Act XX: The Secret of Tsukiou

Ryo was fighting in his dimension training camp.

Ryo: Tsukiou-sensei, I have to go...

Tsukiou: Ok... You have a date, don’t you?

Ryo: Sort of... Megumi says we are just friends.

Tsukiou: I remember when Electra and me were dating...

Ryo: Electra?

Tsukiou: My wife... Pearl's mother...

Ryo: Did she looked as Rika?

Tsukiou: A lot... Well, go to your date.

He disappeared, but something fell from him. Ryo took it before the dimension faded. It was a necklace with a kind of number four on it and a lighting symbol on front.

Ryo: What's this?

Megumi jumped from her bed.

This time I won't forget that I have to go out with Ryo...

Tei: Ryo's here!

Megumi: I'm ready!

They walked near some stores.

Megumi: Ryo... Would you be affected if I had a boyfriend?

He looked at her.

Ryo: Why? Do you like someone?

Megumi blushed.

Megumi: Actually I do, but he is so mysterious...

He looked into her eyes.

Ryo: Megumi, I'm...

A scream was heard and an Insectodrom ran in front of them. A woman was following it.

Woman: Those jewels are invaluable!

Megumi: Stay here, I'll be right back...

She ran away. Ryo went back a tree.

Ryo: Moon warrior power!

He jumped away as Silver Defender. Megumi took her brooch.

Megumi: Andromeda Moon Super Power, Make-up!

They both got where the Insectodrom was.

Megumi: Stop, you monster!

It laughed and disappeared.

Megumi: It escaped... Silver Defender...

He turned.

SD: We had never failed...

He jumped away and the strange necklace fell. Megumi picked it up.

Megumi: A necklace?

When Megumi got where she had left Ryo, he looked bored.

Ryo: Where did you go to?

Megumi: I looked for the police... Look what I found.

She showed him the necklace.

Ryo: It's... wonderful... Maybe I should look for the owner...

Megumi: No... I'll return it to its owner when I see him... Shall we continue?

Ryo: Sure...

They continued. At noon, Megumi got home.

Rika: Was your date fun?

Megumi: It wasn't a date... Oh, hi Selenity, it's been a long time.

Selenity was at Mia's lap.

Selenity: Hi, Meg...

Tei: Sure... It wasn't a date, Meg.

Rika: Tenko called, the Kai kids all have chickenpox so Osamu and me couldn't go out...

Megumi: Sorry, Rika. Did you know an Insectodrom stole some jewels from a jewellery store? Silver Defender and me couldn't catch it.

Mia: How bad...

Megumi: Silver Defender dropped this...

She showed the necklace. Rika and Mia's eyes flashed. Selenity was really surprised.

Rika: It's from mama...

Mia: Electra, my brother's lover and later wife used this necklace.

Rika: Before she died, she gave it to my dad.

No, it can't be...

Megumi: Silver Defender is my uncle!?

Selenity: Of course not... You are all making great deal about this...

Mia turned to Selenity.

Mia: You know who Silver Defender is... You and Tsukiou gave me the idea of having the girls in my apartment... So Silver Defender, Tsukiou and you are connected... Now I get it!

Selenity raised her head.

Selenity: I must admit it... I'm the one who tells him when to come...

She jumped away.

Mia: Selenity!

Is Silver Defender Rika's past life father?

Spider Mite was in a street with lot of jewels.

S. Mite: Have this, madam, it looks wonderful in you.

It was a jewelled mite in a necklace.

Woman: How much?

S. Mite: Free... It's an inauguration gift...

Woman: Thanks.

Ryo stood in front of Tsukiou.

Tsukiou: The Senshi must know I'm at your side, or worst, think you are me.

Ryo: Megumi won't talk to me, you're her uncle...

Tsukiou: What can we do know?

Selenity jumped in the middle of them.

Selenity: We are busted...

Ryo: We know, Selenity-sama...

Megumi's head raised.

Megumi: Evil energy.

The woman that had taken the necklace fell. The necklace turned in a spider and entered her body. Her art butterfly came out and the spider ate it. The same happened to lot of people. The spiders ran away together. Megumi saw them from the window.

Megumi: I saw spider mites... We must follow them.

Tei: Hebe Super Power, Make-up!

Rika: Pandora Super Power, Make-up!

Mia: Universe Super Power, Make-up!

Megumi: Andromeda Moon Super Power, Make-up!

They jumped through their window. Irina looked to her painting and then to her window. She saw four silhouettes jumping from the Marble building.

Irina: They are playing without me...? How rude! Rainbow Super Power, Make-up!

She flew to them.

S. Mite: More little art butterflies... Oh, you'll make a great supper for Mama and she'll like me more than her eldest daughter.

Lot of spiders were coming to her. The Senshi saw the spiders thought the darkness of night.

Irina: I'm here!

Tei: Silence... We must follow these things... It's hard by night.

Irina: Sorry...

Silver Defender was following them. They saw Spider Mite in the same park.

S. Mite: I sense the energy of stupid Senshi... Don't hide, come out.

Irina: Then, we must appear in front of you...

Tei: You have heard us...

Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace; I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship; I'm Sailor Pandora!

Mia: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe's well being; I'm Sailor Universe!

Tei: I’m a Chibi Sailor Senshi who fights for children’s happiness; I’m Chibi-Sailor Hebe!

Irina: I’m a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe’s justice; I’m Sailor Iris!

All: And we'll defeat you in name of Universe!

S. Mite: Just to know, don't you think it is boring to say so much... Just say we are the good ones, the Lost Sailor Senshi or something like that...

Tei actually thought it for a second.

Tei: It sounds better...

Megumi: Oh, shut up...

Rika: Was Meg rude for the first time in her life?

Megumi: I'm sick of your pets, Spider Mite! Andromeda Moonlight...!

S. Mite: Cover!

The spiders covered Megumi's body but her face.

Irina + Mia: Meg!

S. Mite: Move and I'll kill her...

The Senshi stood near.

S. Mite: Oh, I actually defeated you... We had to make sacrifices of Lily and Flower, but that was necessary.

Tei: You have no sisterly love...

S. Mite: But they'll always be inside me... Literally...They were tasty...

Rika: You ate your sisters!?

S. Mite: Of course, that's the punishment Mama gives the ones who fail three times... They transform in something the remaining sisters can eat...

Rika imagined herself biting Janie's finger.

SD: Awful things come of awful people.

A dagger fell in a necklace Spider Mite had. As it broke, the spiders freed Megumi.

SD: Destroy them, Sailor Senshi...

S. Mite: You, bastard! Spider Web Surprise!

Silver Defender fell in the ground and a Web pushed him to a tree. His silver art butterfly came out. It flew to Megumi.

Rika: Girls, attack the spiders!

Irina: Moon Rainbow attack!

Mia: Universe Flashlight!

Tei: Hebe’s Super Candy Sparks!

The spiders stopped coming to them. Megumi stood up.

S. Mite: I'll better go...

She raised her arm and disappeared as the last time.

Megumi: Andromeda Moonlight Crystal Storm!

The spiders exploded and the art butterflies came out.

Tei: Return to your owners!

They did it. Silver Defender's Web disappeared and he fall in Megumi's arms. She put his head in her lap and returned his art butterfly.

Megumi: He looks as an angel...

She touched his mask. Should I? I mean... Have I the right of taking his mask off?

Rika: Megumi?

Megumi turned to her.

Megumi: We all have secrets, I won't see his without his permission...

He opened his eyes.

SD: Andromeda... Did you see my...?

Megumi: I have secrets, you may keep yours too...

He smiled. Rika came to him.

Rika: Silver Defender? How do you have this necklace? Are you my past life father, Tsukiou?

Selenity jumped to his shoulder.

Selenity: He is not...

Silver Defender stood up.

SD: Tsukiou-sensei is someone I appreciate very much... But I'm not him, believe that... I'm not your uncle, Infant Selene.

Megumi blushed.

How does he know I'm Selene?

SD: Someday you'll know everything...

He took the jewels that were in the floor and jumped away.

SD: I’ll return them to the jewellery. Oh, Infant Pearl, keep your mother Electra's necklace...

Rika smiled as he disappeared.

Rika: He isn't my father... Mine had brown short hair and purple eyes...

Irina: He could use a wig and contacts...

Megumi: No, Irina... I trust him... And I trust Selenity...

Irina looked at the sky.

Irina: Trust…

She smiled and looked to Megumi.

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