The Elder Circle

The Emblem of The Elder Circle

     Shrouded in mystery, the Elder Circle is Natura's dark secret. Natura used to be an elven town, but as it grew in size, people of other races came to settle in it, and eventually control it. The Elder Circle was originally an organization of discontented elves who saw the increasing human control of Natura as an invasion of what they presumed were their rights, but they mostly did nothing more dangerous than spreading pamphlets. All that changed when Iskandar Jadestone came to lead the Circle, origins, history and real age unknown,

The charismatic leader turned the Circle into an activist group of extremists. Their goal is to free Natura from all non-elven elements by any means possible. Held at bay by the Natura Guard and the Ranger Hall, the Elder Circle bide their time while commiting other crimes to fill the Circle's money pouch, and thus allow them to purchase more weapons and hire mercenaries for the coming battle.

Little is known about their hierarchy and organization. Rumors tell of a council of four trusted members called the Inner Circle. This Inner Circle is said to be the direct link between Iskandar and the rest of the members of the Elder Circle. Also rumoured is that the Elder Circle has infiltrated many organizations of Natura, and that they have moles and spies planted everywhere. This however remains unproven.

Main members:

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