Lt.Commander Kykri Dl'onaq Owalavi

Name: Kykri Dl'onaq Owalavi

Age: 78 Terran (Earth) years

Height: 6"7'

Weight: 256 lbs

Species: El Aurian and Betazoid

Place of birth: Beta Veldonna V in the Alpha Quadrant a.k.a Betazed

Languages: Betazoid, Bajoran, El Aurian, Ferengi, Klingon, Romulan, Terran German, Vulcan, Cardassian

Old Journal Entries: Kykri's Cadet Journal

Interests: Interdimensional X-treme Games, Travel, Playing the Belaklavion and the Enaran guitar/lapboard, Painting, Studying the religious texts of various cultures, Listening to the ancient Terran vinyl recordings of Ethel Merman, Louis Armstrong, Judy Garland, Sarah Vaughn, Cab Calloway, John Coltrane and other jazz/blues musicians, Collecting intergalactic postage stamps, Snuggling with her cat Mufasa.

Medical History:

Allergic to freshly cut Terran grasses

20/600 vision corrected to 20/20 with glasses/contact lenses


General Studies For Commissioned Personnel, Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth

Ph.D Interspecies Psychology and Interplanetary Sociology, Cyndriel Intergalactic University, Betazed

J.D ( Juris Doctorate ) Transgalactic Jurisprudence, University of Bajor, Kendra Province

Val pIn'a' (Ph.D) Stealth Weaponry and Strategic Tactics, Kri'stak Institute of Weaponry and Advanced Tactics, Qo'nos

Mnu (Mastery Degree) Physiology and Integrative Medical Biology, Shi'Kahr Academy, Vulcan

Mnu Transplanetary Virulo Genetics and Pharmacology, Vulcan Academy of Science, Vulcan

Service record:

Science Cadet, Starfleet Academy Ship USS Discovery NCC-98765

Upon graduation, received promotion to Ensign and assigned as Chief Science Officer, Starfleet Academy Ship USS Discovery NCC-98765

Science Ensign promoted to Lieutenant(j.g), USS Kearsarge NCC-57566

Science Lieutenant promoted to Lieutenant Commander, USS Nova NCC-73516

Lt.Commander, Chief Science Officer, Starbase Kootenai

Currently assigned to Starfleet Judge Advocate General Headquarters at the Palais de la Concorde in Paris, France, Earth

Starfleet Decorations:

None currently but has a personal goal to earn 21 before her 178th birthday since 21 is exactly half the meaning of life.

Non-Starfleet Decorations:

By right of birth, she is heir to both the Sacred Sandals of Rixx and the Holy Bracelets of Betazed.

Currently holds title of ra'wI' in the Klingon Defense Force.
Despite never being in the Klingon military, this active military rank was bestowed upon her when she graduated Val pIn'a' from Kri'stak Institute of Weaponry and Advanced Tactics. All Ph.D level students who graduate with honors from a Klingon military academy are awarded this rank which is the Starfleet equivalent to Commander.


Kykri is the eldest daughter of Ambassador Oflasika Hall Owalavi, Daughter of the 13th House, Shod with the Sacred Sandals of Rixx and Heir to the Holy Bracelets of Betazed, and T' vuny Wokudam Snewo. Her mother owns a custom drapery shop located in the uppermost level of the promenade on DS9.

Her two brothers, T' vuny W. Snewo Jr. and Aeran Malizos Snewo, are professional strategema players and have won several transgalactic championships. Her sisters are Kwaa Perikah Owalavi and Khiterij Brianna Owalavi and, like their mother and eldest sister, they are also members of the 13th House of Betazed.

In her late teens, she took part in a cultural exchange program that allowed her to live for 3 years on the quintuple moons of Esthet IX and immerse herself in El Aurian culture, history, and folklore. Esthet IX is one of the largest known, predominately El Aurian, settlements in the Beta Quadrant and is where her father was born.

Personality profile:

Outgoing,imaginative, compassionate, and flexible are all characteristics possessed by Lt. Commander Kykri Owalavi.

Kykri is friendly, creative, self-disciplined, curious and honest. She is always wanting to know what else besides the routine approach might work and is exceptionally laid back and flexible. Always willing to try something new, she loathes having a regular routine and finds herself constantly pulled to new adventures. She is a persuasive speaker who is able to both express a vision and inspire others to act with her dynamic leadership style.

Kykri is also sensitive to people and genuinely interested in their welfare. Communication, innocative and imaginative conflict resolution, listening, problem solving and mediation are her strong points. Her subordinates typically enjoy working with Kyrki because the work environment under her command is, generally, free from bureaucratic rules and people are left to go about their duties with a minimum of micromanagement.

This does not mean that she is, by any means, a push-over and accepting of mediocrity. Because she possesses a strong since of duty, self-discipline, and honesty, she demands the same of those serving under her but readily accepts responsibility for the shortcomings of her team on the rare occassions where her crew has failed to perform up to set standards.

Favorite Foods/Beverages:

Her favorite drink is Traggle Nectar but Red Torian, Mareuvian tea and Virgil's root beer are also programmed into her personal replicator.

Kykri enjoys a wide variety of foods from many cultures but she'd probably faint dead away and perish without a constant supply of Delovian souffle, jumja sticks, O'mat Gri T'M pffiots and anything containing uttaberries. She also has a profound weakness for pizza and shrimp pasta from the Terran province of Italy.

Special notes:

As is Betazoid custom, Kykri holds her mother's last name instead of her father's( despite her father's quite vocal protests both before and after her birth ) as befitting an eldest daughter, member of the 13th House, and heir to the Holy relics of Betazed. Her father, however, broke with custom and chose to keep his own last name. Of Kyrki's four siblings, only her brothers carry their father's name.

She is also the great granddaughter of Ten Forward bartender Guinan by way of her infamous "son who just wouldn't listen to anybody but grew out of it after a few hundred years."

She is currently working on two personal quests in her spare time. The first of these quests, and the one that she will vehemently deny if asked about since it is in direct violation of the Prime Directive, is to visit 500 newly cooled and, as yet, uninhabited planets in the Alpha Quadrant and leave a picture of herself buried there. To date, she is only on planet 8. The second of these quests is to be the first woman in her family to hold 100 doctoral level academic degrees. To that end she is currently enrolled in Ph.D level classes in physiology and integrative medical biology via correspondence from Shi'Kahr Academy. Upon completing that degree, she will begin upgrading her Mnu from The Vulcan Academy of Science so that she will hold a total of 5 doctoral level academic degrees.

Amongst her Vulcan friends, she is somewhat of a "must have" at parties and special events because she never fails to break the ice and get the party hopping by performing a scat Jazz remix of the 347 verse epic Vulcan ode " Falor's Journey" which she begins sweetly in the original Vulcan and ends on a stunning, and not to often heard musical note, that she learned in her late teens while living as an exchange student on the quintuple moons of Esthet IX.

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