Act XIX: Plagues all over the city

Mr. Akami: No, Miss Sei, Oscar Wilde wasn't the author of Othello.

Megumi: It was Shakespeare.

Mr. Akami: Right, Miss Mayo.

Irina looked through the window and then to Megumi.

Irina: How on Earth can you like Literature? It's the most boring thing of the world... It's about things that never happened.

Megumi: Come on, Irina...

Irina: I hate literature... I prefer World History; it has real facts.

Megumi: At least you don't hate books...

Irina: Hate books? There are wonderful history books...

So that's Irina's favourite subject... But I guess it isn't good that her least favourite subject and my favourite one are the same one...

Megumi and her friends were in their house. Rika was reading a magazine.

Rika: Hear this... Lots of Spiders have appeared in all the libraries. As more spiders appear, books disappear. Nobody knows what is going on...

Megumi: That's strange...

Tei: Could Arachne's Web be after this?

Mia: They don't use books, so I don't know...

Irina took out a History book in the library.

Irina: I want to keep it for some days...

As she waited, Ryo walked near.

Irina: Miss, where did the library got the book that boy is reading?

Miss: It's his. He just asked us to keep it here... I guess he has young siblings that may break it.

Irina: Oh...

Disguised Spider Mite took a book.

S. Mite: Chemistry... My god! How can anyone read this...?

Lots of little spiders were surrounding her.

S. Mite: Continue, my babies... Eat the books and then I'll get the art butterflies...

The spiders left. Irina saw Megumi and Ryo talking at the school's patio.

Irina: How are you, guys?

Ryo: Irina...

Megumi: Hi, Irina...

Sue and her friends looked at them. They went closer.

Sue: God! Isn't this a wonderful triangle?

Megumi: Go away, Sue...

Sue: No... I saw when Irina tried to kiss...

Megumi: Shut up! I'm warning you!

Irina: What are you talking about?

Sue: We know you are a les...

Megumi: Thunder!

A thunder was heard in their heads. Sue's face was frightened...

Sue: You did this... You are weirder than I thought!

She and her friends ran away. Megumi laughed. Suddenly, she turned to Ryo.

Ryo: Don't worry about me, if you caused this, its not my problem...

Irina: He's as weird as you are, Meg...

Megumi: What are you talking about, Irina?

Irina: I saw Ryo reading The Legendary Story of the Moon and Earth, The Silver Millennium time by king solan. It is written in Selenitus... The Moon Language.

Ryo went pale.

Ryo: What are you talking about?

Megumi stared at Ryo confused.

How can he know Selenitus? And learnt about the Silver Millennium? From where did he get that book? Is Ryo hiding me something?

Megumi: Ryo?

Ryo: What's the Silver Millennium, anyway? And Moon Language? Has a lonely satellite a language? You are stranger than I though you were...

He shrugged and turned away. Megumi watched him as he left.

Megumi: Are you serious, Irina?

Irina: Yes...

Ryo ran to the library after school. Irina followed him, hidden. He entered in the library and stopped... Everything was a mess.

Ryo: What happened?

Irina entered and a scream extinguished in her mouth. No book was left and the shelves were all in the floor, bitten.

Irina: Miss?

The library woman turned to her.

Miss: Spiders... They ate all the books...

Ryo walked by the shelves and saw a silver light. He pushed a piece of wood over it and saw his book, protected by energy. He took it and put it in his coat. He left. But Irina had seen him.

Irina: Come on, Janus...

Her communicator finally got in use.

Janus: What's up with you? I'm looking after Sailor Aluminium Siren, who got in trouble again...

Irina: Sailor Lead Crow will help her. Now, the friend of Andromeda named Ryo has a book of ancient Moon.

Janus: So?

Irina: Where did he get it?

Janus: Maybe he was reincarnated with it... I don't know! And it's useless information...

Irina: As always you are a cold heart.

Janus: Don't make jokes...

Irina: Sorry, Icy... Well, I must tell you we think we defeated the second Spider Sister, as she was really frightened before she disappeared...

Janus: You are progressing... Oh my God... There's some problem with Sailor Aurora, bye.

The communication was cut.

Irina: The other Sailor Senshi are more important that me as always... Well, I'll better investigate these bookish disappearances.

She walked and saw an art store.

Irina: Maybe I'll buy some paints first.

Megumi laid in her bed.

Mia: You look worried.

Megumi: Ryo has a book of the Silver Millennium's history... How can he have it and read it? It's in Selenitus...

Mia: Trust your friend, Megumi... You must not doubt of him... Ryo is a nice guy.

Megumi: But he is keeping a secret...

Mia: So is Silver Defender... and you too...

She's right...

Megumi: I guess...

Mia smiled.

Mia: Ryo is a nice guy... and normal.

Megumi smiled then.

Irina walked by the library. A spider mite walked in the floor. She caught it.

Irina: So, what do we have?

She step in it. A book appeared instead of it.

Irina: How can this happen?

Spider Mite appeared in her back.

S. Mite: You are a meddler, girl...

Irina's wings raised from her back.

Irina: You won't catch me...

She flew away.

S. Mite: How did she do that?

Irina entered by a window of Mia's apartment.

Mia: Irina! You shouldn't use your wings without your Sailor suit...

Irina: Oh, shut up.

Megumi and the rest appeared.

Megumi: Can you use your wings freely?

Irina: Of course...

Tei: Cool!

Irina: Another Spider Sister is after the book disappearances... I saw her.

Rika: Where is she?

Irina: I don't know for sure...

Megumi ran to her room and took her Shakespeare Anthology.

Megumi: They'll come for it...

By midnight everything was dark. The book was in the middle of the room. A little spider came and started biting it...

Megumi: Thanks I changed it...

Rika: Ss! Oh, bye, bye, my Math book...

Irina, Mia and Tei were watching from the other side of the room.

Irina: It finished...

The spider went out.

Irina: Now...

They, transformed, started following the spider. It stopped in a park, where lot of spiders, as itself, were walking. In the middle was Spider Mite.

S. Mite: Well... I guess the time has come. Books of the world, bring back to life the art butterflies of your authors!

From every mite an art butterfly came.

Tei: Stop, you ugly woman!

Irina: Books are the resource for the greatest inventors... And you used them as an evil weapon...

Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace; I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Mia: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe's well being; I'm Sailor Universe!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship; I'm Sailor Pandora!

Irina: I’m a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe’s justice; I’m Sailor Iris!

Tei: I’m a Chibi Sailor Senshi who fights for children’s happiness; I’m Chibi-Sailor Hebe!

SD: From the Moonlight night I'm a warrior of the Moon, Silver Defender.

They looked up.

Megumi: Silver Defender...

He smiled to her.

SD: I must be here with you...

All but SD: And we'll defeat you in name of Universe!

Spider Mite looked at them.

S. Mite: Girls who depend on boys are so stupid... The feminist party is failing because of you.

They got sweat-drops and Silver Defender blushed.

Irina: I don't depend on a boy...

S. Mite: Then we are alike...

They smiled at each other.

Megumi: Irina, she is an enemy...

Irina: I know... Moon Rainbow attack!

The spider mites made a defensive wall around her.

SD: Sapphire dagger, Cut!

The dagger made a break in the wall.

SD: Attack!

Rika: Pandora’s Star Dust!

Mia: Universe Flashlight!

Tei: Hebe’s Super Candy Sparks!

The mites formed a silhouette in front of Spider Mite.

SD: Andromeda!

Megumi: Andromeda Moonlight Crystal Storm!

The mites fall and all transformed in books. The art butterflies entered these books.

S. Mite: I'll better be going...

She was covered by spiders and disappeared. Irina looked the books.

Irina: I'll call the police so they can return the books. Bye, girls...

She flew away.

SD: Continue fighting for peace, Meg...

And he left. Megumi looked dreamy at Silver Defender when she saw something in her feet.

Megumi: Rika, your Math book!

Sorry, Rika...

Rika: No! Why?

Megumi laughed.

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