Act XXI: Religion and spiders.

Spider Mite was reading some book. A feminine silhouette came to her.

Silhouette: What are you doing, Sis?

S. Mite: Reading about human culture... Well, things important to them are books, jewels, they are their talismans... I don't know yet another thing I could use...

Silhouette: You'll better figure out soon, it's your last chance...

S. Mite: I got it! Religion...

Silhouette: Good point... I wish you good luck.

And she left. Spider Mite took out a pill with a spider in it.

S. Mite: Twisty Sweet Spider, turn into some powder, and transform into Shinto good luck charms!

She threw the pill and lots of spiders came out. They turned into Shinto charms.

S. Mite: Disguise mode, to a Shinto priestess...

Megumi walked by the Hikawa temple. Rei Hino, or as she knew, Sailor Mars, was brushing the door.

Megumi: Hi, Priestess Hino.

Rei: Hi, Megumi...

She continued walking. Rei took me to the hospital when I had an appendicitis attack. Since then, every day I pass near the Hikawa Temple, I greet her. A blonde haired girl came in.

Girl: Rei, is it true?

Rei: Minako, what's up?

Minako: You and Yuuichirou are together?

Rei blushed.

Rei: Who told you that?

Minako: Him... Is it true?

Rei: Maybe...

Minako: So he did made you jealous as you told me and you told him you loved him and...

Rei: Calm down, I'll tell you the whole story later. You must know he knows who I am.

Minako: So you told him?

Rei: Sort of... Well, want you to help me?

Minako: Sure! I saw a Shinto suit inside, I'll put it on and you'll tell me the whole story.

Rei: All right... (Link: Love-Senshi Series/Fire Revenge)

Spider Mite walked in the temple.

S. Mite: May I be a priestess in this temple?

Megumi saw Ryo walking with a cat in his shoulder.

Megumi: Ryo!

He turned. Megumi saw the cat was Selenity.

Megumi: Selenity...

Ryo's confusion didn't last too long.

Ryo: This is your cat, isn't it? I saw her walking by herself.

Megumi: Oh... Thanks, Ryo.

She took it. Selenity was nervous.

Ryo: So, how have you been?

Megumi: Ok... I guess.

Ryo: You know, lot of incidents have happened lately. But Sailor Andromeda and the rest are always there to defeat enemies.

Megumi: You still like Sailor Andromeda?

Ryo: Sure, she's gorgeous... I would love having her as my girlfriend...

Megumi blushed.

Megumi: Really? Wouldn't you like a normal girl?

Ryo: Actually... No.

Megumi: You know, Peace Hunter and Silver Defender are both in love with Sailor Andromeda.

Ryo: So?

Megumi: They have more chances to reach her...

Ryo: Really? Which of them has more, you think?

Megumi blushed.

Can I actually tell him?

Megumi: Silver Defender.

Yes I can.

Ryo: Really? Well, I'll love Sailor Andromeda even though...

He continued walking.

Ryo: Bye, Meg! You are a great friend!

He left. Megumi stood blushed. Then she looked at Selenity.

Megumi: I should ask you who Silver Defender is...

Selenity: But you won't.

Megumi: Selenity, I have a weird feeling. I'm jealous of Sailor Andromeda... Everybody likes her... Silver Defender may like her, not me. Ryo likes her, not me...

Ryo, are you the one who owns my heart...?

Selenity: You must discover yourself, Selene...

And she jumped away.

Megumi: I guess so.

Ryo continued walking, but then he stopped. He looked at a temple.

Ryo: Dark Energy...

Rika looked at her past mom's necklace.

Rika: My mother used this...

Mia: Your mother was a very beautiful woman. She was one of the most beautiful damsels of the Jupiter royal family... Tsukiou loved her so much. When he left after his defeat, we knew she was at his side. Even when she knew he was wrong then, she was right there.

Tei: Could we go and eat an ice cream?

Rika: Shut up, Tei. Continue, Mia...

Tei looked bored at the window.

Tei: Oh... There is a dense energy out here.

Selenity jumped to Ryo's shoulder.

Selenity: Meg was very close... Why did you make her feel so miserable?

Ryo: I don't know... Pride?

Selenity: Pride?

Ryo: I wanted her to say Silver Defender was better than Peace Hunter...

Boy: Really?

He turned and saw Almoyver.

Ryo: What a surprise, the runaway friend returns...

Almoyver: I was busy.

Ryo: Really... You know, I have reading King Solan's book...

Almoyver gave him a dark look.

Almoyver: Really?

Ryo: Yes... Did you know your name was quite strange? In Earth's history there are only three Almoyver-named men.

Almoyver: And I guess you know about the lives of everyone...

Ryo: I'm finishing with the third one biography, he was the grandson of the first one. He married a girl named Odette and had two kids, at least until I’m reading...

Almoyver: And I guess you discovered I’m not... I mean, how do you know I'm from the past?

Ryo: Selene's Almoyver married Odette and stayed with her.

Almoyver: History books haven't changed yet...

Ryo: Sure...

Almoyver: That cat's is Megumi's... Where is she?

Ryo: I don’t know.

Almoyver: I'll look for her

He left. But then he turned.

Almoyver: You know I'm a Hunter... but I know you are a Defender... A silver one...

Selenity jumped after him. Rika entered the Hikawa Temple.

Rika: I always liked this temple...

A woman with her head covered offered her a charm.

Woman: Something for your good luck, miss?

Rika: No, thanks...

Woman: Bad luck be with you.

Rika opened huge her eyes and started leaving. Rei heard that.

Rei: What are you doing?

Woman: Nothing...

Rei: You asked to be a Shinto Priestess and you are selling charms without my permission.

The woman pushed Rei inside the temple. Minako saw that and ran to where they were. Rika saw them, and peaked to see.

Minako: What are you doing?

Spider Mite showed her face, that had been covered by a cloth.

S. Mite: My charms will turn into spider mites, that will soon take the art butterflies from the people I have give the charms...

Rika took her communicator watch.

Rika: Megumi, Spider Mite attacked... I'm in the Hikawa Temple... Pandora Super Power, Make-up!

Minako: Venus Crystal...

Spider Mite hit her nose.

S. Mite: Sorry, girl... Now, you priestess, will give me your art butterfly and then I'll have the airhead blonde's.

Rika: That's what you think... Pandora’s Star Dust!

Spider Mite fell to the floor as she received the attack and Rei was freed.

Rei: You are a Lost Sailor Senshi...

Three other figures jumped to her side.

Megumi: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for the people's peace; I'm Sailor Andromeda!

Mia: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe's well being; I'm Sailor Universe!

Tei: I’m a Chibi Sailor Senshi who fights for children’s happiness; I’m Chibi-Sailor Hebe!

Rika: I'm a Sailor Senshi who fights for world's friendship; I'm Sailor Pandora!

All: And we'll defeat you in name of Universe!

Rei stood up.

Rei: It's useless to hide my identity to you... Mars Crystal Power, Make-up!

She turned into Super Sailor Mars.

Rei: For passion and love, I'm a Sailor Senshi, Super Sailor Mars!

Megumi: It's always nice to fight with other Sailor Senshi...

Sailor Iris appeared in the door.

Irina: That's so childish, Andromeda.

Mars looked at her.

Rei: You have wings?

Irina: Yes, do you like them?

S. Mite: Spider Web...

Mia: Not so fast! Universe Flashlight!

Rei: Mars Flame Sniper!

Spider Mite took protectively a jewel she had in the middle of her suit.

Irina: The power of her charms is inside that jewel...

SD: Sapphire Dagger!

The dagger fell in the middle of the jewel. It was broken. The charms that remained in Spider Mite's bag turned to spiders but then transformed into dust. The charms that people had, suffered the same metamorphosis.

S. Mite: No! Spider Laser Cascade!

Lot of beams came from her hands. Mars covered Minako and the others jumped away.

Irina: Megumi, we have to do it!

Megumi: Andromeda Moonlight Crystal Storm!

Irina: Moon Rainbow attack!

The combined attack made Spider Mite fell really harmed. She raised her head.

S. Mite: At least it wasn't a boy who defeated me...

And she disappeared with her spider cover. Mars raised her head and the Lost Sailor Senshi weren't there. Minako opened her eyes.

Minako: Rei? What happened?

Rei: The Lost Sailor Senshi saved us once again.

Spider Mite was kneeling in pain at the front of Arachne.

S. Mite: Mama, please!

Arachne: You disappointed me... Spider Punishment!

S. Mite: Tarantula, help me!

Tarantula: Bye, bye, Sis...

S. Mite turned to a mass of little spiders. The feminine silhouette of Tarantula took a handful of it.

Arachne: You, my most wonderful daughter, are the only left. You have the chances you wish...

Tarantula: I know, Mommy. I'm the favourite...

Megumi looked by the window.

Megumi: This was her third chance... Her biggest sister may have eaten her by now...

Rika: What a dreadful family...

Tei: But we have almost defeated it all...

Mia: When they are defeated, Irina will attack.

Megumi turned to her.

Megumi: And we'll know everything?

Mia: Yes.

The end is coming. Will we know what's going on between Mia and Irina? And about mysterious Sailor Janus? I only wished Ryo stop loving Sailor Andromeda... And that Silver Defender told me about Tsukiou and who he really is... I hope that soon all the mysteries will be solved...

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