Act XXII: Tenko's Wedding.

Megumi: You must be kidding!

Tenko: No. We are going to marry!

Rika: When did Shun propose?

Tenko: A week ago... Oh, we'll marry in just a week...

If you are wondering, Tenko is a friend of us who helps us when we are hurt in battle. (She knows our identities.) She's a doctor and Shun Kimagure is her boyfriend... Well, he had been since last year. Tenko lives with the five Kai kids as her mother, even though she's just 20.

Tenko: I wished you all could come shopping with me...

Tei: Sure!

Tenko: Osamu is coming...

As I have said before, Osamu Kai is the guy who likes and is liked by Rika.

Osamu appeared.

Osamu: Hi girls... Tenko-mama... Rika... Sorry I was late.

Rika: Doesn't matter...

Osamu gave Tenko a look. She opened her eyes.

Tenko: I was forgetting... Rika, could you and Osamu go to the flower shop to make the arrangements?

Rika: I guess...

Tenko: The rest, come with me.

Osamu: Let's go, Rika.

Rika: Sure...

She was blushed. They both walked.

Rika: Do you know the address of the flower shop?

Osamu: Sure, trust me...

A long black-haired woman was walking by the street. She wore sunglasses and black pants, blouse and jacket. Her lips were black painted. She entered an art exhibition. Men turned to see her; she was beautiful. She looked one painting.

Woman: Shun Kimagure... Great artistic power...

A man encouraged to talk to her.

Man: Miss, could you tell me what's you name?

Woman: Tanrei Doku (Elegant Poison).

She smiled and left. The man fell in the floor. Some people gathered at his side.

Woman: Call an ambulance! He had a heart attack!

Rika looked at the sea by a bridge.

Rika: Osamu, are you sure the flower shop is near?

Osamu: No.

She turned surprised.

Rika: Then why are we here?

Osamu: Tenko has already arranged the flowers.

Rika: I repeat, then why are we here?

Osamu blushed.

Osamu: I wanted to... To ask you if you would want to be my girlfriend...

Rika blushed intensely.

Tanrei knocked the Kimagure apartment. Shun was painting right now.

Shun: I'm busy...Who is it?

Tanrei: Your girlfriend...

She had Tenko's voice. Shun opened and saw Tenko wasn't there.

Shun: Who are you?

Tanrei: Your dream girl...

She kissed him and his eyes turned black.

Tanrei: You'll have to paint me... Take me in...

Shun: Yes.

He closed the door.

Rika: It's a surprise, Osamu.

Osamu: I understand...

Rika: No... I mean, you don't understand. I'll say yes even if it is a surprise...

Osamu's face shone. He kissed her. Rika blushed even more. It was her first kiss. Megumi raised her eyebrows.

I have this funny feeling... Rika is happy.

Irina walked to them.

Irina: What a surprise... Do I know you?

Tenko gave her a shy look.

Mia: She's Tenko Miki... But soon she'll be Mrs. Kimagure. Tenko, this is Irina Sei.

Tenko: Irina? Could you be...Sailor Iris?

Irina worried. Tei smiled.

Tei: Tenko knows us...

Irina: And I guess you told her.

Megumi: She figured it out.

Tenko shook hands with Irina. Irina's face enlightened.

Irina: Did you say Kimagure? Won't be your fiancé Shun Kimagure...

Tenko: Actually he is...

Irina: His paintings are wonderful... I'm his greatest fan... Could I meet him...?

Tenko: Let's go, if it means so much for you...

The group started to Shun's apartment. Tenko pushed the door, but it was locked.

Tenko: Shun, open me! It's Tenko...

Shun was painting. Tanrei was posing in a red silk blanket.

Tenko: Shun!

Shun: What do you want!?

Tenko was surprised by his tone.

Shun had never spoken to Tenko this way...

Tenko: What's wrong, Shun?

Shun: Nothing, I'm busy!

Tenko: Open the door... Maybe we can help you...

Shun: Stop it or I'll break our engagement!

Tenko covered her mouth.

Tenko: Sorry, Shun. I didn't want to disturb you... We'll see each other the wedding day, then... I guess he is nervous about the wedding.

She turned and left crying. Tei followed her.

Irina: What a couple...

Mia: Shun isn't that way...

Megumi: Shun! Why did you treat Tenko that way?

Shun opened the door, but didn't let anyone see inside his apartment.

Shun: I'm busy... I'm nervous... So just leave me, please. I'm fine, trust me...

Megumi: But Tenko...

Shun: I'll call her... Could you leave now?

Irina: Mr. Kimagure, I'm Irina Sei... I also paint and I would love to...

Shun: Another day, dear.

He closed the door. The three girls went out.

Megumi: I guess it's maybe pre-nuptial nerves...

Mia: Sure.

Irina: I guess I'm going home... Bye.

She left. Mia and Megumi thought the same. At noon, Rika reached the house, even after Tei did.

Rika: Hi, girls!

Megumi: I felt something... What happened?

Rika: He asked me to be his girlfriend! And he kissed me!

Tei: What a great deal...

Rika: For you, the 100 boyfriends' girl it may not mean something, but for me it does.

Tei: Yes, with that face…

Rika: Nothing you say will make me mad... I'm happy, I'm happy!

Shun slept at the side of his painting. Tanrei watched him. She took out a necklace from her neck. It had a spider.

Tanrei: His art energy will be mine... And when he gets in the highest point of inspiration, better said, ends my picture. I'll took his art butterfly...

The wedding day came quickly. Tenko was at the church, not dressed yet. Her friends and "children" were helping her. The hours passed and the guests started to come. Tenko dressed up. She sat near her friends.

Tenko: When will Shun arrive?

Megumi: Haven't you talked with him?

Tenko: No since that day...

She had a very sad voice.

Mia: He told us that he would call you...

Rika: That man! How can he dare to make you wait!

A brown haired girl entered. She had an apron and held a cake.

Megumi: Mako...

She looked at her.

Mako: You go to my restaurant, don't you?

She left the cake.

Mako: Well, Miss Miki, I finished. Everything is in hands of the service. Good luck in your marriage! Bye, bye!

She left shining. Rika looked at her necklace.

Rika: Thinking she's a relative of mine... I'm sick of waiting... I'll bring Shun!

She stood up and left.

Megumi: Call us if you need help!

Rika knocked Shun's door.

Rika: Shun, the wedding is waiting for you!

Shun: I won't go... I have to finish...

His face was pale. He did his last brushstroke.

Shun: End...

Tanrei walked to the painting and her breath left her. The painting had her body, but the face was Tenko's.

Tanrei: Didn't I impact you?

Rika: That's a woman's voice... Pandora Super Power, Make-up!

She pushed the door.

Rika: Pandora’s Star Dust!

The door fell. She saw Tanrei and Shun.

Rika: You are cheating in Tenko!

Irina was walking by the street and saw Rika entering. She took her communicator watch.

Irina: Megumi, Rika transformed. Something is wrong in Shun's house.

She ran to the side of the building.

Irina: Rainbow Super Power, Make-up!

She flew to the window.

Rika: How could you!

Shun looked at her and fainted. Tanrei laughed as a little veil in her neck filled with liquid..

Tanrei: I have great art liquid power now! And I'll have both your art butterflies! Tarantula Web!

Two threads passed each chest and their art butterflies appeared in their backs. Tanrei unbuttoned her shirt. When she threw it out, a black tight suit that covered all her body was shown. She had a spider belt and earrings.

Tanrei: Stupid kids...

Boy: Wait!

She looked at the window. Irina left Osamu in the window.

Irina: You... must... do some exercise... I'm not so strong.

She hanged in the window.

Tanrei: Who are you?

Osamu: I'm Commander Oceanus of all Oceans! The Green Sea is my power! I'm the eldest of the Sea Children. Who are you?

Tanrei: I'm the eldest of the Spider Sisters: Tarantula. Web laser!

A thread hurt Osamu in his shoulder. He fell. Tarantula bent to kiss him.

Tarantula: A kiss and you'll be my slave...

Rika raised her head. Her eyes where empty.

Rika: Don't you dare... Pandora’s Ribbon Surprise!

Her old attack pushed Tarantula away. Osamu rushed to her cyan-silver butterfly and returned it to her.

Osamu: How could you move without your art butterfly?

Rika: I won't let any girl but me, kiss you.

Irina stood in the window.

Irina: Now I've rested, I'm fine. I’m a Sailor Senshi who fights for Universe’s justice; I’m Sailor Iris! And I'll punish you! Moon Rainbow attack!

Tarantula jumped and took Shun's art butterfly.

Tarantula: I'll destroy it if you hurt me...

Mia: Universe Flashlight!

The light blinded Tarantula. She freed the butterfly.

Tei: Hebe’s Jump!

She grabbed the butterfly.

Megumi: You lose...

Tarantula: I got some liquid though... I'll return.

She disappeared in a black flashlight.

Tenko ran to Shun's side. Megumi kneeled to him. The rest of the Sea children appeared.

Megumi: His energy has been taken... He hasn't ate in days...

Tenko: That awful woman harmed him so much...

Megumi: Could everyone give a little of your energy to Shun?

All: Sure!

Megumi: Pure Energy, come to Shun!

A little spark came from everyone and fell in Shun. He recovered his colour and opened his eyes.

Shun: Tenko...

Tenko: Dear...

Hours later, they were leaving the church happily. Tarantula looked this from her mother's mirror.

Tarantula: At least I brought you delicious liquid art energy.

Arachne: I know, my dear.

Megumi looked at the sky.

Arachne got something this time... Tarantula is more powerful than her younger sister.

Something fell in her hands.

Rika: Megumi got the bouquet!

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