Act XXV: The Secret of my Universe

Megumi: I'll defeat you, Arachne...

Arachne: A pretty dress won't help you...

Janus turned to Irina, Rika and Tei. She threw rays from her spear. Rika turned to Infant Pearl. Tei got her normal age and a long green dress. Irina had a golden dress.

Janus: Lady Iris of Universe, Infant Pearl of the Moon and Lady Tei of the Earth...

Tei: Lady Tei... That's sophisticated.

Janus turned to Mia and Silver Defender. She threw a ray. Mia got her lady form. Silver Defender got an armour.

Janus: Lady Selene of the Moon and Silver Knight of Moonlight.

Megumi took Silver Defender's hand. They floated in the air.

Megumi: We can do it...

Irina raised and put herself on top of the couple. Mia stood at the bottom of them. Tei flew to their right and Rika to their left. Janus disappeared.

Mia: To defeat Arachne our power must join in spirit!

Arachne threw blasts of energy. A wall covered the cross-formed Senshi.

Megumi: New Moon Senshi, I need your power!

Irina: Iris’ Justice Super Power of the rainbow!

Rika: Pearl's Lost Super Power of friendship!

Mia: Selene's Protector Super Power of Universe!

Tei: Tei's Sweet Super Power of Children!

SD: Silver Power of the New Moon!

Megumi: Andromeda New Moon Power! New Moon Blast!

She formed a circle with her hands and one great, all-coloured, energy came out. It made everyone's hair flew back.

Megumi: By the Power of the Moon! By Art Muse Power! I destroy you, Arachne!

Arachne threw little blasts. The surrounding Senshi moved clockwise in a circle. The ray expanded as a great circle of the Senshi’s radius and covered Arachne.

Mia: Die Spider!

Tei: For the future!

Rika: We destroy you!

Irina: Evil spirit, go away!

Arachne was disintegrated. Megumi closed her eyes and fell. The Senshi recovered their Senshi clothes. Silver Defender too. They all fell in the ground.

SD: Megumi...

Sailor Andromeda opened her eyes. It was night. They had all been unconscious till now. Megumi was the last to wake-up. Irina was standing near a wall.

Megumi: Silver Defender...

SD: We did it!

Rika: We defeated Arachne! Arachne's Web is destroyed!

Tei: Finally! But I remained as a little girl...

Mia turned to Irina.

Mia: It's time.

Irina: Of Revenge... You all come to the Marine Balcony... Or I'll take her when you aren't looking.

She jumped away. Megumi looked at the place.

Megumi: It's covered of spider webs... I see why Arachne chose this place.

SD: Megumi, now I must tell you that I am...

Mia: We have to go...

Rika: Sorry?

Mia: Iris' revenge time... You'll know everything now.

Rika: What’s the Marine Balcony?

Mia: The place were Sailor Moon & Sailor Galaxia’s battle was held. It was constructed after the destruction. Every Senshi in the Universe knows the place. It’s full of Sailor Positive Energies. Come with me.

Mia walked out and the others looked at each other.

Rika: Should we go?

Silver Defender stood up.

SD: I'll protect you all... After this all ends, I'll tell you who I am.

He followed Mia.

Megumi: Wait for me!

Rika: Let's go, Tei.

Tei: It's 11 o'clock...

They walked after Meg. Mia reached the balcony and stood in front of a great oak tree that was near. Silver Defender and Meg came after her and the rest then. Irina appeared sitting in an oak branch.

Irina: You are all here... It's so nice.

Mia: So what are you going to do, Lady Iris?

Irina: Tell them all the truth.

Mia: What are you going to get? She'll always love this planet and Silver Defender.

Megumi and Silver Defender blushed.

Irina: The truth will set them free!

Mia: I want Janus here or I won’t let you...

Irina: She is. Janus...

Sailor Janus appeared by a tree.

Janus: I'm here, Selene, this implies we three and the real Sailor Universe are at last together...

Tei: The real Sailor Universe?

Janus: Iris...

Irina: I'll tell you my story... My whole story...


I was born alone, in Universe's Palace. I had no friends nor a family. The only one in the palace was Janus, but she was always protecting the other Sailor Senshi. She said that one day the protector of the Universe should be born... That she'll be my companion. And when I was 300 years old, she did.

Sailor Universe was born in Andromeda...]

Rika: No. Selene was born in the Moon. She was sister of Princess Selenity...

Mia: No.

Selenity-cat jumped to her shoulder.

Megumi: Selenity!

Selenity: Let me continue.


I was in the throne when two Sailor Senshi entered. One was grown up, but the other seemed young.

Janus: I am the Sailor Senshi's protector, Sailor Janus.

Iris: I'm the justice Senshi, Sailor Iris.

Selenity: I have heard about you two...

Janus: We come here because Sailor Universe has been born and we have to take her to Universe's Palace forever.

Two girls entered running. They were Serenity and a little Sailor Venus.

Serenity: Hi!

Selenity: Serenity, Venus, go out. Venus, could you call your mother?

They went out and a minute later appeared a woman with a Venus's Sailor Suit, but she had her hair free. She had a little resemblance with Venus.

Woman: My Queen.

Selenity: Thanks for coming, Sailor Kinsei. Cats!

Luna and Artemis jumped at her sides.

Selenity: Who is the one who has born with Universe's power?

Iris: A member of the Moon Royal Family...

Selenity: My... my Serenity?

Janus: No, we couldn't take an heir to the throne.

Selenity: Then?

Janus: Your niece Selene of Andromeda...]

Mia covered her mouth. Tei looked at Megumi, as Rika did.

Megumi: No!

SD: You are lying.

Mia: She's not...


Selenity assured them she'll sent you to the Universe's Palace and they left. Selenity parted to Andromeda leaving the kingdom to Kinsei. I was at my house with Selene when the door called.

Selene: Sister!

Selenity: Selene, something awful happened...

They went out.

Selene: What's wrong?

Selenity: Remember the Legend of Sailor Universe, who should spend all her life in Universe's palace?

Selene: Yes.

Selenity: Sailor Janus and Iris came to me... Selene is Sailor Universe!]

Irina: So it was Selenity who told you...

Selenity: You really expected me to take my sister's daughter of her arms?

Irina: Continue.


Selenity: Selene, don't cry...

Selene: My daughter has a tragic fate... She'll not have the life she deserved... Her dreams won't come true... First Percy, and now Selene.]

Rika: Wait! Who's Percy?

Mia: Selene's past life father; it comes from Perseus...

Irina: Continue, Selene!


Selene raised her face.

Selene: No, I won't let this happen...

Selenity: We can hide her...

Selene: No. They'll find out... They are powerful...

Selenity: But what can we do?

Selene entered her house. Infant Selene, of three years old, came to her.

I. Selene: Mommy...

Selene kissed her forehead. Then she put her hands in her eyes. Infant Selene fell asleep.

Selene: Power of Universe, enter me... Abandon this innocent child and give me your curse of loneliness....

Selene's hair flew back and her eyes and mouth were covered of light. Suddenly, it stopped and Infant Selene fell unconscious.

Selenity: Sister!

She held Selene and put a hand in Infant's Selene's head.

Selenity: You didn't take it all...

Selene: Most of it... She's young and weak. I'll go.

Two wings appeared in her back.

Selenity: Selene... You have the horrible fate now... Why did you did it?]

Irina: Yes! Why did you did it?


Selene: She's my daughter... She deserves a life... A life... Selenity, raise her. Don't tell her the truth. Tell her I died in an accident... She could ruin my sacrifice...

Selenity cried. Selene started to elevate.

Selenity: She'll be with Serenity... She'll live as my daughter, Selene... I love you sister!

Selene: I love you too, Sister Selenity... I'll always love you Selene, my daughter...

When I got to Universe's palace, they had to give me the powers. Iris and me looked at Selene all the time. Iris had this obsession about you... That I had taken you away from her... She hated me. She loved you. When the Moon Kingdom was destroyed, Selenity changed your remaining Universe's power in Andromeda's power. An alien race tried to enter the Milky Way a year after that. They killed the Outer Sailor Senshi. The Muses, who appeared later as Janus' helpers, and I joined our powers. We defeated them but were killed. Selenity's spirit gave me a new life... The Niji sword was sealed in the Muses spirits, who were reincarnated too..]

Mia: And that's the story. When I returned to Universe Palace I remembered nothing of this. I just knew I had been Lady Selene and that I was Sailor Universe. Iris hid when I was there. I asked Janus to give me a year to find a substitute and I left. I remembered all this when the Niji Sword was formed.

Irina: That's the truth... Now, Mia you must return to Universe's Palace or give me Selene, who has a place at my side... You took her away from me once, but I need her now. I won’t let you keep her. That’s my revenge, I’ll ruin your sacrifice!

Janus: Your time is over, Universe.

Mia: I’ll return, if that’s what I have to do. I haven’t find a substitute, so Iris, I’ll be your companion again.

She'll make a sacrifice for me again? I won't let her!

Megumi: Take me, Irina.

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