Act XXIII: Children's Love.

Megumi: Hurry up, Rika!

Rika came out.

Tei: I don't want to go to this party... It's for babies.

Mia: Janie is Rika's sister and you must go because you seem of her age.

Tei: I feel quite better...

Jane's birthday is today. We all are going. Jane likes me very much and I feel sorry about her. Rika's parents work too much and she's alone most of time. Especially since Rika left.

They knocked the door. A tall, green-haired lady opened, letting the childish party music to come to the girls' ears.

Mrs. O: Rika! You are here!

She hugged her. Rika blushed.

Rika: Yes, I'm here, Mom. I couldn’t miss my sister’s birthday party

Mom: Come in, you all...

The girls entered. Though, Mia didn't seem to like been in a children's party. Been a teacher of older kids made her like them better. She looked a little bored. The door called. Rika opened it.

Rika: Ryo?

The three Gingekko siblings were there.

Ryo: I knew Jane Ogawano had to be your sister...

Rika: Tae is Jane's friend?

Tae looked at her.

Tae: The best friend of my brother's stupid girlfriend is Jane's sister? Life couldn't be worse...

She entered. Kenji came near them.

Kenji: Hi, I'm Kenji, Ryo's big brother. I think you and Meg have come home sometimes.

He was a lot as Ryo but his eyes were green.

Rika: Yes, we have seen each other before... Let's go with Megumi and Mia.

Megumi: Hi, Kenji! This is Mia...

Mia turned and blushed. He liked her too.

Kenji: Hi...

Mia: Nice to meet you.

Tei was at Megumi's side. She turned and looked at Kenji. She blushed.

Tei: Who is he...?

Megumi looked at her.

Megumi: Kenji, this is my cousin Tei.

Kenji: Hi, honey.

Tei: Hi...

Kenji: So, Mia, do you like music?

Tei looked at Mia. She was older than Kenji was, she knew that... But Kenji liked Mia, not her. She was a baby for him.

Tae: Who are you?

Tei: I'm Megumi's cousin. You are Ryo's sister, I guess.

Tae: Yes.

Jane: Tae, come with me... Hi.

Tei: I'm Tei, Megumi's cousin.

Jane: I though you were 17...

Tei blushed.

Tei: No, I'm 7... Megumi has another cousin called Tei who has 17...

Jane: Oh... Do you want to play with us?

Tae: Yes, you aren't as disagreeable as Megumi is.

Tei. I'll go in a minute...

They left and Tei looked at Kenji from far. Rika caught her.

Rika: Whom are you staring at? Kenji! Do you like him, Princess Tei?

Tei: Stop it, Rika...

Rika: It's true then!

Tei walked to Mr. and Mrs. Ogawano.

Tei: Sir, madam, did you know Rika's boyfriend is Osamu Kai?

Mrs. O.: Rika, you didn't told us that boy was your boyfriend... What are we going to do?

Mr. O.: Dear, boys can be dangerous... Don't you think it, Lisa?

Mrs. O.: I have to meet him...

Mr. O.: Immediately...

Rika looked at Tei. She went laughing to where Tae and Jane were. At the end of the party, the girls returned home.

Tei: Mia, did you like Kenji?

Mia: He is nice.

Tei: I see...

Mia: He invited me tomorrow to his house.

Tei: Tae invited me too, with Jane. Seems they like my style.

Rika smiled.

Rika: You accepted to go because there will be K...

Tei: I will call your grandma and tell her about your boyfriend if you don't shut up...

Rika looked at Megumi. She was dreaming.

Rika: Who understands you? One day you are dreaming about Almoyver, the next about Ryo and the next about Silver Defender.

Megumi: Oh, let me be, Rika...

Ok... I'll maybe emotionally unstable. But I know my real love is Silver Defender.

Tanrei Doku walked by a street. She passed by a CD recording place. Kenji was there, singing.

Tanrei: What a nice voice... So artistic... Who is he?

She looked a man near.

Tanrei: Could you tell me?

Man: Yes, my goddess... His name is Kenji Gingekko.

Tanrei: Kenji Gingekko...

Mia entered through the door.

Mia: Sorry I'm late...

Kenji: Don't worry...

Kenji put some music.

Mia: I really don't like that kind of music...

Kenji looked disappointed.

Kenji: What do you want to do?

Mia: I don't know...

Kenji: Want to dance?

Mia: I don't like dancing.

Disappointment filled Kenji's face.

Kenji: Then what do you usually do?

Mia: I love reading. I could read you a book. Or we could go to dinner to some restaurant.

Kenji: Book? I mean, I can’t afford a restaurant right now.

Tei heard everything from the back of the wall.

Tae: Tei?

Tei: I'm going...

Megumi looked as Mia threw herself in the sofa.

Bad Date...

Megumi: So Kenji and you had fun?

Mia: I invented an excuse to leave.

Megumi: That's bad...

Tei peaked to Kenji's room. Kenji saw her.

Kenji: What are you doing, kid?

Tei: I just heard that cool music...

Kenji: You like it? Wonderful, babies like my work.

Tei: Babies? I'm not a baby...

Kenji: Sorry, but I wanted my music to be liked by teenagers.

Tei: I'm a teenager...

Kenji: In ten years...

Tei: You shouldn't treat people that way. You can't know my soul’s age...

She turned and went back to Tae and Janie. Kenji stared at her.

Kenji: You can't know my soul’s age... I like it. That little girl has style.

The door called. He opened. Tanrei smiled to him.

Tanrei: Are you Kenji Gingekko?

Kenji: Yes...

Tanrei: Your music is really cool...

She kissed him. His eyes turned black.

Tanrei: Show me your room...

Kenji: Yes, my lady...

He went to his room and closed the door.

Tanrei: Music is faster than painting... Sing the song I inspire to you!

Kenji: Black Poison fills my lips... Just a second of your kiss...I know you are elegant, but dark hearted... But I don't care, you are my lady.

Tei raised her head.

Tei: That's your brother, Tae?

Tae: Yes...

Tei: He sings weird... Without passion...

Jane: And how can you notice that?

Tei: I have heard singers for 17 years, and I can identify if they are passionate or passionless...

She ran to Kenji's room.

Tei: Open the door, Kenji!

Tae and Jane got at her sides.

Tae: Kenji, is everything all right?

Kenji: And now I finish, my end will come... Passionless song, my poison girl...

He fell to the floor.

Tanrei: Art liquid power...Art butterfly!

Kenji's went out as the thread passed him. Tei ran away as she heard Tarantula' voice.

Tae: Tei?

Tanrei opened the door.

Tanrei: Young art butterflies...

Two threads attacked the girls. Their white art butterflies came out and joined Kenji's blue one.

Tarantula: Great!

Tei: Hebe’s Super Candy Sparks!

Tarantula threw the butterflies as her hand was burning.

Tarantula: Who is it?

Tei: I’m a Chibi Sailor Senshi who fights for children’s happiness; I’m Chibi-Sailor Hebe! And I'll defeat you in name of children's love...

Tarantula: Pity girl...

The rest of the Senshi appeared in the door.

Megumi: We are here!

Tarantula threw a ray to Kenji's karaoke. An Insectodrom with a microphone appeared.

ID: Karaoke!

He threw sonic waves to the Senshi. Irina covered her ears as the others. Tei jumped to Kenji's butterfly and returned it.

Kenji: What's going on?

Tei: Sing!

Kenji: Babies don't order me... What's this sound...?

Tei: Do it!

Kenji: … I can be different, I may be what you were looking for. You can’t know my soul’s age, you can’t guess my heart…

Karaoke covered his ears.

Tei: Now, Andromeda!

Megumi stood.

Megumi: Andromeda Moonlight Crystal Storm!

The Insectodrom was destroyed. Rika and Mia took the girls' butterflies.

Tarantula: You...

Silver Defender threw his dagger to her feet.

SD: Leave my... my friend's house!

Irina stood in front of Tarantula.

Irina: Moon Rainbow...!

Tarantula disappeared in a flashlight.

Irina: ...attack!

A rainbow appeared painted in the wall.

Irina: Oops...

Silver Defender got a sweat-drop.

SD: How I'm going to explain that?

He jumped away. Kenji looked as the Senshi left, after returning Tae and Jane their art butterflies.

Kenji: Thank you...

Tei: Babies can be powerful.

Kenji: Someone told me sort of that...

They jumped away. An hour later, Kenji was at his room. Tei entered and heard his song.

Tei: Is that you new song?

Kenji: Yes. Do you like it? It's called "You can't know my soul’s age". A little woman gave me the idea. If you were some years older I'll invite you to a date.

Tei blushed.

Tei: Really?

Mrs. Gingekko entered her house. She saw the wall.

Mrs. G.: Tae! Why did you paint the wall?!

Megumi was at the door picking Tei up.

Poor Mrs. Gingekko... Poor Tae...But I guess Tei isn’t poor at all...

Tei gave a kiss to Kenji's cheek and ran to Meg.

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