower: Shut up, Orchid! Attack them!

ID: Oh, well... Orchid Poisonous attack...

Lot of orchids covered the Senshi.

S. Flower: Seems you have blossomed.

Irina stood again.

Irina: I’m a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe’s justice; I’m Sailor Iris!

She stood in front of Rika and Tei.

Irina: Moon Rainbow attack!

The orchid fell, as Irina. A dagger freed Megumi and then rebounded to free Mia. Megumi looked at Silver Defender.

Megumi: Thanks...

Rika: Pandora’s Star Dust!

Orchid coughed.

Orchid: I can't handle dust...

Rika: Dust? Are you telling my great power, dust? Destroy her Sailor Andromeda!

Megumi: Andromeda Moonlight Crystal Storm!

The Orchid was destroyed and so was the barrel. The art butterflies flew.

Megumi: Hebe...

Tei: I'm going... Hebe’s Jump!

Spider Flower gave a step backwards.

S. Flower: I'll better go.

She disappeared as the last time. Tei continued restoring the butterflies to their owners.

Irina: She knows my identity... Oh, Fuyu, are you Ok?

Silver Defender took Megumi’s hand.

SD: Come with me.

The dance continued as the people recovered.

Irina: Fuyu, sorry. I can't stay longer. It was a nice night, bye.

And she left. At the outside, she saw Sailor Andromeda dancing with Silver Defender.

Irina: Those two can't get apart...

She smiled. She just couldn't be jealous in that moment. She turned and looked at the necklace Fuyu had given her. She kissed it and left smiling. Megumi saw as she left.

Megumi: She didn't say a thing...

SD: So?

Megumi: I guess she's understanding...

Silver Defender took something out and gave it to Megumi. It was a silver orchid.

Thanks, Irina, for giving us a chance to be together without your jealously... And I hope you had a nice night.

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