Act XXVI: The New Protector of Universe

Mia: Don't you dare! I sacrificed myself to give you a normal life; I won't let you do this...

Megumi: I won't let you sacrifice again.

Irina smiled.

Irina: Then, come with me...

Silver Defender held Megumi's hand.

SD: I won't let you go.

Megumi blushed.

Megumi: Silver Defender...

Irina: Let her go, stupid guy... Or I'll tell her who you are...

He used his other hand to untie his mask. It fell to the ground.

Tei + Rika: Ryo!

Megumi: Ryo... You...

Ryo: Remember when I discovered your identity? I didn't lost my memory... But I could continue been your friend this way. When Selenity gave me these powers I decided not to tell you till the end of the battles... I almost broke this promise lot of times... Meanwhile, I protected you and gave you those beautiful silver flowers Tsukiou created. He was the one who made the cure for Irina's madness from some of the black roses of Spider Flower. And I investigated about Almoyver... Neither Selenity, nor I, trusted him. And I was right... And now I can't let you go... I love you...

My dear Ryo was always Silver Defender... He kissed me so dearly... I don't want to leave... I want Ryo... My Defender...

Megumi: Ryo...

She smiled. Ryo held her.

Ryo: You can't leave me...

Irina: She will... Come on, Meg.

Megumi kissed Ryo.

Irina: My God...

Irina looked impatient.

Megumi: I don't want to leave you...

Rika looked at Irina.

Rika: She wants to stay!

Irina: Then, Mia...

Megumi turned.

I can't let Mia do this...

Megumi: Mia, no!

Mia: Megumi, you must stay at Ryo's side...

Megumi: I want to, but...

Mia: I'll be fine, Meg, it’s the duty I chose.

Megumi: Ryo...

Ryo: Can I go with her, Irina?

Yes, please...

Irina: Of course not! Do you think the Universe Palace is a kind of hotel?

Tei: Do you like seeing people suffering? Rika!

Rika: I'm ready...

Tei: Hebe’s Super Candy Sparks!

Rika: Pandora’s Star Dust!

Iris jumped away.

Irina: Are you insane? You can't beat me...

Mia stared at Janus.

Mia: Why don't you say something, Janus?

Janus: Huh? Let her be... I have nothing to do about your problems. I just need that the Protector of Universe is chosen.

Mia: But you also need her to have a pretty life, don’t you? To make her happy...

Janus looked at her with fright.

Mia: We haven't heard Sailor Janus’ story yet...

Irina turned.

Irina: Why should we? She has nothing to do with us.

Mia: Oh, it's interesting...

Janus: Don't you dare...!

Mia: Janus was born before any Sailor Senshi was. She was the first one. She was born in Saturn, the dark planet, and has its destructive power. But she was raised in Pluto... Don't you see her hairstyle seems Sailor Pluto's? She fell in love, though... But the guy didn't love her, he just used her. She was left pregnant, alone, in Universe' Palace. She asked the Cauldron, the place were all the stars are born, to take her heart out of her. She meant her feelings. Her wish came true but her daughter was born. Only a feeling remained in her, motherly love...

Irina: I have never seen Janus’ daughter in the Universe Palace...

Janus: Universe... Please not...

Mia: You are her daughter, Irina.

Irina looked at Janus.

Irina: That can't be true...

Mia: That's the truth. Set Iris free, Janus! Let her be a normal girl... Her destiny wasn’t to be a Justice Senshi. You created her to have her at your side!

Irina: Janus mother?

Janus: That's true... But I don't know what all this has to do.

Mia: Irina has no authority to order me or Selene to go with her. She's nothing. She doesn't belong to Universe's Palace.

Irina: (Disappointed) That's true... I have no mission... I'm not even Sailor Universe's helper...

Janus: Yes... She has no mission. But you have the mission to protect Universe. You or your daughter... Or the substitute you should have got.

Mia: Free Irina first!

Janus: Why? What are you planning?

Mia: Free Irina!

Janus: Iris of Universe you are freed of your destiny and you become a normal Earth girl from now on!

She threw a ray from her spear. Irina's clothes changed. She was only Irina Sei now.

Irina: No! I want to go to Universe's Palace.

Janus: No! You stay here. Mia, come with me... Someone needs to be Sailor Universe!

Mia: I am Sailor Universe... That's my name. But I want to stay here...

Megumi: Then, I'll go...

Say yes Mia, please...

Mia: Shut up! You would die the very next day, missing Silver Defender!

Megumi: Are you saying I'm weak?

Mia: Yes you are, when love is concerned... That’s your weak point. But, well, Rika could be my substitute...

Rika moved her head denying.

Mia: But her powers are related to her friendship... Been alone she couldn't fight. Tei could be a brilliant protector....

Tei: No!

Mia: But she is a child. Ryo could also be a good substitute.

Ryo gave her a frighten look.

Mia: If he weren't dependent of Megumi's love... And then there is Irina...

That's what she was planning!!!

Mia: Let me see... Does she wants to stay here? No, she wants to live in Universe Palace. Is she weak? No, she's really strong. Does she need friends? No, she's a lonely Senshi. Hey Irina, would you like to be the Universe's protector?

Irina's eyes shone.

Irina: You wanted this all long...

Mia: If you do, you'll have your Iris powers back... Your identity will be powerful at last... And you'll be near your mother.

Janus coughed.

Tei: You want to, Irina!

Rika: You can be really important!

Meg + Ryo: Please!

Mia: What do you say?

Irina: You know I wouldn't say no to that offer... Give me my power back, Janus.

Janus threw a ray from her spear. Irina turned to Sailor Iris again.

Irina: I missed you, suit...

Janus: You are really smart, Universe. I'll be watching you; your mind can get you in trouble.

She flew away. Irina turned to Megumi.

Irina: You two must be together... I don't want to see you crying... Ryo, if you make her suffer, I'll kill you, and I mean it.

Ryo: I know...

Irina: Rika, Tei, protect them!

Both: Sure!

Irina: Mia... I’m sorry for everything... I guess I was too selfish…

Mia: It's forgotten.

Irina smiled.

Irina: I'll miss you all.

She flew away.

Irina: I'll give the muses your greetings!

She disappeared. Selenity jumped in front of them.

Selenity: So the battles ended once again...

Megumi: Seems.

Selenity turned to her Queen form. At her side, appeared Tsukiou.

Ryo: Tsukiou-sensei...

Tsukiou: Your training is over, Silver Defender.

Rika walked to him.

Rika: Dad...

Tsukiou: My Pearl... You have become a gracious lady... Now I have finished my mission I'll rest... with your mother at my side. Electra wants you to keep the necklace.

Rika: Thanks...

He disappeared. Megumi embraced Ryo.

Selenity: Tei, you'll return to your age when you are worthy to give everything for the beloved person... And have humility... That's something you need too.

Tei: Selenity...

Selenity: Remember that. Rika, try not to be so impulsive... Care in doing things is of great value.

Rika blushed.

Selenity: Osamu will help you. Megumi, the battles have ended by now, but they may start again... Don't be afraid. Justice will always be at your side.

Megumi: Thanks Selenity... Is this a farewell?

Selenity: Ryo, protect her... She needs you very much. Use the Moonlight power with wisdom.

Ryo: I'll do.

Selenity: Sister... I'm happy you have a new life...

Mia: Shall I see you again?

Selenity: I don't know... maybe. Bye, my Lost Senshi...

She disappeared as dust that entered in the Moonlight. Ryo held Megumi.

Ryo: And there will be no longer secrets between us...

Megumi: Never....


A week after...

Rika: So, Osamu, I think I should give up hockey, after all, Selenity told me to be a more peaceful girl.

Osamu: You play Hockey?

Rika got a sweat-drop.

Rika: Of course not... I was joking... Want some French fries?

Tei looked at Kenji's CD.

Tei: I love your last song "Children Power."

Kenji: It reminds me of the best Sailor Senshi, a Chibi-Senshi...

Tei blushed.

Tei: Really? I guess she's Chibi-Sailor Hebe... But she isn't the best... She's part of a great team.

I remember, Selenity...

Mia ran through the streets. She entered a class.

Mia: Hi, I'm Mia Uchuu and I'll be your summer- school teacher. Open your books on page 44.

Megumi and Ryo were at the Marine Balcony.

Ryo: I remember we once were here and we almost kissed... But two little girls who looked like you interrupted us.

Megumi: You know... Those were my daughters.

Ryo: Daughters?

Megumi: They came from the future... And now I notice they had your eyes... But my oldest son, had purple ones, as me, and your hair...

Ryo blushed.

Ryo: You mean we'll probably marry?

Megumi: I guess so...

Ryo kissed her. A rainbow appeared in the sea.

Ryo: It’s nice… But it has no comparison with your beauty.

Megumi: Ryo... I love you.

Ryo: I love you more...

Megumi: No, I do...

She took off her glasses.

Megumi: I love you more than anything in this world!

And she hanged from his neck and kissed him deeply. He held her and made her feet fly.

Ryo: We'll never be apart...

We just have to wait for our future... This brilliant future that will enlighten us. Irina will come back. I know that. And she'll be in my wedding as one of the honour maids... When I become Megumi Gingekko at last!

The End

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