Act XVIII: Every flower will lose its petals one day...

Irina opened her door. A package was there. She opened it and threw it away a minute after. She covered her mouth.

Irina: Flower...

Megumi and Rika entered her classroom.

Rika: This is strange, Irina hasn't come early?

Megumi: Irina late? I can't believe that...

They sat. Ryo ran to his class to don't be late. He saw Irina walking slowly.

Ryo: Hey! You are going to be late!

Irina turned to him with a cold sight.

Irina: Why do you care?

She turned away. Ryo shrugged and continued running. Mia suddenly stopped walking to her class.

Mia: I'm dizzy...

Spider Flower was in her flower shop. An orange-haired girl entered. Her hair was wild. She wore black pants and shirt and a brown leather jacket.

Girl: Hi, sister!

S. Flower: Spider Mite... What do you want?

S. Mite: I don't know... See you suffering?

S. Flower: I'm not suffering...

S. Mite: This is your last chance... You know; Tarantula and I made a bet. She says you'll fail in two days and I say you'll fail today...

S. Flower: I have wonderful sisters! I'm busy, leave...

S. Mite: Ok...

Megumi sighed.

This class is boring... Where is Irina? She is never absent...

Irina opened the door with a great noise.

Mr. Akami: Miss Sei, you are late...

Irina: Really, Sherlock? So, what are you going to do about it?

Mr. Akami: Miss Sei, go out!

Irina: Fine! I can eat there...

She turned and left. Rika turned to Megumi. Both had perplexed faces.

What's up with Irina?

At the end of the class, Rika went to the bathroom. Megumi walked to Irina, who was sitting near some lockers eating pizza.

Megumi: Irina? What's going on?

She turned at her with scorn, but, as she saw who she was, her eyes turned malicious.

Irina: Well, well, it's Selene...

Megumi: Irina?

She stood at her side.

Irina: My pretty Selene...

She pushed her to the wall.

Megumi: Irina!

Sue and her friends came near them.

Sue: What's up with the Irina "Freak" Sei?

Irina got nearer to Megumi intending to kiss her. Megumi blushed, avoiding her. Sue noticed Irina’s intention.

Sue: She wants to kiss her!?

Irina... Please don't... She was about to when someone pushed her away.

Irina: Ouch!

She fell in the floor. Ryo hugged Megumi, who was crying frightened.

Megumi: I can't believe it...

Ryo: What's wrong with you?

Irina smiled standing up.

Irina: Megumi's protector... Don't you get any hopes with her. She loves someone else...

Megumi looked at her and then at Ryo. He wasn't affected.

He doesn't cares if I love another boy? He never liked me... But why I feel this warmth in his arms...? As Silver Defender's arms…

Ryo: You haven't answered my question...

Irina: I just have seen that I should express my feelings... Say what I think, feel and act... And right now I know what I'm going to do. Something I wished for so long...

She turned and ran away smiling maliciously.

Megumi: Ryo...

Rika came.

Rika: What happened? Why is Megumi crying?

Sue: Irina tried to kiss her... Can you believe it?

Rika: Did she dare... Meg, are you all right?

Megumi: Yes, Ryo protected me... But what has Irina wanted for long?

Rika went pale.

Rika: Revenge... remember, she is always talking about that.

Megumi: Mia!

She left Ryo's arms and ran away with Rika. Ryo smiled and turned to Sue.

Ryo: What are you all looking at? I'm sure none of you will say a word of this...

The door called. Mia, in her dressing gown, opened.

Mia: Who is it?

Irina smiled.

Mia: Hi, Irina... What do you want? I have fever...

Irina: You took her away, Selene... I want Revenge!

Irina jumped to her and pressed her hands to her neck.

Mia: What are you doing Irina? Are you crazy? Help!

Megumi and Rika rushed in.

Rika: Mia!

Both pulled Irina away from her. She screamed and fell in the ground unconscious.

Mia: What happens to Irina?

Rika: We haven't got the less idea...

They tied her to a chair. Tei came home.

Tei: I'm late because I went to a friend's house... Why is Irina tied up?

Rika: She's insane...

Ryo got in Irina's apartment's door. He took out a master key and the door opened. In the floor was a bouquet of black roses, addressed to Irina Sei. He put on a gas mask and took one of the flowers. Then, opened the windows. He left, closing the door.

Tei: Irina? Irina?

She opened her eyes.

Irina: Pity brat... How are you?

Tei: She's conscious!

The others came to her.

Mia: Irina... what happens to you?

Irina: I despise you, Selene... Oh, Selene Meg, I want a kiss...

Megumi blushed.

Rika: What happened to you today? Yesterday you were fine...

Irina: I don't want to tell you, meddler...

Mia: Megumi...

Megumi: Irina, will you tell me what have you done today?

Irina: Ok! I woke up, I received a package from the Poison Flower Shop, I...

Rika: That's the reason!

Megumi: Tei, Rika, come with me. We'll get the address from the package. Mia, stay here looking after her.

Mia: My pleasure... I don't feel well.

The three ran to the same apartment Ryo had entered before.

Rika: The windows are opened...

Megumi: There is still a little of a smell... That caused Irina's madness...

She saw some paintings in the room.

Megumi: Irina painted this...?

Tei: The address is in the package...

Megumi: Let's go...

Ryo entered his room. Tsukiou and Selenity Cat were waiting there.

Ryo: Here is the flower... I'm going to help the girls...

Selenity: Sure...

The girls saw the old shop abandoned.

Rika: Where is she?

Tei looked down. Something was written in the floor.

Tei: Say Iris real name twice and you'll get me...

Megumi: Irina, Irina...

The floor opened and they fell down. Silver Defender jumped in before it closed. When the girls awaken, they were in a large garden.

Rika: We'll better transform now...

Megumi: Andromeda Moon Super Power, Make-up!

Tei: Hebe Super Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora Super Power, Make-up!

They walked forward. Spider Flower was in a plants' throne.

S. Flower: Welcome, Lost Sailor Senshi... I was waiting for you... You may be concerned about your friend Sailor Iris...

Megumi: You caused her insanity!

S. Flower: Yes... And I have the cure... Give me your power and your art butterfly, Sailor Andromeda and I'll give your friends the cure...

Rika: You are lying!

S. Flower: Who can tell?

She took out a vial.

S. Flower: I'll give it to you if you do so... Spider Promise...

Megumi: Ok!

Rika: Are you crazy?

Tei: We have no other choice...

Rika looked down.

Rika: We have to trust her...

Megumi: Take them.

S. Flower: Her art butterfly must be yummy... Spider Web World Surprise!

She trapped all the girls in a web.

Rika: You lied!

S. Flower: Of course, stupid girls. Art butterflies come to m...

A dagger cut the Web and the girls were freed.

Megumi: Silver Defender!

He smiled and then looked at Spider Flower.

Ryo: It's really sad seeing how a girl can be so evil. But every flower will lose its petals one day...

She blushed.

S. Flower: You talk so nicely...

SD: Now, Sailor Senshi!

Rika: Pandora’s Star Dust!

Tei: Hebe’s Super Candy Sparks!

Megumi: Andromeda Moonlight Crystal Storm!

The three attacks made Spider Flower fell in the ground and the veil to drop.

S. Flower: Mama...

She disappeared. Megumi rushed to the broken pieces of the veil and the liquid. She cried

Megumi: Irina!

Rika tasted some of the liquid.

Rika: It's just water... It isn’t the cure.

Megumi: Will Irina be mad the rest of her life?

Tei's eyes saddened.

Rika: Where's Silver Defender?

Silver Defender entered by Ryo's window. At his table was a bottle. He took it and left again.

Arachne: Bye to your third chance...

S. Flower: Mama... Oh, please...

Arachne: Spider Punishment...

She turned green and started to get smaller. She turned to two silhouettes of women.

S. Flower: Sisters!

A big lettuce was left in her place. Spider Mite was shown, with an orange tight top and pant, with a spider belt and bracelet. She had earrings too.

S. Mite: May we start?

Arachne: It's for you, my two girls... Now it's your turn, Mite.

Her mouth was full of lettuce.

S. Mite: I'll not fail... as my stupid little sisters.

Megumi and the rest entered the apartment. They saw how Silver Defender left by the window and Mia held a bottle.

Megumi: Was that Silver Defender?

Mia: Yes... He says this is the cure for Irina.

They surrounded her.

Irina: What are you looking at?

They made her drink it. She moved her face.

Irina: What are you doing! Help...! Megumi? Rika? What am I doing here?

Megumi hugged her crying.

Megumi: You are back!

Irina blushed. Megumi stood brushing out her tears. Mia untied Irina.

Irina: I don't know what's going on, so I'll better leave... bye!

She left. Mia, Rika and Tei laughed. Megumi looked at the window.

Thanks for this, my sweet defender....

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